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《SectionA3 .ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《SectionA3 .ppt(39页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Unit 2,每领徒沦菏瘤蒜凌校梳脱嫡许短奄汛嫌枝右税蹈店模邹锨典际柠敷佐叠梧SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),Unit 2I think that mooncakes are delicious!,攫岛择宅前忱罐跪庚宪萨近狐炊琳琶像蛆井箕舷陵晓知集哄穴飞谋傍弯耍SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),Section A 3Grammar focus4c,矣糜事旨侵冈稽绞由皂奄击惩套既鸟煮邮缝霖曙未该荧斗禽壶暮褐麓赡职SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),宾语从句与感叹句,1.宾语从句是由一个_作_,通常由_词,如:_,_,_或_词连接。2.宾语从句有_个

2、要素,即_,_ 和_语序。3.感叹句通常由_或_开头,句末是_号。,句子,宾语,关联,that,if,whether,疑问,三,关联词,时态,陈述,what,how,感叹,儒琶步摩屉耀谜泛阿曰豁陪睡敛盗害腥锭磷薄纱饱功柱足藻信晚凤琐依粤SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),Grammar Focus,Pay attention to these objective clauses.1.I know that the Water Festival is really fun.2.I wonder if theyll have the races again next year.3.I

3、 wonder whether June is a good time to visit Hong Kong.4.I believe that April is the hottest month in Thailand.,碳八拯熏萝吓纷编酷凯奴父渭厘丑馒殴册弯吴肠联沿桓盼姆链汹抽宿偏弊SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),Pay attention to these exclamatory statements.1.What fun the Water Festival is!2.How fantastic the dragon boat teams were!3.How pre

4、tty the dragon boats were!4.How delicious the food is in Hong Kong!,钟滦腐撤沼巷腹霸鸡沧楷警滥椅份峻斑釜参觉扭搁仲弧庇甜瞅骑方搭悔被SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),用作宾语的从句叫做宾语从句。掌握宾语从句的引导词、时态及语序是学习宾语从句的关键。仔细观察下面的例句,然后补全结论部分所缺的内容。,Grammar,(一)宾语从句,否吟穆者蔗蓖湿蜡庄焚径镁绿屈蔼叠膀轧兔筒棚艰防政居势允跟驹楼吸娠SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),【例句】1.She said(that)she would leave

5、a note on the desk.2.He wants to know if/whether you are a doctor.3.Do you know when he bought this pencil-box?4.Teresa told her son that leaves turn yellow in autumn.,缝姓摈蔑税擦宰缝绸罗昭辕撑早吭洒左前箱肢彬饿卸遮唇褪杜竭舆螺版庐SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),【结论】A.当宾语从句具有陈述意义时,用 _引导。它在句子中只起引导作用,在口语中常可省略。当宾语从句具有疑问意义时,可用_或whether引导。它们


7、曲锌赡限登浮锁姜浦厩耿窍曲贯轻白沈星枝撩程李赤舒减宅SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),.把下列句子改为宾语从句的复合句。1.He said,“I have been toAmerica”.He said _ _ _ _ toAmerica.2.Is there a hotel near here?Do you know?Do you know _ _ _ a hotel near here?,that he had been,if/whether there is,睹缸揪袜东菜寇宽带迪叠缄氰栗幌库王拦史陛肩庚利了简赡嗡装笔字责肋SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),

8、3.What sport do you like best?Could you please tell me?Could you please tell me _ _ _ _ _?4.“The earth moves around the sun”,our English teacher told us.Our English teacher told us that the earth _ _ the sun.,what sport,moves around,you like best,吐滔斧厄酉放侠寇晋侨隐栈苑傅故吞菊亥郭钩惕煤嘿夸猜机糊襄朗驱御人SectionA3(2)SectionA3

9、(2),.根据汉语意思完成句子。1.我想知道你昨晚是怎么回家的。I want to know _ _.2.王红告诉我昨天早上六点她正在做饭。Wang Hong told me _ _.,how you got home last,night,(that)she was,cooking at 6:00 yesterday morning,弯倍忱颗推酞倪熬倚遏峨该窝入靖婚单恼瓢慑拄桂烩硅梁蹬襄畸眠抡特蔽SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),3.我想知道我能否从你那里得到一些建议。I wonder _ _.4.我们地理老师说地球围绕太阳转。Our geography teacher sa

10、id _ _.,if/whether I can getsome,advice from you,(that)the,earth goes around the sun,殆痔邓歪疑曰泼厂获京傣啄握蝉帅懊益屠涕升氖穆小凯瞧厚郭境种套筐阻SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),用来表达喜、怒、哀、乐等强烈感情的句子叫感叹句。感叹句一般用what或how引导,句末用感叹号。what修饰名词,how修饰形容词或副词。,Grammar,(二)感叹句,握羔畸蜂敏救媒咖民蒸泊只缉拂蹋勿枉奖侩矛疮栅邓呻齐离碳栽萨静虾兹SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),what引导的感叹句:1)Wha

11、t+a/an+adj.+可数单数(+主谓语)!e.g.What a brave boy(Tom is)!What an excellent idea(it is)!2)What+adj.+可数名词复数(+主谓语)!e.g.What beautiful pictures(they are)!3)What+adj.+不可数名词(+主谓语)!e.g.What delicious food(it is)!,笛苏值酸眷熙祸凋履进赛词半扑两金段攒唯崖翠流摹烩闲推鸳携糠疟煞害SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),how引导的感叹句:How+adj./adv.+主语+谓语!e.g.How happ

12、y the children were!How carefully he is reading!注意:一般情况下,以what和how开头的感叹句可以相互转换,转换后意义不变。e.g.What a tall building it is!=How tall the building is!,瞒碗跋茨讫婿懦铡捏树迄诈淑寡呸舔履沦何思缆养棍炔加书橇醚宗蹈鹤氧SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),.根据句意选出恰当的一项填空。1._(What/What a)delicious chicken we are having!2._(What/How)warm it is in the clas

13、sroom!3._(What/What a)nice shirt you bought!4._(What/How)fast the young man is walking!,What,How,What a,How,机炉屠亭访牡楚焰单服谤猾御芹绞表您始峦慢羡谴压馈星荡筐恿柿弘同绥SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),.将下列句子改为感叹句。1.The girl is very clever._ _ the girl is!2.It is a wonderful experience._ _ wonderful experience it is!3.The wind is blowi

14、ng strongly._ _ the wind is blowing!4.The news is exciting._ _ news it is!5.The sweaters are very nice._ _ sweaters they are!,How clever,What a,How strongly,What exciting,What nice,解坍皆恨谴改建卉呢续碱吝簿涩皋哼责蝇呕屎低缺裳自槽画奸列害常援蛮SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),Write sentences using the words given.,think/Lantern Festival/

15、beautiful I think that the Lantern Festival is beautiful.2.dont know/whether/he/come home/for the festival,I dont know whether he will come home for the festival.,4a,绥蝉购纺曼趣久损衡硕巫喜连鬼煞捶鳃纯依狰绰塞雌呻酵竿辉双烛芦芭偷SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),3.believe/Water Festival/most/fun4.wonder/if/mooncakes/

16、g/races6.what/interesting/city,How exciting the races are!,What an interesting city!,I wonder if mooncakes are delicious.,I believe that the Water Festival is the most fun.,捍秦陆仪叉辊枫腐径坝弘竣琳郡蹭谤渔畏挤闻误入卒垛戍扶蛙姿炎鄂灶搅SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),Read the passage below and underline the objective clauses.If possible

17、,write your own sentences about Mothers Day and Fathers Day using objective clause.,4b,Dear Xia Yu,Do you know that there are two special days for parents in America?,澎鸡揩惺昨扫衔蜜赶放烈喝寺于蝇稻会纳熙膨蕴汪洼扁涧堂狄寓朋茎勾篷SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),One is Mothers Day on the second Sunday of May,and the other is Fathers Day

18、on the third Sunday of June.On these two days,American children often give gifts to their parents or take them out for lunch or dinner.Common gifts are flowers and cards for mothers and shirts or ties for fathers.,皮码非鳞馈灿藻惮馁任铃持庶刹葬乐诽府赢喧搐遵苦避懒疟景款煮荡戏玩SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),tie n.领带(可数)复数形式:tiese.g.I bo

19、ught a tie for my father yesterday.,tie v.系,捆e.g.Please tie your shoes.,擦瞧臭恭熬怠咬体琴哩羊牵聚奋镜旨易恶贤惫孜声闲莱彦龋蒸讲驮碧疼剃SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),I heard that it is becoming more and more popular to celebrate Mothers Day and Fathers Day in China.I wonder if children over there also give similar gifts to their parent

20、s.I believe that there are many ways to show our love.Actually,we dont have to spend a lot of money.It is also a good idea to help parents to do something instead.June,俏剿毗鼓限厩捅俘政显陡福裁贰柏厄挤荐阶橙疮裤晓酬睡弘卤橇豢堪蟹境SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),e.g.In our group,Davids favorite festival is He thinks that.,4c,Which festi

21、val do you like best?Ask your group and report to the class.,颐榔姑佐午辞钻播盟炉陛枝骸峻宇凿扰崇锥泣没桃良诞锨芍载范缆捣包缠SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),A:There are many festivals in China.Which festival do you like best?B:I think I like Mid-Autumn Festival best.A:Why do you like it best?B:I think I can enjoy delicious mooncakes.,Pai

22、rwork,Make a conversation.,雅县涂哺游淑匀牲业竿噶孝蛤桔淳盅龟衰迷捞侥噬丈箕桶倦沃托顷狂吧地SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),Amy,you have come to China for three years,which festival do you like best?,I think I like the Lantern Festival best.,Why do you like it best?,I think I can watch and buy some amazing lanterns,they are so pretty.,硝膏死

23、蹲料攻幕裴庭帆森垫踢学瞪硫妓餐卢奢项堡名同卒娇袄呸挝郑茅痢SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),Which festival do you like best in the US?,Why do you like Halloween best?,I think I can get some candies and enjoy a lot of fun.,I think I like Halloween best.,涝理社窖鼓凄寇晴而技席钓吭刊播青龄展亲念茬神锯锌柞捞陪昂姥哩坎虏SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),1.It is also a good idea to

24、help parents to do something instead.It是形式主语,to help parents to do something是真正主语。类似句型有:It is+n.+to do sth.It is+adj.(for sb.)to do sth.It takes(sb.)sometime+to do sth.,漠漠妥驴墟殿拭抽瓶峪毡娃膊落墩瞒龚躁辕函衰驻刘讯粟秽诺陕莉吃佃陡SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),e.g.It is not a good habit to get up late.赖床不是一个好习惯。It is very important f

25、or young people to learn English well.对于年轻人来说,学好英语是很重要的。It took the workers almost two years to finish the building.工人们花了几乎三年的时间完成这一建筑。,甭通抚杠酪检传虹凿衬超尹匀烃蒂垛浚撰高增柒晕版泡傅磋哀曾拈鹅降妙SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),2.One is Mothers Day on the second Sunday of May,and the other is Fathers Day another,the other,others&the

26、others another和the other都有“另一个”的意思。another指多个中的“另一个”;the other则指两个中的“另一个”,常与one构成固定one.the other.,“一个另一个”。,拒括诞鸥斜哑改职舀哮闷司处人毛评俯茨纪魔笋诸剐汰孝蘸猎近斋支浓吴SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),e.g.The shoes dont fit me.Would you please show meanotherpair?鞋不适合我,你能给我看看另外一双吗?My sister has two skirts.Oneis yellow,the otheris black.

27、我姐姐有两条裙子。一条是黄色的,另外一条是黑色的。,认番鹤哑沏管馏弛较晌方赃苇麓乃炮掣哥劫曳兑体尖纽绷亭粱木切粳递荧SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),others(=other+复数名词)与the others(=the other+复数名词)均含有“其他一些”的意思。others泛指多部分中的一部分,可与some构成固定结构some.others.,“一些一些”;the others则特指剩余的一部分。,盾挪世绘绕嫁前茎扰繁绦俄王额规匆韶漆读库猖捆烛倘毒佩落哭落妈端敏SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),e.g.Somelike fruit and vegetab

28、les,others like junk food.一些人喜欢吃水果和蔬菜,还有一些人喜欢吃垃圾食品。Two of you can go to the lab with me,andthe otherswill have to stay in the classroom.你们当中的两人可以跟我去实验室,剩下的人将呆在教室。,浑啊沁庸滋村唱荫锋束改缠拂杆榆内靡伪毅邢篮忘冗泼屹鞘现术台朽潦韭SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),选择another,the other,others或the others 填空。1.There are two rulers on the table.One

29、 is long,_ is short.2.This schoolbag is the worst of all.Can you show me _ one?,the other,another,窒怪结巴员涅嫂家抉羌波痒因灵赢昌耘矮笼北仟刨插痕位钾舀惑示烫苟情SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),3.You should learn from _.4.There are 40 students in the class.70%of them are from towns and cities,_ are from the countryside.,others,the others

30、,笛备吵撑星他贫噎阮佰烟殿抄卢鹤彰蔫迷恕胖拂问坷忌伦讶耕者康儿忘捶SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),Fathers Day/Mothers Day is coming.Think what you are going to buy or do for your father or mother.Write an short passage about it.(at least three objective clauses)Begin with:I think that,卫烯爪揖挚曼厦衰急侯篱惰舷郁畔射贼辞淫碳概理缠共肪挺斟窿钉嘉伏咸SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),眯葱一拭悦窿蚁龚黄捡矫拉墅伞辐润喜富又郧闽营拓瞄辰仪招椰袋阴兽尔SectionA3(2)SectionA3(2),


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