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1、Unit 3 Lesson 4 Christmas Language Points,1.in front of 在前面用法点拨:in front of 在的前面,in the front of 在的前部比较:There is a big tree in front of our classroom.There is a teachers desk in the front of our classroom.第一句“教室前面有棵大树”,大树只能是在教室外;第二句“教室前部有讲桌”,讲桌肯定是在教室内。由此不难看出:in front of sth.指在某物外部的前面;in the front of

2、 sth.指在本物体内部的前面。,2.My sister,Alison,and I sat down in front of the fire and wrote a letter to Father Christmas telling him about all the presents we wanted.句式分析:句中sat down与wrote a letter为并列的谓语。telling him about为现在分词短语作状语,主语与tell为主动关系,故用现在分词;若为被动关系,则用过去分词短语。比较:He came in,carrying a gun.他进来了,拿着手枪。He c

3、ame in,unnoticed.他神不知鬼不觉地进来了。第一句he与carry之间为主动关系,“他拿着枪”。第二句he与unnotice为被动关系,“他没被注意到”。及时反馈:单项填空(1)Dad missed a step and fell,_ my new suitcase rolling down the stairs.A.sending B.sent C.to send D.having sent(2)The secretary worked deep into the night,_ a long speech for the president.A.prepared B.prep

4、aring C.prepared for D.and preparing,A,B,3.With December our excitement grew each dayas we opened the new year calendar,Christmas cards arrived in the post,Christmas lights appeared in the streets,and we attended the town carol service.结构分析:破折号前面的句子是一个简单句,with意思是“随着”介词短语with December(随着十二月的到来)作状语。破折

5、号后面的句子是含有一个as引导的时间状语从句的复合句,主句由三个并列句构成。,4.stay awake基本词义:stay v-link“保持”,其后经常接形容词。awake adj.醒着的;注意到;意识到相关短语:be awake to sth.对清醒;意识到例句:1)In order to stay healthy,he does exercise regularly.2)Were you awake at that time?3)He is awake to the serious problem.,5.At the bottom of the bed was the stocking,n

6、ow full of all kinds of small presents and sweets.用法点拨:(1)at the bottom of the bed 为介词短语提前,其后要用倒装语序,且为不加助动词的全部倒装。Under the tree is a wolf.树下面是一只狼。(2)now full of all kinds of small presents and sweets 是形容词短语充当伴随状语,表示状态。形容词表示伴随状态时,通常用逗号与其他成分隔开。I hurried home,hungry and thirsty.我匆匆忙忙地赶回家,又饿又渴。,6.Lunch

7、was always late,but what a lunch!What a lunch 为感叹句式思维拓展:感叹句的几种常用形式What+a(n)+单数可数名词!What+a(n)+adj.+单数可数名词!What+复数可数名词/不可数名词!What+adj.+复数可数名词/不可数名词!How+adj./adv./v.!How+adj.+a(n)+单数可数名词!How+句子!例句:What a lovely girl(she is)!她是多么可爱的一个女孩啊!What satisfactory explanations he gave!他给出的解释是多么令人满意啊!How time fli

8、es!时光飞逝!,7.After lunch,the adults slept on the sofas in front of the Queens speech on television while we all played cards.用法点拨:while conj.而,却(表对比)You like sports while I like reading.你喜欢运动而我喜欢读书。(1)尽管,虽然(表让步)=although/though While I admire that the problems are difficult,I dont agree that they cann

9、ot be solved.虽然我承认这些问题很难,但我并不同意无法解决它们。(2)当时候(表时间)Please be quiet while I talk to you.在我跟你说话时请保持安静。思维拓展:(1)while当作“虽然,尽管”讲时,一般位于句首。(2)while表示“当时候”时,所引导从句的谓语动词必须是延续性动词。,8.Then we had tea,with a huge Christmas cake covered with snowmen.句型结构:with+宾语(名词/代词)+宾语补足语 结构解释:宾补通常由形容词、副词、介词短语、不定式和分词充当,这种结构在句中表状态

10、或说明背景情况。该结构常作伴随、方式、原因、条件等状语或者作定语。例句:(1)He is used to sleeping with the windows open.(2)The teacher came into the classroom with a book in his hand.(3)He fell asleep with the candle burning.,9.turn off 用法点拨:turn off(可分开用)关掉(电灯、电视、开关 等),(扭转开关)停掉 turn off the tap 关上水龙头 Turn off the light/TV before you

11、go to bed.睡觉前关上灯/电视。思维拓展:turn on(与turn off相反)打开(水龙头、煤气、电灯等)turn down 关小,弄小,调小(音量、水流、煤气等);拒绝(要求等)turn up 出现,露面,到场,开大(水、音量等)与turn down相反,10.fall into用法点拨:(1)变为(某种状态);养成(坏习惯等);开始(谈话等)fall into asleep 入睡(变为睡眠状态)fall into a bad habit 养成坏习惯(2)(突然)掉入 He was drunk and fell into the river.他酒醉掉入河中。fall into the hands of sb.落入某人手中,由控制,The End!,


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