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1、Unit 4 Dont eat in class!,We cant rule the country without rules.没有规章制度就不能治理好国家.,keep rules,break rules,school rules,class rules,family rules,library rules,dining rules,遵守规则,违反规则,校规,班规,家规,图书馆规则,就餐规则,Lets play a game!Who knows these signs?,Dont smoke!No smoking!,Dont fight.,Dont listen to music in th

2、e classroom!,in the classroom,Dont run in the hallways.,Dont eat in the classroom.,in the classroom,Dont take photos here.No photos!,Please turn right!You can turn right!,Dont take your schoolbag to the library!No school bags!,in the library,Dont arrive late for class.,Dont talk in the library!No ta

3、lking!,in the library,Dont talk loudly in public!,in public(在公共场所),Are they good students?,What rules are these students breaking?,1.Dont arrive late for class.2.Dont run in the hallways.3.Dont eat in the classrooms.4.Dont listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways.5.Dont fight.,What rules ar

4、e Peter,Selina and Nick breaking?,2,3,4,School Rules,1a,1b,A:What are the rules?,B:We cant _.,Pairwork:,1c,A:Can we _?,B:No,we cant.,2a,2b,Listen and check the activities.,A:What are the rules?,B:We cant _.,Pairwork:,2c,A:Can we _?,B:Yes,we can.A:Can we _.B:No,we cant,but we can _.,祈使句,1.祈使句是表示命令、叮嘱

5、、号召等的句子,2.通常省略主语 you.3.句中谓语动词用动词原形。4.祈使句有肯定和否定两种:,Dont eat in class.,.Come in,please!请进!Sit down,please.请坐。,Dont play sports in the classroom.,Dont fight.,否定,肯定,have to 必须,不得不We have to arrive at school on time.We have to do homework every day.We have to clean the classroom every day.We have to keep

6、 the classroom clean.We have to study.,Pairwork:,A:Do we have to _?B:Yes,we do.We have to No,we dont.We dont have to,A:Does he have to _?B:Yes,he does.He has to No,he doesnt.He doesnt have to,A:What does he have to do?B:He has to.,A:What do you have to do?B:We have to.,1.Clean the classroom every day.,2.Get to school before 7:30.,3.Keep quiet in class.,4.Do homework on time.,5.Wear uniforms every day.,have to,dont/doesnt have to,必须,不得不,不必,1.我们必须穿校服吗?,2.玛丽每天打扫教室吗?是的,她是。,3.琳达,你不必在7点半之前到校。,4.他们在学校不得不做什么呢?,5.我们必须在课上保持安静。,Thank you!,


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