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1、 SEST赛思英语思维转化训练什么是英语思维?英语思维就是英语的逻辑,英语母语人的逻辑、想法,说英语的人和说汉语的人思维方式差别很大?为什么很大? 因为世界观不同,看问题的角度不同,所以表达的角度也不同,我们来了解英语是世界观,看看他们为什么会那样讲。英语思维六大原理:一、活物原理:事物和人一样,都是活的。二、空间原理:灵活运用空间介词三、名词原理:英语的名词无所不能四、时间原理:英语把时间掰得又细又碎五、语感原理:英语的助动词能激活句子的语感六、结构原理:英语偏好独立结构 一、活物原理1.汉语是以人为中心的语言,通常把人或动物这种活物作为主体,基本上是人向物发出动作,物作为动作的承受方。英语

2、里面,人、动物、死物都是有生命的,都平等作为主体,人可以向物发出动作,物也向人发出动作。The pain attacked me on and on.A red sign gives a warning.The dinner menu presents a wide choice of dishes.This restaurant serves a variety of soups.Our school provides students with free lunches.The year 2008 saw the publication of this book. 2008年见证了这本书的

3、出版Years of experience bring wisdom. 阅历带来智慧。A 10-minute walk brought Susan to the school.A 2-minute ride got me to the school.The map says to turn right.The sign says “Keep Out”. 禁止靠近It costs me $10.This street will lead you to the station.A yellow sign gives information about a road.The hotel sleeps

4、 300 guests.Cheese often upsets Susans stomach.What brings you here?What took you so long? 怎么这么晚?What led you to this conclusion?An hours walk will get you to my home.The sun gives us light and warmth.My watch says 4 oclock.The graph will tell you everything you want to know.2.英语喜欢及物动词及物动词:后面可以跟宾语的动

5、词汉语以人为中心发出动作,动词很强大,喜欢用不及物动词。汉语 昨晚我睡得很好 中国式英语 I slept well last night. 主语+不及物动词英语里面,人和事物都是平等的,所以在表达的时候喜欢把人和事物都拉进句子里,所以只有用及物动词才会有宾语(事物对象)出现啊!英语 I had a good sleep last night. 主语+及物动词+宾语Tom has a temperature.Tom has red eyes.Iv got a cold. 汉语则是我感冒了,感冒做不及物动词用John gives Jane a kiss every morning. =John k

6、isses Jane every morning. 把kiss 作为一个东西giveJohn gave Susan a big hug at bedtime.Please give hugs and kisses to everyone.Make a left turn. 请往左边转Take a break. Get some sleep.Tom has a class at 9 in the morning.Maria has low blood pressure.Tom cut himself and lost a lot of blood.This room has a beautifu

7、l view.Dont make a sound. We cant get channel 6 in this area.John had a good time with Tom on Sunday.3. 超级动词have英语喜欢及物动词,及物动词喜欢have,have的意思非常广泛,别以为have的意思就是拥有。I have a sore throat. 嗓子痛I have very thin hair. 我头发稀少.David has big ears.John had a bloody nose yesterday.John has a stuffed nose.=Johns nose

8、 is blocked.Tom has a tooth missing. Tom掉了一颗牙Get也是超级动词,用途超级广,别以为get就是得到的意思Jane got a haircut yesterday.=Jane had her hair cut yesterday.I have crust in my eyes. I have inflamed tonsils. 我的扁桃体肿了。I got plastic surgery. 我做了整容手术Youve got the wrong number.Jane has smooth skin.John has broad shoulders.Joh

9、ns house has central heating.He got a bad temper.David got big hands.Jane got a perm. Jane烫了头发John has a runny nose.Toms got no imagination. Tom缺乏想象力She has very beautiful eyes. .4. 当你不知道一个动词怎么说的时候,尝试用have get take put give汉语动词用法非常严格,一个动词代表一个精准的动作,英语中这几个动词的应用非常宽泛,我们称为基本动词。Susan gave me a big smile.T

10、ake a deep breath.John took his fathers blood pressure every day. 替代measureDavid takes medicine for his heart problem.Tome gave me a send-off at the airport.John put his arms around Janes shoulders. John把胳膊放在Jane的肩膀上Jane has Johns arms around her waist.Maria opened the window and took a breath of fr

11、esh air.After our quarrel, Jane gave me the cold shoulder.拌嘴后,Jane对我很是冷淡Lets give Tom a big hand. 让我们为Tom 热情鼓掌。Take care. 慢走,再见Take your time.John put all his time and effort into taking care of his family.Jane gave me a rider.Jane takes Tom to school by car.My boss put more pressure on me to work h

12、ard.Tom likes taking pictures of Susan. Jane is going to give you a send-off.John put his arms around Janess shoulders and gave her a squeeze.将她紧紧抱住5. 基本动词make英语里面,人和事物地位平等,那么表现人和事物的名词自然使用频率比较高。have take get make + 名词的形式无处不在, 你能看懂,但是你千万别去翻译,翻译出来就变味了。John made a high jump.Jane made a reservation for

13、my birthday.Tom has a swim every day after school.Tome quickly made a lot of progress at swimming.Jane and I took a long walk around the swimming pool.Susan had a chat with Jane over lunch.Susan had a long talk with Jane last night.Take a careful look at the photos.John made a short speech.Tom takes

14、 a cold shower every morning.She had twins last week.David took a trip last week.We had a long wait for Tom yesterday.Susan also wants to take a swim after school.Tom made a funny face behind Susans back.Tom made a great effort to improve his Korean.Tom made good progress in learning Korean.Jane too

15、k a positive attitude on Susans wish.Susan will make a big smile for joy when she hears the news.John took a short walk to take a day-trip to seaside. 二、空间原理1.英语是形象化的语言,怎样才算形象呢? 你能感知方向,身临其境就是形象。英语经常用 空间介词 be+空间介词来表示状态Tom is on the line.David is on medication these days.Tom is on his way home.Susan w

16、as on edge at the dentists office. Be on edge 紧张Tom was also on pins and needles.Im on my teachers blacklist.John is in love with Jane.The plan is on the shelf. 计划被搁置下来Susan is under doctors orders to cut down on sweets.John has been in touch with some old friends.You are on the ropes. 你已经深陷困境了。John

17、 is in a big hurry at the moment. John 现在非常着急。Im so out of shape this year.今年,我的身体状况不甚很好Davids striped shirts are out of vogue.大卫那件条纹衬衫已经过时了。The matter is under discussion.I am under Dr. Browns care.The disease was spreading, and the towns children were at risk.Youre out of your mind.Jane is on a di

18、et .Are you in line? 你正在排队吗John said that under the influence of alcohol. John 借着酒劲说出了那番话。 2. 在英语口语中,老外不喜欢孤立的使用某个高难度、具体的动词,他们主要使用之类的动词词组,这样形象化,也更简单。Tom looks up to John. Tom对john很尊敬(向上看就是尊重了)Maria looks down on liars. 鄙视骗子Look out! Theres a car coming.Jane looked away from the accident for a moment.

19、jane让视线离开事故现场。Jane just couldnt get away. Jane完全无法抽身。John looked into the matter and came up with a solution.The reporter started nosing around the crime scene.John used to sleep out under the stars on hot summer nights.Tom was very tired yesterday. He slept through all the noise.Susan went against

20、her dentists advice and kept on eating sweets.Toms grandmother passed away.Maria loves looking after her grandchildren.After work, John hangs out with his coworkers.Who have been hanging around with?Susan is looking forward to swimming with Tom.Could you look into the computer problem?John didnt lik

21、e going around with girls when he was young.David usually look back happily on his childhood.回忆John just talked around the subject and didnt tackle the real issues.绕着话题,不切入重点Tom stayed up all night studying last Sunday.David didnt know of any openings at the company but he asked around.四处打听 3. 汉语动词非

22、常发达,常常用动词搭配动词,例如“骗婚”欺骗+结婚 两个动词;英语则没这种喜欢,喜欢把动词与介词搭配 trick into marriage Dont cross out his name.别划去他的名字He tricked her into marriage.Jane talked John out of his nutty plan.Her father talked her out of the marriage.He father talked her into the marriage.Tadpoles turn into frogs.Worms eat waste and turn

23、 it into fertilizer.John was planing to turn the bathroom into Toms bedroom.David may get Susan in the sweet store.Get sweets out of your mind.John pulled Susan out of the sweet shop yesterday.Would you put him on the line. 你能让他听电话吗?The car behind me blocked me in.后面有辆车堵在那里,我出不去John is going to take

24、 tomorrow off.Tom talked Susan into the nutty plan.Please set your cell phone on the silent mode.Please put your book away.John talked Jane into his plan.John seems to be putting his plan off ,but he wont give it up.Jane keeps Susan from eating candy.John will leave sweets off his shopping list.They

25、 talked it over again and again.When youve made a mistake, talk it out and ask for forgiveness.Maria talked Susan out of eating more candies.Susan cant get candies out of her mind.4. 英语是生动的语言,如何生动?就是让动词动起来,如何动起来,那就得结合空间介词, on 表示接触之意,延伸为某事正在进行中,off 离别 终止 不在,out away都表示有一定距离感Jane cut off the radish.Th

26、e plane is taking off.David took his hat off.David put his hat on.Johns business is really taking off these days. 生意好起来了,起飞了Susan broke off a piece of chocolate.Break off your relationship with her.Its good to break off the bad habit.Maria turned the light off before going to sleep.She turns me off.

27、 她让我感到讨厌She turns me on. 我好喜欢她John took the chocolate away from Susan.I need to take some money out of my account.Two hamburgers to take out.打包带走John took us out for lunch.They have broken off their engagement.Its over. Put it out of your mind.Turn off the radio.Please get your hands off of me!The d

28、entist is going to take out her molar.Jane has called off the family picnic.取消Johns company laid off 20 workers.David cut out fatty foods altogether.Please remember to cut off the fatty parts before you broil the steak.Susan took it out on Tom.迁怒于人汤姆Susan! Put it out your mind. 忘掉那个想法吧Can I take out

29、 this dish?剩下的食物能打包带走吗The alarm will go off if anyone tries to break in.报警器会响起5. 动词+空间介词 脱离了最初的含义Kick off 最初是表示踢球,后面逐渐演化出更多含义: 活动开始,会议开始,驱赶等,使用范围增大了,但是你仔细想想,这些都是在踢球的基本意思上发展而来的。They kicked off the discussion.他们开始讨论。David bowed out of the finance committee.=resigned from Someone jumped over the wall o

30、f Johns house at 9:30 p.m.The science movie was over my head. 我看不懂Could you just look over this? 你能帮我看看这个吗Would you go over my composition? 你能帮我改改作文吗Could you think it over? 再认真想想I hope youll get over your sickness. 我希望你早日康复。A burglar must have broken into Johns house.Maia put Susan to bed at 9 p.m.

31、Put yourself in my shoes.站在我的立场想想That movie put me to sleep.Would you put me through to 请让kim先生接电话Susan couldnt catch up with the math class. 跟不上数学课Jane keeps up with the latest styles.紧跟时尚潮流John came up with a good proposal. 约翰想出了一个好提议The cop had to run fast to catch up with the burglar.Tom

32、 came across Susan on his way home.遇到 偶遇The car ran over a rabbit. 撞了一只兔子Tom looked over his notes before the test. 浏览笔记The turtle managed to catch up with the rabbit.David didnt want to hand his business over to John. 大卫不想把事业传给约翰Susan looked over the picture before reading the book. 浏览The light on

33、the gate has been out since last week.大门的灯从上周就不亮了Jane was worried that the burglar had stolen her wedding ring away .Jane and John talked it over with the police.仔细讲述事件经过They dropped by the police station again the next day.Jane and John went out for some fresh air after dinner. David reads a newspa

34、per to keep up with current events.John thought it over for about an hour.三、 名词原理汉语是以人为中心的语言,所以表示人动作行为的动词非常发达,是语言体系的中心。英语是以事物,即对象为中心,因为表达事物或对象的大部分都是名词,所以名词特别发达。汉语说“笑得灿烂”,笑用动词,英语则喜欢说 have a bright smile,smile名词,汉语里灿烂这里做副词,修饰动词,英语喜欢用名词,那修饰名词的形容词就比副词用得多了,比如这里的bright。1. 汉语以动词为中心,偏好副词,英语以名词为中心,偏重形容词。Susa

35、n took two bites of the apple.John plays an occasional soccer game.约翰偶尔踢球Tom had an upset stomach this morning.Ive got the runs.我腹泻了 Ive got the serious runs.I have a stomach ache. I have a bad stomach ache.Susan had a splitting headache last night.Susan had a slight headache,Susan had a pounding he

36、adache.John had an occasional cigarette after dinner.Robert pays me occasional visits.Beijing sets occasional snowstorms in March.Jane gave John a long, sweet kiss.John had a heavy breakfast.约翰早晨吃了很多John had a light lunch.Tom has a runny nose.John gave me a big high five. 约翰给我一个用力的击掌Some weak plants

37、 need to be in full exposure to the sun.Susan always has a bright smile.Is John a heavy drinker?We get heavy fog in this area in the winter.Jane wear light makeup.化淡妆Johns wife is a frequent visitor to this museum.John and Tom play the occasional soccer game.Jane gave Susan a detailed answer to her

38、question.John has to give this project his full attention .We must spend less money .John wants Jane to give him her full consent.约翰希望简能完全同意Susan ate less chocolate and fewer biscuits last week.2. 英语中的形容词可以用名词替换英语特别偏爱名词,形容词都可以用名词代替,只要在介词后面加上名词,就能充当形容词成分I want a room with a nice view.Is this the flig

39、ht to Beijing.A glass with water a bus to/for ShanghaiJane loves teachers with blond hair.Can you find a girl in jeans?Maria is wearing a black coat with white collar.A teacher with a good heartA woman with knowledge of Chinese 懂中文的女人A man with a great sense of humorTom doesnt like desks without dra

40、wers.Marriage without love is not marriage.Faith without action is useless.A skirt without pockets coffee without sugar absent without leave无故缺席The girl in jeans is my sister.A woman in Chinese costumeThe boiling point of water is at 100C.Bank of ChinaMinistry of Foreign Affairs and TradeChina Insti

41、tute of Science and TechnologyOffice of Special InvestigationAn egg is a oval object with a hard shell.The guy on the phone had a British accent.Dinner with wine came to $15.Can you see the man in the black overcoat.Susan loves a teacher with blond hair.The lady in the red dress is Jane.People under

42、 19 are not allowed in this club.John had to meet a visitor from China.Johns company has a staff of 80.Id like to book a ticket for the three oclock flight.Wisdom without action is like fire without warmth.Tom was born in the year of the tiger .John bought Jane sweet-smelling roses in full bloom for

43、 her birthday.David was dressed in black for his friends funeral.3.英语中副词也可以用名词替换汉语里,由于动词发达,使用副词的情况非常多,英语里,比起使用一个副词,更常用的使用介词词组 介词+名词 充当副词 比如 by accident 偶然地 by turns 轮流地 by degree 渐渐地Tom met Susan by accident on the street.This wine will improve with age=this wine will improve as time goes byDavid sh

44、ivered with cold and fear.David hugged Jane with delight.Inflation is getting out of hand.通货膨胀失去了控制A few people had too much Soju and things got out of hand.Was it typed or written by hand? 这是打印的还是手写的I usually go to work by bus.Do I get paid by the week or by the month? 周付还是月付Having cash in hand is

45、better than a check.Trained lifeguards are on hand to help swimmers.Tom and Susan walked slowly hand in hand.Toms 10th birthday will soon at hand.Inflation is getting worse over time.Maria learned many poems by heart.玛利亚背了很多诗Susan was reading Aesops fables with great interest.David returned to his h

46、ometown with mixed emotions.Tom did not graduate from elementary school with honors.Its good to see you in person.Jane waited for Johns arrival in a fever of impatience.焦急的等待Toms teacher speaks with an Irish accent.Tom, please cross the road with care.You shouldnt blow your nose at table.在吃饭的时候Susan baked the Christmas cookies with pleasure .John heard about the news at first hand from his boss.4. 英语中的提问以what 为中心What什么 how 怎么样偏好动词的语言中,经常用how提问,偏爱名词的语言则爱用what引导问句Whats the limit fo


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