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1、新课程背景下的交际语言测试 命好题,安徽省教育科学研究院 杜效明 赵杰,什么是命题?,命题就是“出题目”。它涉及教学过程的各个环节,不仅指各类测试、考查的命题,还包括课前预习、课堂训练(各种导读题,巩固性、反馈性习题以及实践操作题等)、课后练习以及各种复习练习的命题。,命题的作用和功能,促进学生学习的手段提高教学质量的保证促进教师专业发展的途径教学评价的重要工具,怎样才能命好题,?,目前在英语考试改革方面的进展,1根据国家英语新课程标准的理念命题,逐渐远离教材命题,实现英语的考教分离2深入了解现行试题构成的缺陷,完善试题结构,突出试题设计的语境化,素材贴近生活、贴近时代3在分离式测试和综合性测

2、试的基础上,大力引进交际性测试,评估考试的标准,可信性 reliability 有效性 validity 可行性 practicality 区分性discrimination 真实性 authenticity 后效性 backwash/impact,信度(reliability)是测试结果的可信、可靠程度信度高的测试有很好的一致性(consistency)和稳定性(stability)提高信度的方法:1)增加或保证试卷的合理长度2)保持同质性-力求测试目标、内容、题型、题量、指导语、试卷编排方式、时间安排、施测方式、评分方法、评分标准的一致性3)保持相同的难易度4)排除外部干扰创设舒适的环境5

3、)完善评分方法,增强评分的客观性和精确性,效度(validity)指测试在多大的程度上测量预期要测量的东西,能够在多大程度上达到预期目标。Validity refers to whether the test actually measures what it supposes to measure.Two questions must always be considered:*What precisely does the test measure?*How well does the test measure?,Example,Consider:What to test?Which of

4、 the following can give you all kinds of telephone numbers?A.110 B.119 C.120 D.114 Which of the following does paper burn in?A.CO2 B.N2 C.O2 D.H2,如何保证效度:1.注意测试目的与效果、内容与试题以及难度与应试者水平的一致性。2.注意测试内容的普遍性,不应要求应试者某一方面的专门知识,对一部分应试者有利而对另一部分应试者不利。3.不生搬硬套某一国家或地区的试题,而应适当修改,避免参试者不理解或有不同理解内容。4.命题前应认真了解测验对象,把握住他们必须

5、掌握的知识,仔细排列出他们学习中的问题,增强试题的针对性。5.认真仔细编写测试双向细目表,并据此编制测试题目。6.将出好的试题试用于与测试对象水平相当并已经掌握了这些内容的人,据其结果进行必要增删,使之完善。,可行性 Practicality(usability)指命题人的想法是否切合实际可行性的测试应:便于组织 Ease of Administration 便于评分 Ease of Scoring便于解释和利用分数Ease of Interpretation,区分度(discrimination):How well an item differentiates between student

6、s at different levels of ability.区分度在+1与-1之间。值越高,区分力越强。比较理想的是在0.4与1之间。如果区分度为负数,说明该题语言能力强的学生做错了,语言能力差的学生反而做对了,这样的题目是废题。,真实性(Authenticity),语言的真实性任务的真实性,后效性(Impact)Washback or Backwash,The effect of testing on teaching and learning,which can be either beneficial or harmful.(Hughes,1989)An aspect of imp

7、act that has been of interest to both language testing researchers and practitioners,focusing on processes(learning and instruction)which have effects on individuals,educational system,and society.(Bachman,1996),试卷编制的一般流程,1、明确考试目的:是什么性质的考试。2、确定考试范围:考什么,具体考哪部分的知识,考哪些能力。3、制定双向细目表:确定题型、题量以及编排试题的顺序。4、确定

8、试题:依据双向细目表精心编制及精选适当的考题。,5、审查修改试题:整份试卷编制完成后,需要认真审查、修改、调整考题。6、试答试题内容:教师独立地将全卷认真地做一遍,以再次把握试题的难度和题量,同时防止出现科学性错误。一般留给学生的答题时间应该是教师答题时间的 23 倍。7、制定评分标准:使各试题的分数合理分配。,试题编制的基本知识,一、试题构成的要素 不论什么类型的试题,皆由立意、情境、设问和答案与评分参考四个要素构成。(一)立意 立意反映考查目的,是试题的核心或主题。包括知识与能力。对立意的具体要求是:1、立意要正确实现考试目的,体现能力考查的主旨;2、立意要准确,每题的考查目标应独立、完整

9、;3、立意要重点突出,考查目标要有层次和相关性。,(二)情境 情境是实现立意的材料和介质。其关系着立意表达的程度。在试题中对情境设置的要求是:1、服从立意,根据立意的要求剪裁、选择有关的知识内容,尽量避免无用信息;2、根据考生的生活经验和理解程度设计情境;3、情境科学、可信;4、情境新颖,有相当的信息量和一定深度。,(三)设问 设问是试题的呈现形式。其关系着立意实现的程度。对设问的具体要求是:1、围绕立意、根据情境选编设问;2、设问针对重点内容并涵盖其他内容;3、设问方式新颖、巧妙、灵活;4、设问语言准确、简明、通俗。考试语言的特点是准确、简明、通俗。避免出现影响答题的啰嗦而含义不清的设问。,

10、(四)答案与评分参考 答案与评分参考是试题构成的重要部分,没有答案与评分参考不能称其为完整的试题。1、选择题答案要唯一,具有排他性;2、答案与评分参考的关系要一致;主观题答案要符合解答要求,评分参考应明确。如:只要观点(或结果)对就可以给分,还是因叙述或解答的正确顺序分步给分,或是部分对就部分给分。3、评分参考的要求。主观题评分参考要鼓励考生有创见地答题;评分细则可操作性强,易于控制评分误差。,试卷命制的基本原则,科学性原则 准确性原则公平性原则规范性原则,考试性质,初中毕业学业考试是义务教育阶段的终结性考试,是修完义务教育课程的初中学生参加的水平性考试。考试结果既是衡量学生是否达到初中毕业标


12、语法知识的能力。在确定考查内容和标准时,主要参考课程标准中“内容标准”五级的内容和要求及相关的附录,同时参考三级和四级的内容和要求。,考试内容和要求,课 程 目 标,课程的分级目标要求,1500-1600 单词,一级,二级,三级,四级,五级,六级,七级,八级,九级,六年级毕业要求,九年级毕业要求,普通高中毕业要求,高考要求,600-700 单词,2400-2500 单词,3500 单词,4500 单词,(一)听力,考查考生对口头语言材料的理解能力以及从口头语言材料中获取信息的能力。听力材料应具有明显的口语特征,听起来自然真实。题材分布广泛,涉及英语国家日常生活的方方面面。,听力的考查内容主要体


14、并捕捉到句子里的关键词及其准确读音。2.听短对话,选图片或答案。通过听一个轮回的对话,考查学生捕捉细节信息以及信息转换能力、理解和判断能力。3.听长对话,选答案。通过听多个轮回的对话,考查学生对谈话的主题以及对主要信息的获取能力。,4.听短文,选答案。通过听简短独白,要求学生在理解主旨大意的基础上,捕捉主要信息,并作出合理的判断和推理。5.听短文或对话,写信息。通过听对话或独白,考查学生对听力材料中事实性、具体性信息的获取与处理能力,进而用这些材料中的关键信息填表格。,In which countries is the population falling down?A.Developed c

15、ountries.B.Developing countries.C.Less developed countries.,M:Mum,Can I go out for a moment?I have finished my homework.W:Sure.Whats the probable relationship between them?A.Mother and son B.Father and son C.Mother and daughter,A.fixB.fitC.fat,Whats the probable relationship between them?A.Driver an

16、d passenger.B.Father and daughter.C.Manager and secretary.,What are the two speakers probably talking about?A.A telephone.B.A computer.C.A lift.,M:Hello?W:Hi,Robert.Its Susan.Ive got your message.M:Thanks for calling me back.W:So,whats up?M:Well,would you like to go to the Science Museum tomorrow mo

17、rning?W:Tomorrow morning?Im afraid I cant.Ill have to stay home and study.M:Oh,its a pity.How about Sunday morning?W:Sure.Id love to.How shall we get there,by bike or by bus?M:What about taking a bus?W:Thats OK.,1.Who is answering the telephone call?A.Susan.B.Robert.C.Richard.2.Whats Susan going to

18、do tomorrow morning?A.To visit the museum.B.To go to the park.C.To stay home and study.3.How are they going there?A.By bike.B.By taxi.C.By bus.,Hello,boys and girls.May I have your attention,please?In order to make our school life more colorful,weve invited Nancy White,a famous speaker,to give us a

19、speech on American history.Since youve learned something about it in class,I believe youll find it interesting.The speech will start at two oclock this Friday afternoon in the school hall.After the speech,there will be an English film.Its about the Second World War.Youre sure to enjoy it.Please be t

20、here on time.Thats all.Thank you.,26.speaker 27.history 28.two/2 29.hall 30.film/movie,(二)单项填空,着重考查考生对英语语言知识的记忆、理解、掌握和运用能力。要求考生根据题干所给的语境进行分析、对比,灵活地运用各项英语基础知识。考查的主要语言知识有语法、词汇、习惯用语、交际用语和各种常见表达法等。对词汇、语法、交际用语等的考查都是在相对完整的语境中进行的,学生必须在充分理解题干意义的基础上,通过语句前后的逻辑关系或对话交际之间的联系进行判断,才能选出正确的选项。,单项填空语句的选取与编制原则:所创设的语境清

21、楚,测试任务明确。语言简洁明了(20词以内),内容完整。对填入内容限制性较强,答案唯一。合理推断考生理解失误情况,各干扰项具有一定的干扰作用。为确保句子的语言风格和所表达内容的准确,大部分语句选自英语原版书刊,以保证语言材料的真实性。,(一)关于题干1.题干应有一定的语境。What _ interesting story!A.the B.a C.ones D.an,2.题干语言的难易程度应该与考生水平相适应。It is not who is right but what is right _ is of importance.A.which B.it C.that D.thisWhat is

22、a cool job?I would say“a cool job”is_ you would do even if you didnt get paid for it.A.one B.which C.why D.that,3.题干应规范、简洁。-Its reported that the 29th Olympic torch(奥运火炬)is going to travel to 135 cities around the world.-_ exciting the news is!And it will arrive at the opening ceremony(开幕式)on August

23、 8th,2008.A.What B.How C.What an,4题干应符合英语语言的特点和习惯,尽量做到地道、自然。-May I smoke here?-No,you _.A.mustnt B.dont C.must D.neednt-Tom,you didnt come to the party last night?-I _,but I suddenly remembered I had homework to do.A.had to B.didnt C.was going to D.wouldnt,-Robert is indeed a wise man.-Oh,yes.How of

24、ten I have regretted _ his advice!A.to take B.takingC.not to take D.not taking,(二)关于考点1.要科学、合理地设计考点,每道单项选择题一般只考查一个语言点。-_terrible weather it is!-The radio says that itll get _ later in the day.A.What a;bad B.What;worseC.How;bad D.How a;worseJohn _ flowers to the party last night.A.carries B.carried C

25、.lifts D.lifted,2.考试目标要明确,不应该考查语言知识以外的内容。_was invented by Chinese centuries ago.A.The telephone B.The carC.The clock D.The abacus,3.要考查学生根据情境(上下文)的判断推理能力,不应鼓励考生机械记忆语法点和知识点。You can call me _ Saturday morning.Ill be at home then.A.in B.on C.at D.of The new term is coming.The students are busy _ the cl

26、assrooms.A.clean B.cleans C.to clean D.cleaning,(三)关于选项1.要保证答案没有争议。-You want _ sandwich?-Yes,I usually eat a lot when Im hungry.A.other B.another C.others D.the other,With April 18s railway speedup,highway and air transport will have to compete with _ service for passengers.A.goodB.betterC.bestD.the

27、 best,-Shall we go to the art exhibition right away?-_.A.Its your opinion B.I dont mindC.Its all up to you D.Thats your decision,2.选项本身在语法和形式上应该是正确的。-Kate didnt go to school yesterday,did she?-_,though she did not feel very well.A.Yes,she did B.Yes,she didnt C.No,she didnt D.No,she did,-Its a long t

28、ime since I saw my sister.-_ her this weekend?A.Why not visiting B.Why not to visit C.Why not visit D.Why dont visit,3.每个选择项放到题干里去时应合乎语法。Dont _ too much TV.Its bad for your eyes.A.watch B.watched C.watching D.to watch,4.选项长度要适当、均衡。,xxxxxx xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx

29、xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxx,Hello!Golden Sun Hotel.Can I help you?Do you have a room available for this weekend?,Hello!Golden Sun Hotel.Can I help you?Do you have a room _ for this weekend?A.available B.useful C.empty D.possible,Would you please drive faster?My plane is taking off.Id like to,but

30、safety comes first.,Would you please drive _?My plane is taking off.Id like to,but safety comes first.A.faster B.better C.more carefully D.more slowly,Alice,turn down the TV,please.I am talking on the phone.Oh,sorry.,Alice,turn down the TV,please.I _ on the phone.Oh,sorry.A.have talked B.talked C.am

31、 talking D.talk,(三)完形填空,在一篇难易适中的短文中留出10个空白,要求考生,使补足后的短文意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整。考查综合运用语言的能力。考查的内容主要为词语辨析、词语搭配、语篇理解和逻辑推理等。要求考生根据上下文线索,对每题的备选项做出合理的分析、判断,从中选出最佳答案,使补足后的文章文意畅达、逻辑严密、结构完整。,完形填空语言材料特点:难度水平略低于阅读理解中的短文情景真实、内容完整,词数150200上下文逻辑关系紧密富含动词、名词、形容词类的词汇(实义词),考点的设置:1.空白之间的间距要适当,不宜在短文首句和末句挖空。2.所删的词语在文段中确实有上下文线索,使


33、考查学生的语篇理解和逻辑推理能力。,选项的设置:1.答案应没有争议性。2.正确选项与干扰项词性/外形要相同。3.干扰项本身就形式而言也能填入所设的空中。4.干扰项对正确答案要有干扰作用。,完形填空,Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 in Florence in Italy.Her parents were _61_and she was taught at home.Her parents hoped she _62_a rich man.But when she was sixteen years old she know she wanted to

34、 spend her life _63_ people.She read _64_books about medicine.In 1853,Florence _65_to take charge of a hospital for _66_ladies in London.In 1856,Florence started the Nightingale Training School for Nurses in London._67_she only visited the training school once in 1886,every year she wrote a letter t

35、o the nurses _68_advice and encouragement.Nightingale was awarded a London City Freedom Award for her care for the_69_soldiers _70_March 16,1908.In 1910,Florence died at the age of ninety.61.A.sad B.rich C.surprised D.satisfying62.A.would marry B.will marry C.married D.would be married63.A.to help B

36、.helped C.helping D.help64.A.much B.more C.most D.a lot of65.A.was asked B.is asked C.asks D.were asked66.A.ill B.illness C.sick D.sickness67.A.Although B.When C.If D.During68.A.give B.given C.giving D.gave69.A.wound B.wounded C.wounding D.to wound70.A.on B.in C.during D.at,A group of frogs were tra

37、veling through the forests,but unluckily two of them fell into a hole.The other frogs tried to help them.When they saw how 1 the hole was,they cried to the two frogs that they could not be saved.The two frogs didnt 2 and tried their best to jump up out of the hole.The other frogs 3 saying that they

38、were sure to die.4,one of the two frogs,who heard what the other frogs were saying,5.Then he fell down and died.The other frog,however,6 to jump as hard as he could,and at last made it out.When he 7,the other frogs asked,“Didnt you hear us?”The frog,who had a poor 8,explained,“I thought you were enc

39、ouraging me all the time.”The story teaches us a 9:There is power(力量)of life and death in the tongue.An 10 word to those who are down can help them out while a discouraging word can kill them.,1.A.small B.deep C.big D.wide2.A.care B.refuse C.insist D.think3.A.kept B.finished C.practicedD.stopped4.A.

40、Luckily B.Finally C.SuddenlyD.Happily5.A.went on B.ran away C.jumped outD.gave up6.A.happened B.continued C.plannedD.wanted7.A.got out B.ran away C.got off D.woke up8.A.smelling B.eyesight C.hearingD.looking9.A.way B.skill C.sentenceD.lesson 10.A.interesting B.exciting C.excellent D.encouraging,Once

41、 there was a rich man in a village.He never gave anything to help others.The villagers didnt like him.One day he said to them,“I know you dont like me.I will give everything I have to you when I die.Then everyone will be happy.”But nobody believed him.The rich man couldnt understand why they didnt b

42、elieve him.One day he went for a walk by the lake.Under a tree he happened to hear a pig and a cow talking.The pig said to the cow,“Why everybody likes you and nobody likes me?After I die,I providepeople with pork,ham,etc.I give three or four things to them.But you give only one thingmilk.Why do peo

43、ple like you all the time and not me?”The cow said,“Look,I give them milk while Im alive.They see that I am generous(慷慨的)with what I have.But you dont give them anything before you die.You give them ham,pork and so on only after youre dead.People dont believe in the future;they believe in the presen

44、t.If you give while you are living,people will like you.It is quite simple.”From that moment on,the rich man did all his best to help the poor.,Once there was a rich man in a village.He never gave anything to help others.The 1 didnt like him.One day he said to them,“I know you dont like me.I will gi

45、ve everything I have to you 2 I die.Then everyone will be happy.”But nobody believed him.The rich man couldnt 3 why they didnt believe him.One day he went for a 4 by the lake.Under a tree he happened to hear a pig and a cow 5.The pig said to the cow,“Why everybody likes you and nobody likes me?After

46、 I die,I 6 people with pork,ham,etc.I give three or four things to them.But you give only one thing7.Why do people like you all the time and not me?”The cow said,“Look,I give them milk while Im 8.They see that I am generous(慷慨的)with what I 9.But you dont give them anything before you die.You give th

47、em ham,pork and so on only after youre dead.People dont believe in the future;they believe in the 10.If you give while you are living,people will like you.It is quite simple.”From that moment on,the rich man did all his best to help the poor.,1.A.strangersB.villagersC.officersD.workers2.A.whenB.beca

48、useC.sinceD.until3.A.askB.rememberC.discoverD.understand4.A.walkB.mealC.visitD.help5.A.fighting B.shoutingC.talkingD.joking6.A.feedB.provideC.bring D.help7.A.milkB.hamC.porkD.beef8.A.happyB.afraidC.aliveD.lonely9.A.eatB.drinkC.likeD.have10.A.pastB.presentC.rich D.poor,考查学生用英语进行口头表达的能力,特别是在真实语境中沟通信息、


50、点和态度;6.理解文章的基本结构。,阅读理解选材及材料处理的原则:文章结构应完整,内容需丰富(记叙文-情节清楚,内容充实;议论文-论点明确,论据丰富;说明文-事实明确,条理清楚,逻辑性强;应用文针对性强,写作目的明确)文章难度符合考生的语言水平尽量保留所选材料形式、语言与基本事实的真实性,阅读理解试题的命制技术,1考查的内容要均衡,对各种阅读能力的测试要全面。2 阅读理解考查的重点是学生获取和处理信息的能力。3要注意试题的科学性和答案的唯一性。4要注意题目和阅读材料的关联性。5阅读材料难度、长度要适当。6应尽可能避免带有否定的题干。7阅读理解试题的选项应保持一致性。,1考查主旨要义:What


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