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1、Unit 1 Whats the matter? 单元目标1. 学会谈论健康问题,健康状况(Talk about your health)2. 能够辨认身体部位。(parts of the body)3. 能够提供建议(Give advice)重点词汇1. head 头 2. neck 颈部 3. back 后背 4. leg 腿 5. arm 手6. hand 手 7. foot 脚 8. nose 鼻子 9. eye 眼睛 10. ear 耳朵 11. mouth 嘴 12. tooth 牙齿 13. stomach 胃14. headache头痛15. toothache牙痛16. st

2、omachache胃痛17. fever 发烧18. backache后背痛19. sore throat 咽部疼痛20. tired 累的 21. thirsty 口渴的 22. hungry 饿的 23. dentist 牙医重点短语1. have a stomachache 胃痛2. have a cold 感冒3. lie down 躺倒4. take ones temperature 给某人量体温5. have a fever 发烧6. go to a doctor 看医生7. get off 离开,出发8. to ones surprise 令某人惊讶的是9. agree to (

3、do sth) 同意做某事10. get into trouble 陷入麻烦 11. fall down 摔打,12. thanks to 幸亏,由于13. in time 及时14. give up 放弃15. be interested in 对.感兴趣16. make a decision 做决定17. cut off 砍到,切碎重点句型1. Whats the matter? 怎么了?2. I have a stomachache. 我胃痛。3. What should I do? 我应该做什么?4. I think you should lie down and rest. 我认为你

4、应该躺下休息5. If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow,then go to a doctor. 如果你的头和脖子明天仍然痛,那么去看医生吧。6. He hurt himself in P.E class. 他在体育课上伤害了自己。语法难点情态动词should(1) should 作情态动词时,表示责任和义务,含义是“应该:应当”,可用于各种人称。如:What do you think I should do? 你认为我应该做些什么?(2) should 可用来表示推测和估计,常译成“按说应该”。如:I think she should arriv

5、e home by now. 我想她此刻应该回家了。(3) should 与 how,why,what 等词连用,多表达惊讶、意外等情绪。如:How should I know? 我怎么知道?高频考点1. How to talk about our health . 问某人哪儿不舒服。 When we are not feeling well , we often go to see the doctor . The doctor will ask : Whats wrong (with you) ? Whats the matter (with you) ?Whats your troubl

6、e ? What happens to you ? (Is there) anything wrong with you ?都表示“你怎么了”。 叙述病情。 There is something wrong with my tooth . 我的牙出问题了。 Doctor , Im not feeling well . 我感觉不好,医生。 I feel terrible . 我感觉糟透了。 I feel very ill . 我感觉病得很重。 This place hurts . (Ive got a pain here) 这个地方疼。 My leg hurts . 我腿疼。 I dont fe

7、el like eating . 我不想吃东西。 I have a cold . 我感冒了。 I have a fever . 我发烧了。 I have a headache . 我头疼。 处置或提出建议: 1)Open your mouth , please . 张开嘴。 I want to take your temperature . 我想测测你的体温。 2)Take this medicine three times a day . 这个药一天吃三次。 3) Take three pills before you go to bed . 睡前服用三片。 4) Youd better s

8、tay in bed till tomorrow . 最好卧床休息到明天。 5) Drink lots of water and have a good rest . 多喝水,好好休息。 6) You should lie down and rest . 卧床多休息。 7) You should drink hot tea with honey . 你应该喝加蜂蜜的热茶。 8) You should see a dentist . 你应该去看牙医。 9) You should go to bed early . 你应该早点上床(休息)。 2. 关于情态动词should 1) 情态动词 shou

9、ld表“建议、应该”,其否定形式为shouldnt . 它用于所有人称。在其后应为动词原形。 You should wait a little more . 你应该再多等一会儿。 He should tell me about it . 他应该告诉我这件事。 2) 在表示要求、命令时,语气由should(应该)、had better(最好)、must(必须)逐渐加强。 在本单元主要是表建议“应当”或“应该”。 3. have a cold感冒,还可以说get a cold . 我得了重感冒:I have a very bad cold . 在这里cold是名词,因此前边可以加冠词“a”、有时也

10、可以说: I have got a very bad cold . 或:I have had a very bad cold . 4. He shouldnt eat anything for 24 hours . 他不应在24小时内吃任何东西。 在这里因为是否定句,因而不用something,而用anything,同some和any的区别一样,something用于肯定句中,而anything用于否定或疑问句中,如: Theres something wrong with him . 他出问题了,或他病了。 Is there anything I can help ? 我能帮忙吗? 又如:D

11、o you have any brothers ? 你有兄弟吗? I have some good friends . 我有一些朋友。 I never have any fun . 我从没什么乐趣。 never是否定词,因此我们用any,不用some 5.Whats the matter with you ? 你怎么了? with是个介词,后边可以跟名词或代词。 Whats the matter with Sonja ? Sonja怎么了? 6.I am not feeling well . feel well well表示“好” ,这里不用“good”。 7.Shes tired . 她很累

12、。 tired是个形容词,可以说feel tired感到很累,或说get tired. She feels tired. 或She gets tired . 8.Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of cooling yin and hot yang to be healthy . 传统中医认为我们需要通过阴阳调和来保持健康。 其中a balance of平衡 keep a balance of保持一个平衡 如keep a balance of nature保持自然(生态)平衡。 be healthy,keep heal

13、thy,stay healthy都是保持健康的意思。 healthy是个形容词,其名词形式为health . 9. on the other hand 另一方面。经常与on (the) one hand一起连用。表示一方面另一方面。 如: On one hand we should study hard , on the other hand we should keep healthy . 我们一方面要努力学习,另一方面应该保持身体健康。 10. too much yang in their lives . too much和too many都表示许多。 too much后接不可数名词,如w

14、ater , money等。 too many后接可数名词的复数,如students , flowers lives是名词life的复数形式。 11. Its important to eat a balanced diet . 吃(营养)平衡的饮食是很重要的。 balanced在此处是形容词,表示“平衡的”。It是形式主语,真正的主语是“to eat a balanced diet”,但因主语太长,为了句子平衡,将主语用 it代替,这是it的又一功能。 12.Im not feeling very well at the moment . at the moment .1)用于现在时态中,意

15、思为“此刻”,如: I am busy at the moment . 我此刻很忙。 2)用于过去时中,表示“当时”,如: I was busy at the moment . 我当时很忙。引领人生 A bad thing never dies.坏事传千年实战模拟Unit 1 Whats the matter?一、根据句意和首字母提示,完成下列单词拼写。1. We walk with our l_. 2. Yesterday I had a bad c_, so I didnt go to school. 3. There is much w_in the river. 4. She was

16、very t_, and soon she fell asleep in bed. 5. He is very t_, please give him a cup of tea. 二、单项选择。1. -_ -I have a headache. A. Whats the matter, Judy? B. Where are you, Judy? C. Who are you? D. What are you doing, Judy? 2. He_stay at home and look after his mother yesterday. A. needed o B. must C. ha

17、ve to D. has to 3. I think walking is_our health. A. good at B. bad at C. well in D. good for 4. We should not eat_junk food. A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too 5. -How is the young man? -_ A. He is twelve. B. Hes much better. C. He is a doctor. D. Hes Allan. 6. Its important to eat a_d

18、iet. A. balanced B. balance C. balancing D. balances 7. He often has sports. _, football, basketball and ping-pong. A. For an example B. For example C. For the example D. For a example 8. You should not eat_24 hours. A. something in B. nothing for C. anything for D. everything at 9. -My mother is il

19、l. -_ A. Dont worry. B. No hurry. C. Im sorry to hear that. D. OK. 10. -I feel stressed out. I have so much work to do every day. -Youd better not work too hard. Its good for you to take some_, I think. A. health B. exercise C. lesson D. work 三、从对话后的方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 A: We are going to play basketba

20、ll. (1)_ B: Id like to, but I cant. A: (2)_ B: I have to see Xiao Fang in the hospital. A: Whats the matter with her? (3)_ B: (4)_ A: (5)_ B: Im afraid I cant. A. Her head hurts and she doesnt want to eat. B. Would you like to go with us? C. Anything serious? D. Are you coming later? E. What do you

21、have to do? 四、用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Li Ying_(be) born in 1986. 2. Listen!Our English teacher_(speak) at the meeting. 3. Well go to the park if it_(not rain) tomorrow. 4. Half an hour later, she_(meet) her husband outside the park gate. 5. You may_(go) there a little earlier next time. 6. Dont_(disturb

22、) others when you are in the room. 7. Youd better_(not play) football in the street. 8. The Smiths wanted_(live) in China. 9. The young man_(help) Granny to clean the house last Sunday. 10. My sister_(write) a letter yesterday. 五、英汉互译。1. 你怎么了? 我头疼。 -_? -_. 2. 我的弟弟得了重感冒。 _. 3. 你不应该来学校太晚。 _. 4. 我口渴,想喝

23、点水。 _. 5. He is stressed out because he has too much work. _. 6. It is important for you to learn to speak English well. _. 7. Its cooler today. Lets go for a walk. _. 8. On the other hand, you should study hard. _. 六、单句改错,下列各句中均有一处错误,请指出并改正。1. Whats(A) the matter(B) to(C) you(D)? _ 2. My father oft

24、en(A) eats(B) too many(C) food(D). _ 3. We are(A) tired(B), so we want(C) to have rest(D). _ 4. If you want to(A) stay health(B), you must(C) take some exercise(D). _ 5. The old man(A) might(B) is(C) a doctor(D). _ 七、完形填空。What is the best way to study? This is a very important question. Some Chinese

25、 students often_1_very hard for long hours. It is a_2_habit, but it is not a better way to study. An efficient(讲效率的) student must_3_enough sleep, enough food and enough rest. Every week you _4_to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places. Its good_5_your study. When you return to y

26、our studies, youll find yourself_6_than before and youll learn more. Maybe we can_7_that learning English is _8_taking Chinese medicine. We dont mean that its bitter (苦的). We mean that like Chinese medicine, the efficiency of your study_9_ slowly but surely. _10_slowly but surely every day and effec

27、ts will come just like Chinese medicine. 1. A. play B. study C. sleep D. think 2. A. best B. better C. good D. bad 3. A. have B. do C. want D. make 4. A. want B. hope C. need D. wish 5. A. in B. for C. to D. at 6. A. weaker B. stronger C. fatter D. thinner 7. A. say B. guess C. talk D. know 8. A. ab

28、out B. on C. at D. like 9. A. returns B. comes C. gives D. gets 10. A. Sleep B. Know C. Learn D. Play 八、阅读理解。There is an old English saying. It tells us that we must go to bed early and get up early in the morning. Then we shall be healthy. We shall also be rich and clever. This is true. The body mu

29、st have enough sleep to be healthy. Children of young age should have ten hours sleep every night. Children who do not have enough sleep cannot do their work well and they may not be healthy. The body also needs exercise. Walking, running, jumping and playing games are all exercise. Exercise keeps t

30、he body strong. Exercise also helps the blood to move around inside the body. It is very important. Our blood moves to all parts of our body. The head also needs blood. Exercise helps us to think better. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 1. If we want to be healthy, we must_. A. eat more B. sleep more C. play more D.

31、go to bed early and get up early 2. Children of young age should have _ hours sleep every day. A. ten B. nine C. eleven D. twelve 3. If children dont have enough sleep, they will not_. A. work well B. be clever and healthy C. eat well D. A and B 4. The body also needs_. A. sports B. running C. exerc

32、ise D. playing 5. Does exercise help us to think better? A. Yes, it does. B. No, it doesnt. C. No, it does. D. Yes, it deosnt. 九、书面表达。假定你是Tom,你按Kate 约定的时间、地点与她见面后去医院看望Mr Wang。你们告诉他你们在考试中发挥的很好,他很高兴。Mr Wang祝愿你们暑假生活愉快,并希望你们继续努力学习。你们交谈了大约半小时后离开医院。请你以日记的形式把它写下来。 参考词汇: be glad, flowers, do well in, keep o

33、n doing, hope, get on well with, Thursday, May 16th, Sunny _ Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.单元目标1. 能够以口译形式谈论志愿工作。2. 能够正确运动一般将来时。3. 能够书写以志愿工作为话题的书面表达。重点词汇1. cheer 欢呼2. volunteer 志愿者 3. notice 发现4. lonely 孤单的5. several 几个6. feeling 感觉7. satisfaction 满意8. owner 拥有者9. raise 提高,上升10. alone 独自

34、,一个人11. repair 修理12. train 训练13. kindness 善良14. change 改变15. disabled 残疾的重点短语1. clean up 清扫 2. give out 分发,发放 3. cheer up=makehappier 使.高兴4. come up with =think up 提出,想出 5. write down写下,记下 6. set up=establish 建立 7. volunteer ones time to do sth.自愿花时间做.8. make plans计划干.9. use up用完,耗尽 10. take after在性

35、格或长相方面与父母相象11. fix up修理 12. give away捐赠13. be similar to与.相似14. hung out闲荡 15. disabled people残疾人 16. go out of ones way to do sth帮助.做事,解决难题(摆脱困境)17. train sb. to do sth. 训练某人做某事 重点句型1. I hope to work outside. 我希望到外面工作。2. I want to learn more about how to care for animals. 我想要学习更多有关于如何能照顾动物的方法。3. I

36、get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners faces. 当我看到动物变得更健康以及它们主人脸上高兴的表情时,我得到一中强烈的满足感。4. You could help to clean up the city parks. 你可以帮助打扫城市公园。语法难点一般将来时:将来时间计划发生或将要发生的动作和存在的状态。常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如:tomorrow .,next ,the day after tomor

37、row , in 5 minutes ,soon,等。构成:will do/be & be going to do/be例如:Ill help clean the city parks next week高频考点1.hunger n.饥饿 adj.饥饿的 Eg. In the old days, many people died of hunger.旧社会,许多人死于饥饿。2. homeless adj.无家可归的。在名词词尾加后缀less变为否定形容词。 如:1) help+less=helpless : 意为“无助的; 2) care+ less=careless意为“粗心的”; 3)ho

38、pe+ less=hopeless“无望的”; 4) use+ less=useless“无用的”; 3. set v.摆放、放置、(太阳)落下set up 建立set off=set out 出发、动身4.cheer v. cheer up sb.或cheer sb. up意为“(使某人)高兴起来,振作起来”。如果是代词做 宾语,则将代词放在中间。5.fix v.修理 fix up相当于repair,表示“修理,修补,整理”,其后跟物件名词作宾语。特别提 示。如果fix up的宾语是“人”的话,则构成fix sb. up with sth.句型,表示“为某人安排某件 事,向某人提供某物”。

39、Eg:Ill fix you up with a place to stay. 我来给你安排住处。6. similar adj.相似的 be similar to意为“与类似”; be the same as“与完全相同”。take after sb. 表示“长相或举止像(某个长辈)”,不能用于被动语态。 7. pleasure意为“高兴,快乐”,是不可数名词;表示“乐趣,高兴的事”时是可数名词。 在口语中Its pleasure. 是回答感谢的客套语。 Thank you for your help. 感谢你的帮助。 Its a pleasure. 不用谢。特别提示pleased是形容词,意

40、为“自己感到高兴的,欣喜的,满意的,其主语为人。pleasant也是形容词,表示“使人感到愉快满意”,一般用作定语,如主语是物,也可以用作表语。Eg. Its pleasant weather today. 今天的天气令人愉快。Its very pleasant to sit down after standing for hours.站了几小时后坐下来很舒服。please是动词,表示“(使)高兴,满意,愉快”。8.shut v, (shut, shut) “关”,在许多情况下可以与close互换,只是后者语气较弱,Eg. close the door关门(也可能指半开半闭),shut the

41、 door关门(指把门关紧)。当表示“关闭公路, 铁路或交通工具”或作“结束”讲时,只用close。 Eg:They have closed the road for thick fog. 由于大雾,那条公路被关闭。特别提示turn off用来表示“关闭”有开关的东西,如收音机、电视、煤气、水龙头等。9. carry v.“搬运,携带”,不表示带到什么地方,而携带的方式可以是提、扛、背、抱、抬等。10. fetch v. 相当于go and bring back,意为“取来,接来”,表示一往一返。引领人生A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk.闻其歌知其鸟,听其言知其人。实战模拟 Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.一、根据句意和首字母,填写所缺单词。1. I a


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