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1、大学英语B级统考英语作文63篇(完全选自题库,必背)1. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write an E-mail to one of your former classmates. You should write at least 80 words, and base your E-mail on the Chinese outline below:1. 了解对方毕业后的情况。2. 你的近况。3. 邀请对方方便时来访。Dear Sam,It is lovely to write to you.

2、I havent seen you since we graduated. Im told that you are in New York now. What have you been doing these years? Do you keep in touch with other classmates?I am now working in Shanghai JiaoTong University as a teaching assistant. My main duty is to support my teacher with her everyday teaching. The

3、 job requires great patience. But it is always a nice thing to work in a college, especially with those kind teachers and lovely students. I miss you very much. I would be very happy if you come to Shanghai and Im sure well have a good time then.Looking forward to hearing from you. Yours, Alex2. Dir

4、ections: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write an E-mail to one of your former classmates. You should write at least 80 words, and base your E-mail on the Chinese outline below:1. 告诉对方你最近将出去旅游。2. 了解对方所在地的旅游点。3. 请对方给予帮忙安排。Dear Susan:How is everything going with you these days? Im goi

5、ng to Guilin, your hometown, for a holiday this Friday and stay there for about a week.Guilin is a wonderful place that I have always dreamed to visit. Since you work there right now, could you tell me about where to stay, where to eat and what to see in Guilin? Im also told that Yangshuo is the mos

6、t beautiful place in Guilin, and there are lots of activities you can do, so I plan to stay there for five days.Would you please book a nice hotel for me if it is convenient for you? Well, I feel very excited that well see each other very soon.Looking forward to seeing you. Love! Jane3. Directions:

7、For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter to one of your friend. You should write at least 80 words, and base your letter on the Chinese outline below:你的一位外国朋友给你来信,打算到中国旅游。你给他回信,提出旅游建议。你的回信应包括下列容:1.接到朋友的来信;2.你对旅游的安排计划及理由;3.表达你希望见到朋友的心愿。Dear Tom, Im glad to know you want to make

8、 a tour in China. Now Im living in Shanghai, and there are so many famous places here. I have made a plan for your visit in Shanghai. First we can go to the Peoples Square, the most famous place in Shanghai. Then we can go to Yu Garden, which I think you have heard before. In the evening, we may hav

9、e dinner at my home and you care welcome to stay at my home for several days. Im looking forward to your coming to Shanghai. I am sure you will like this city. Yours, Mark4. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter to one of your friend. You should write at least 8

10、0 words, and base your letter on the Chinese outline below:选择一个你想旅游的地点,并安排旅行计划。你应包括下列容:1.说明你想旅游的地点;2.说明你为什么选择这个地点;3.描述你的旅行计划。Dear Alice,How is everything going with you? I plan to go to Sanya in Hainan province for my summer holiday. Its a famous seaside resort in China with clear water, beautiful s

11、and and tall palm trees. Its a wonderful place for a relaxation. You can enjoy delicious seafood and fresh fruits of many kinds. Whats more, you can do a lot of activities there, you can go swimming, surfing and diving, and you also can have a barbecue on the beach. I plan to stay there for a week a

12、nd I believe I will enjoy myself there. Regards Yours ever, Jimmy5. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter to one of your friend. You should write at least 80 words, and base your letter on the Chinese outline below:你的朋友邀请你参加他/她的生日聚会,告诉对方你不能接受他/她的邀请。你应包括下列容:1.告诉对

13、方你不能接受他/她的邀请;2.对对方的邀请表示感;3.说明无法接受邀请的原因。Dear Lily, Thank you very much for the invitation to your birthday party this Saturday evening. But unfortunately I am not able to take part in it, because I have to play a football match this Saturday afternoon. As you know, I am a member of the football team

14、in our university. This weekend we will have matches with all the other universities in Shanghai. We have already been preparing for a few months. I dont know how long my match will last. So I cant come to your party. I wish you a very happy birthday. Have a good time and a lot of fun!Best regards,

15、Hongli6. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition. You should write at least 80 words, and base your composition on the Chinese outline below:假如你是明,遗失了一个书包。你应包括下列容:1.包在哪里遗失的;2.这个包对你很重要;3.拾到者应该如何和你联系。A Schoolbag LostI carelessly left my schoolbag in classroom 8

16、11 on the morning of July 3rd, Saturday when I was in a hurry to send a classmate to hospital. I rushed back only to find it gone. It is a black canvas shoulder bag, which has a big pocket on the front with a “friend” logo on it. In the bag there are three textbooks, a Chinese-English dictionary, a

17、bunch /set of keys and a wallet. Inside the wallet there are 225 RMB and an ID card, of which I am in urgent need to register for CET 4. It will be highly appreciated if the finder can get in touch with me as soon as possible. My telephone number is 85488548, or you can find me in Room 210 of the 3r

18、d dormitory building. Your kindness will be rewarded for sure.7. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition. You should write at least 80 words, and base your composition on the Chinese outline below:你应邀到一位好友家吃晚饭。事后给朋友写信表示意。你的信应包括下列容:1.表达意;2.表达想回请的意愿;3.期待朋友的光临。D

19、ear Cindy,Thank you for your invitation to your home for dinner yesterday. It was a beautiful night. I enjoyed the food and the music very much. This Saturday is my birthday, there will be a birthday party at my place, and I will invite some close friends to have dinner at my home. I do hope you can

20、 come to join us. We will have a barbecue in my back yard, and one of my friends will play the guitar, he can play very well. We can sing and dance to the music. It would be fun. Please make sure you will come. I am looking forward to having you at my party. Yours, Cathy8. Directions: For this part,

21、 you are allowed thirty minutes to write an E-mail to one of your former classmates. You should write at least 80 words, and base your E-mail on the Chinese outline below:1、了解对方近来的情况。 2、通知对方同学将在五一举行聚会。3、请对方参加。Dear Echo, It is lovely to write to you. I havent heard from you for a long time. How is ev

22、erything? I am now working in Shanghai JiaoTong University as a teaching assistant. My main duty is to support my teacher with her everyday teaching. The job requires great patience. But it is always a nice thing to work in a college, especially with those kind teachers and lovely students. There wi

23、ll be a former classmates get-together during this May Day holiday at our mother school. I miss you and the happy school days we spent together. And I think this get-together would surely bring back a lot of old memories. So do come to the party if you are free. I am looking forward to your reply.Yo

24、urs truly,Richard9. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write an E-mail to one of your former classmates. You should write at least 80 words, and base your E-mail on the Chinese outline below:1、了解对方最近的学习情况。2、你的学习情况。3、请对方说说提高英语水平的经验。Dear Jane,Its a pleasure to hear from you.

25、Im really happy to know that you can continue your study in Oxford, which is a world-known university in Britain. How about your study and life there?Since I am now working in a multinational company in which English is very important in daily life. I have to use English, which Im not very good at,

26、every day. I begin to study English in Shanghai Jiaotong University recently. But its really hard for me to work in the day and study in the evening or on weekends. And the most difficult thing for me is grammar.You have always been good at English. Would you please tell me your own experience in En

27、glish study and give me some tips? Looking forward to your reply. Best wishes, Robin10. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write an E-mail to one of your former classmates. You should write at least 80 words, and base your E-mail on the Chinese outline below:1.你的近况。2.请对方帮你购

28、买英语语法书。3.邀请对方方便时来访。Dear Eric,Havent heard from you for a long time. Is everything going well with you? I am now working in a multinational company in which English is very important in daily life. I have to use English, which Im not very good at, every day. I begin to study English in my spare time,

29、 but its really hard for me to work in the day and study in the evening or on weekends. And the most difficult thing for me is grammar. Since you are always good at English, would you please buy a good English grammar book for me? We havent seen each other since last summer. Why not come to Shanghai

30、 for some days? It will be great that we can be together again. Looking forward to seeing you. Yours, Mike11. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write an E-mail to one of your former classmates. You should write at least 80 words, and base your E-mail on the Chinese outline

31、 below:1告诉对方你将参加英语四级考试。2询问对方如何做准备。3请对方建议一些参考书。Dear Alex, How is everything going recently? Thanks very much for your tips on improving my oral English. It helps me so much that I become confident enough to take every chance to communicate with foreigners in English. I am going to take CET-4 at the e

32、nd of this term. Great efforts should be made to pass the test successfully. I know that you passed it last term. Could you please tell me what did you do when you were preparing for the test? I dont want to fail it. In order to get well prepared, I need a lot of practice. Would you be so kind to re

33、commend me some books for practice?Looking forward to hearing from you. Best wishes, Jean12. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition. You should write at least 80 words, and the theme of your composition is My Plan for the Spring Festival.The Spring Festival

34、is the most important time of the whole year for Chinese people. We will usually have a long vacation. So it is really a good idea to make my plan for the Spring Festival in advance. On the first day of the Spring Festival, I always go to my grandparents home and have a wonderful dinner. So it will

35、be the same this year. After the family get-together, I am going to have a trip with my friends. Qingdao will be a good choice for me at that time. On the last two days of the Spring Festival, I will go back and have a rest. You know, the relaxation is also important for us during the holiday. These

36、 are my plans for the Spring Festival, what about yours? May everyone have a great Spring Festival.13. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition. You should write at least 80 words, and the theme of your composition is Why I Like Learning English.Nowadays, stud

37、ying English gains popularity in China. Many rich parents would rather send their children abroad to receive education than let them be educated in China. I am also among the fans of English. First, I like English because it has become an international language. If I can speak English, then I can go

38、 almost anywhere around the world without any communication problem. Secondly, because English sounds so soft, especially American English, I love to hear it and speak it. So I like learning English!14. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition. You should writ

39、e at least 80 words, and the theme of your composition is My Dream.I have a dream that I will be always young. Then I will have enough energy to do everything that I want. Moreover, I dont have to worry about being too old to take care of myself, thus becoming a burden to my family. I know that my d

40、ream will not come true. However, I think it is lucky that I am young now. So I will treasure my time, enjoy my life and try my best to do everything well.15. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition. You should write at least 80 words, and the theme of your c

41、omposition is About Self-study.We all know that for a school student, the amount of time spent in classrooms with teachers is very limited. It is therefore very important for him to take full advantage of his spare time to have self-study. To make his self-study successful, one needs both good metho

42、ds and perseverance. Before starting his self-study, one should recall the way his teacher gives lessons. With those methods in mind, one would study more efficiently. Perseverance is also essential in self-study. Since no one would urge him to finish something in self-study, one can only rely on hi

43、mself to overcome the laziness to continue with his study.16. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition. You should write at least 80 words, and the theme of your composition is The Job I Like.I have decided to take teaching as my life-long career. A variety of

44、 reasons have led me to choose this occupation over others. First, teaching is learning. To make my lectures more constructive and stimulating, I have to read more books, explore new knowledge and gain a better understanding of the world. Second, teaching means freedom and independence. As a teacher

45、, Im free to use my own ideas and make my own decisions. Finally, I like teaching because it offers certain peace of mind. Nothing, not even a big salary, can equal for the opportunity to continue learning, the satisfaction of being your own boss, and a gentle peace of life.17. Directions: For this

46、part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition. You should write at least 80 words, and the theme of your composition is My Favorite TV program.I like watching TV very much. And my favorite TV program is news. Because I can know what is happening in our nation and in the world every day through news. And I watch TV for news at the same time every day. I believe that many people like watching TV for news too. I can find some inte


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