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1、Unit 2 The Olympic Games,儋州市第三中学 符晓婷,Lets watch an interesting cartoon!,The mascots(吉祥物)of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games,Do you remember?,How much do you know about the Olympic Games?,Choose a number and answer the questions about the Olympic Games,Lets play a game to check how much you know about the

2、Olympic Games!,NO.1,What do the five rings on the Olympic flag stand for(象征)?,Asia,Europe,America,Africa,Oceania,象征着世界五大洲的友谊,The five rings stand for the friendship of five continents(五大洲).,NO.2,The 2016 Olympic Games will be held in _.,Rio de Janeiro,在获得2016奥运主办权后,里约代表团起立庆祝一片欢腾,球王贝利激动得老泪纵横。,2016年里约

3、热内卢奥运会会徽,NO.3,How many gold medals did China get in the 2008 Beijing Olympics?,50515253,silver,gold,bronze,What are the three words that show the spirit(精神)of the Olympic Games?,NO.4,Swifter,Higher,Stronger,NO.5,What did the winners of the ancient Olympics(古代奥运会)get?,medal,olive wreath橄榄花环,money,Oli

4、ve wreath,NO.6,Which sport is included in the Winter Olympic Games?,swimming,running,boxing,Ice skating,Where did the ancient(古代)Olympic Games start?,Olympia,in Greece(希腊),When and where did the modern Olympic Games start?,The modern Olympic Games started in Athens(雅典),in 1896,What are the differenc

5、es between the ancient and modern Olympics?,magical journey,Name:PausaniasNationality:GreeceJob:writer,reporterTime:2000 years agoInterviewer采访者,LiYan,a Chinese volunteerInterviewee被采访者,An Interview,ancient time,modern time,Reading,Fast reading,This interview is mainly about _.,The story of a Greek

6、writer Pausanias and a Chinese girl Li Yan.B.The similarities(相同点)and differences about the ancient and modern Olympics.C.The ancient Olympic Games in Greece.,Careful reading,Read the passage carefully and find out the similarities(相同点)between the ancient and modern Olympic Games.,4,Yes,Swifter high

7、er stronger,races,horse riding,money,Careful reading,Read the passage carefully and find out the differences(不同点)between the ancient and modern Olympic Games.,Greece,Summer,Winter,men,men,women,Olive wreath,medals,Discussion,Why do many countries such as Beijing want to host(主办)the Olympic Games?,Reasons to host the Olympic Games,Great responsibility,Great honour,toutism,New sports facilities(设备),National pride(自豪),economy,Thanks for your listening!,


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