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1、Unit 4-Wheres my schoolbag?,1a-2d,By Li An,Period 1,Target language:Wheres my backpack?Its under the bed.Are my books on the chair?No,theyre not.I dont know.,Topic:Things around the house,Language goals:Talk about where things are,Lets enjoy a flash!,Whats this?Guess!Whats this?Guess!A pen,a book,a

2、pencil box?Yes!Whats that?Guess!Whats that?Guess!A desk,a chair,a backpack?Yes!This is a desk,this is a chair.That is a backpack over there.This is a pen,this is a book.That is a pencil box take a look.,Lets go into the houses.,Guess,Whats in house?,Furniture in houses,1.Living room,table,sofa,sofas

3、,bookcase/u/ei/,bookcases/iz/,n.书橱,2.Dining room,chair,chairs,bed/e/,3.bedroom,dresser/e/,drawer/dr:/,4.washroom,plant/pla:t/,n.梳妆台,表示方位的介词,The mouse is in the box.,Wheres the mouse?,wheres=where is,在里面,The baseball is under the table.,Wheres the baseball?,在下面,Wheres the?Its on/in/under.,Where is yo

4、ur.?,schoolbags,plants,beds,dressers,books,chairs,tables,drawers,Where are the baseballs?,Theyre on the chair.,在上面,The books are on the table.,Where are the books?,Where _ the plants?_ on the _.,are,Theyre bookcase,Where _ the books?_ in the _.,are,Theyre,drawer,Where are the?,They are in/on/under t

5、he,Match the words with the things in the picture.将单词与图中物品匹配。,1a,1.table _2.bed _3.bookcase _4.sofa _5.chair _6.schoolbag _7.books _8.keys _,b,e,h,g,d,a,f,c,1a Match the wordswith the things in the picture.,2,3,4,Listen and number the things in the picture1-4.,1b,Tape script:,Make your own conversat

6、ions.Use the words in the box.用方框的单词编新对话。,1c,结对活动,PAIRWORK,Where is the schoolbag?,Its under the table.,Practice the conversations in 1a with your partner.Then make your own conversations using the words in the box.,1c,Where are the books?,Wheres my books?,They are onthe sofa.,They are on the sofa.,

7、Its in the schoolbag.,Where is my baseball?,Listen and number the things 1-6 when you hear them.听录音,按听到的顺序给这些物品编号1-6。,1,2,6,5,3,4,2a,Listen again.Where are the things from 2a?Number the things1-6 in the picture.再听一遍录音。活动 2a 中的物品在哪里?给图中物品编号1-6。,2b,1,Wheres the computer game?Its _.,in the bookcase,1,2

8、,Where are the books?Theyre _.,on the chair,1,2,3,Where is the pencil case?Its _.,under the sofa,1,2,3,4,Where is the schoolbag?Its _.,under the table,1,2,3,4,5,Where is the baseball?Its _.,under the chair,1,2,3,4,5,6,Where are the keys?Theyre _.,on the table,Tommy:Hey,Helen.Helen:Yes?Tommy:Is my co

9、mputer game on the table?Helen:No,it isnt.Its in the bookcase.Tommy:Oh,OK.How about my books?Are they in the bookcase,too?Helen:No,they arent.theyre on the chair.Tommy:Oh.So,wheres my pencil box?Helen:Its under the sofa.Tommy:And wheres my schoolbag?Helen:Its under the table.And your ruler is under

10、the chair.Tommy:Oh,I see.And where are Moms keys?Helen:The keys?Theyre on the table.,Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture.对图中的物品进行问答。,2c,结对活动,PAIRWORK,Are the books on the sofa?No,_.Theyre _.,they arent,on the chair,Is the computer game on the table?No,_.Its _.,it isnt,on the boo

11、kcase,Is _ under the sofa?Yes,_.,the pencil case,it is,Is the schoolbag _?Yes,it is.,under the table,Are the keys _?No,_.Theyre _.,on the floor,they arent,on the table,A:Is the on/in/under?B:Yes,it is.No,it isnt.Its in/on/under(book/pencil box/schoolbag/watch/computer),2c Ask and answer questions ab

12、out the things in the picture in 2b.,A:Are the on/in/under?B:Yes,they are./No,they arent.Theyre in/on/under.(rulers baseballs keys pencils books),2d Role-play the conversation.,Mom:Come on,Jack!Jack:Oh,no!Wheres my bag?Mom:Hmmis it on your desk?Jack:No.And its not under the chair.Mom:Oh!Its on the sofa.Jack:Thank you,Mom.Errwheres the map?Mom:I think its in your grandparents room.Jack:Yes,its on their bed!And my hat?Mom:Its on your head!Jack:Oh,yeah!Haha!,1.Copy the words in activity 1a and the sentences in grammar focus.2.Read the tapescript of activity 2a and 2b.,


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