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1、Unit 3Is this your pencil?SectionA(1a-2c),Learning goals:学习目标:1.学习使用有关学习用品的常用词汇,如:pencil,box,pen,ruler,book,eraser,schoolbag,dictionary等。2.能够初步感知名词性物主代词辨认物品的所有者的表意功能,如:mine,yours,his,hers等。3.复习形容词性物主代词,并能够区分名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词的用法。如:my-mine,your-yours,his-his,her-hers等。4.能够使用指示代词的一般疑问句来询问物品的所者,并能简单回答此类问

2、题。如Is this your pencil?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.Are these your books?Yes,they are./No,they arent.,a schoolbag,a pencil box,some books,a dictionary,Whats in your schoolbag?,Check the words 词汇检查,a pen,an eraser,a ruler,a pencil,a pencil box,Whats in your pencil-box?,1.pencil _2.pen _3.books _4.eraser _5.

3、ruler _6.pencil box _7.schoolbag _8.dictionary _,e,g,b,h,c,f,a,d,1a,Match the words with the things in the picture.,Listen and fill in the things you hear.,1b,Conversation 1:_ Conversation 2:_Conversation 3:_,This is my pen.Its mine.(它是我的),Thats her ruler.Its hers.(它是她的),Thats his eraser.Its his.(它是

4、他的),Presentation 感悟新知,This is my pen.Its mine.(它是我的),Thats her ruler.Its hers.(它是她的),my+pen=mine 我的,her+ruler=hers 她的,his+eraser=his 他的,Thats his eraser.Its his.(它是他的),your+book=,yours 你的,温馨小贴士:名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词,A:Is this your pencil?B:Yes,it is.Its mine.,A:Is that your schoolbag?B:No,it isnt.Its

5、his.,A:Are these your books?B:No,they arent.Theyre hers.,Listen and number the conversations 1-3.,3,2,1,1b,Listening practice2 听力训练2,观察与思考1 1、听力1b中用来询问学习用品所属关系的问句是?可以用 和 进行回答,谈谈自己对学习用品所属关系。2、小组讨论1b中的新词汇:mine,his,hers.,跟踪训练1 按要求回答句子。Is this your book?(肯定回答)_,_ _._ _.2.Is that your schoolbag?(否定回答)_,_

6、 _._ _(他的).3.Are these your erasers?(否定回答)_,_ _._ _(她的)4.Are those your erasers?(肯定回答)_,_ _._ _.,开展活动“我是小小记录员”。自制表格,用或记录同伴书包里的学习用品。,Listen and check()the things you hear.,2a,Listening skill:Make sure what you have to do before listening.,Listening practice1 听力训练1,Complete the conversation with the w

7、ords in the box.,2b,erasers pencil ruler pencil box books,Tom:Excuse me,Grace.Is this your pencil?Grace:Yes,thank you.And those are my _.Tom:And Jane,is this your _?Jane:No,it isnt.Its hers.Tom:OK,and these are my _.This is your _,Jane.,erasers,ruler,books,pencil box,Listening practice3 听力训练3,Listen

8、ing skills:1.Read through the short conversation.2.Make a prediction before listening.,Listen and choose“T”or“F”,Listening practice,()1.The pencil is Toms.()2.The erasers arent Graces.()3.Jane has(有)a ruler.()4.The books are Toms.,F,F,F,T,跟踪训练2选择恰当的单词,完成下面的句子。1.Is this your(book/books)2.Are those yo

9、ur(schoolbag/schoolbags)3.Are these your(erasers/eraser)4.It is not my pen,its(her/hers)5.They are my rulers,they aren t(he/his)6.It is not your pencil,its(my/mine),小组长汇报本组调查结果:I have 6 school things.The book is mine.That ruler isnt,Is this your?,Is that your?,.,Is this your eraser?,Yes,it is.Its mi

10、ne.,Is that your schoolbag?,No,it isnt.Its hers.,Practice 练一练,Is this your pencil box?,Yes,it is.Its mine.,Is that your eraser?,No,it isnt.Its his.,Pairwork,A:Is this your.?B:Yes,it is.Its mine.A:Is that your.?B:No,it isnt.Its his/hers.,两人一组对话,Are these your books?,Yes,they are.Theyre mine.,Are thos

11、e your dictionaries?,No,they arent.Theyre his.,A good manner.,Return the things that you find or borrow as soon as possible.,及时归还你发现或找到的东西。,【课堂练习】一、根据所给汉语完成英语短语。1、一块橡皮_ 2、他的铅笔盒_ 3、你的铅笔 _ 4、她的直尺 _5、我的书包_ 6、我的蓝钢笔 _7、她的书_ 8、你的英语字典_,.,.,【课堂练习】二、用单词的适当形式填空.1.Look,this is _(I)mother.(she)name is Jenny.2.T

12、hese are his _(parent).(them)are teachers.3.What color is(he)ruler?Its yellow.4.Is that(you)pencil?No,it isnt.Its(she).5.The books are(you),and those are(I).,.,.,【课堂练习】三、汉译英1.这些是你的朋友吗?Are _ _ _?2.那些是他们的尺子吗?不,不是。_ _ their _?No,_ _.3.打扰了,这是你的书吗?不,不是。是她的。Excuse.Is this your _?No,it isnt.Its.4.那是你姐姐吗?不,

13、她不是,她是我是朋友。that your?No,she.Shes my.,.,.,Lets chant!,book book Is this your book?Yes,it is.Its mine.,book book Is this your book?NO,it isnt.Its his.,pencil pencil Is that your pencil?Yes,it is.Its mine.,pencil pencil Is that your pencil?NO,it isnt.Its hers.,rulers rulers Are these your rulers?Yes,th

14、ey are.They are mine.,方法一,【课堂小结】,rulers rulers Are these your rulers?No,they arent.They are Bobs.,erasers erasers Are those your erasers?Yes,they are.They are mine.,erasers erasers Are those your rulers?No,they arent.They are Bobs.,【家庭作业】1.听录音,背诵P13单词和1b、2b。(必做)2.把Step 6的小组汇报写在作文本上。(必做)3.仿造2b,与你的同桌用所学单词和句型写一个对话并表演(选做),Have a good time!,Good bye!,


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