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1、汉译英Translation from Chinese into EnglishC-E Translation 陈 荦 2012-2-14Section OneLexical Translation (I)学习目标 对比汉英词汇的异同,提高理解能力,扩大词汇量,翻译表达时做到用词贴切、搭配地道。学习关键: 克服词对词的翻译倾向,注重词的搭配习惯。学习重点:1.汉英构词法异同2.翻译时选词应注意的事项:1)词义辨析;2)注意搭配;3)不拘泥原文词性。4)意义和风格忠实。Contents:I. Introduction1. Inverse Translation-About C-E Transla

2、tion2. Course Description Translation Principle Aim of this Course Translation Criteria4) Contents of this CourseII. A Contrastive Study of Chinese and English Vocabulary and Lexical Translation Strategy. (Lexical Translation)Bibliography:陈宏薇,李亚丹,新编汉英翻译教程M, 上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2004.中国翻译J I. Introduction I

3、nverse Translation (逆向翻译)-Translation from the translators native language into a foreign language;also known as Service Translation (服务型翻译)inverse translation- A term used to describe a translation, either written or spoken, which is done from the translators native language (or language of habitua

4、l use). An alternative term for inverse translation is service translation. Pedagogical purpose (well-known Chinese translators working into English:杨宪益、程镇球etc.)2. Course Description Translation Principle-message Translation Criteria-diction, syntax, discourse (coherence and cohesion)3) Aim of this

5、Course-text types and translation3. Contents of this Course lexical translation sentence translation discourse translation text types and translation Glossary & sentence patterns Chinglish4. About the Assignment5. Reference books and lexicons每周汉译英时事政经词语选登 新的经济增长点 new growth areas in the economy 信息技术

6、 information technology (IT) 造假帐 falsified accounts 招标投标制 the system of public bidding for projects 证券法 the Securities Law 政务公开 make government affairs public 自律机制 the self-restraining system 遵纪守法、廉洁奉公 observe the relevant code of conduct and the law and honestly perform ones official duties 环保产业 en

7、vironmentally conscious businesses 生态农业 environment(ally)-friendly agriculture 增值服务 value-added services收、发货人 consignors and consignees配送货物 distribute goods提取货物 take delivery of goods免税 tax exemption退运手续 returning formalities存储期限 storage time分级分类、分拆分拣、分装、计量 grading and classification, dismantling an

8、d sorting out, separate packing, measuring保税物流园区 bonded logistic parks国际采购、分销和配送 international purchase, allocation and distributionWeekly Study of English Sentence Patterns and thatReturn to your work, and that at once.回去工作,而且要马上去。“and that “应译为“而且”,是加强语气的省略说法。”that “代表上文的全部或一部分,若代替前面的复数名词时,也可说成 “a

9、nd those”, 如With very short intervals of sleep, and those entirely filled with dreams.例句:The snow began to come down and that in earnest.开始下雪了,而且下得很大。Every moment may be put to some use, and that with much more pleasure than if unemployed.时时刻刻都是可加利用来做点什么事的,而且比不做事更为快乐。He speaks English, and that very

10、 well.他会说英语,而且说得很好。试译:I have tried in vain to account for the fact that with their absurd habits of eating and indolence, the German students can study so many hours and that to extreme old age.II. A Contrastive Study of Chinese and English Vocabulary and Translation Strategy. (Lexical Translation)

11、English Word-formation Conversion Derivation Compounding Clipping Blending Borrowing Initialism Back-formation2. Chinese Word-formation (1) Similarities compounding, affixation, sound-changing, abbreviation and borrowing (2) Differences reduplication (重叠法) conversion, back-formation (tape- recording

12、 tape-record 逆成法). (3) Chinese Word-formation and Translation Techniques 合成法 a. 汉语构词的主要方法,可用来构成名词、形容词、副词和动词,反映主谓、动宾、动补、并列和限定等关系。 b.例子见课本P37 c. TranslationE.g. 主谓关系:心跳:heartbeat, pant, cardiopalmus (翻译时应区分词性,文体)心虚:(做贼心虚) have (with) a guilty conscience; (缺乏自信心)lacking in self-confidence; diffident (翻

13、译时应辨义)眼看:soon; in a moment眼看天就要下雨了。Itll rain soon.她眼看着孩子跌倒了而不管。She sat idly by and watched the child fall.动宾关系:刺骨:刺骨的河水 icy river刺骨的风 icybiting bitterpiercingfreezingcutting wind刺骨之恨Hatred that penetrated to the bone; bitter hatred并列关系:(同义并列)波浪 wave敏捷 swift舍弃 to abandon; to discard(反义并列)得失 gain and

14、loss; success and failure权衡得失Weigh gains and losses; 从不计较个人得失。Never give a thought to personal gain or loss.善恶 good and evil他善恶不分,常常以善报恶。He never distinguishes the good from the bad and always returns good for evil. 是非 right and wrong是非问题A matter of right and wrong明辨是非to distinguish clearly between

15、right and wrong惹是生非 to stir up trouble; to provoke a disputeHandy Tips: 翻译时应注意:不可逐字翻译,不可复制原文修饰关系,不宜照搬词性,应灵活处理。译无定法。2) 缀合法 定义 缀合法是将不能独立使用的语素即语缀,附加在词干的后面组合成词的方法。 “ 什么是语缀?朱德熙先生在语法讲义中第二章第五节中讲了后缀。认为语缀有这样一些特征:(1)没有实在的词汇意义。(2)不能单独使用。(3)只能做构词成分。 “词缀本来是有意义的,“不想撞见张驴儿父子两个,那老张问道有张驴儿数次调戏你女孩儿”(窦娥冤),何乐士评论说,由此可见,“老

16、还有些形容词的作用”(何乐士,54页)。直到今天,“老”也没有完全失去意义,“老张”也许不太老,但也不会很年青。在 “老师”、 “老兄”、“老弟”、“老茧”这些词里多多少少能体味出某种“老”的含义。不过,词缀原有的含义,即使仍有所保留,通常也比较浅淡,有时则已完全消失。“老弟”之“老”,和“老”的本义已相去甚远,要在“老师”、“老虎”、“老鼠”这些词里去挖掘共通的意义,近乎徒劳。所以我们在这里还是应当把“老”看作词缀而不看作一个独立具有意义的单位。(陈荦:翻译时, “老师”、 “老虎”、 “老鼠”中的 “老”应弱化。意义保留较多的词缀应考虑翻译出来。如: 窦娥冤中的”老张”可译为 “that

17、old fool”; “that old guy”; “that old bloke”,但不译为 “old Zhang”) 汉英语缀对比A汉语的语缀远不如英语多。吕叔湘先生在汉语语法分析问题中提出: 语缀一般分为前缀、后缀、中缀。汉语里地道的语缀不很多,前缀有“阿”、“第”、“初”、“老”(鼠、虎、师、表)、“小”(鸡儿、孩儿、辫儿)等,后缀有“子”、“儿”、“头”、 “巴”、“者”、“们”、“然”等,中缀只有“得”、 “不” (看得出、看不出)。(吕叔湘汉语语法论文集 , 商务印书馆 , 1984年4月第1版 , 第517页) B. 汉语语缀的字形与词根没有差别,英语语缀的字形与词根差别很大

18、。如in-、 un-、 -ness、 -or。 C. 汉语有些词缀在一定上下文中可独立使用,而英语的词缀不能独立使用。如:“非”在“是非”中。 D汉语一缀一义,十分严格,英语词缀一缀多义的现象十分普遍。 Handy Tips for Translation: (1)翻译时不能“望缀生义”,要勤查字典。 如:“超”作前缀,与之对应的有多个英语前缀: ultra-、 super-、 extra-、 hyper-。 “超短波”译为 ultrashort waves,“超短裙”得译为 miniskirt,“超标准”译为 superstandard,“超语言符号”则是 extralinguistic s

19、igns,“超代数”译为 hyperalgebra,而“超大气压”的译文是 overpressure,“超高频”则是 ultra-high frequency。 (2)有些词缀无须翻译。 “子”作后缀时,加在名词、形容词或动词词素后缀合成名词。如:帽子 (cap)、旗子 (flag)、命根子 (lifeblood)、胖子 (fatty)、矮子 (shorty)、垫子 (cushion, mat)、掸子 (duster)、骗子 (swindler)。 上例中,除了最后两个词的译文用了 -er,其余的“子”都没有用英语的后缀来翻译。 3)音变法 本教材所称“音变法”,在汉语中指的是多音字,英语中其

20、实是转类构词法,翻译时应注意辨义。 4)缩略法 汉语和英语都能用缩略法构词,即缩短原来的词或词组构成缩略词。这种词缩短后既不改变词义,也不改变词类,可以使语篇简洁。 汉语构成缩略词的方法很多。如北京大学北大、清华大学清华、上海外国语大学上外、北京外国语大学北外、华中师范大学华中师大、中央电视台央视、上海外语教育出版社外教社、外语教学与研究出版社外研社、青年和少年青少年、北大西洋公约组织北约、环境保护环保、全国人民代表大会人大等。英语的缩略词主要通过压减字母生成,如: April Apr. December Dec. Tuesday Tues. address add. foot ft. Lim

21、ited Ltd. United Nations UN very important person VIP 英译汉语缩略词时,可使用规范的缩略形式,如: “央视”可译为 CCTV (Central China Television Station), “北大”可译为 Beida(?) (Peking University, ), “清华”可译为 Tsinghua (Tsinghua University, ),如英文介绍中使用了Tsinghuas former Senior Administrator “华中师大”译为 CCNU (Central China Normal University

22、?英文网页中同时使用了HZU,网址是www. C) “复旦大学” Fudan University (Fudan) “南开大学“ Nankai University (未见缩写,除了在英文网页的文章标题中见到About Nankai。文中未用) “上海交通大学” Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU, 如:英文简介中:Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), directly subordinate to the Ministry of Education, is a key university in China, join

23、tly run by the Ministry and Shanghai Municipality. ) “香港大学” The University of Hong Kong(HKU, 如:英文简介中:The University of Hong Kong (or HKU, as it is familiarly known to students, staff and alumni) is the oldest tertiary education institution in Hong Kong. )香港中文大学The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CU

24、HK) 英文简介:Founded in 1963, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is a forward looking comprehensive research university with a global vision and a mission to combine tradition with modernity, and to bring together China and the West. CUHK teachers and students hail from all corners of the world.

25、 补充:英语缩略语的使用(1) When we refer to a thing such as an organization, institution, official body, or the like for the first time in a formal context, we should use their full names. While in the second reference, we can abbreviate the full names into initials. For example, the Communist Party of China,

26、spelled out , perhaps, at the beginning of a passage, becomes in later references “the Party” or just “the CPC.”(2) Some organizations become so well known by their initials that they are seldom referred to by their full name. EG., the UN, WTO, etc. Occasionally, initials can be used to replace the

27、full name of an entity even when it is not a capitalized title. For example, “gross domestic product” and the less familiar names such as “township and village enterprises” can both be initialized. EG - The nations first four special economic zones - Zhuhai, Shenzhen, Xiamen and Shantou SEZs - were

28、created in 1979 as labs for industrial reform. - Deng Xiaoping brought Zhu to the capital permanently in 1991 to help revive the economy and tackle one of its most pressing and perplexing problems: the dismal performance of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) 5) 外来语 又称“借词”。 翻译方法:外来语通常是源语的词通过音译、意译或音义合译的方式

29、进入译语。翻译时应找到它在源语中的确切说法,而不是另起炉灶进行翻译。例子见教材39页。6)重叠法 汉语还可以通过重叠部分或全部语素的方法构成新词。汉语的名词、量词、动词、形容词都可按一定的格式重叠生成新词。例如:“(1) AA 爸爸 看看(2) AAB 毛毛雨 洗洗手(3) BAA 眼巴巴 乱蓬蓬(4) AABC 脉脉含情 楚楚动人(5) BCAA 衣冠楚楚 风雪茫茫(6) AABB 哭哭啼啼 说说笑笑(7) ABAC 一举一动 一针一线(8) A 里 AB 糊里糊涂 傻里傻气(9) ABAB 研究研究 比试比试(10) A 一(呀) A 看一看 说一说 试呀试” 叠词的修辞效果及翻译:叠词生

30、成后,往往带上了附加意义,即蕴涵意义。例如:(1)类表示亲切,语气缓和;(2)类与(9)类组成的动词有动作短暂、轻松的含义;(10)类表示动作的短暂或试验性;(8)类有时表示嫌恶的感情;其余各类均有强调的意味。 Handy Tips for Translation:(1) 抛弃形式,保留意义:如:毛毛雨:形容雨丝细。无法保留形式。It is drizzling.A light drizzle is falling. It is raining lightly.Light fine rainA dull, drizzly morning眼巴巴:(急切地盼望) To look on with ea

31、ger eyes; (expecting) eagerly; anxiously(看着不如意的事情发生而无可奈何,束手无策;干着急但帮不上忙)Helplessly, helpless乱蓬蓬乱蓬蓬的胡子 unkempt beard乱蓬蓬的茅草 a jumbled mass of reeds乱蓬蓬的头发 disheveled hair; tangled hair脉脉含情Ones eyes are full of affection.To watch sb. with affection.Showing deep affection.Affectionately, lovingly, amorous

32、lyFull of tender affectionVery much enamored; amorousAffectionately soft eyes; languishing(2) 采用重复手段以再现强调意味。例句见课本40页.(3) 使用语义相符的词或语法结构。例句见课本40页.Assignments:Assignment 1:(注:交作业的同学只交汉译英实践部分。)1.阅读教材36-40页。2.翻译下列词组:哭哭啼啼 一举一动 研究研究 说一说 试呀试3、英汉语各有哪些构词法,各举例说明。4、借词有哪些翻译方法?举例说明。5、以叠词的翻译为例论证语言差异对翻译实践的影响。6、翻译下列

33、句子:1)培养环保龙头企业,建设五大环保基地,创办环保产业园区将成为哈尔滨市新的经济增长点。2)他提议采取立法手段,实现借助信息网络提高政务透明度,扩大公众参与和讨论政治问题的渠道。3)总理要求各级官员遵纪守法,廉洁奉公,建立一个廉洁的政府。7、复习补充材料:英语标点符号、斜体字和首字母大写的使用规范8. 翻译: 你知道,乌龟总是把自己的家驮在背上。无论它怎么努力,也总是没办法离开自己的屋子。他们说,这是朱庇特(罗马神话中最大的神)对它的惩罚。因为乌龟太懒了,一步也不愿意离开家,即使被特别邀请去参加朱庇特神的婚礼,它也还是没有出门。 很多年过去了,乌龟开始希望自己曾经去参加过婚礼。鸟儿们欢快地

34、在天空飞来飞去,兔子啊,花鼠(Chipmunk)啊,还有其他所有的动物们,都敏捷地跑来跳去。乌龟只能眼睁睁地看着,渴望自己也能看到它们所看到的一切。乌龟垂头丧气的,一肚子不高兴。它也想看看这个世界,可是背上总是驮着个房子,短短的四条腿又只能拖着它慢慢腾腾地爬动。 有一天,乌龟遇见了一对野鸭,把自己的苦恼告诉了它们。 “我们可以帮你欣赏整个世界。”野鸭们说,“用牙齿咬住这跟树枝,我们将带你飞上高高的天空,这样你就可以看到整个乡村的景色了。不过,你一定要安安静静,不要开口说话,不然就惨啦。” 乌龟听了非常高兴,用牙齿紧紧地咬住树枝。两只野鸭各自抓住树枝的一端,向着天空中漂浮的云彩飞去。 就在这时,一只乌鸦从它们身边飞过。看到这幕奇怪的景象,乌鸦惊讶万分,叫道:“这一定是乌龟们的国王。” “当然是啦”乌龟刚开口说。就在它张嘴说出这些蠢话的时候,牙齿松开了咬着的树枝。就这样,乌龟直直地向地面掉去,砸在一块石头上摔了个粉身碎骨。


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