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1、整车控制器系统诊断规范“EV160”文件编号:“EV14”编制:校对:审核:“业务高级经理”会签:“控制系统集成主管”批准:“部长”XXX年XXX月版本信息版本日期编制校对审核更新描述初始版本崔晓静崔晓静修改数据链路层描述;删除31服务的02子服务;删除28服务的01、02子服务;删除27 03、04子服务;27添加seed为四个字节的随机数;seed和key在列表中定4个字节;删除2F 02子服务;删除19 06子服务;status改为仅bit0、3支持10、删除NRC11;11、F184修改为9个字节;12、添加故障码中英文对照表;目录版本信息21.参考文献52.网络拓扑53.诊断接口64

2、.诊断需求7.诊断协议7物理层7数据链路层7网络层7应用层时间参数8.Diagnostic Services(ISO14229-1)8Supported Diagnostic Services9DiagnosticSessionControl(10H)11ECUReset (11H)13CommunicationControl(28H)14SecurityAccess(27H)15TesterPresent(3EH)21ControlDTCSetting(85H)21ReadDataByIdentifier(22H)23WriteDataByIdentifier (2EH)24InputOut

3、putControlByIdentifier (2FH)26ClearDiagnosticInformation (14H)27ReadDTCInformation (19H)28RoutineControl (31H)35RequestDownLoad(34H)37TransferData (36H)37RequestTransferExit (37H)375.故障定义386.故障码DTC中英文对照表38附录 A: 冻结帧信息39附录 B:41 版本信息参数列表:41 数据流参数列表:41 版本信息参数定义43 数据流参数定义45术语DTC故障诊断码BS Block sizeSTminMin

4、imum Separation Time C有条件的M强制性执行U用户选用TBD待定义SID服务标识符DID数据标识符NRC负响应码UDS统一的诊断服务Server服务器Client客户端ECU电控单元参考文献NO.参考文档题目1 ISO11898-1: 2003 Road vehicles - Controller area network (CAN) Part 1:Data link layer and physical signaling 2 ISO11898-2: 2003 Road vehicles - Controller area network (CAN) Part 2: Hi

5、gh-speed medium access unit 3 ISO11898-5: 2007 Road vehicles - Controller area network (CAN) Part 5: High-speed medium access unit with low-power mode 4 ISO15765-2: 2004 Road Vehicle - Diagnostic on CAN Part 2: Networking Layer Services 5 ISO15765-3: 2004 Road Vehicle - Diagnostic on CAN Part 3: App

6、lication Layer Services 6 ISO14229-1: 2006 Road Vehicle - Diagnostic Systems Diagnostic Services Specification 7 ISO15031-6: 2005 Road vehicles - Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emission-related diagnostic Part 6: Diagnostic trouble code definitions 网络拓扑“由网络工程师统一发布网络拓扑”C70GB

7、-2014整车网络拓扑结构诊断接口OBD诊断接口管脚描述1EVBUS CAN_H2/3/4接地5接地6/7/8/9EVBUS CAN_L10/11/12/13/14/15/16电源OBD 诊断接口针脚定义“由线束工程师统一发布OBD接口定义”诊断需求诊断协议物理层物理层应满足ISO11898-2要求及北京新能源汽车股份有限公司企业标准新能源汽车高速 CAN 网络节点级电子控制单元( ECU)技术要求要求。数据链路层数据链路层应满足ISO11898-1要求。所有诊断请求和应答帧的数据长度应为8字节,否则电控单元将忽略该诊断请求帧。当诊断响应长度不足8字节时,空余的字节应用0xAA填充。网络层网络

8、层应满足ISO15765-2要求和下述要求:寻址方式可以支持物理寻址和功能寻址。诊断消息ID描述见下表:控制器名称简称物理寻址诊断请求ID(Hex)诊断响应ID(Hex)功能寻址诊断请求ID(Hex)实施网段驱动电机控制器MCU0x7E00x7E80x7DFEVBUS诊断 ID列表“由网络工程师统一发布所有诊断ID分配,各系统填写各自的诊断ID至上表”网络层时间参数ParameterValueUnit BS 8- STmin 20msParameterTimeout Performance Requirement Unit N_As/N_Ar 70 n/a ms N_Br n/a 70 ms

9、N_Bs 150 n/a ms N_Cs n/a 70 ms N_Cr 150 n/a ms 网络层时间参数需求应用层时间参数ParameterMin Max Timeout Unit P2server 0 50 n/a msP2client n/a n/a 150 msP2*server 0 2000 n/a msP2* clientn/an/a5000msP3client_phys2 P2server n/a n/a ms P3client_func P2server_max n/a n/a ms ParameterMin Nominal Timeout Unit S3server n/a

10、 n/a 5000 ms S3client 0 2000 4000 ms 应用层时间参数需求Diagnostic Services(ISO14229-1)Services shall be implemented according to ISO14229-1. Additional details are specified in this section.Supported Diagnostic ServicesThe overview of ECU supported diagnostic services is described in the following table.Tabl

11、e 5 Supported diagnostic services of ECUDiagnostic Services ListSessionSecurityAccessAddressingSID (Hex)Service NameDefaultExtendedProgrammingPhysical AddressFunction Address10DiagnosticSessionControl 11EcuReset 27SecurityAccess 28CommunicationControl 3ETesterPresent 85ControlDTCSetting 22ReadDataBy

12、Identifier 2EWriteDataByIdentifier 13 2FInputOutputControlByIdentifier 114ClearDiagnosticInformation 19ReadDTCInformation 31RoutineControl 13 34RequestDownLoad336TransferData337RequestTransferExit3说明:访问权限1表示需要扩展安全级权限,3表示需要编程安全级权限。The services need to support suppressPositveResponseBit (SPRS) are sho

13、wed in following table.Services supported SPRS bitDiagnostic Services ListSupportSPRS bitSID(Hex)Service Name10DiagnosticSessionControl11EcuReset27SecurityAccess28CommunicationControl3ETesterPresent85ControlDTCSetting22ReadDataByIdentifier2EWriteDataByIdentifier14ClearDiagnosticInformation19ReadDTCI

14、nformation2FInputOutputContorlByIdentifier31RoutineControl34RequestDownload36TransferData37RequestTransferExitThe negativeResponseCodes (NRC) used by ECU are defined as follows:Negative Response CodesNRC(Hex)Description11HserviceNotSupported12HsubFunctionNotSupported13HincorrectMessageLengthOrInvali

15、dFormat22HconditionsNotCorrect24HrequestSequenceError36HexceededNumberOfAttempts31HrequestOutOfRange33HsecurityAccessDenied37HrequiredTimeDelayNotExpired35HInvalidKey72HgeneralProgrammingFailure78HresponsePending7FHserviceNotSupportedInActiveSession92H/93HVoltageTooHigh / voltageTooLow7EHsubFunction

16、NotSupportedInActiveSessionIf two or more NRCs are reasonable, the ECU could send the negative response message according to the following priority rules:The 7Fh NRC have the highest priority;For others, the NRC with smaller number has higher priority.DiagnosticSessionControl(10H)This service is use

17、d by the client to enable different diagnostic sessions in the server(s). A diagnostic session enables a specific set of diagnostic services in the server(s).Message FormatRequest:ByteNameCvtValue(hex)#1RequestServiceIdentifierM10#2Sub-function = DefaultSession ProgrammingSessionExtendedDiagnosticSe

18、ssion M010203Positive Response:ByteNameCvtValue#1PositiveResponseServiceIdentifierM50#2Sub-Function=DefaultSessionProgrammingSessionExtendedDiagnosticSession M010203P2server =#3byte#1M00-FF#4byte#2M00-FFP2*server =#5byte#1M00-FF#6byte#2M00-FFTiming P2server value is provided in 1ms resolution.Timing

19、 P2*server value is provided in 10ms resolution.Negative Response:ByteNameCvtValue#1NegativeResponseServiceIdentifierM7F#2RequestServiceIdentifierM10#3NegativeResponseCodeMNRCSub-function Parameter DefinitionHEXDescription Cvt01 DefaultSessionThis diagnostic session enables the default diagnostic se

20、ssion in the server(s)and does not support any diagnostic application timeout handling provisions. . no TesterPresent service is necessary to keep the session active).M02ProgrammingSessionThis diagnostic session enables all diagnostic services required to supported the memory programming of a server

21、.M03 ExtendedDiagnosticSessionThis diagnostic session can . be used to enable all diagnostic services required to support the adjustment of functions like “Idle Speed, CO Value, etc.” in the servers memory. It can also be used to enable diagnostic services, which are not specifically tied to the adj

22、ustment of functions.MNegative Response Codes (NRC)NRC(Hex)DescriptionCvt12 The sub-function parameter in the request message is not supported.M13 The length of the message is wrong.M22 The ECUcurrent conditions do not allow the change ofdiagnostic Session.MImplementation RulesThis service is used b

23、y the diagnostic tool to enable different types of diagnostic sessions in a server. In order to execute a diagnostic service the appropriate session has to be started shall be only one diagnostic session active at a time.Normal/Default Session (01h) shall be enabled automatically by the ECU if no di

24、agnostic session has been requested at power up.The ECU shall return to Normal/Default Session (01h) after timeout of ExtendedDiagnostic Session.The ECU shall be capable of providing all diagnostic functionality defined for the default diagnostic session under normal operating conditions.The ECU sha

25、ll first send a DiagnosticSessionControl Positive Response (50h xx) message before the new session becomes active in the ECU.A DiagnosticSessionControl Positive Response (50h xx) message shall be returned by an ECU if the diagnostic tool requests a session that is already running. If the ECU has alr

26、eady received the same request message previously and performed the requested operation, the ECU shall continue to perform the current operation . it is not a change of the session).The ECU shall remain in its current diagnostic session if it is not able to switch into the requested diagnostic sessi

27、on.The TesterPresent (3Eh) service shall be used to keep the non-default diagnostic sessions active by retriggering S3server. Also any other service request shall retrigger S3server.A functional TesterPresent (3Eh) request without response may be sent at any time, even regardless of any other servic

28、e in progress.When receiving or transmitting any diagnostic messages, including 3Eh service, the S3servertimer will reset.Session transition diagramECUReset (11H)This service requests the server to effectively perform an ECU reset based on the content of the ResetType parameter value (suppressPosRsp

29、MsgIndicationBit (bit 7) not shown).Message FormatRequest:ByteNameCvtValue(hex)#1RequestServiceIdentifierM11#2Sub-Function= ResetType: HardResetSoftResetM0103Positive Response:ByteNameCvtValue#1PositiveResponseServiceIdentifierM51#2Sub-Function= ResetType: HardResetSoftResetM0103Negative Response:By

30、teNameCvtValue#1NegativeResponseServiceIdentifierM7F#2RequestServiceIdentifierM11#3NegativeResponseCodeMNRCSub-function Parameter DefinitionOption (Hex) Description Cvt01 HardResetThis value identifies a “hard reset” condition which simulates the power-on / start-up sequence typically performed afte

31、r a server has been previously disconnected from its power supply . battery).M03SoftResetThis value identifies a “soft reset” condition, which causes the server to immediately restart the application program if applicable. The performed action is implementation specific and not defined by the standa

32、rd. A typical action is to restart the application without reinitializing of previously learned configuration data, adaptive factors and other long-term adjustments.MNegative Response Codes (NRC)NRC (Hex) Conditions Cvt12 Sub-function parameter in the request message is not supported. M13 The length

33、 of the message is wrong M22The criteria for the ECUReset request are not met.MImplementation RulesThe positive response shall be sent before performing the ECU reset.The execution of reset will take ms, which means the ECU cant respond to any new request sent within this time.CommunicationControl(2

34、8H)The service is used to “switch on/off” the transmission and/or the reception of certain messages of (a) server(s).Message FormatRequest:ByteNameCvtValue(hex)#1RequestServiceIdentifierM28#2Sub-Function = EnableRxAndTxDisableRxAndTx M0003#3CommunicationType= NormalCommunicationMessagesNetworkManage

35、mentCommunicationMessages NetworkManagementCommunicationMessagesAndNormalCommunicationMessages M010203Positive Response:ByteNameCvtValue#1PositiveResponseServiceIdentifierM68#2Sub-Function = EnableRxAndTxEnableRxAndDisableTx DisableRxAndEnableTxDisableRxAndTx M00010203Negative Response:ByteNameCvtVa

36、lue#1NegativeResponseServiceIdentifierM7F#2RequestServiceIdentifierM28#3NegativeResponseCodeMNRCNegative Response Codes(NRC)NRC (Hex) Conditions Cvt12 Sub-function parameter in the request message is not supported. M13 The length of the message is wrongM22The operating conditions of the server are n

37、ot met to perform the required action.M31None of the requested CommunicationType values are supported by the device.MSub-function Parameter Definition:Option(hex)Description Cvt00EnableRxAndTxThis value indicates that the reception and transmission of messages shall be enabled for the specified Comm

38、unicationType.M03DisableRxAndTxThis value indicates that the reception and transmission of messages shall be disabled for the specified CommunicationType.MData Parameter Definition:Option(hex)Description Cvt01NormalCommunicationMessagesThis value references all application-related communication (int

39、er-application signal exchange between multiple in-vehicle servers).M02NetworkManagementCommunicationMessagesThis value references all network management related communication.M03NetworkManagementCommunicationMessagesAndNormalCommunicationMessagesThis value references all network management and appl

40、ication-related communicationMImplementation RulesThere are no special general implementation rules for this service.SecurityAccess(27H)The purpose of this service is to provide a means to access data and/or diagnostic services, which have restricted access for security or safety reasons. Diagnostic

41、 services for downloading/uploading routines or data into a server and reading specific memory locations from a server are situations where security access may be required. Improper routines or data downloaded into a server could potentially damage the electronics or other vehicle components or risk

42、 the vehicles compliance to safety, or security standards. The security concept uses a seed and key relationship.The client shall request the server to unlock by sending the service SecurityAccess-RequestSeed message. The server shall respond by sending a seed. The seed is the input parameter for the key calculation algorithm. It is used by the client to calculate the corresponding key value.In a second step, the client shall request the key comparison by sending the calculated key to the server using the appropriate service SecurityAccess-SendKey. The server shall


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