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1、图表作文这类作文时,注意以下几点:第一, 审题时,除了要把握好图表的表层信息外, 还要分析图标的深层含义,如原因、根源、可能的发展趋势等。图表中所提供的说明文字往往是问题的切入点,一定要仔细分析。第二, 描述数据时要抓住重点,为中心服务,不必面面俱到,切忌毫无目的地罗列图表中的数据。如果数据较多,抓住图表中的极端点(如最大或最小、最多或最少,最好或最差)和基本相同进行描述。第三, 主题句应明确,最好放在文章的开头,这样会使重点突出,主题明了。常见模板第一段:总体描述图表,指明时间段,指出突出变化或不同常用句型或短语:As is clearly shown in the char/ table/

2、graph, _According to the figures given in the table/chart/graph, _It can be seen from the table/chart/graph, _.The figures in the table/chart reflect that _. especially, _(指出突出变化)第二段:(分析原因)There are several factors leading to this change / difference .There are several reasons for _.(引出原因) To begin

3、with, _(原因一)In addition, _(原因二0For example, _(举例说明)Last but not the least, _(原因三)To sum up(简要总结)第三段:自己的观点As for me, _On the one hand, _on the other, _In brief,_.数据变化常用句型表示逐句增长The number of . has grown steadily from to.in 2009. has risen from . shows a tendency to increase climbed went sharply up soa

4、red tends to go up b/ increase There was a rapid / sharp / dramatic / gradual / slow increase / rise in the number of . who.The number of . is on the rise / increase. The increase of . has reached to .表示数据降低The number of dropped steadily from to in 2008. declined suddenly fell tends to go down tende

5、ncy to fall shows a tendency to decrease There was a sharp fall . in the number of in 2008. gradual decrease sudden reduction slow decline drop例文: Students Use of Computers提纲: 1. 上图所示为某校大学生平均每周使用计算机的时间: 1990年(2 hours), 1995年 (4 hours), 2002年 (14 hours),请描述其变化; 2. 请说明发生这些变化的原因(可从计算机的用途、价格或社会发展等方面加以说明

6、); 3. 你认为目前大学生在计算机使用中有什么困难或问题。 参考范文(1)Student Use of ComputersAs is clearly shown in the chart, the number of hours students spent on computers increased from two to four hours per week from 1990 to 1995. Especially, the number rose to about 14 hour per week in 2002.There are three factors leading t

7、o the change. To begin with, the price of computers is getting much lower than before so that many students can afford it. In addition, it is very convenient for us to study with the help of computers. For example, e-mails enable us to keep in touch with our teachers and friends. Last but not least,

8、 with fast development of the modern society, a computer has become a must for many people. To sum up, low price, convenience and wide use contribute to the increase in the use of computers.As for me, student use of computers is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it is a good helper in searching

9、 for information, drawing pictures, etc. One the other hand, various computer games might distract students from their studies. In brief, computers can serve us well if they are used in the right way. 参考范文(2)Student Use of ComputersAs is clearly shown in the chart, the average number of hours a stud

10、ent spent on computers increased from two to four hours per week from 1990 to 1995. Especially, the number reached approximately 14 hour per week in 2002. Why are there such great changes during these days?There are three factors leading to this phenomenon. Firstly, because of the sharp decline in t

11、he price of computers, most college students can afford one. Secondly, the Internet provides access to various kinds of information students are interested in. Finally, playing computer games or surfing online is relaxing. To sum up, low price, easy access to information and wide use make students u

12、se computers a lot.As for me, computers do bring convenience to students; however, it is no good fro students to spend too much time chatting online or playing computer games. In brief, in spite of the problems concerning the use of computers, we cant deny that computers are of more merits than defe

13、cts.参考范文(3)Student Use of ComputersUsing computers has become a common part of peoples life. And the tremendous growth of student use of computers has always aroused the greatest concern. What impresses us most is the number of hours students spend on computers. In 2002, they spend as many as 14 hou

14、rs per week on computers.The reasons why computers as widely used are varied. Among them, the decreasing price of PC plays an important part. Whats more, the Internet provides college students an amazing world to explore. For example, they can get the latest news and make friends conveniently around

15、 the world.Whey talking about the disadvantages and problems existing in student use of computers, I think that their lack of skills and discipline is what should be paid attention to. On the one hand, the lack of skills fails students to make good use of the computer and the Internet. On the other

16、hand, their lack of necessary discipline makes some students indulge in computer games and the net world, forgetting their major tasks as college students. In brief, there is still a lot to do to help students make good use of computers. 参考范文(4)Student Use of ComputersReading this chart, we can find

17、 that the average number of hours students spend on computers per week has increased sharply. In 1990, it was less than two hours; in 1995, it increased to almost four hours; and in 2005, the number soared to 14 hours per week.There are several reasons for this phenomenon. First, computers provide f

18、acilities for us in many aspects of life. In addition, the fast development of the Internet contributes to our increasing demand for computers. We can easily contact friends in faraway places through the Internet. Besides, the prices of computers are getting lower and lower, which enables us to purc

19、hase them.However, there are still some problems. For example, computers may crash from time to time because of viruses transmitted through the Internet. And how to balance the time between using computers and studying is also a serious problem. Anyway, we will benefit a lot from computers as long a

20、s we use them properly.Sample 1Financial Sources of College StudentsFrom the table, we can see clearly that Chinese college students and their American peers rely on different financial sources for their life and study. About 90% of Chinese students get money from their parents. In contrast, only 45

21、% of American students resort to this way. About 40% of American students depend on part-time jobs for income, but only 5% of Chinese students do so. Scholarship is the financial source for 15% of American students, whereas only for 5% of Chinese students.There are several reasons leading to this di

22、fference. On the one hand, independence is greatly honored in American society, and students would be proud to depend on themselves. Besides, they have a more flexible schedule so they can have more time to do part-time jobs. On the other hand, some Chinese students take their parents financial supp

23、ort for granted. Similarly, parents believe its their duty to finance their childrens education.I think with the reform in college education, this tendency in China may be changed. The widespread adoption of credit-system will give Chinese students more time and flexibility to pursue part-time jobs

24、and get more independence from their parents. Also, with the passage of time, both the students and the parents ideas will change greatly. Thus, more and more Chinese college students are sure to rely on themselves rather than on their parents for finance.Sample 2Financial Sources of College Student

25、sAccording to the table, the number of Chinese students who get money from their parents doubles that of American ones, 45% and 90% respectively. But the percentage of American students who depend on part-time jobs is much larger than that of Chinese ones. It can also be seen clearly that scholarshi

26、p is the financial source for 15% of American students, while only for 5% of Chinese students.Several factors can account for the above difference. For one thing, independence is highly honored in American society and students take great pride in self-reliance. For another, American students have a

27、more flexible schedule so they can have more time to do part-time jobs. Another contributing factor is that both Chinese students and their parents take parents financial support for granted.The tendency for Chinese college students to rely on their parents for finance may be changed. The widespread

28、 adoption of credit-system will give Chinese students more time and flexibility to pursue part-time jobs and get more independence from their parents. Whats more, great changes may take place not only in the students ideas but also in their parents, which, in turn, will lead Chinese students to rega

29、rd it as a pride to be self-reliant.图表作文的篇章结构写图表作文时,常采用三段式的谋篇方式。文章的第一段往往分析图表中的数据变化反映什么问题或趋势,概述图表所揭示的信息。第二段分析造成这一问题或趋势的原因。第三段则展望未来的情况或提出解决问题的办法或建议。这一结构可以简单地表述为:第一段:概述图表反映的主题思想第二段:分析产生的原因第三段:展望未来或提出方法或建议图表作文常用的句型(1)常用的开篇句型(即概述图表内容时常用的表达法) According to the table/pie chart/line graph/bar graph, we can s

30、ee/conclude that 根据该表/图,我们可知 The table/graph reveals (shows/indicates/illustrates/ represents/points out) that 该表/图表明 As we can see from the table As can be seen from the line/bar graph As is shown (illustrated/indicated) in the pie chart 如表/图所示,(2) 描述增减变化常用的句型 Compared with is still increased by Th

31、e number of grew/rose from to An increase is shown in ; then came a sharp increase of In the number remains the same/drops to There was a very slight (small/slow/gradual) rise/increase in 1990.There was a very steady (marked/sharp/rapid/sudden/ dramatic) drop (decrease/ decline/ fall/ reduction) in

32、1998/ compared with that of last year). 下面是根据例2的题目要求写的范文。From the graph, we can see that the number of car accidents in Walton city fluctuated during the year of 1990. The first two months of 1990 showed an increasing trend. The rate rose to 32 in March but fell to 26 in June. From June on, the rate

33、 was rising again and reached the peak point 39 in August. After August the rate began to decline remarkably, and eventually dropped to the lowest point 16 at the end of the year. Therefore, its obvious that car accident in Walton city declined in 1990.主题句/概述表格反映的内容(5)反映交通事故的变化情况(6)小结:总结表格数据反映的总趋势Th

34、ere are several reasons for the decline. First, a new traffic law was made and came into force. It provided that in summer every car must be air-conditioned. As a result, the highest rate in August, when humidity and high temperature make drivers impatient and easily lead to car accidents, dropped s

35、teadily. Second, new roads were built and some narrow streets were widened, which quickened the flow of traffic. Finally, the city administration made great efforts to heighten peoples awareness of observing traffic rules.主题句原因/措施一解释措施一/次要辅助采取措施一后的结果原因/措施二原因/措施三With all these new measures, Im sure t

36、he rate of car accidents in Walton city will go on falling this year.总结:展望未来的情况图表作文(二)一、图表作文写作常识1、图形种类及概述法:泛指一份数据图表:a data graph/chart/diagram/illustration/table饼图:pie chart直方图或柱形图:bar chart / histogram趋势曲线图:line chart / curve diagram表格图:table流程图或过程图:flow chart / sequence diagram程序图:processing/proce

37、dures diagram2、常用的描述用法The table/chart diagram/graph shows (that)According to the table/chart diagram/graphAs (is) shown in the table/chart diagram/graphAs can be seen from the table/chart/diagram/graph/figures,figures/statistics shows (that)It can be seen from the figures/statisticsWe can see from t

38、he figures/statisticsIt is clear from the figures/statisticsIt is apparent from the figures/statisticstable/chart/diagram/graph figures (that) table/chart/diagram/graph shows/describes/illustrates how3、图表中的数据(Data)具体表达法数据(Data)在某一个时间段固定不变:fixed in time在一系列的时间段中转变:changes over time持续变化的data在不同情况下:增加:

39、increase / raise / rise / go up 减少:decrease / grow down / drop / fall 波动:fluctuate / rebound / undulate / wave 稳定:remain stable / stabilize / level off 最常用的两种表达法:动词+副词形式(Verb+Adverb form)形容词+名词形式(Adjective+Noun form)二、相关常用词组1、主章开头图表类型:table、chart、diagramgraph、column chart、pie graph描述:show、describe、i

40、llustrate、can be seen from、clear、apparent、reveal、represent内容:figure、statistic、number、percentage、proportion2、表示数据变化的单词或者词组rapid/rapidly迅速的,飞快的,险峻的dramatic/dramatically戏剧性的,生动的significant/significantly有意义的,重大的,重要的sharp/sharply锐利的,明显的,急剧的steep/steeply急剧升降的steady/steadily稳固的,坚定不移的gradual/gradually渐进的,逐渐

41、的slow/slowly缓慢的,不活跃的slight/slightly轻微的、略微地stable/stably稳定的3、其它在描述中的常用到的词significant changes图中一些较大变化noticeable trend明显趋势during the same period在同一时期grow/grew增长distribute分布,区别unequally不相等地in the case of adv.在的情况下in terms of / in respect of / regarding在方面in contrast相反,大不相同government policy政府政策market for

42、ces市场规率measure n.尺寸,方法,措施v.估量,调节forecast n.先见,预见v.预测三、英语图表写作套句精选1.the table shows the changes in the number ofover the period fromto该表格描述了在年之年间数量的变化。 2.the bar chart illustrates that该柱状图展示了3.the graph provides some interesting data regarding该图为我们提供了有关有趣数据。4.the diagram shows (that)该图向我们展示了5.the pie

43、graph depicts (that)该圆形图揭示了6.this is a cure graph which describes the trend of这个曲线图描述了的趋势。7.the figures/statistics show (that)数据(字)表明8.the tree diagram reveals how该树型图向我们揭示了如何9.the data/statistics show (that)该数据(字)可以这样理解10.the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that这些数据资料令我们得出结论11.as

44、is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table如图所示12.according to the chart/figures根据这些表(数字)13.as is shown in the table如表格所示14.as can be seen from the diagram,great changes have taken place in从图中可以看出,发生了巨大变化。15.from the table/chart/diagram/figure,we can see clearly thator it is cle

45、ar/apparent from the chart that从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到16.this is a graph which illustrates这个图表向我们展示了17.this table shows the changing proportion of a & b fromto该表格描述了年到年间a与b的比例关系。18.the graph,presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in该图以圆形图形式描述了总的趋势。19.this is a column chart showing这是个柱型图,描述了20.as can be seen from the graph,the two curves show the fluctuation of如图所示,两条曲线描述了的波动情况。21.over the period fromtotheremained level.在至期间,基本不变。22.in the year betweenand在年到期间23.in the 3 yea


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