高一英语优质课件:Unit4 Earthquakes listening and Speaking新人教版必修1.ppt

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《高一英语优质课件:Unit4 Earthquakes listening and Speaking新人教版必修1.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高一英语优质课件:Unit4 Earthquakes listening and Speaking新人教版必修1.ppt(14页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Earthquakes,Unit 4,5th period,Check homework,Translate the following into English.E.2(page 63)1.She was too nervous to eat anything the evening before.2.When the second quake was felt,people ran out their houses right away.3.After that terrible disaster,60%of homeless children were sent to live in o

2、ther safe cities.4.They used candles al the time instead of electricity.5.A little girl was dug out the ruins to the north of the factory.6.We were very proud of the soldiers who rescued the boys from the rushing water.7.We need to honour those who organized the rescue work.,Listening Speaking,Liste

3、ning,Listen to the tape and tell whether they are true of false.,Inside the earth there are a number of plates.These plates move all the time.If they stop moving there is an earthquake.If they jump there is an earthquake.China is in an earthquake area.The Pacific plate is pushing on China from the e

4、ast.The Himalayan mountains were caused by the movement of plates.8.Human beings have the power to stoop earthquakes.,F,F,F,T,T,T,T,F,Listen to the tape again and them complete the following table,Earth plates jump and produce shock waves,Moving at 5.3 cm a year,China from the southwest to northeast

5、.,China from the east to the west.,Not building where plates meet;building on rock;building strong houses,Earth plates jump and produce shock waves,My Earthquake Plan1st thing I must do_ _.2nd thing I must do_ _ _.3rd thing I must do _ _ _.,I must drop to the floor and cover my head and neck with my

6、 arms.,Make sure I hide under something like a table to protect myself from things falling on top of me.,I must hold onto the furniture so it doesnt move away form me during the earthquake.,Any other advice you think useful.If you are outside,you_ _.If you are in the living room,you_ _ _.If you are

7、in the house alone,you _ _ _.,should keep away from power lies,trees,signs,cars and buildings.,should keep away from power lies,trees,signs,cars and buildings.,should ring a family friend tell them where you are and collect your personal earthquake.,Speaking,Make sure that you only take essential th

8、ings with you.They must last you five days.,personal washing things,a bottle of water,money,torch,mobile phone,food and sweets,blanket,My personal earthquake bag will contain,medicine,The bag will contain,Possible sample,We decide to take bottles of water and some fruit to keep alive;we will take a

9、torchlight,a mobile phone and a radio to get in touch with the outside world,if we are buried in the ruins;we will take some clothes and a blanket to keep warm;and we will take our identity cards with us,In case we are killed.If that happens.people can at least know who we are.,Homework,Talk with your classmates and consider what you have learned about quakes.,


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