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1、Unit 9Can you come to my party?Section A(1a-2d),.单词拼写1.exam(n.)2.flu(n.)3.available(adj.)4.直到为止 5.及时赶上;抓住 答案:1.考试2.流感3.有空的;可获得的4.until5.catch,.短语互译1.为做准备 prepare2.闲逛 out3.have the flu 4.another time 答案:1.for2.hang3.得了流感4.其他时间;别的时间,.句型填词1.周六下午你能来参加我的聚会吗?you my party on Saturday afternoon?当然,我很愿意。Sure

2、,.2.我得准备考试。I prepare for an exam.3.我必须去看医生。I to the doctor.答案:1.Can;come to;Id love to2.have to3.must go,4.这个周末我有太多的家庭作业(要做)。I this weekend.5.谢谢(你的)邀请。asking.答案:4.have too much homework5.Thanks for,Can you come to my party?Can you go to the movies on Saturday?Can you come to my house on Saturday?答案:

3、句式结构:Can you+动词原形+.?含义:此句式常用来发出邀请或请求,意为“你能做吗?”。,1.until conj.直到为止【语境领悟】*Oh,but Sam isnt leaving until next Wednesday.噢,但是萨姆直到下周三才离开。*Well have to wait until the rain stops.我们得一直等到雨停了。,【自主归纳】(1)until作介词,意为“(动作或状态的持续)到时;直到为止”。(2)until作连词,表示动作或状态持续到另一动作或状态出现之前。(3)until常用于否定句,构成not.until结构,表示“直到才”,主句的谓语

4、动词通常为非延续性动词。,【图解助记】,【学以致用】(2013长沙中考)Its too late.I have to go now.Oh,its raining outside.Dont leaveit stops.A.sinceB.untilC.while,2.have to 必须;不得不【语境领悟】*I have to help my parents.我得帮助我的父母。*She has to look after her mother.她必须得照顾她妈妈。,【自主归纳】have to意为“必须;不得不”,后跟(动词原形/动词-ing形式),其第三人称单数为has to。答案:动词原形,【妙

5、辨异同】have to/must的异同,【图解助记】,【学以致用】(2013河南中考)Dad,must we wait until the light becomes green?Yes,Im afraid we.Thats the traffic rule.A.canB.mayC.have toD.need,3.another time 其他时间;别的时间【语境领悟】*Maybe another time.也许改天吧。*This T-shirt is too big for me.Can you give me another?这件T恤衫对我来说太大了。你能给我另一件吗?,【自主归纳】ano

6、ther常用作形容词或代词,意为“另外的;不同的;又一个;另一个”。another time意为“其他时间;别的时间”。,【归纳拓展】“另外的”表达,【学以致用】Can you give us more examples?OK,Ill give youexample now.A.otherB.the otherC.anotherD.others(2013孝感中考)My family has two dogs.One is white,is black.A.other B.another C.the other D.others,4.Jenny,can you come to my party

7、on Saturday afternoon?詹妮,星期六下午你能来参加我的聚会吗?Sure,Id love to.当然可以,我很愿意。【句型剖析】此处句式Can you do sth.?是用来客气地邀请某人做某事,意为“你能做吗?”,can可以用could替换,语气更加委婉。,【归纳拓展】“Can you do sth.?”表示邀请时的应答语,【学以致用】(2013梅州中考)Would you like to go out to play basketball with me?,but I should finish my homework first.A.Its hard to say B.

8、Youre welcomeC.Id love to D.Youre right,5.Thanks for asking.谢谢(你的)邀请。【句型剖析】Thanks for.表示“因而感谢(某人)”,介词for后可接名词、代词或动词-ing形式,相当于Thank you for.。,【归纳拓展】thanks to意为“幸亏;由于”,to是介词,后面接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。例如:Thanks to a lot of hard work,it was all a great success.由于尽心竭力,这件事取得了巨大的成功。,【学以致用】Thank you for your help.(

9、改为同义句)helping me.(幸亏)the government,the poor children can go to school again.答案:Thanks forThanks to,【备选要点】too much太多【语境领悟】*I have too much homework this weekend.这个周末我有太多的家庭作业(要做)。*Mum has too many chores to do every day.妈妈每天都有太多家务活要做。*The coat is much too small for me.这件外套对我来说太小了。,【自主归纳】too much/too

10、 many/much too的辨析,【巧学妙记】too much/much too用法口诀too much,much too去掉前词看后头;much后接不可数(n.);too则修饰形(adj.)或副(adv.)。,【学以致用】I enjoy playing computer games,but I cant spendtime on that.A.too much B.too manyC.much too D.many too,.从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空catch,exam,flu,prepare,available1.The finalis coming.All the student

11、s are working hard for it.2.Linda has to go to the doctor this afternoon because she has the.3.Walk ahead,please.Illyou up soon.答案:1.exam2.flu3.catch,4.Can you come over to my house this weekend?Sorry,Im not.I have to help my parents.5.What are you busy doing now?Well,Im busyfor the English party.答案

12、:4.available5.preparing,.单项选择1.Jenny,can you come to my birthday party on Sunday?Sure,.A.Id love B.I cant C.Id love to D.I have to2.Why are you so tired these days?Well,I havework to do.A.too much B.too manyC.much too D.so many3.I cant stop myself from playing computer games.For your eyes,Im afraid you.A.mustB.canC.mayD.have to,4.John didnt go to bedthe football match on TV was over last night,so he was sleepy now.A.because B.untilC.if D.but5.Can you go shopping with me this afternoon,Lucy?.I must study for my English test.A.I hope so B.Im afraid notC.Sure D.Id love to,


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