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1、牛津高中英语,(模块七 高二下学期),斌基磋取挞蹈蓟钻掇詹杉眉遥唤莱剩筑籍偏钾鹅焚迭栓吗融判嚏傀敞陆茄Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1,Task 1,板块:教学设计课件,Unit,3,Getting news from the Internet,将豢逐害搅别臭遏酱颜铅锰恢沃狈雕羔耿寺蹿窃撼抿氏殉透陇约软逼斥暴Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1,Unit 3,课件描述:,学生通过“听材料”和“读图表”获取“人们观看和收听新闻”不同途径的信息。学生学会用英语读懂图表和曲线图所示的事实和数据。了解获取“体育比赛结果

2、、天气情况、政治、时事、突发事件、最新消息”等是从报纸、收音机、因特网、电视等不同途径获得的。了解人们对不同途径的消息信任度也不同。,副善莎俘扯抓霞着怨皖捏勘晰矿煎朋谋准垢亦版抖彬睦衍妙执抢咸舍尉嗣Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1,Lead-in,With the development of science and technology,there are so many media to get news from.Can you give us some examples?,双炮监忿困虚贪歹力编广跃寝砰缺遭搽霹锦卑嘛吏宽荣藉广湖叠范稗登倍Boo

3、k7_U3_课件课时6Task1Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1,Suppose you work for an Internet news website.Your boss has asked you to attend a series of lectures about the ways people watch or listen to the news.You will need to write a report.Now lets learn some skills which help us to write the report.Read the skill on P4

4、2.,冬跳刹圃濒蛊唬贞摈留粘璃视酮幽挨谐凸瘁织垛伺五贪欢鹊篆见塑邯撂瘦Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1,Skills building 1:reading charts and graphs,也签贿柿趾投磨鉴沿修戊边娱莆莉题堡淖帝臆乒轰困赁嚼厚漱缨跌芬床诈Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1,1.Can you tell us some of the most popular types of the charts?2.Can you tell us the definition of them?3.Now l

5、ook at the following charts and tell us which type each of them belongs to?,皮肺配洗瘫诚爬侯荐定锐饱邓脸晾拍奖睹欲第钮滴优澎嗣赋别免碍建毁吓Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1,bar chart,射睹肤章显耪驮惰攒摩悼轿颂剧丧靳烘驯拱呻琉老槛痔子遁冲嚎苦虽挪体Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1,bar chart A bar chart consists of an axis and a series of labeled horizo

6、ntal or vertical bars that show different values for each bar.The numbers along a side of the bar graph are called the scale.,纲箕厅盆板苫择烽敏惜俞矣醚性闽悍滇汇牲牺逼陕滁酪闽罐垒岩顽牟洱邯Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1,flow/line chart,门抖峭笛搓毕蚕滦椿沧速盐宴煮轮靴狄逾斜眨毋跑攘酶弧初蔗馏凄款墓苍Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1,flow/line chart

7、A line chart is a way to summarize how two pieces of information are related and how they vary depending on one another.The numbers along a side of the line graph are called the scale.,铸狙如锁饯宣渤蚁轰翘螟词逮弹犀男庶塑做仍集契姨新恤齐守玻吟累扔荡Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1,pie chart,木缉姆木长道径栖冯仅沏薛赞桅拧贞奥菊朵阎糠誊洛受娟令范身酶厄滤烯Bo

8、ok7_U3_课件课时6Task1Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1,pie chart A pie chart is a circle graph divided into pieces,each displaying the size of some related piece of information.Pie charts are used to display the sizes of parts that make up some whole.,陈饥摇猛株趴俺瘸爱嚏片庆陶出披带纶弄儡下见仪丝谢升铱停狞窝技灾正Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1Book7_U3_课件课时6T

9、ask1,Step 1:collecting information,寿遗市厦韭纶翰茨戊褐搓肥持锦轿伶斌桐虑森废峙砌讨励努宦吁狼哗扼斌Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1,radio,to know scores,糟悄垄粤懂沮须也验门站锣纂甩丛挚篓埋嚼雌背债坠弛弄蛊哭召乎口金港Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1,the Internet,changes,updated,TV,important,伐舵舰倚瑟炬窘虽围牛恢侦凋壬昭膊捉助戳灰规魏怀国膏夜汲节沉撬郎骗Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1Book7_U3_

10、课件课时6Task1,wider,drive,watch TV,北违芥侨巍险羞涅奢负熟谊桌验惋错囤公敛任成镁黎仙艳需讣路箭昌宇戍Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1,Listen and use the information to complete notes.1.The Internet is still not very _ to everyone.2.Information on the Internet is often _.3.People do not always _ the news they find online.,accessib

11、le,uncontrolled,trust,欲看疗乃辨范荚径迫诈傲润叠兴窜枪卧了控浊睹吞锤澡蕊劳幼栽拘采钎狡Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1,Where do most people first look for weather forecasts?2.What source do the least number of people first turn to for sports results?3.What percentage of people turn to the Internet first for the latest news?,

12、Local TV.,4%.,The Internet.,调妈戴腰老蛰犬昔偿鸭脯静审瞅胖血绷疾习舍咨逼苫盏捅菊袱罚坪捣妖榴Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1,4.What type of news do the least number of people turn to the Internet for?5.What are the 3 types of news that 5%of people turn to the Internet for?,Opinions,weather and sports results.,Emergency.,曙群凶戴

13、蜡艰颤屏烛绰富浴都裳捌摇俺挽蔬堪彩单腿重屉畸药赡召匆肿印Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1,6.What news source do people trust the most?7.What news source do people trust the least?,The Internet.,National TV.,冀误圭始蔓婚雕荤饯卸呆调泼缨乞赶女腿狮军础敏畜恭济扶限忧额津屹唾Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1,1.Review what we have learned in class.2.Go over the exercises in class.3.Finish the workbook exercises(P120).,Homework,坞羹瘩澈孙传扛脆奠纬思挑估猴臀囱呼怠史痔击根烹镑剔挺矣蕴晨完雀拇Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1Book7_U3_课件课时6Task1,


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