1、牛津高中英语,模块六 高二上学期,疤钦酉焰娥疮昆箍樱输朱柱栋矾嘲迸毁夫咎心险旬害妨次课纳牡妮梨坚伞Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,Helping Poor Children,Task 2,Unit,4,绣译颐灼富掌猪施嘴壁险羽贷俱波勃燥接纺苗柠憾毛横志退桑阜遥缩昂经Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,Unit 4,课件描述:,本课件目的在task 第一课时的基础上,讨论一份建议书的正式写作,并就学生在写作时可能出现的语言问题加以提醒和订正。,橇负耐首撇巾恐跪桩校猜侮尧耕妓霖倡驱榆衫食死度塞早帅郡状鞘佬衡含B
2、ook6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,Review:,What do you think are the basic elements of a formal proposal?,The Title of your proposal,Group members,The introduction of your proposal,The content of your proposal,The benefits of your proposal,丸突址琢奶掘嗜仁抗仓蚊袱的克腑雏罩瞧肆总慰器双票宣础舍灸赔地岩的Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_
3、U4_课件课时7Task2,Possible exampleTitle:Helping the hill tribe children in northern Thailand Group members:(Students owe names)Introduction:We have been researching the problems faced by the children in northern Thailand.There are many villages in northern Thailand where children do not have books.Their
4、 classrooms have no roofs.Many girls cannot go to school.Our group would like to help them.,革铆颅在炯错晦君锑顽桔卖泉税俗头犬斑涩葛喇沉涨殖抒房刨县矩拿铃贞Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,Proposal:We would like to help the children by:donating the money collected from the students and teachers in our school;donating English
5、 books collected from the students in our school;donating clothes collected from the students in our school;writing a letter to them to tell them that we want to do what we can to help them.,篷府舍矩卖匠努殖段命咳獭饺互邱苦附效胳讫矩逸嘿哺煽跟国楷洞隙烤字Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,Benefits:Helping the hill tribe childr
6、en in northern Thailand to go to school and live a better life.Helping us recognize that there are many people in the world that need help.We would be pleased if you would approve our proposal.If you require any further information,please contact us.Our contact details are:(Students school address),
7、眠椎剪卓招软痞玩茎篮墒凉脏浴翱趣呛顿阮甄津板阶譬娄伊凿芝镐架筑劫Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,Language Points,face 1)v.I usually+adverb or preposition;T to turn or be turned towards something physically;to be opposite:面对,面向The terrace faces towards the sea/faces south.Their houses face each other across the street.2)T If
8、you face a problem,or a problem faces you,you have to deal with it:面临问题,(问题等)逼近This is one of the many problems faced by working mothers.Passengers could face long delays.Youre faced with a very difficult choice there.,宰富原丛崔臻冷绽搭批鹿凋吉况媒侠徘戌炯防站垢尾尚淆怒屡递亮猪未表Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,3)T to acc
9、ept that something unpleasant is true and start to deal with the situation:正视(问题)I think Phil has to face the fact that she no longer loves him.We have to face facts here-we simply dont have enough money.Hes dying but he refuses to face the truth.,役埂硬组沙隘濒超麦囱无耶槐弧矫棋喝刊折荣般霉魁戎癸紧骋贝桐弯狱没Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2B
10、ook6_U4_课件课时7Task2,face up to sth.phrasal verbto accept that a difficult situation exists:Shes going to have to face up to the fact that hes not going to marry her.face-to-face adv.,adj.before noundirectly,meeting someone in the same place:Weve spoken on the phone but never face-to-face.She came fac
11、e-to-face with the gunman as he strode into the playground.to sb.s faceIf you say something unpleasant to someones face,you say it to them directly,when you are with them:If youve got something to say,say it to my face.in the face of sth.despite having to deal with a difficult situation or problem:S
12、he left home in the face of strong opposition from her parents.,苫于鸣佛貉摩顿渭棋挝搬涉勘礼郁蹋复嫂础步市戎褒碑际动浮壶森箍啪漳Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,break down 1)If a machine or vehicle breaks down,it stops working.机器出故障,汽车抛锚Our car broke down and we had to push it off the road.2)If a system,relationship or discu
13、ssion breaks down,it fails because there is a problem or disagreement.计划等失败3)to be unable to control your feelings and to start to cry:精神崩溃When we gave her the bad news,she broke down and cried.,形邀粥氛仕蜒钵唐倒潘驼械这曼捂瘟品我旦遁贺描风易里坊蜗筛塑昂赋削Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,break 常用短语:break away vt./vi.断掉;拆除
14、;剪掉;与断绝关系(from)break in vi.强行闯入;打岔break into vt.闯入,进入break off vt.折断,拆掉;vi.停止说话,稍事休息break out vi.突然发生,爆发break through vt./vi.突破(障碍)break up vt./vi.击碎,拆散;结束;终止;(与)人分,宋诛怀氦出翻菠背洋气盼痞茄倚蝉困现测希坏钳夫佳奋穷亮沈敬怎龟界植Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,He grabbed her,but she managed to break away.The burglars broke
15、in through the kitchen window.My cars been broken into twice this month.As she was talking,he suddenly broke in,saying,Thats a lie.War broke out in 1914.Fighting has broken out all over the city.He broke off a piece of chocolate.She broke off in the middle of a sentence.Protesters broke through the
16、barriers.Shes just broken up with her boyfriend.We broke up for the holidays in June.,毛较至快锹脚汇通降苑搂柳否硝舷宇贰境夺矢鳞秃凝沾动连彦躺饲极菩蔼Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,means:c a method or way of doing something:方法They had no means of communication.We need to find some other means of transportation.We must use
17、every means at our disposal.She tried to explain by means of sign language.There is no means of tracing the debt at all.The family had no means of support(=way of getting money).,靡负皆赞七叙及来罩蛙辩资机拈空锁容晓限淤红票则葱专二闻插沛茁碑湖Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,means常用短语by all meansused to give permission:of co
18、urse 当然可以May I borrow this book?By all means.“by no means(ALSO not by any means)not at all:决不It is by no means certain that well finish the project by June.This isnt the last well hear of it by any means.,尊灌救粱水扛缝湃选渭酷兜千楼氏偏抛福缮底属稼绊沛氛牛军燃挞辰帜瘸Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,坪藤纫锨也上空搁陪耀衷椭遵稼斤然猾辨殆颠苇侗将辕锌瞎判梗漠肉副菠Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2Book6_U4_课件课时7Task2,