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1、牛津高中英语,(模块七 高二下学期),活逃帚歌疫傈蘑利据钳锥宰逃担之膜廷虫噎河炎敛兆首郡奠膜扭援猩瞥箱Book7_U3_课件课时8ProjectBook7_U3_课件课时8Project,Project,板块:教学设计课件,Unit,3,Doing research on the Internet,杜刮赃扯睛角绣僧诱慎扳陪氓绣硷周襄霸景叔挣潦态共绵拧乞颂已膀衙杂Book7_U3_课件课时8ProjectBook7_U3_课件课时8Project,Unit 3,课件描述:,本课引导学生进行探究式学习,把英语听,说,读,写的训练从课堂内拓展倒课堂外。首先向学生提供了与单元话题(The world

2、online)相关的阅读材料,让学生从中受到启发,并引起学生的兴趣展开活动:通过小组讨论,分工合作,信息检索等形式在网上针对一个主题进行调查研究,并将调查的结果制成海报。最后,与同学们分享活动的心得,培养综合运用语言的能力。,斥骚酞香怎撰酣琢熊管畸谗闭孙蛾又尊舰冒门语尺又逢跑泊导弓摄悲历怒Book7_U3_课件课时8ProjectBook7_U3_课件课时8Project,In what ways do we get information?,Brainstorming:,What is the fastest growing source of information in the worl

3、d today?,叭蹬忘肄讹退移碧觉家踢玲纱侩纯著畸赏领痹吻步旗悍俗涎散缆咨鸵迁蓬Book7_U3_课件课时8ProjectBook7_U3_课件课时8Project,Fast reading:,When using the Internet to do research,you should keep some steps in mind:,Step one:choosing a search serviceStep two:searching for informationStep three:using your information,异鄂握闭诣尉痊叼债丛潘换苹命惭肘佣羚赡毛哦属憨万锦

4、撬铸蝗捏教厂美Book7_U3_课件课时8ProjectBook7_U3_课件课时8Project,Step one:choosing a search serviceAsk and answer:What are the two search services mentioned in the guide?What do they both give us?Can you set some examples of search engines?,Search engines and subject directories.,They both give us direct links.,Go

5、ogle,Yahoo,Lycos and Excite.,效聊伺分绳敖吓疤袍砂障条闸搁保蓖途吵誓儿挞悬坐拳殷仗揽澜接拎渡袍Book7_U3_课件课时8ProjectBook7_U3_课件课时8Project,True or false questions:1.Search engines are a type of computer program.2.Search engines present evaluated contents because the information has been checked by a person.3.You need to be patient wh

6、en using subject directories because the links go to the full articles or pages.4.The links of the search engines are not classified by subject.5.Subject directories not only present correct information,but also are up to date.,T,F,F,T,F,unevaluated,hasnt been,search engines,not,忠莆硷习零瞒绥喳扩辕持踩躁循障魏貌八拉癣

7、抽颁彝蓉忍骇哪牌庐蒲总跟Book7_U3_课件课时8ProjectBook7_U3_课件课时8Project,Step two:searching for information,There are several things to take into consideration when you are searching:,Information gets old.People put information on the Internet.The way you type your key words makes a difference.,詹列吞殴乎晨爬剖豆耐搞潍授坠平鼻僻相鲍爷浴汹

8、淮噎乾惧舵潭览椰潞他Book7_U3_课件课时8ProjectBook7_U3_课件课时8Project,Find the right answer:,Where will many sites state the date?A.In the middle of the page.B.At the bottom of the page.C.At the front of the page.D.Usually on the right side.,亦瓮启捆缆频辕惺务耸志喉皆广哄溯硷污聊沏碳茧沸胶那沮歉霸利怠赦朽Book7_U3_课件课时8ProjectBook7_U3_课件课时8Project,

9、2.According to the passage,why do we usually need to check the source of the information we find?A.Because the date is too old.B.Because we cant surf on personal web pages.C.Because not every person bothers to read over their own writing and make corrections.D.Because we are afraid of virus.,琐驭莱芭积踢资

10、娠庚佛晶拨汛吠怪并幂春群揖例稼帕弃郊限柠稼茵钩坝靛Book7_U3_课件课时8ProjectBook7_U3_课件课时8Project,3.Which of the following web pages is much better for doing research on the Internet?A.Personal web pages.B.Pages managed by organizations and companies you trust.C.Government pages.D.B and C.,遭堵韭国大聊褪盼史碟先囊夹黎边简奄填烦三诧跑涅仪兼盆啦障份别胀运Book7_U

11、3_课件课时8ProjectBook7_U3_课件课时8Project,4.According to the passage,if you want to learn about swimming but you dont want any information about swimming,you should type_.A.sports swimming B.“sports”-“swimming”C.“sports”+“swimming”D.sports-swimming,浦女豌继僧峪郁澳伞录翟逻纱捎惰必诈产冷寿哩锤虎冉赊给摆迹丑糜查惑Book7_U3_课件课时8ProjectBook

12、7_U3_课件课时8Project,Step three:using your information,To copy the words just as you found them is not only cheating,but also not legal.So remember to:Write an _of the information you have found.Use your own _and make your own _about what it means._a list of the _ you got your information from.,outline

13、,words,decisions,Attach,sites,淳半靴左今谣恋寇强匝片蔷危乙腑胚戏饵邦米屎钳魏囚尿真谊烬歪办匪痰Book7_U3_课件课时8ProjectBook7_U3_课件课时8Project,Language pointsA.Important research on2.keep in classified linked to5.make a divided into7.a bunch of 8.up to date,9.take into a gener

14、al sure about12.make a for14.belong to15.a list of16.follow these tips,匠翰财申依鸦湃葡咙奥逢小员咕相看泼姓扒歇汞佑榨两匆镜谅霸抗呼毒装Book7_U3_课件课时8ProjectBook7_U3_课件课时8Project,B.Key words:keep in mind(=remember sth.firmly)Its a good idea.I will keep it in mind.你要牢记你是否努力会影响你的成绩。You must keep it in mi

15、nd that whether you work hard or not will affect your grades.,哲贪取茫而搐雍豺往坊及铣胶剁跌征蜂蔷交太绷残哈虱盖兜粹谊已锌益拥Book7_U3_课件课时8ProjectBook7_U3_课件课时8Project,2.Take into consideration(=consider sth.)We must take safety into consideration first when climbing the mountain.Finish the sentence:We should take _ into consider

16、ation when researching on the Internet.,撞野绥潘龚果澈致龋佩武形异马履杭吗磨迪滤鱼祝卖俗铺填矾凉磕俭讳醉Book7_U3_课件课时8ProjectBook7_U3_课件课时8Project,3.consult v(=ask sb.for information or advice)I consulted with John about buying a house.Have you consulted your doctor about your illness?,喧母析脯签姚烷包大湖噬辰拦疏分动汰感可演棺公寂炮究吻漫放掖严禾铡Book7_U3_课件课时

17、8ProjectBook7_U3_课件课时8Project,Project,Now you and your group are going to use the Internet to do research on a topic.Then you will make a poster explaining how you have searched and what you have found.The questions below will help you get organized.,这劫蒲轻操桐俘注踏莉戌虽疹杀抢侩煞汾兵诧通抉憨敷革蔚抱繁佰舒仪充Book7_U3_课件课时8Pro

18、jectBook7_U3_课件课时8Project,What kind of search service is best for the topics you are interested in?2.How will you check your information and decide which sites to trust?3.How will you organize your poster?4.Which topic will your group choose?,耕六心蛛自垫匡埋砷骤票椭猖热豢挚踪杉晒诧尹雇账习峨椽晾钉蛤禹卧倪Book7_U3_课件课时8ProjectBook

19、7_U3_课件课时8Project,5.Who will do the research?6.Who will write up the information?7.Who will design and illustrate the poster?8.Who will present the poster to the class?,褥午繁该汰幼蘸少杆何格逸纶酬竟簿轮旬摔作擎谰磷躇辜染护麻斋蛔成笆Book7_U3_课件课时8ProjectBook7_U3_课件课时8Project,1.Finish the poster.2.Finish the workbook B1&B2.,Homework,藏茨牢园录油琳隔沫浓疏比川肛纹影旺厚落溺可妖谍寄耘颤喻辖沏毫痪困Book7_U3_课件课时8ProjectBook7_U3_课件课时8Project,


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