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1、人教版 年级:九年级上 科目:英语 主备人: 复核人: 编写时间:2014年8月29日课题Unit1 How can we become good learners?课型:新授课第1课时 Section A (1a1c) 听说课【学习目标】1、熟练掌握下列词汇:textbook conversation aloud pronunciation sentence patient 2、熟练掌握下列短语: work with friends make word cards read the textbook listen to tapes ask the teacher for help 3、掌握下

2、列句型:- How do you study for a test? - I study by working with a group. 【学习重点、难点】掌握SectionA 1a-1c所有重点单词,短语和句型。难点:介词by引导的方式状语的合理运用。【学习流程一】1、预习交流(10分钟)一、独学:1、熟读记住以上目标词汇。2.完成课本P1 1a。3、读一读,译一译work with friends _ make word cards _ read the textbook _ listen to tapes _ ask the teacher for help _ 二、对学或群学:相互检

3、查单词、1a及预习导航相关练习,交流疑难。【学习流程二】 展示点评 (25分钟)一、 预习展示: 1. 检查全班同学对词汇的掌握情况。 2. 分组检查课本1a及预习导航部分的完成情况。二、 新课展示: 1. 同桌结对完成1a。 2. 听力训练: 1)听录音同桌结对完成1b 并核对答案。 2)再听一遍,跟读并注意语音、语调。3)口语展示:用1b 中的信息编对话。A: How do you study for a test? B: I study by working with a group.by making word cards by working with friends by aski

4、ng the teacher for help 【学习流程三】 小结提升 (10分钟)1. 各自对本课时所学知识进行小结。 2. 根据汉语提示用正确形式填空。1. Do you often have any _ (课本)?2. I learn English by reciting _ (句子).3. Please read _ (大声地), I cant hear you. 4. Your _ (发音) sounds good. 5. Do you have _ (对话) with him in English?课题Unit1 How can we become good learners?

5、 课型:新授课第2课时 Section A (2a2d) 听说课【学习目标】1. 掌握以下句子1)Do you learn English by watching videos?2)Do you ever practice conversations with friends? 3)What about listening to tapes? 4)What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 5)Have you ever studied with a group? 2. 运用By+ving的结构完成听力练习(重点) 3. 正确运用By

6、+ving的结构探讨学习的方法(难点)【学习流程一】 预习交流 (10分钟)一、独学:1. 熟读识记以上目标句子。2. 熟读课本P2 2d部分,并把它翻译成汉语。 3. 预习导航: 朗读句子并翻译1. Do you learn English by watching videos? 2. Do you ever practice conversations with friends? 3. What about listening to tapes? 4. What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 5. Have you ever

7、studied with a group? 二、 群学:交流疑难,提交问题【学习流程二】 展示点评 (25分钟) 一、预习展示:1. 检查对新单词的掌握情况。2. 分组展示预习导航。 二、新课展示:1. 听录音,完成2a。2. 再听一遍录音,用2a的信息,完成2b。三、口语展示:1. 用2a、2b 中的信息编对话,然后各组派一对子到前板展示。2. 朗读2d对话,并与同伴结对分角色表演对话。【学习流程三】 小结提升 (10分钟)1. 各自对本课时所学知识进行小结。 2. 提升练习:单选 ( )1How do you study Chinese so well?_reading plenty of

8、 books.A. In B. By C. On D.With( )2.How about seeing the film with me?Sorry. I_it twice.A. am seeing B. will see C. see D. have seen( )3. My grandfa has a computer , but he doesnt know_to use it.A. what B. how C. who D. which( )4. He usually practices _.A. play the piano B. playing piano C. playing

9、the piano D. play piano( )5. What about_?A. go for a walk B. going for a walk C. go for walk D. going for walk( )6.Have you _seen this film?Yes, of course.A. still B. ever C. even D.always( )7.How about having a cup of tea?_.A. I want it. B. Help yourself C. Good idea D. Me, too.( )8. Jim went to Be

10、ijing _last week.A. by planes B. by plane C. by a plane D. on plane( )9. do you visit your grandma?- twice a month.A How soon B. How often C.How long D. How课题Unit1 How can we become good learners? 课型:新授课第3课时 Section A(3a3b) 阅读课【学习目标】1掌握新单词expression, discover, secret , fall in love with, grammar2理解重

11、点句子3英语学习中会遇到很多难题,我们要积极面对。4.掌握学习英语的方法。学习重点:1熟记重点单词短语。2语法: by + 动词ing的用法3.本课重要句子。4.by + 动词ing的用法(难点)【学习流程一】 预习交流 (10分钟)一、 独学:1.看3a的图片回答下面的问题:(1)Who is the young girl in the picture? (2)What does the passage talk about? (3) Did the young people love English at first? 2. 仔细阅读3a的文章,回答下面的问题: (1)Why did We

12、i Fen find it difficult to learn English? (2) What did she do in English class? (3)What is the secret to language learning?二、对学或群学:组内交流预习中遇到的问题,并作好展点准备。【学习流程二】 展示点评 (25分钟)一、 预习展示: 1. 检查同学们对目标单词的掌握情况。 2. 分组检查3a及预习部分的完成情况。二、新课展示: 1. 仔细阅读3a,按要求完成3b。2.分组展示3a的语言点。 三、口语练习:朗读 3a,各组派1名组员到前板做口语展示。【学习流程三】 小结提

13、升 (10分钟)1. 对照学习目标,总结本节课的学习收获。 2. 提升练习:a. 填空题:Wei Fen disliked her English class last year, because she couldnt understand her teacher. And her _ made the things worse. But one day, she _ a movie called Toy Story. She began to get the meaning by watching their _ and _ on their faces, by listening for

14、 _ and by _ in a dictionary. Her _ was improved and many _ were learned. Now she enjoy learning Englishb . 用所给词的适当形式填空.1).Harry just _ (hide behind) until they had gone.2)Luke is afraid of _ (go) to bed in the dark.3)Dont be afraid to _ (ask) for help.4) She spoke _ quietly _ I could hardly hear her

15、. (太.以至于)课题Unit1 How can we become good learners? 课型:新授课第4课时 Section A(Grammar focus4c)复习课【学习目标】1掌握新单词repeat note pal pattern physics chemistry 2理解重点句子 3掌握学习英语的方法。【学习重点】 1熟记重点单词短语。2语法: by + 动词ing的用法3.本课重要句子。4.掌握有关英语学习方法的对话。【学习难点】by + 动词ing的用法【学习流程一】:预习交流(10分钟)一、 独学:1.熟读并熟记Grammar focus。2.完成4a,4b,4c的

16、练习。二、对学或群学:组内交流预习中遇到的问题,并作好展点准备。【学习流程二】展示点评(25分钟)一、预习展示:1.检查全班同学对grammar focus的掌握情况。 2.分组检查4a,4b,4c的练习。二、新课展示:1.分组展示4a,4b,4c的练习。【学习流程三】 小结提升 (10分钟)1. 对照学习目标,总结本节课的学习收获。 2. 提升练习 根据要求完成句子,每空一词。1. My brother usually studies English by working with friends. (对画线部分提问) 有 _ _ your brother usually study Eng

17、lish?网2. This boy so young that he cant do this job. (改为同义句)om This boy is _ _ _ do this job.3. - How do you learn Chinese? - I learned by _ a lot of books.4. She earns her life by _ (卖)newspaper.5. - _ improve your writing? - I can improve it by keeping diaries.课题Unit1 How can we become good learne

18、rs? 课型:新授课第5课时 Section B (1a1e) 听说课【学习目标】1. 掌握单词 partner n. 搭档;同伴 p.5 Pronounce v.发音 p.5increase /inkri:s/ v. 增加;增长 speed /spi:d/ n. 速度 p.52. 掌握句子-I cant pronounce some of the words . I cant understand spoken English. I dont know how to increase my reading speed. I cant spell some English words. I m

19、ake mistakes in grammar.3、正确运用动名词谈论学习中的问题(难点)【学习流程一】 预习交流 (10分钟)一、独学:1、我们现在开设了哪些科目?你知道它们的英语单词吗?物理 physics 化学chemistry 历史history 地理geography 生物biology 语文Chinese数学math 英语 美术信息 政治 音乐 体育2、完成课本P51a,1b部分。3、读记短语:1、pronounce some of the words. 拼读一些单词2、understand spoken English. 懂得口语3、how to increase my read

20、ing speed. 怎样提高我的阅读速度4、spell some English words. 拼写一些英语单词5、make mistakes in grammar. 语法方面出错误6、have a partner to practice English with. 有伙伴一起练习英语二、对学或群学:相互检查预习相关练习完成情况,交流疑难。【学习流程二】 展示点评 (25分钟)一、 预习展示: 检查全班同学对学习目标的掌握情况。二、 听力训练:1.听第一遍录音,完成1c; 2.听第二遍录音,完成1d。3.再听一遍录音,整体感知对话内容,增强语感。三、口语展示:用1c、1d中的信息编对话,完成

21、1e 。 各组派几个组员到前板做口语展示。【学习流程三】 小结提升 (10分钟)1. 对照学习目标,总结本节课的学习收获。 2. 提升练习:英汉务译1、Maybe=perhaps 2、join an English club. 3、in his notebook 4、 在家里学习它们 5、练习口语 6、得到正确的,取得权利 7、get much practice. 课题Unit1 How can we become good learners? 课型:新授课第6课时 Section B(2a2e) 阅读课【学习目标】1、掌握单词:Ability n.能力;才能 p.6 brain /brein

22、/ n. 大脑 p.6 active /ktiv/ adj. 活跃的;积极的 p.6 attention n. 注意;关注 p.6pay attention to 注意;关注 p.6 connect v.(使)连接;与.有联系 p.6review /rivju:/ v. & n. 回顾;复习 p.6 knowledge n.知识;学问 p.6wisely /waizli/ adv. 明智地;聪明地 p.6overnight adv. 一夜之间;在夜间 p.62、掌握短语connect With把.和.连接或联系起来 p.6 3、运用动名词谈论英语学习方法(难点)【学习流程一】 预习交流 (10

23、分钟)一、独学: 1、记住以上目标词汇。2、勾划下列短语、句子并读记含义1)whether or not 2)depends on 3) in common4)Everyone is born with the ability to learn.每个人与生带来的学习能力。5)Creating an interest in what they learn学习中创造兴趣6)pay attention to注意到注意力集中到7)Your brain is more active and it is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a lo

24、ng time.你的大脑越活跃,就越容易长时间集中精力学习它。8)Good learners often connect what they need to learn with something they are interested in.优秀学生通常把兴趣和学习内容联系起来。9)get bored疲倦,劳累10)Practicing and learning from mistakes(练习)实践和从错误中学习11)“use it or lose it” “取舍”二、 群学:交流疑难,提交问题【学习流程二】 展示点评 (25分钟)一、预习展示:1. 检查预习效果,讨论2a 。2. 分组

25、展示预习情况。二、新课展示:1.阅读文章完成2b,2c 。2. 小组讨论完成2d、2e 。【学习流程三】 小结提升 (10分钟)1. 总结本节课的学习收获。 2. 提升练习:汉译英。1.令我吃惊的是,我发现自己和这个陌生人之间有很多共同之处。2.天气若不很冷,我总是开着窗户睡觉。21世纪教育网版权所有3.你能依靠她来应付(deal with)这种局面。4.请注意你的字迹。5.他对小说(fiction)感兴趣。 课题 Unit1 How can we become good learners? 第7课时 Section B(3aself-check) 综合课【学习目标】1. 巩固本单元的重点单词

26、及短语(重点)2. 运用动名词就英语学习方法进行写作(1)、介绍自己或他人的英语学习经验;(2)、给他人提出英语学习建议;(3)、描述自己或他人在英语学习中的问题(难点)【学习流程一】 复习交流 (10分钟)一、独学:完成self-check二、 群学:交流疑难,提交问题【学习流程二】 展示点评 (25分钟)一、预习展示:1.分组展示self-check 。二、新课展示:1. 根据教材上3a中的问题写出三个最好的学习方法。2. 利用刚才所写的要点,按照教材上3b中的提示步骤,写一封信给你的朋友。写作思路:此篇作文以谈论怎样学习英语为主线,主要内容是谈论英语学习的方法。写作内容渗透着本单元的话题

27、和语言目标谈论怎样学习。 在写作过程中要明确以下几点:(1)由作文要谈及的主要内容决定我们在写作中要运用表示方式的“by+v. -ing”结构,动名词短语作主语等。(2)结合话题内容,我们在写作过程中要大量用到表达英语学习方式的短语。 【学习流程三】 小结提升 (10分钟)1. 各自对本课时所学知识进行小结。 2. 提升练习:用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。understand, success, write, listen, stay1. Mary said the learned English by_ to tapes.2. I often go out with friends on weekends instead of_ at home alone.3. He_ in building a new house by trying many times last year.4. Youd better find a pen pal if you dont get much_ practice.5. The teacher told us to read the passage once again to have a better_ of it.4


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