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1、Unit 8Ill help clean up the city parks.,Reading,How do you connect with your friends,have a call,write a letter or send an e-mail?,have a call,write a letter,QQ,Micro Message,New Words,disabled adj.organization n.fill v.pleasure n.blind adj.deaf adj.unable adj.imagine v.,肢体有残疾的组织;机构;系统装满;填满愉快;快乐;高兴盲

2、的聋的不能的,不会的想象,shut v.carry v.help(sb.)outspecially adv.fetch v.at once support v.appreciate v.donation n.,关上(门,盖,窗户等)搬运;携带帮助(某人)解决困难特意地;专门地(去)拿来;请来立即;马上支持;帮助感激捐赠物,捐款,Section 1 Before You Read,1a How many different kinds of letters can you think of?Discuss this with a partner.,How is a letter differen

3、t from an article?List three differences.,A letter needs an address.A letter needs greetings at the beginning and end.3.A letter usually uses informal language.,Section 2 While You Read,Read and answer.,What did Liz write this letter for?,Liz wrote this letter to thank Miss Li for sending money to“A

4、nimal Helpers”.,根据课文内容,完成任务。A.根据文章内容补全句子。1.“Animal Helpers”is _ that helps disabled people.2.Liz Smith cant use _ well.3.Lucky is very clever and understands many _.,an organization,arms or legs,English words,B.根据文章内容回答下列问题。4.What did Miss Li donate to Animal Helpers?_5.How long was Lucky trained at

5、 Animal Helpers?_6.What can Lucky do for Liz Smith?_,She donated money to Animal Helpers.,Lucky was trained six months at Animal Helpers.,Lucky can help Liz Smith do something.,Read and fill in the blanks.,donated/gave/sent money,dog,six months,disabled,help,fill v.装满,填满 常与介词with连用,构成fill.with.结构,意为

6、“用装满”。Laughter filled the room.房间里充满了笑声。Please fill the cup with water.请把这个杯子装满水。,Language points,fill in 填充,填写 If you want to join the club,please fill in the form first.如果你想参加这个俱乐部,请先填写这个表格。,拓展:,be filled with.被装满/填满(强调动作)be full of.装满了的(强调状态)有时二者可以互换。I was filled with fear at that time.当时我的内心充满了恐

7、惧。The box is full of books.箱子里装满了书。,如果你对这个俱乐部感兴趣,请填写这张申请表。If you are interested in this club,please _ _ this application form.My box is _ clothes.A.full of B.fill with C.filled of D.full with,fill in,A,pleasure n.1)不可数名词,意为“愉快,快乐”。I often read books for pleasure.我经常读书以自娱。with pleasure意为“愉快地,高兴地,十分愿意

8、”He listened with pleasure to the beautiful music.他陶醉在美妙的音乐中。I will remember this meeting with pleasure.我会愉快地记着这次的会晤。,2)pleasure还可以用作可数名词,意为“快乐的事”。Its a pleasure to work with you.和你工作是一件快乐的事。Its a/my pleasure意为“不客气,乐意效劳”,是对别人感谢的礼貌回复。Thank you for doing that.感谢你那么做。Its a/my pleasure.不客气。,imagine v.想像

9、,预料,设想后面可以接名词作宾语。I cant imagine life without friendship now.我现在无法想像没有友谊的生活。imagination n.想象力;想像,拓展:imagine还可以用于以下结构中:imagine(sb.)doing sth.意为“想像(某人)做某事”。I cant imagine(myself)dancing in front of so many people.我无法想像(自己)在那么多人面前跳舞。,imagine sb./sth.(+to be)+形容词、名词或介词短语等,意为“想像某人/某物”。That boy always imag

10、ines himself(to be)a pilot.那个男孩总是想像自己是一名飞行员。imagine+从句,意为“想像/猜测/料想”。I imagine(that)you are very tired.我猜想你很累了。,Look!Shes skiing so fast!Hard to _ her legs were once broken.(2008年江苏苏州中考)A.know B.realize C.imagine D.find,C,根据句意,从方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式填空。1.He came here _ to say sorry to her.2.I am _ to cycl

11、e to school because my bicycle is broken.3.After the accident,they got _ from many people.4.We should help people who are _.,able,donate,special,appreciate,pleasure,disable,support,imagine,specially,unable,donations,disabled,5.You should tell as many facts as possible _ your ideas.6.I will _ it very

12、 much if you can help me with it.7.Its hard to _ that a girl with only one arm can play so well.8.Excuse me,could you help me carry the heavy box?With _.,to support,appreciate,imagine,pleasure,用bring,take,fetch 或carry的适当形式填空。1.You cant _ the book out of the library.2.He _ the bag on his shoulder and

13、 went home.3._ your paper here next time.4.Please wait a minute.Hes just gone out to _ some water.,take,carried,Bring,fetch,用fill,fill.with 或full 的适当形式填空。1.The heavy smoke _ the room just now.2._ in your name and address here.3.Look out!The cup is _ of hot water.4.The doctor often _ the bottle _ med

14、icine.,filled,Fill,full,fills,with,Section 3 After You Read,noun 名词pronoun 代词verb 动词adjective 形容词adverb 副词preposition 介词conjunction 连词exclamation 叹词,3a Find one example of each part of speech in the reading.,Nouns:money,animal,helpers,people,Lucky,organization Pronouns:I,you,it,my,who,that Verbs:lik

15、e,thank,send,set(up),fill,Adjectives:disabled,blind,deaf,normal Adverbs:easily,well,last year,at once Prepositions:for,with,of Conjunctions:but,and,because,or Exclamations:You see,Lucky!,3b Find three examples of phrasal verbs from the reading.Use them to make sentences of your own.,set up 建立,成立,An

16、organization was set up to help disabled people.,cheer up 为加油,Ill cheer up our football team in the next match.,run out of 用光,耗尽,I am afraid weve run out of petrol.,Use information in the letter to make true sentences by matching the different parts.,money to“Animal Helpers”.,animals like Lucky.,things for disabled people,trains,Section 4 Go For It!,Write a short reply to Liz Smith.In your letter,you should:,offer to help her more.say why you are able to help.say what you could do to help.,


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