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1、Unit 17 语法大合集!,Unit 1,过去进行时标志:when&while 表示“当的时候“*一般情况下,when=while*when 连接句子,即可用短暂性动词,也可用延续性动词*while常用于连接延续性动词,Tom _ TV at seven last night.A.watch B.watchesC.was watching D.watched2.It _ when we left school.A.was raining B.rainC.rains D.rained3.She _ while I was cooking.A.sings B.sangC.sing D.was s

2、inging,翻译句子,昨天晚上8点你在做什么?What _ you _ at 8 last night?2.当我进入教室的时候,他在看书。When I _ _ the classroom,he was reading a book.,Unit 2,形容词的用法:1.作定语,用于修饰名词,如big tree;2.作表语,用于修饰连系动词或感官动词,如look good,smell nice等;*感官动词:look,sound,taste,smell,feel 系动词:be,become,seem,get3.熟记句型:it is+adj.+for sb.+to do sth.,1.He is l

3、ooking _ at Jenny.He looks very _.A.angry,angry B.angry,angrilyC.angrily,angry D.angrily,angrily2.It is important _ you _ English.A.for;study B.of;studyC.for;study D.of;to study3.Although this book is not _,I am still _ in it.A.interested;interested;B.interested;interesting;C.interesting;interested;

4、D.interesting;interesting,对于很多学生来说,上网很简单。Its _ for students _ _ computer.2.这扇门很难打开。The door is _ _ _.3.你帮助我那么多!你人真好!_ _ very nice _ you _ _ ne a lot.,Unit 3.5.6 直接引语转化为间接引语 的宾语从句,1.句型 1)陈述句:that2)疑问句:一般疑问句:if/whether(or not)特殊疑问句:what/who/where3)祈使句:tell/order/ask+(not)to do2.人称-一随主,二随宾,第三人称不更新3.时态-

5、跟随主句的时态4.语序-主谓宾5.时间状语,A 直接引语为陈述句将直接引语变为that引导的宾语从句后,放于谓语动词之后(that可省略)。注意:时态、人称的变化。E.g.:1.Julia:“Dinosaur Jungle is my favorite.”2.Julia said(that)Dinosaur Jungle was her favorite.人称变化:一随主、二随宾、第三人称不更新。,直接引语,间接引语,2.如果主句的谓语是一般过去时,间接引语的时态要相应改变,如:,直接引语,间接引语,指示代词,时 间 状 语,地点状语,方向性动词,this,that,these,those,n

6、ow,then,today,that day,this week,that week,yesterday,the day before,last week,the week before,four days ago,four days before,the day before yesterday,two days before,tomorrow,the next day,next month,the next month,here,there,come,go,bring,take,情态动词,can,may,must,could,might,had to,2.直接引语为特殊疑问句将直接引语变为

7、用原来的疑问词引导的宾语从句,语序变为陈述句语序。疑问代词有what,which,who,whom,whose等;疑问副词有when,why,where,how等。E.g.:,“What can I do for you?”he asked me.,He asked me what he could do for me.,特别注意!,Know,think,believe引导的宾语从句在表示否定的意思时,not需要_(前移/后移)到主句中,前移,1.We dont believe _ he is guilty.A.what B.that C.why D.how2 She asked the li

8、ttle boy _.A.how old he is C.how old is heB.how old was he D.how old he was3.He told me that the sun _ in the east.A.will rise B.rises C.rose D.is rising4 I asked him _ he liked swimming or not.A.thatB.whether C.if D.how,5.Jim _ us that he had joined the army in the college.A.dont tell B.doesnt tell

9、 C.not told D.didnt tell6.She says that she _ to Japan in a week.A.is flying B.flew C.will fly D.flies7.Miss Le told him _ too nervous.A.to not be B.not to be C.doesnt be D.doesnt to be,9.Terrys teacher asked him _ in his homework.A.hand B.to hand C.handing D.to handing10.Lily asked me _ the day bef

10、ore.A.what did I do B.what do I do C.what did I D.what I did11.Did you order him _ with us?A.to come B.coming C.come D.came12.Tom said that he had visited Canton Tower_.A.yesterday B.day before C.the day before D.before the day,Unit 4 though&although,*though 与although均表示“虽然”的意思*不能与but连用,但可以与still连用;

11、*均可放句首,但是若连接短语或单词,只能用though连接省略句;*只有though可以放句末。,Unit 7 if引导的条件状语从句,1.当表示的条件为_(必然/可能)结果时,(常用于客观真理)主句和从句都用_时态;当表示的条件为_(必然/可能)结果时,主句用_时态,从句用_时态,简称“主将从现”。2.当if引导的从句放在主句前时,_(用/不用)逗号隔开两个句子;当主句在前时,则_(用/不用)逗号3.记记这个顺口溜吧!“if条件句不一般,几个要点记心间;条件句,放在前,逗号要放句中间;条件句表可能,主句多用将来时;条件句表事实,主句常用现在时。”,()1.Id like to play ba

12、sketball with my good friends tomorrow if the weather _ nice.A.was B.has been C.will be D.is()2.If you heat ice,it _ into water.A.will turn B.turn C.turns D.Turned()3.If I get 100 in the maths exam,my mother _ me a new basketball.A.buys B.buy C.will buy D.is buying()4.I dont know _ he will come tomorrow_ he comes,Ill tell you A.if;Whether B.whether;Whether C.if;That D.if;If()5.He will help me with my Maths if he _ free.A.was B.will be C.would be D.is,


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