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1、Revision of Module 6 Old and New,才饮长沙水,又食武昌鱼。万里长江横渡,极目楚天舒。不管风吹浪打,胜似闲庭信步,今日得宽馀。子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫!风樯动,龟蛇静,起宏图。一桥飞架南北,天堑变通途。更立西江石壁,截断巫山云雨,高峡出平湖。神女应无恙,当惊世界殊。,水调歌头游泳,Revision of Module 6 Old and New,Learning aims:1 Review words,phrases and language points.2 Review the use of Attributive Clauses and use it free

2、ly in communication.3 Practice the Attributive Clauses in order to link to NMET.,Part IPart II独学(2min),Part IPart II 展示(3min),1 建造,建设 n.2 发(电)v.3 利用,将变成动力 v.4 历史的 adj.5 峡谷 n.6 诗,诗歌 n.7 迁移,搬迁 v.8 浸入水中,淹没 v.9 狭窄的 adj.10 全球的 adj.,construction,generate,harness,historical,gorge,poem,remove,submerge,narro

3、w,global,1 过着幸福的生活 _ a happy _2抑制 hold _3在历史上 in _4 与相等 be _ to5 成为现实 come _6 梦想 _ of 7 有意义,有道理 make _8 结束,终止 bring an _ _,live,life,back,history,equal,true,dream,sense,end,to,Part III独学(3min)对学(3min),Part III 展示(7min),警察阻拦不住人群。,为了赢得比赛,他不得不隐瞒事实。,1 hold back,1)The police were unable to hold back the

4、crowd.,2)In order to win the match,he had to hold back the truth.,她勉强抑制住自己的怒火。,她犹豫着,不知如何说出这一可怕的消息。,3)She just managed to hold back her anger.,4)She held back,not knowing how to break the terrible news.,hold onhold onto=hold on tohold outhold up,别挂断,坚持,抓住,不放手;保住(优势),不送,不卖(某物),伸出,举起,延误,1 Can you _ _?I

5、ll see if hes here.2 My application was _ _ by the postal strike.3 I _ _ my hand to steady her.4 Ill _ _ your mail for you until you get back.,hold on,held up,held out,hold onto,dream a sweet dream,smile a bitter smile,做美梦,苦笑,breathe a deep breath,die a heroic death,深呼吸,英勇地死,He removed his hand from

6、 her shoulder.,She removed her glasses and rubbed her eyes.,1)他将手从她的肩膀上拿开。(remove sth from sth),2)她摘下眼镜,揉了揉眼睛。(rub),3 remove,The news removed all the doubts.,Therefore they removed him from his position/post.,3)这个消息消除了所有的疑虑。,4)因此,他们撤了他的职。(remove sb from sth),1)Whatever you did and whatever you said

7、to me didnt.Have you my words,young man?,make sense,make sense of,2)He has a very good(方向感).,3)(决不)is he modest.,sense of,direction,In no sense,Part IV 独学(3min)对学(3min)群学(5min),Part IV 展示,Mao Zedong wrote a poem _ he dreamed of“walls of stone to hold backclouds and rain.,where/in which,The Three Gor

8、ges Dam,_ is the biggest construction project in China,has been built to control flooding.,which,Sun Yat-sen,_ was the leader of the 1911 Revolution,first suggested the idea in 1919.,who,(4)More than a million people _ lived in the region have moved from their homes.,who/that,Correction 1)You cannot

9、 accept an opinion offering to you unless it is based on facts.(2013湖南),offering offered,You cannot accept an opinion(that/which is)offered to you unless it is based on facts.,有些定语从句可以缩略为各种短语,如分词短语、形容词短语、名词短语、介词短语及动词不定式短语等,且句意不受影响。我们称这一语现象为定语从句的缩略。,(2)The airport to be completing next year will help

10、 promote tourism in this area.(2013四川高考单选),completing completed,(3)The room is empty except for a bookshelf stood in one corner.(2013山东高考单选),stood standing,(4)The witnesses being questioned by the police just now gave very different descriptions of the fight.(2013陕西高考单选),being 删掉,(5)When we saw the

11、road blocking with snow,we decided to spend the holiday at home.(2013北京高考单选),blockingblocked,What we love most is the time when we enjoy the full moon together.,1)我们最爱的是我们在一起享受满月的时光。(2013辽宁作文),Finally,I will visit some museums that should not be missed to widen/horizon my horizon.,2)最后,我会参观一些不应该被错过目

12、的是拓宽我的视野的博物馆。(2013山东作文),In reality,different students have different learning habits,which influence their learning efficiency.,3)事实上,不同的学生有不同的学习习惯,那会影响他们的学习效果。(2013四川作文),As is well known to us all,friendship brings us great pleasures in our lives.,4)正如我们所知道的,友谊能给我们的生活带来快乐。,London is a beautiful city,where we can enjoy many charming scenes.,5)伦敦是一个美丽的城市,在那里我们能享受迷人的景色。,Practice,Have a quiz,Thank you,


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