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1、八年级英语上册Unit 2 School life练习第一课时 Welcome to the unit 一、词汇运用A写出下列中文的英式、美式英语词汇运用。 1饼干_ _ 2橡皮_ _3一楼_ _ 4假期_ _5商店_ _ 6电影_ _7秋天_ _ 8足球_ _B用所给单词的适当形式填空1There are _(少)students in Year 7 than Year 8.2The Englishmen speak _(英式) English.3There are many_(美国) students in their class.4Eddie thinks school life is

2、like _(看) TV.5If you want to learn better, you have to work (努力地)?二、选择填空( )1-I am always late for school. I dont know what to do? -Why _ get up early? A. dont B. not C. arent D. not to( )2Do you think dogs are _ than people?. A. clever B. cleverer C. The more clever D. cleverest( )3-Simon, do you ha

3、ve any good plans the weekend? -Id like to go fishing.A. to B. / C. for D. with( )4Tom,_ his cousin,_ to watch TV very much.A. likes; like B. likes; likes C. alike;like D. like; likes( )5Whats your best friend like?A. He is fine. Thank you. B. He is a doctor. C. He likes watching TV. D. He is helpfu

4、l and generous. ( )6Daniel got_ points in the last Maths exam in his class Aless Bthe least Cfewer Dthe fewest四、缺词填空。I have a cousin called Tony. He is a student in a big school. He a works hard at his lessons, such as History, Geography, Computer Studies. He is g at Maths. E is his favourite subjec

5、t. He thinks that a f language is as useful as Chinese, but its d from Chinese. A lot of English words are difficult to remember. He often takes his walkman with him, and spends a lot of time p listening and speaking with it. He is very kind helpful. He often helps his classmates with their lessons

6、after he finishes d his homework. He is the b of all the students in Science lesson. His classmates all admires(钦佩)him for his cleverness. In PE class he enjoys playing softball. He gets on well with other students. He always thinks most o others but thinks l of himself, so he really gives a good ex

7、ample to others.五、任务型阅读。 Andy was born in China 17 years ago. In 2007, she went to the USA with her family. As a high school student, she has found many differences between Chinese and Americans: About money 1) Americans like to spend more than they have, so many of them are always in debt(欠债). But

8、Chinese usually spend less than they have, so many of them always have money left in the bank. 2) The American kids themselves make their own money. Most Chinese kids always ask their parents for money. 3) Many American parents think there is no need to send their children to an expensive university

9、. Its different in China. Many Chinese parents would do anything to send their children to expensive universities though their families aret rich enough. About school Many American girls take part in sports, dancing and singing groups while many Chinese girls take part in study groups. About friends

10、 Most American parents let their sons or daughters make friends by themselves. They never ask them about their friends while Chinese parents usually enjoy knowing more about their childrens friends in many different ways, and usually stop them from staying out too late with friends Differences betwe

11、en Chinese and AmericansChineseAmericanMost Chinese spend 1_ money than they make, so they usually have some in the bank.Many Americans usually 2_ money from banks because they spend more than they have.Many Chinese parents usually do their 3_ to have their children study in expensive universities.M

12、any American parents think its 4_ to send their children to an expensive university.Chinese parents are usually 5_in knowing more about their childrens friends.Most American parents never care 6_what kind of friends their children make. Most Chinese kids get money from their 7_.American kids usually

13、 make money by 8_. Many Chinese girls join in 9_ groups.Many American girls exercise, dance and sing 10_.英语课时练习 8A Unit 2 School life 第二课时(Reading )一、用所给单词的适当形式天空:1.Home Economics is one of my favourite _(科目).2.I could cook food for _(自己) when I was ten years old.3.Li Lei is in the _(九) grade at No.

14、1 Middle School.4.Jim is one of my _(偶像). I love his songs very much.5.Im sure you need a _(健康的)diet if you want to be stronger.6.Do you speak _(Britain) English or American English?7.I dont know the _(mean) of the word “elevator”.8.We can use _(difference) words to mean the same things.9.Who read t

15、he _(many) books in your class during the Reading Week?10. Taking the plane is faster than (take) the bus.11. Jan spends two hours (practise) at the Swimming Club.12. My computer is different from (you).13. If you listen _ _(care), you will find it very easy.二、用动词的适当形式天空:1.Nobody knows what _ (happe

16、n) to him last week.2.If you put less salt, I think it will _(taste) better.3.You must do everything you can _(help) him solve the problem.4. Excuse me, do you know how _ (fly) a kite?5. My younger brother often spends much time _(lie) in bed on Sundays.6. Did you have a great time _(play) in the pa

17、rk ?7. Hes afraid of _(go) out alone at night .8. _(travel ) by plane is much faster than by train . 9. I didnt learn English before _(come) to this school . 10. Jack told a funny story and made the whole class _(laugh ).11. I will go hiking if it _(not rain ) tomorrow. 12. The father , together wit

18、h the children , _(watch) TV now . 13.You must do everything you can _(help) him solve the problem.三、单项选择:( ) 1. All the flower shops are on one side of the street. What about _ side? A. another B. the other C.other D.others( ) 2. Do you know make a toy dog? A. how to B. more better C. how can D. ho

19、w can to ( ) 3. Do you think _necessary to get up so early tomorrow morning? A. this B.that C. it D. its ( ) 4. We all know that Shanghai is larger than _ city in Jiangsu. A.any other B.any C.the other D.other( ) 5. Japan is bigger than _ city in China. A. any other B. the other C. any D. all the (

20、) 6. Dont forget to _ “Excuse me” when you trouble someone. A. speak B. tell C.say D.talk( ) 7. I spend _ time on my studies than my brother. A. fewer B. fewest C. least D. less( ) 8. They are as _ as usual. A. happily B. busily C. friendly D.carefully( ) 9. Can you see the children _ on the playgro

21、und? A. playing B. to play C.played D.play( ) 10.- _? -She is slim and beautiful. A. What does she like B. Whats she like C. What does she do D. Whats she alike( ) 11. -Do you mind if I sit here? -_.A.Yes , please B.No, youd better no C.Not at all D.Certainly( ) 12. Can you do the work better with _

22、 money and _ people? A. little; few B. few; little C.less; fewer D. fewer; less( ) 13. Lucys bag is different from _. A. I B. me C.my D.mine( ) 14. There is _ air pollution here than _. A. less ; other areas B. more; other areas C. less; in other areas D.more; in others areas( ) 15. It _ me 10 minut

23、es to walk to school. A. spends B.pays C.has D. takes ( ) 16. Millie has more pens than _. A. I am B. I do C. I has D. I have( ) 17. Tom , youre late again. Why not get up a little _? A.early B.earlier C.earliest D.the earliest( ) 18. Sam looks than John. A. excited B. exciting C. more excited D. mo

24、re exciting 四完成句子1. The book on the shelf is my sisters. (对划线部分提问) is your sisters?2. The weather here is wet and cold. (对划线部分提问) the weather here?3. Wu Dong runs fastest in his class. (改为同义句) Wu Dong runs student in his class.4. I think the film is very interesting. (改为否定句) I the film very interest

25、ing.5. Jane is taller than the other two girls. (改为同义句)Jane is the three girls.6. What does the word hero mean in Chinese? (改为同义句) What is hero in Chinese?7. How long does it take you to go to school on foot? (改为同义句)How long you school?8. The book is not the same as that one. (改为同义句) The book that o

26、ne.英语课时练习8A Unit 2 School life第三课时(Grammar )一、写出下列单词的比较级和最高级1.big _ _ 2.far _ _ 3.early _ _4.hot _ _ 5.little _ _ 6.healthy _ _7.well _ _ 8.bad _ _ 9.much _ _10.interesting _ _ 11.popular _ _ 12.many _ _13.good _ _ 14.far _ _ 15.quickly _ _二、用“few, little, many, much”的适当形式填空namesapplesorangesmoneyti

27、me for homeworkNancy106¥302 hoursDaniel84¥401 hourJohn62¥503 hours1.Nancy has _ apples than Daniel.2.John has _ oranges than Daniel.3.Nancy has _ apples of the three.4.John has _oranges.5.John has _ money than Daniel.6.Daniel spends _ time on homework than Nancy.7.John has _ money of the three.8.Dan

28、iel spends _ time on homework.三、用所给词的适当形式完成句子1.We should try to do the work better with _(little) money.2.The busier he is , the _(happy) he feels.3.Which is _(big), the sun, the earth and the moon?4.He is _(careful) than any other boy in his class.5.Of all the girls, she has _(few) friends.6.Nancy

29、joins _(many) clubs than John.7.He has _(little) free time of the four.8.We are making our country even _(beautiful).9.Skiing is not so _(dangerous) as diving.10.Jim is _(fast) runner of all.11. My cousin has the _ (many) friends of the three. 12. Dick spent _ (much) time watching TV than Sally.13.

30、My school uniform is _ (difference) from yours. 14. Jims English magazine isnt as _ (interest) as that one.15. My sister has _ (few) days off than I. 四、 单项选择( ) 1. The food on the plate smells _. You cant eat it.A. delicious B. badly C. well D. bad( ) 2. Kitty did quite _ in the English test. I did

31、even _. A. better; well B. good; better C. well; better D. well; good( ) 3. The boy thinks English is _ than Maths. What about you?A. very difficult B. difficult C. more difficult D. the most difficult( ) 4. There are _ students in Class 3 than in Class 6. A. few B. fewer C. little D. less ( ) 5. Yo

32、ure too heavy. You should eat _ meat and _ vegetables to keep fit.A. more; more B. less; fewer C. fewer; more D. less; more ( ) 6. Sally was fat last year, but she is much _ now. A. fat B. thin C. fatter D. thinner ( ) 7. Daniel doesnt do his homework as _ as his sister.A. more careful B. careful C.

33、 carefully D. most carefully ( ) 8. Mary has _ apples than Kitty, but Andy has _.A. more; most B. more; the most C. most; more D. the most; more( ) 9. The boy is _ my sister, so he sits in front of her.A. as tall as B. taller than C. not as tall as D. the tallest ( ) 10. Of all the CD players in the

34、 shop, this one is _.A. cheap B. very cheap C. cheaper D. the cheapest 英语课时练习 8A Unit 2 School life 第四课时(Integrated skills& study skills)一、翻译词组: 1.学生数 2.暑假的长度 3.休一周假 4.做早操 5.在夏天 6.上电脑课 7.穿校服 8.花大量的时间做二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. The number of the students in our school _(be) over 3000. 2. He spends _(much) time

35、 on study than his brother. 3. The _(long) of the bridge is 50 metres. 4. What shall we do if it _(rain) or _(snow)?5. My school has _(many) teachers than Johns, but _(few) than Daniels.一、根据汉语或首字母提示,完成句子 1.Sandy is helping him _(收集) information on the Internet. 2.He had _(驾驶) lessons last term. 3.Mo

36、st schools in China are _(混合的) ones. 4. The l_ of summer h_ is about two months in China. 5. Great news! We will have three days o_ next week.二、用所给词的适当形式完成句子 1. Daniel is the fastest _(swim) in his class. 2. Dont spend too much time _(chat) on the Internet. 3. I think the film is _(interesting) of a

37、ll. 4. My school has _(many) teachers than his. 5. It took us three days_(solve) the problem. 6. Lucy has _(few) friends in her class. 7. The number of the students in my class _(be) 45. 8. There _(be) a number of the workers in the hall yesterday.三、句型转换 1.Tom studies less carefully than Jack.(同义句)

38、Tom doesnt study _ _ _Jack. Jack studies _ _ than Tom. 2. Mary often helps me to learn maths. (同义句) Mary often helps me _ _. 3. Why dont you go to see the football match. (同义句) _ _ going to see the football match. 4. We will have a two-day holiday. (同义句) We will _ two days _. 5.There are sixteen Grade 9 classes at my school.(对划线部分提问) _? 6.Jim has few friends.(改为反义疑问句)Jim has few friends, _ _? 7. They have a little time. (改为反义疑问句)


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