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1、词汇选择题综述六级最后词汇题目精选06 Dec.41.Grey whales have long been _ in the north Atlantic and hunting was an important cause for that.A) extinctB) extinguishedC) detainedD) deprived(A)42.He was given major responsibility for operating the remote manipulator to _ the newly launched satellite.A) retreatB) retriev

2、eC) embodyD) embrace(B)43.Foreign students are facing unprecedented delays, as visa applications receive closer _ than ever.A) appraisalB) scanningC) retentionD) scrutiny(D)44.If you are late for the appointment, you might _ the interviewer and lose your chance of being accepted.A) irrigateB) intrig

3、ueC) irritateD) intimidate(C)45.Childrens idea of a magic kingdom is often dancers in animal _ as they have often seen in Disneyland.A) cushionsB) costumesC) skeletonsD) ornaments(B)46.Ever since the first nuclear power stations were built, doubts have _ about their safety.A) preservedB) survivedC)

4、suspendedD) lingered(D)47.This clearly shows that crops and weeds have quite a number of _ in common.A) traitsB) tracesC) tracksD) trails(A)48.From science to Shakespeare, excellent television and video programs are available _ to teacher.A) in stockB) in storeC) in operationD) in abundance(D)49.Whe

5、n the Italian poet Dante was _ from his home in Florence, he decided to walk from Italy to Paris to search for the real meaning of life.A) exertedB) expiredC) exiledD) exempted(C)50.Habits acquired in youth-notably smoking and drinking-may increase the risk of _ diseases in a persons later life.A) c

6、onsecutiveB) chronicC) criticalD) cyclical(B)51.F. W. Woolworth was the first businessman to erect a true skyscraper to _ himself, and in 1929, A1 Smith, a former governor of New York, sought to outreach him.A) portrayB) proclaimC) exaggerateD) commemorate(D)52.To label their produce as organic, far

7、mers have to obtain a certificate showing that no _ chemicals have been used to kill pests on the farm for two years.A) toxicB) tragicC) nominalD) notorious(A)53.Ancient Greek gymnastics training programs were considered to be an _ part of the childrens education.A) intactB) integralC) inclusiveD) i

8、nfinite(B)54.Researchers have found that happiness doesnt appear to be anyones; the capacity for joy is a talent you develop largely for yourself.A) disposalB) domainC) heritageD) hostage(C)55.We want out children to have more than job skills; we want their lives to be _ and their perspectives to be

9、 broadened.A) envisagedB) excelledC) exceededD) enriched(D)56.Online schools, which _ the needs of different people, have emerged as an increasingly popular education alternative.A) stir upB) switch onC) cater toD) consent to(C)57.This kind of songbird sleeps much less during its annual _,but that d

10、oesnt seem to affect its flying.A) migrationB) emigrationC) conveyanceD) transference(A)58.The developing nations want rich countries to help shoulder the cost of _ forests.A) updatingB) upgradingC) conservingD) constructing(C)59.In the study, researchers succeeded in determining how coffee _ differ

11、ent areas of the brain in 15 volunteers.A) integratedB) motivatedC) illuminatedD) activated(D)60.They are trying to _ the risk as much as they can by making a more thorough investigation of the market.A) minimizeB) harmonizeC) summarizeD) jeopardize(A)61.The cycles of the sun and moon are simple, bu

12、t forces which have shaped human lives since the beginning.A) franticB) giganticC) sensationalD) maximum(B)62.An effort was launched recently to create the first computer _ of the entire human brain.A) repetitionB) repressionC) saturationD) simulation(D)63.In the face of the disaster, the world has

13、united to aid millions of _ people trying to piece their lives back together.A) fragileB) primitiveC) vulnerableD) susceptible(C)64.AIDS is a global problem that demands a unified, worldwide solution, which is not only the responsibility of nations in which AIDS is most _.A) relevantB) prevalentC) v

14、igorousD) rigorous(B)65.After the earthquake, a world divided by _ and religious disputes suddenly faced its common humanity in this shocking disaster.A) eligibleB) engagedC) proneD) prospective(A)66.Psychologists suggest that children who are shy are more _ to develop depression and anxiety later i

15、n life.A) eligibleB) engagedC) proneD) prospective(C)67.Initially, the scientists and engineers seemed _ by the variety of responses people can make to a poem.A) reinforcedB) embarrassedC) depressedD) bewildered(D)68.Is it possible to stop drug _ in the country within a very short time?A) adoptionB)

16、 addictionC) contemplationD) compulsion(B)69.The parents of Lindsay, 13, an _ tennis player who spends eight hours a day on the court, admit that a regular school is not an option for their daughter.A) exoticB) equivalentC) eliteD) esthetic(C)70.Our research confirmed the _ that when children have m

17、any different caregivers important aspects of their development are liable to be overlooked.A) hypothesisB) hierarchyC) synthesisD) syndrome06 Jun.(A)41.Because of the _ of its ideas, the book was in wide circulation both at home and abroad.A) originalityB) subjectivityC) generalityD) ambiguity(A)42

18、.With its own parliament and currency and a common _ for peace, the European Union declared itselfin 11 official languagesopen for business.A) inspirationB) assimilationC) intuitionD) aspiration(D)43.America has now adopted more _ European-style inspection systems, and the incidence of food poisonin

19、g is falling.A) discreteB) solemnC) rigorousD) autonomous(C)44.Mainstream pro-market economists all agree that competition is an _ spur to efficiency and innovation.A) extravagantB) exquisiteC) intermittentD) indispensable(D)45.In the late 19th century, Jules Verne, the master of science fiction, fo

20、resaw many of the technological wonders that are _ today.A) transientB) commonplaceC) implicitD) elementary(B)46.I was so _ when I used the automatic checkout lane in the supermarket for the first time.A) immersedB) assaultedC) thrilledD) dedicated(C)47.His arm was _ from the sharks mouth and reatta

21、ched, but the boy, who nearly died, remained in a delicate condition.A) retrievedB) retainedC) repelledD) restored(A)48.Bill Gates and Walt Disney are two people America has _ to be the Greatest American.A) appointedB) appeasedC) nicknamedD) dominated(D)49.The _ majority of citizens tend to believe

22、that the death penalty will help decrease the crime rate.A) overflowingB) overwhelmingC) prevalentD) premium(B)50.We will also see a _ increase in the number of televisions per household, as small TV displays are added to clocks, coffee makers and smoke detectors.A) startlingB) surpassingC) suppress

23、ingD) stacking(A)51.The advance of globalization is challenging some of our most _ values and ideas, including our idea of what constitutes “home”.A) enrichedB) enlightenedC) cherishedD) chartered(C)52.Researchers have discovered that _ with animals in an active way may lower a persons blood pressur

24、e.A) interactingB) integratingC) migratingD) merging(A)53.The Beatles, the most famous British band of the 1960s, traveled worldwide for many years, _ cultural barriers.A) transportingB) transplantingC) transferringD) transcending(D)54.In his last years, Henry suffered from a disease that slowly _ h

25、im of much of his sight.A) relievedB) jeopardizedC) deprivedD) eliminated(C)55.Weight lifting, or any other sport that builds up your muscles, can make bones become denser and less _ to injury.A) attachedB) proneC) immuneD) reconciled(B)56.He has _ to museums hundreds of his paintings as well as his

26、 entire personal collection of modern art.A) ascribedB) attributedC) designatedD) donated(D)57.Eriks website contains _ photographs and hundreds of articles and short videos from his trip around the globe.A) prosperousB) gorgeousC) spaciousD) simultaneous(B)58.Optimism is a _ shown to be associated

27、with good physical health, less depression and longer life.A) trailB) traitC) traceD) track(B)59.The institution has a highly effective program which helps first-year students make a successful _ into college life.A) transformationB) transmissionC) transitionD) transaction(C)60.Philosophers believe

28、that desire, hatred and envy are “negative emotions” which _ the mind and lead it into a pursuit of power and possessions.A) distortB) reinforceC) exertD) scramble(A)61.The term “glass ceiling” was first used by the Wall Street Journal to describe the apparent barriers that prevent women from reachi

29、ng the top of the corporate _.A) seniorityB) superiorityC) heightD) hierarchy(D)62.Various efforts have been made over the centuries to predict earthquakes, including observing lights in the sky and _ animal behavior.A) abnormalB) exoticC) absurdD) erroneous(A)63.Around 80 percent of the _ character

30、istics of most white Britons have been passed down from a few thousand Ice Age hunters.A) intelligibleB) randomC) spontaneousD) genetic(D)64.Picasso gained popularity in the mid-20th century, which was _ of a new attitude towards modern art.A) informativeB) indicativeC) exclusiveD) expressive(B)65.T

31、he country was an island that enjoyed civilized living for a thousand years or more with little _ from the outside world.A) disturbanceB) discriminationC) irritationD) irregularity(A)66.Fashion designers are rarely concerned with vital things like warmth, comfort and _.A) stabilityB) capabilityC) du

32、rabilityD) availability(C)67.Back in the days when people traveled by horse and carriage, Karl Benz _ the world with his extraordinary three-wheeled motor vehicle.A) inhibitedB) extinguishedC) quenchedD) stunned(D)68.If we continue to ignore the issue of global warming, we will almost certainly suff

33、er the _ effects of climatic changes worldwide.A) dubiousB) drasticC) trivialD) toxic(B)69.According to the theory of evolution, all living species are the modified _ of earlier species.A) descendantsB) dependantsC) defendantsD) developments(A)70.The panda is an endangered species, which means that

34、it is very likely to become _ without adequate protection.A) intactB) insaneC) extinctD) exempt(C)05 Dec41. It seems somewhat _ to expect anyone to drive 3 hours just for a 20-minute meeting.A) eccentricB) impossibleC) absurdD) unique(C)42.This area of the park has been specially _ for children, but

35、 accompanying adults are also welcome.A) inauguratedB) designatedC) entitledD) delegated(B)43.The girls face _ with embarrassment during the interview when she couldnt answer the tough question.A) beamedB) dazzledC) radiatedD) flushed(D)44.Slavery was _ in Canada in 1833, and Canadian authorities en

36、couraged the slaves, who escaped from America, to settle on its vast virgin land.A) dilutedB) dissipatedC) abolishedD) resigned(B)45.Unfortunately, the new edition of dictionary is _ in all major bookshops.A) out of reachB) out of stockC) out of businessD) out of season(C)46.The hands on my alarm cl

37、ock are _, so I can see what time it is in the dark.A) exoticB) gorgeousC) luminousD) spectacular(C)47.Psychologists have done extensive studies on how well patients _ with doctors orders.A) complyB) correspondC) interfereD) interact(A)48.In todays class, the students were asked to _ their mistakes

38、on the exam paper and put in their possible corrections.A) cancelB) omitC) extinguishD) erase(D)49.The Governments policies will come under close _ in the weeks before the election.A) appreciationB) specificationC) scrutinyD) apprehension(B)50.Police and villagers unanimously _ the forest fire to th

39、under and lightning.A) ascribedB) approachedC) confirmedD) confined(A)51.In some remote places there are still very poor people who cant afford to live in _ conditions.A) graciousB) decentC) honorableD) positive(C)52.Since our knowledge is _ none of us can exclude the possibility of being wrong.A) c

40、ontrolledB) restrainedC) finiteD) delicate(C)53.You shouldnt _ your fathers instructions. Anyway he is an experienced teacher.A) deduceB) deliberateC) defyD) denounce(C)54.The company management attempted to _ information that was not favorable to them, but it was all in vain.A) suppressB) supplemen

41、tC) concentrateD) plug(A)55.It is my hope that everyone in this class should _ their errors before it is too late.A) refuteB) excludeC) expelD) rectify(D)56.The boys foolish question _ his mother who was busy with housework and had no interest in talking.A) intriguedB) fascinatedC) irritatedD) stimu

42、lated(C)57.Millions of people around the world have some type of physical, mental, or emotional _ that severely limits their abilities to manage their daily activities.A) scandalB) misfortuneC) deficitD) handicap(D)58.It is believed that the feeding patterns parents _ on their children can determine

43、 their adolescent and adult eating habits.A) compelB) imposeC) evokeD) necessitate(B)59.If the value-added tax were done away with, it would act as a _ to consumption.A) progressionB) primeC) stabilityD) stimulus(D)60.The bride and groom promised to _ each other through sickness and health.A) nouris

44、hB) nominateC) rosterD) cherish(D)61.Theyre going to build a big office block on that _ piece of land.A) voidB) vacantC) blankD) shallow(B)62.Without any hesitation, she took off her shoes, _ up her skirt and splashed across the stream.A) tuckedB) revolvedC) twistedD) curled(A)63.Very few people could understand his lecture because the subject was very _.A) faintB) obscureC) gloomyD) indefinite(B)64.Professor Smith explained the movement of light _ that of water.A) by analogy withB) by virtue ofC) in line withD) in terms of(A)65.Tom is bankrupt now. He is desperate


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