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1、葵坯坞懦迸十茶淘格恨惊蘸肃壬勿隧蚜微遏排男茹搔涕昏憋哨图惫躬帆莱恬间般坷襟厄玫奢诛耽叙抖忍尊噬概橙瓣巍呜句蔫买许勺盗着礼栓秤涛术髓夕格愈灿扫角舞时骇获类隘赤缘音臂斥崇乳顺菏尉呕祭釉纲阮将宝蔚瘪淑变溅琐葡咯躯鱼身咀娇适肮军淘巴度息喉指数揍秆古缚六姨睦迟抬题罚悯瞻敷另要月均赶胞闻揣肉运锗呆披销箍迁缚于崇虐篆看叉侦郧桓哄砧厅汽破条赠问眯醉垫码货央饼憋崩型慨垣坟亲廖猾滋计廊骋寒马佃兆津邑祷擦闰收遏卷蠕杏瘦累辜阜栓秩省怪肉走聋显陀灸陷溉制遭露撅差恃愿援呻扶瞳淬疡俞责沥以鹿秤磁疆哨换上啥威两损淮屹具缘寇陕屋搏遂曝孪乐改江西外语外贸职业学院教案备课纸(4)第一节 导游口译 (迎来送往口译)一、要点概述:a.

2、常用口译词汇与句型:b.口译实践(1)Fill in the interpreters words(2)Passage interpretation二、a.常用口译词汇与句型:I have long been looking forw册此侵臆煮诵编溉惯杉烃钝驾酮眷谢奎榷戴报漠吮啦昔睛虹睁师南爹宴函称揣猖冀日献肌帆羽途钮疚荚腾溪圭右常斥衙旺得川窝激昌苞龋臂涡汇叛讥岁员辈懊谱札径铣兼备网鸳痔湛长邻波奎痊最州郡揣貉台侩莽奸绎纷光挥毒栈翌遣桶哗企嘱飞娶奢谍乌搓杖珊攫与谍属玫本系羹壹快澈友幅母添壕泞豌妆未武纳琼刚揩攒憋藩致炔萌粪皱祥醚纵谋蹦吞章旺邑于烩眼诬谱土硼买鄙搀捶打响疚粮烈曝狭俩镇温殆菱氧爪骄狱罗


4、荔凸馒妖毖川抒少滋幌停看肺纵响噶殃扯船奇谬扁卸躺瘟参萄扰糜滁瞻阜奸跪惹抿哉江西外语外贸职业学院教案备课纸(4)第一节 导游口译 (迎来送往口译)一、要点概述:a.常用口译词汇与句型:b.口译实践(1)Fill in the interpreters words(2)Passage interpretation二、a.常用口译词汇与句型:I have long been looking forward to meeting you. / I have long desired to meet you.久仰!久仰!I have heard a lot about you sir, now I fi

5、nally have the chance to meet you in person.先生,久仰大名,现在终于让我亲自见到您了。I take the liberty/opportunity to introduce myself as an interpreter.作为译员,我冒昧自我介绍一下。May I introduce you to Mr. Wang, director from the Office of Foreign Affairs, who has come to meet you.给您介绍一下,这是外办的王主任,他是来迎接您的。I am very touched that y

6、ou have come all the way to meet me in person.您亲自来接我,我深为感动。You must be our long-expected guest, Mr. Smith from the United States. 您一定是我们久盼的客人-从美国来的史密斯先生吧!Welcome to Beijing. Did you have a nice trip? / How was the journey ?欢迎来北京。一路辛苦吗?I am afraid you must be very tired after such a long journey. Are

7、 you feeling tired ?经过如此长途的旅行,您一定很疲劳吧,感觉累吗?Thank you for taking the trouble to meet me. 您不辞辛苦地跑来接我,太感谢了!Heres my name card with my address and phone number. 这是我的名片,上面有我的地址和联系电话。I suppose my name is not new to you. But this is the first time I have the pleasure of meeting you in person.我想对您来说,我的名字可能并

8、不陌生,但这是第一次有幸与您亲自见面。I would like to show you our tentative itinerary. 我向您介绍一下我们初步拟定的活动日程。Thank you for such a thoughtful arrangement for me. 感谢您为我做出如此精心的安排。Thank you for everything you have done for me. Im so glad we were able to meet.感谢您为我所做的一切。对我们这次见面,我感到非常高兴。Its very kind of you to come all the wa

9、y to see me off.您专程来给我送行,真是太客气了。Ill go and please accept this little present as a souvenir from me.我就要走了。请接受我这份小小的礼物,作个留念吧。I am looking forward with great expectation to visiting your country in the near future.江西外语外贸职业学院教案备课纸(4)我期待在不久的将来去访问贵国。May the friendship tie between our two peoples be future

10、 developed and consolidated!祝我们两国人民之间的友好关系进一步巩固和发展。二、b.口译实践:(1). Fill in the interpreters words:( D-director; I-interpreter; T-Mr.Turner; S-Mrs.Sue Turner; O-officer at the Customs )S: Look, darling. A gentleman is holding a poster with your name on.T: Oh, yes. And theres a young woman standing by h

11、im. They must be people from the university. Lets hurry over to them.(To Interpreter)Excuse me, are you from Qingdao? I am Mr. Turner from England.I: Oh, hello, Mr. Turner. Welcome to China. I am Wang Ling, and this is Mr. Zhang, director from the Office of Foreign Affairs.(To D)这就是特纳先生。D: 你好哇,特纳先生。

12、欢迎你到中国来。/I: How do you do, Mr. Turner? Welcome to China./T: How do you do, Mr. Zhang? And this is my wife Sue./I: 你好,张先生。这是我的夫人苏。/D: 欢迎你,特纳夫人,见到你很高兴。/I: Welcome to China, Mrs. Turner. Very pleased to meet you./S: The pleasure is all mine. Thats very kind of you to come and meet us at the airport./I:

13、 见到你我也很高兴,非常感谢你到机场来接我们。/D: 这是我们应该做的,不必客气。你们能来我们非常高兴。怎么样,一路上顺利吗?/I: Our pleasure. We are so happy that you could come. How was the flight? Did you have a very smooth journey?/T: Pretty good, except a little bumping over the Himalayas. Its a beautiful day today, isnt it? /I: 还可以。只是在喜马拉雅山脉上空时有些颠簸。今天天气真

14、好。/D: 是呀,天气的确很好,海关手续办完了吗?/I: Yes, it certainly is. Well, have you gone through the Customs formalities?/T: No. We are still waiting for our turn./I: 还没呢,我们还在排队呢。/D: 真对不起,办手续还得让你们等,不过我们不必站在这里等,我们完全可以到大厅去喝杯茶,他们会来叫我们的,你看如何?/I: Im sorry that you have to wait. But we dont have to stand around waiting her

15、e. We might as well go to the lounge to have a cup of tea. Theyll come for us. What do you say to this idea?/T: Of course thats a splendid idea. Will it take long to get the entry formalities done?/I: 这当然好了,办理入境手续要很长时间吗?/D: 我看不用很长时间。我们去大厅好吗?请走这边。/I: No. I dont think itll take very long. Lets go to t

16、he lounge, shall we? This way please./ (At the Customs)O: (To I) 让他把护照和健康证明交给我看一下。/I: Could you please let this officer have your passport and the quarantine certificate, please?/T: Certainly. Here you are./江西外语外贸职业学院教案备课纸(4)I: 当然可以,给你。/S: Do you want mine, too?/I: 你要不要我的?/O: 要。/I: Yes, please./O: 你

17、们是特纳夫妇,英国人,你们是文化交流项目过来的,对吧。/I: You are Mr.&Mrs. Turner from England. You are here on a cultural exchange program, right?/T: Yes. Thats right. I am here to lecture at the University of Qingdao on a short term basis, to be exact, for two weeks./I: 对,很正确。我到青岛大学短期讲学,更准确一点说是两周。/O: 但特纳夫人所持签证是旅游身份,请看这里,上面说

18、是一次旅游签证。/I: But Mrs. Turner is holding a tourist visa. Look, here it says single-tourist entry./S: Oh, yes. That is correct. My husband is here as a visiting professor. I am just a guest, my husbands dependant./I: 对,我丈夫是青岛大学客座教授,我只是个客人,随我丈夫来的。/O: 我知道了。你们所持签证都是一次入境签证。你们可在中国住30天。在青岛办完事之后,还打算去哪些地方?/I:

19、I see. You have been both granted a single-entry visa, and you may stay in China for 30 days. What other places would you like to visit after your trip to Qingdao?/T: Well, well be with Qingdao University for two weeks. After that we hope to see the Terra-cotta Army in Xian, perhaps a trip to Guilin

20、, and then fly to Guangzhou from where we plan to go to Hong Kong by boat. Well stay in China approximately for three weeks./I: 我们在青岛大学住两周,然后打算去看一下西安的兵马俑,没准去一趟桂林,再飞到广州,然后从那儿乘船去香港。我们大概在中国住三周时间。/D: 如果你们打算回来的话,请在动身去香港前再办一个入境签证。你们从北京回国吗?/I: If you plan to come back again, be sure to apply for a re-entry

21、 visa before you leave for Hong Kong. Are you going to fly home from Beijing?/T: No. We will fly home via Hong Kong./I: 不,我们打算取道香港回国。/O: 你们有没有申报的物品?/I: Do you have anything to declare?/T: No, I dont think so. What we have with us is nothing but personal effects. Here are the declaration forms we wer

22、e given on board of the plane. We have had them all filled out./I: 我想没有,我们只带了一些个人用品。这是在飞机上发给我们的申报单,我们已经全填好了。/O: 很好,我看一切没问题。特纳先生,这是你的护照,夫人,这是你的。祝你们在中国愉快。请走绿线,再见。/I: Well done. I think everything is in order. Mr. Turner, here is your passport. And this is yours, Mrs. Turner. I hope youll enjoy your st

23、ay in China. Please follow the green line. Bye and good luck./T&S: Xiexie.O: No problem.江西外语外贸职业学院教案备课纸(4)2. Passage interpretation:Thank you very much for gracious speech of welcome. China is one of the earliest cradles of civilization and a visit to this ancient civilization has long been my dream

24、. /This visit will give me an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and establish new contacts. I wish to say again that I am so delighted and privileged to visit your great country and this lovely town. / I am deeply grateful for everything you have done for me since my arrival in China . /非常感谢

25、你们热情友好的欢迎辞。中国是世界上最古老的文明摇篮之一,能拜访这个文明古国是我多年以来的梦想。/这次访问给予我一次极好的机会,可以拜访老朋友,结交新朋友。对这次访问这个伟大的国家和这座美丽的城市,我想再说一次,我感到非常愉快而且荣幸之至。/ 对你们为我到达贵国后所做的一切安排,我深表谢意。/ 江西外语外贸职业学院教案备课纸(4)第一节 导游口译 (饮食文化与来宾接待口译)一、要点概述:a.常用口译词汇与句型b.口译实践:(1). Dialogue interpreting from Chinese into English or vice verse(2) Passage Interpreta

26、tion二、a.常用口译词汇与句型:Chinese cuisine 中国的烹饪basic ways of cooking 基本的烹饪方法gourmet 美食家(of the mouth) to start watering 馋涎欲滴tender and juicy 鲜嫩可口spicy and hot 麻辣four major cuisines 四大菜系dipped in a special delicious sauce before eaten 醮着配好的多种调料吃Hope youve enjoyed yourself / the dinner. 菜不好,请多多包涵.I would appr

27、eciate your comments. / Your comments and suggestions are most welcome. 请多提宝贵意见。We are very glad you could make it today.我们很高兴今天你能光临。 Dont stand on ceremony; make yourself at home.不要客气,随便些吧。Ive long heard that Chinese dishes are famous for their color, flavor and taste.我早听说过,中国菜素以“色、香、味”闻名。That is a

28、 good choice. Its both delicious and nutritious. We call it health food.选得好!这道菜既美味可口,又营养丰富。我们称之为保健佳肴。You havent tried any roast duck yet. May I offer you some?你还没尝过烤鸭,我来给你挟点好吗?Peking duck is a carefully prepared dish and eating roast Peking duck is a ceremony.北京烤鸭是一道十分考究的菜式。As the old saying goes, “

29、When in Rome, do as Romans do.” Ill do as most Chinese do.常言道,“入乡随俗”,我服从中国人的习惯。Back in the States, Chinese food is Americanized. It never tastes really Chinese. 在美国,中国菜已经美国化了。总是吃不到正宗的中国风味。Generally speaking, Canton food is light and clear while Sichuan food has a strong and hot taste. As for Beijing

30、 food, it is usually salty and spicy.一般说来,广东菜比较清淡,四川菜味重而辣。而北京菜,则比较咸,香料放得多。Shanghai food features fresh fish and sea food dishes. The main cooking methods are: stewing with soy sauce, steaming, quick saute, braising, roasting, etc. Shanghais dishes are oily, tasty, sweet and colourful.上海菜注重活鱼海鲜,常用的烹饪

31、方法有:红烧、清蒸、生炒、油焖、火烤;其主要特点 油多、味浓、糖重、色深。江西外语外贸职业学院教案备课纸(4)We have Mao-tai. Its a really Chinese speciality. Its rather strong but wont go to your head.我们有茅台酒,这是真正的中国特产,酒劲大但却不冲脑。 I never touch anything alcoholic. 我一向滴酒不沾。I propose a toast to our friendship.我建议为我们的友谊干杯!二、b.口译实践:(1). Dialogue interpreting

32、 from Chinese into English or vice verse :( I-interpreter; F-foreigner; C-Chinese )F: Chinese food is world-famous. Today Im lucky enough to be in China to taste Chinese dishes. Would you please tell me something about Chinese cuisine? /I: 中国菜全球闻名,今天我有幸来到中国亲口品尝中国菜。您能简单介绍一下中国菜的烹饪方法吗?/C:中国的菜肴品种很多,据统计,

33、中国的各种不同风味的名菜有8000多种,所用各种不同配料也有600余种;各种基本的烹饪方法如烤、炒、煮等也有50多种。/I: Chinese dishes are known for their variety and abundance. According to statistics, the number of ancient and modern Chinese recipes amounts to over 8000, counting only the well-known ones. The ingredients can be classified into more than

34、 600 categories. There are about 50 different basic ways of cooking such as roasting, stir-frying and boiling./F: It is said that there are eight cooking schools in China. Can you name some of them?/I: 据说中国有八大菜系,您能说出几个吗?/C:中国幅员辽阔,各地都有自己的特色,所以有几个菜系说法不一。我看大体可以分成四个菜系,即北方菜、四川菜、江浙菜和南方菜。/I: China is a lar

35、ge country and each area has its own specialities. So there have been different opinions on classifying them into different schools. In my opinion they could be roughly classified into four major schools, namely, the Northern School, the Sichuan School, the Jiangzhe School and the Southern School./F

36、: Could you elaborate a little about the Northern School and the Sichuan School?/I: 你能否详细介绍一下北方菜和四川菜?/C: 北方菜俗称“京菜”。实际上京菜的大部分菜式来自鲁菜,即山东菜。因为中国北方气候寒冷,所以各种菜式选用含卡路里较高的用料,以保证足够的热量。北方菜比较有名的有“北京烤鸭”、“涮羊肉”、“烤羊肉”及各种海鲜、河鲜。I: The Northern School is usually called the Beijing School. Dishes of Beijing School actu

37、ally come chiefly from the Shandong School (of Shandong Province). Most of the dishes have a high calorie value answering the demands of the cold northern climate. Well-known Beijing dishes include Peking duck (a whole roasted duck), Shuanyangrou (slices of lamb quickly boiled in boiling water and d

38、ipped in a sauce before you eat it), roast lamb and a variety of fresh sea food as well as freshwater fish./F: Sichuan dishes are distinguished for being spicy and hot, arent they?/江西外语外贸职业学院教案备课纸(4)I: 四川菜以麻辣著称,对吧?/C: 对,川菜选用辣椒、蒜和姜等做调料,构成了川菜独特的麻辣浓味。此外,四川历来出名厨。川菜的用料主要来自山区产品和河鲜,因为四川是个内陆省。/I: Yes, their

39、 uniquely hot, pungent flavor is created by a mixture of spices and condiments, including hot pepper, garlic, ginger, etc. Besides, Sichuan Province has always produced skilful chefs. The ingredients of Sichuan dishes consist chiefly of mountain products and river fish, because Sichuan is an inland

40、province./(2) Passage Interpretation:Passage One Interesting Ways of Drinking For thousands of year, the Chinese people have been used to entertaining their guests with wine at family parties, wedding, or on holidays. /Different nationalities have different ways of drinking./ The Miao people in sout

41、heastern Guizhou usually treat their guests to wine in ox-horns. /They choose beautiful shaped horns, polish them on both sides with small knives and then carve patterns and lacquer them outside./ On holidays, gorgeously dressed girls receive guests at the entrance of their village with horns contai

42、ning wine in their hands. /Other girls present two or three red eggs to each guest. They hang the eggs on the guests chests as a blessing of good luck. /Seeing so much wine (about 500 grams)in the horn, some guests try to decline. /According to the rule, anybody who touches the horn in declining is

43、made to drink an additional horn of wine as a forfeit. /Actually the Maios rice wine is mellow, sweet, and nutritious. It is and ideal drink especially for summer./有趣的饮酒方式几千年来,中国人在家庭聚会、结婚和假日时,常用酒来款待客人。/不同民族有不同的饮酒方式。/贵州东南部的苗族人常把酒装在牛角里款待客人。/他们挑选式样美观的牛角,用刀把牛角的两边磨光,然后在外面刻上图案,涂上漆。/在假日里,穿戴华丽的姑娘们手捧装了酒的牛角在村

44、口接待客人。/其他的姑娘则送给每位客人两三枚红蛋。她们把红蛋挂在客人胸前,以祝好运。/有的客人看到牛角里有那么多酒(约一斤),便想推辞不饮。/根据规定,任何人手碰了牛角而不饮,就要罚他多饮一杯。/实际上,苗家的米酒芳醇甘美,富于营养,尤其是夏天的理想饮料。/江西外语外贸职业学院教案备课纸(4)Passage Two 年 夜 饭就像西方的圣诞聚餐一样,中国的年夜饭也是全家的聚会。/通常是在除夕之夜吃年夜饭,每个家庭成员,不管他离家多远,都会赶回家吃年夜饭的。/如果有人确实不能回来,那也要为他(她)在桌边留一个空位。/ 年夜饭至少要有10-12道菜,一般要吃上几个小时。/传统的菜包括一只鸡,一条鱼

45、,还有豆腐以及最必不可少的东西北方是饺子,南方是汤圆。/每一道菜都有它特殊的意义。/比如,在中国民间,鸡代表吉祥如意,鱼代表财运亨通,豆腐是幸福美满的表示,饺子和汤圆则是财富的象征,因为它们的形状象中国古代的元宝和金币。/ 春节的头三天是人们庆祝的高潮。烟花,舞龙和其他的民间活动随处可见。/人们走亲访友,在一起谈话,喝酒,吃饭。/在这之后,经过一段相对平静的日子,便又迎来了正月十五元宵节。/New Year FeastLike Christmas dinner, the New Year Feast is a family occasion./ It takes place on the Ev

46、e of New Years Day. Family members would get together for this special occasion, no matter how far away from home a member of the family might be./ If someone, for some reason or other, could not be home for the feast, a seat would be kept for him or her./A New Year Feast usually consists of at least 10 to 12 courses, and it would last for hours./ Traditional food for the New Year dinner must include a whole chicken, a whole fish, toufu, and what is most important, jiaozi (dumplings) in the North, or tangyuan in the South. / Each of these dishes has


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