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1、Teaching PlanUnit 2 Topic 2 Section C. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 (一)知识目标:1. (1)Learn some new words about clothes:T-shirt, shoe, cap, coat, skirt, dress,pant(2)Learn other new words and a phrase:at, look at, photo, strong2. Describe peoples clothes:(1)What color is this/that T-shirt?Its red. (2

2、)What color are these/those shoes?Theyre green. (3)The girl in yellow is Maria.(4)He is in a black cap and blue shoes.(二)能力目标培养学生自主学习能力和探究合作学习能力,能听说读写有关服装的单词并谈论人们的着装。(三)情感态度价值观目标培养学生学习英语的兴趣、自信心和成就感;培养学生良好的学习习惯;培养学生热爱生活、热爱美和正确的审美观。. Teaching aids 教具彩色棒;红、黄、蓝、绿四个奖杯;一些彩色干花. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指

3、教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:8分钟)1.全班一起复习表示颜色的单词:white, red, yellow, blue, green, purple, black, gray, brown, orange, pink, ect.2.(利用实物四个奖杯进行师生互动问答。)T:What color is it?Ss:Its redyellowbluegreen. 然后把全班分为红、黄、蓝、绿四队进行竞赛评价。3.(展示彩色棒,让学生随意选择自己喜欢的颜色棒,复习表示各种颜色的单词。)T:Whats your favorite color?S1:Blue.T:What ab

4、out you?S2:Yellow.全班齐唱颜色歌,学生手持相应颜色棒,边比划动作边唱。Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1. 检查预习情况,请“小老师”教学新单词:T-shirt, shoe, cap, coat, skirt, dressat, look at, photo, strong 播放录音,全班跟读,检查语音是否准确。2.(利用服装图片和颜色引出生词。导入1a。)(展示帽子的图片。)T:Whats this?Ss:Its a cap. T: What color is this cap?Ss:Its green.(展示鞋的图片。)T:What

5、are these?Ss:Theyre shoes. T: What color are these shoes?(说明:shoe常以复数形式出现。)Ss:Theyre white.(提问一个学生。)T:S3. What color are your shoes?S3:Theyre (用同样方式导出文中其他生词,板书并要求学生掌握dress, coat, skirt, T-shirt,了解pants。)3.跟读1a录音, 注意语音语调。学生两两进行对话操练, 然后指定一组按顺序一对一对起来操练。S1: What is this?S2: Its a coat.S1: What color is

6、it?S2: Its brown.T:Next pair.S3: What are these?S4: They are shoes.S3: What color are they?S4: They are white. (提醒学生注意shirt与skirt的写法区别,并解释pant或trouser常以复数形式出现,并指出pant是美语、trouser是英语)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:9分钟)1.让学生利用身上所穿服装进行问答练习,在用中学。S1: What color is your coat?S2: Its blue.S3: What color are

7、 your shoes?S4: They are white.2.(多媒体展示照片,引入look at, look different, strong教学)T: Look! Whats this?Ss:Its a photo.T: Look at the man. What does he look like?Ss:Hes very strong.T: Look at the two boys? Do they look the same?Ss: No. They look different.T: Yes. They have different looks.(屏幕上列出以上句子,引导学生观

8、察、归纳、总结look作为及物动词、不及物动词、名词的几种不同用法)T: Look at the girl. She is Maria. What color is her dress?Ss: Its white.T:Very good. The girl in white is Maria. The girl in a white dress is Maria.T:What color are her shoes?Ss: They are blue.T:Very good. The girl in white shoes is Maria.屏幕上列出以上句子,引导学生观察、归纳、总结in+颜

9、色和in+(a/an/the)+颜色+服装(当后置定语)的用法。T: Look at Maria. Shes in white. Shes in a white dress. Shes in white shoes.屏幕上列出以上句子,引导学生观察、归纳、总结in+颜色和in+(a/an/the)+颜色+服装(当表语)的用法。学生齐读以上句型并背记in的用法。Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1、 设置猜谜游戏,活跃课堂气氛,突破难点。限定时间,让学生观察并快速记住Michael和一个女孩的衣着特征,然后用in+颜色和in+(a/an/the)+颜色+服装(当表语或

10、后置定语)进行抢答,记录各队得分。培养学生观察力、记忆力、快速反应力和语言表达能力。T: Which boy is Michael? Begin!S1: The boy in red is Michael.S2: The boy in a red cap is Michael.S3: The boy in a red T-shirt is Michael.S4: The boy in black pants is Michael.T: Whats the girl in?S1: Shes in a green dress.S2: Shes in greenS3: Shes in white s

11、hoes. 2.把教材2改编成一段听力材料让学生做听力练习。 3.抢答核对答案,给每队加分。Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)1. 组织学生分成四队讨论,进行服装设计。让学生在实践、合作、交流与探究中达到运用语言技能的目的。2. 各队选派一名代表上台操作描述所设计的服装。 (教师指导学生写设计说明。) T:You can begin like this: These are my favorite clothes. The cap is blue. The jacket is blue and white. The pants are And you can e

12、nd like this: Are they cool? Or do you like them? Are you clear?Ss:Yes.(学生代表上台展示设计结果并用所学句型进行介绍)3. 评选出最佳设计队,记录加分。给获胜组颁奖,并把结果记录在册作为形成性评价依据之一。4. 集体讨论什么是美?号召学生成为不仅外表美而且心灵美的人。 5. Homework:(1)写一篇关于描述朋友外貌和衣着的短文。(2)预习Section D, 完成预习导纲。板书设计:What color is it?Section CT-shirt1.What color is this/that T-shirt?s

13、hoesIts red. cap2.What color are these/those shoes?coatTheyre green.skirt3.(1) Look at this photo.pants(2) The girl in yellow is Maria. dress(3) He is in a black cap and blue shoes.photo教学反思:本节课基本能达到教学预期目的,学生参与积极性非常高,师生配合较默契,课堂英语氛围很浓,气氛很好,效果也不错。虽然我对教材部分重新进行了整合,但是我感觉自己还不够大胆、开放,比如在最后一个环节或在复习环节,如果能加进对人的外貌描述,课堂内容就会更丰富,话题也会更开放,学生练习机会会更多。今后,我还需进一步学习,提高自身素质,以便更好地、更自如地驾驭课堂。5


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