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1、The review of Unit3-4,房县青峰小学 散静娇,Lets chant,Did you go to the park.swf,lets chant,Did you go to the park?Yes,I went to the park.Did you go at night?Yes,I went at night.Did you see the full moon?Yes,I saw the full moon.Did you go last night?No,I went in June.,2023/4/24,房县东城小学 代新梅,A:What did you do on

2、 your holiday(假期)?B:I,climbed a mountain,learned Chinese,rowed a boat,cooked the meal,cleaned the room,played football,visited grandparents,watched TV,watered the flowers,washed the clothes,played the violin,planted trees,我们一起来回顾一下这些单词的过去式形式1、watch 2、clean 3、visit 4、play 5、water 6、play 7、cook 8、wash

3、 9、visit 10、plant 11、climb 12、clean,他们的过去式有什么规律?,直接加 ed,2023/4/24,A:What did you do yesterday?B:I,went skiing,went ice-skating,went swimming,went fishing,went hiking,went to a park,2023/4/24,Lets say,去滑雪,go skiing,去滑冰,go ice-skating,去游泳,go swimming,去远足,go hiking,去公园,go to a park,去钓鱼,go fishing,去滑雪,g

4、o ice-skating,去上学,go to school,去购物,go shopping,sang and danced,ate good food,took pictures,bought presents,saw elephants,read a book,A:What did you do last weekend?B:I,2023/4/24,Lets do:写出下列动词的过去式:1.go_ 2.have_3.visit_ 4.see_5.sing_ 6.dance_7.climb_ 8.eat_9.do_ 10.clean_汉译英:1.学汉语 2.买礼物3.吃美食 4.爬山5.唱歌

5、跳舞 6.看大象7.照相 8.乘火车,went,had,visited,saw,sang,danced,climbed,ate,did,cleaned,learn Chinese,buy presents,eat good food,climb a mountain,sing and dance,see elephants,take pictures,by train,观察问句时间特点,A:What did you do last weekend?B:I,A:What did you do on your holiday(假期)?B:I,A:What did you do yesterday?

6、B:I,yesterdayOn the holidaylast weekend/,我还能说表示过去时间的词组:,night,/Friday,/year,连词成句he swimming did yesterday go(?)2.her bought Amy with presents mother(.)3.weekend didnt take she last pictures(.)4.did night father do last your what(?)5.there sang sister danced and my(.),Did he go swimming yesterday?,Am

7、y bought presents with her mother.,She didnt take pictures last weekend.,What did your father do last night?,My sister sang and danced there.,2023/4/24,look and answer,T:Where did you go on your holiday?,S:I went to Wuhan.,T:How did you go there?,S:I went by train.,T:What did you do?,S:I went swimmi

8、ng.,Lets read P29、P32、P41、P44,()1.Where did you go?A.Yes,I did.()2.Who did you go with?B.I went to Hang Zhou.()3.Did you read books yesterday?C.I went with my parents.()4.When did you go there?D.I went there by bus.()5.How did you go there?E.Last weekend.,选择题,我对答如流哦,()1.Where did you go?A.We ate goo

9、d food.()2.Who did you go with?B.I went to Hang Zhou.()3.What did you do last weekend?C.I went with my parents.()4.When did you go there?D.I went there by bus.()5.How did you go there?E.Last weekend.,选择题,我对答如流哦,B,C,A,E,D,2023/4/24,房县东城小学 代新梅,Lets do(补全对话):,Amy:_ did you _on your holiday?,Sarah:I wen

10、t to Harbin.,Amy:_ did you go there?,Sarah:I went _ train.,Amy:_ did you _?,Sarah:I _ skiing.,Where,go,How,by,What,do,went,Hello,my name is Mike,Ill tell you something about my holiday.On July 6th,I got to Xinjiang with my mom,and my dad.We went there by train.On July 7th,we took many pictures.On th

11、e 8th,we ate good food with my friends.On the 9th,I sang and danced,I was happy.1.Whats his name?_2.How did he go there?_3.Did they take many pictures on the 8th?_4.How did he feel?_,Read and answer,His name is Mike.,1._,He went there by train.,2._,No,he didnt.,3._,He was happy.,4._,Write根据表格提示以My holiday 为题写作文。要求:用一般过去时描述我(I)是如何度过假期的,不少于五个句子。,My holiday On my holiday,I went to Harbin.I went there with my parents.I went shopping.I climbed mountains and took pictures.I was tired,but I was very happy.,2023/4/24,Lets Write 看图,根据图片提示以My holiday 为题写作文。要求:用一般过去时描述Mike是如何度过假期的,不少于五个句子。,Bye bye,


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