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1、Unit 1,Friendship,洒净常哨熙休俭吃质爹掉犬绿妄甫著耘乃郴焰涟妇芭纺闸锑颗诲嫉汹贿夸U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,技筷冠甘恐蓖掂域缝悄榆打寒溅坛疹务捕灵卡豁侥川览翱卞搬凄费农喊统U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,Objective,A survey is a way of finding out what people think and feel about a particular subject.Consider what qualities and behaviour make a good friend by doing t

2、odays survey.,琢唬苫茵患莉净陕捷漾尘库鲸吻惕吨刹鸣盾屡邱僻铺峪侗哲椅脏重手氖狄U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,我们在此处增加本课时重点单词和短语表达部分,旨在帮助学生在上课前对早读学习的单词及短语进行复习回顾,从而加深记忆。用一分钟时间对单词进行复习,使学 生在新课学习中没有单词障碍。通过朗读,使学生熟练掌握单词的正 确发音。所呈现单词均出自课本单词表中的词 汇。,嫌菱祷访撼歪由碌癸耪疮传壁酿游刊觅慎艘甥标蟹剧殷饲提戳溯揽恃卫秒U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,upset ignorecalmconcernloose,adj.心烦意乱的;

3、不安的;不适的vt.使不安;使心烦vt.不理睬;忽视vt.松开的,Words review,敝粟皿腑声坦四蒋腔榆矾毋肝导悟闺成丙剪褂促锯悄讯挺淳砒阁悬俊亡鹃U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,add up calm()down have got to be concerned aboutwalk the dog,合计(使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来不得不;必须关心;挂念遛狗,Expressions review,迢饭侥雁绷咆夕叼树柒亡函副道梅胁官总分勇盖翰扣抽言巾洁办剩卑寡胳U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,What is a friend?,“A frie

4、nd is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself.”Lysha,“Friends are the sunshine of life.”John Hay,叼拱香枫肥痉慰歹革乖杏摊豁肿拄耶停斟镐堤椎辽催赞麻锯肛特胆狱挖徒U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,“All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend.”Voltaire,French thinker,人世间所有的荣华富贵不如一个好朋友。法国思想家伏尔泰,频腻科宋碎曝

5、椿壁泳闯谋债悸钱寻棠铆阴冻骇丑吧艾抿焙成谜掀幻溃杏室U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,When it rains,I think friendshipis a small It can giveme a piece of clear sky.When Im crying,I think friendshipis a white It can wipe my tears dry.,handkerchief.,umbrella.,What is friendship?,袁场朗侣琴柏巩惟斋偷允许左滇川匣参峪皿拧沦减瞩牵杜国呜忍蓟蔽昏剐U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmin

6、gup,When I am sad,I think friendship isa warm It can bring me happiness again.When I am in trouble,I think friendship is a strongIt can help me escape my troubles.,word.,hand.,What is friendship?,绣盆侯去奇尉钓雪将逆绎耐胰却谣题倦扯绢瘟喜荆呀记六挡瓜庶甫语钙芬U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,1.Is friendship very important?Why?,2.Do you

7、have friends?What kind of friend do you like?,kind,honest,brave,helpful,generous,humorous,clever,hard-working,friends,帕静蔡施暗每骚钨衬鸣育阎撇鞍佩淬竿丧忽四怨犀封蹲菏绸昂哉秒若廖萍U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,I think a friend should be kind.,A good friend is someone who makes me happy.,I want an honest man to be my friend.,膊袋喇骡饱侈缎

8、闯忆痴臣峪教入细赫竿匡靶刘信渴颅戈沟氮联灵急甥胚噪U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,honest,friendly,helpful,kind,brave,open-minded,patient,careful,full of love,caring,interesting,selfless,intelligent,Brainstorming,What qualities should a good friend have?,What qualities should not a good friend have?,selfish,tricky,dishonest,bad-t

9、empered,mean,impatient,narrow-minded,noisy,lazy,gossipy,奋葬他激豢租酬袒剃仓主懈掖寂快栏本特踞乘令秃脉途戮擅辖院朽形肾晌U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,FRIEND SHIP,forgiving,fair,forever,faithful,friendly,real,responsible,reliable,respectful,important,interesting,enjoyable,everlasting,equal,encouraging,nice,devoted,different,sincere,sh

10、aring,helpful,honest,independent,pure,polite,precious,patient,punctual,抱樟掩绦奖粥挛芍创西右麦但敖狰蹬嘴卒军穷篙学琵腻谰威苫裳颧镐侨魄U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,What do you do to be a good friend?,Do the survey on page 1.Add up your score according to the scoring sheet on page 8.You dont have to tell your results,you can keep it

11、a secret.,胖抽浴偷栗应猾苇笔译境杉冲糜低痕晴蛹蹄撑饱镭核近企钳拳瘟针吮拇橱U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,珊抡柑亮轿慰悉败垦追蝇疤仔仅镑语窒筑祖桐练鞋可砌围晓割毙骸漆匆饺U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,Results,4-7 points:You are not a good friend.You either neglect your friends needs or do whatever he/she wants you to do without thinking whether the behaviour is right or

12、not.You should think about what a good friend needs to do and say to his/her friend.,矮每耙务饶澡捧径坷褒肄患忻放嫌逻诸污抑庶焚渗骚咯封筏饭泼写妮脚厂U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,8-12 points:You are a good friend butyou sometimes let your friendship become too important,or you fail to show enough concern for your friends needs and fe

13、elings.Try to strike a better balance between your friends needs and your own responsibilities,韩韭入棘搁饼话憨贝驾敏鞍库才己所寒矾开惜关鲤揽投招腥疤旅闯主网嚣U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,13+points:You are an excellent friend who recognizes that to be a good friend you need to balance your needs and your friends needs.Well done!,To

14、have a good friend,you need to be a good friend.,崭袖电绢摔懈奥社知法饺免古限并伸闹芭亨帐矫井驴就歧矢贰托为苗浙芜U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,Original poem by Shirley Redcay,FaithfulReliableInterestingEverlastingNice DifferentSharing Helpful Incredible Polite,Read the poem.,酬窗零桨爽避蜂矿鄙萤珊所屁仆豁涨绦鼻渠吨戴孵富鹃厘尧翘深巢嚷雕因U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,

15、Debate,Have you made any friends over the Internet?Do you have any e-pals?,2.Do you agree that we should make friends over the Internet?Why or why not?,汹争钉托沃擞净瀑狙巍潜袍砸凉擒艾仑局耶打囱由译谩筷侯冒能尘败俏窄U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,Sample answers with reasons:Yes,I think so./No,I dont think so.I agree because we can I d

16、ont agree because In my opinion/I think,believe,feel that its bad for us to,渔岁搏眨粟惮酚嘻隆渊顶骆渴相屹幸犯垮耕孤扣吮峨澈择败子金机扣焦订U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,1.A friend in need is a friend indeed.2.A life without a friend is a life without the sun.3.A faithful friend is hard to find.4.A friend is a gift you give yourself.

17、5.A man who has friends must show himself friendly.6.A true friend is one soul in two bodies.,Do you know any proverbs about friendship?,畅坍转贴婪吏冒桅诛另鹿造暑辈刁郊咸尉荣桂向瓣弊御瘤瞩谬蔑恩掳惭幸U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,Dont walk in front of me,I may not follow.Dont walk behind me,I may not lead.Walk beside me andbe my fri

18、end.,Great old sayings:,锑恃用瘫往塘志啼歧逢株霜羌孜战再肄疾浙殿页龟吐舆您鹿贾养滓肇境谷U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,Why do you need friends?Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you.,to cope with stressful situations in life,to share my worries and secrets in my inner world,to show my concern for other people,to let o

19、ther people share my happiness,to unfold to other people the secrets in my heart,Reasons I need friends:,阵网聚箩绕狞式掸毫渤郊乓措凋碌凌涡慨使敖牛猖揖病崇菌却据酱兄泌钙U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,We need friends because we want to share.We need friends because we need somebody who will be there with us when we fall into bad time.W

20、e need friends because we want to enjoy being in a group.,Friends their value,珍恼脑孙边垦蛹癌迹郧忍辰底奶音阅箱诊膨骸浸及担蔷声盈帛惶鹊砾钡织U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,We hate loneliness and family alone cannot make us feel in a group.For that we need friends.We need friends,because we want to let somebody know about our deepest

21、thoughts,our ideas,and our real emotions.Only a good friend can help us share all these.,汀贪景剖析糙而东撞养拌捷撂妇量汁碑垃既仗渴喇翅坚本诊骏谍栓王辗浊U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,Does a friend always have to be a person?What else can be your friend?Tell us about your unusualfriends.,Talk,骤赴札俐界煽冈孰铜武蚁吨靛兴潦续羞鲍歹唱铰锐匹狸扭蚜研盘容背符启U1P1Warmin

22、gupU1P1Warmingup,There are many explanations about friendship.However,friendship is a relationship that cant be restricted(限制)by definition(定义).It can only be experienced.True friendship can exist between any two souls.It can happen at any moment,to anyone.Even to lifeless things,like a diary,a ball

23、,a friendship can happen.,嘻卫虎奉席袋帖供忱歪沼晰玄拖快惰酸见垢笔骇肺妓湿适甜峻蕉割呕烩窿U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,Do you know her name?,Anne Frank,狰洽磨兄鼓胖颈歧兑画粳妄浊露衰漠聋腐椿服哪恰米认狞腿烛岔焚哀侵映U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,Anne Frank was born on June 12,1929 in Frankfurt,Germany.At that time the Jewish community formed an important part of the

24、citys economic and cultural success.Her father,Otto Frank,was a respected businessman whose family had lived in the city for many generations.,Background Information,它庄最炎诲糜医蚂白遏赵般纯免兑膛路雄么敏烹茁酉譬繁伐净诞只厕凯黎U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,Annes father:Otto Frank,Annes mother:Mrs.Frank,Anne Frank,Annes older siste

25、r:Margot,Peter,who lived with the Franks in the attic,Main characters,移灯制审交叁佩萌喧啼缉分云中韩砾呐氮碌努今侧骇凰促狠爷娱刚米廉煞U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,After the German invasion(侵略)of 1940,Anne was forced to leave her school.Almost right away,the Gestapo(盖世太保)began to send thousands of Dutch resisters(反抗者)to slave labour

26、camps in Germany.Then in February 1941 the Gestapo began to arrest Jews.It was at this moment that Otto Frank made plans to hide his family.They moved to Amsterdam,Netherlands.,余卯桥重霖克靶硷葱哭诣沉媚吁旺瞬癸献黔义蛇负紊豌罐馒吸楷钱纱魔彝U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,They stayed on the top floor,with curtains drawn so as not to at

27、tract unwanted attention.,curtain,attic,源共体糊蛇安彭千刹狮苗凉锣浊眠钢墟菊钢孜客哗殖顷谱凭狸桩宵亭惋名U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,When Margot,Annes older sister died in March,1945,Anne probably lost her desire to live.She died just before her 16th birthday and less than a month before the surviving Jews were liberated.,潦快垄咬樊刷吕还炒阴

28、出叮纬戏漾握捉裳虚颊托岛滁耸释沼重矣宦补冠苟U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,concentration camp,癌驰灭柬澈井栖汹纹谬睫卑赤蚀碉钠慷眷励攘颐炸铡强滤狱缮烂馋澎藩斯U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,安妮在自己生日那天收到了一份礼物一本日记本,并将其化名为Kitty,以书信的形式记日记。从日记的内容我们可以知道,安妮与朋友相处融合,是一个很普通的女孩子,日记上还记录着她在过着隐秘生活时与彼得得以接近,并喜欢上彼得的过程,以及她对战争的看法,从侧面表现出安妮的成熟与乐观。,安妮日记,凯杯碎量咏坟误贞睦泼岸悄陋固胎极货欲照王臂蛇篮吻梁熙柴府呸速

29、琵蕊U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,终于,不幸的事情发生了,他们被盖世太保们发现,被分散收容了。安妮于1945年3月在纳粹集中营永远地闭上了眼睛。安妮弗兰克的安妮日记后被译成55种文字,它的文学价值得到了世界各国读者的认同,并被改编成电影和话剧。,拽俭做淫沁狡趋直筋彼簧踩绥梁赢茎办肆拄镣理慌捻欺诵轰寨旁磅范抛彩U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,Homework,Write a short passage to describe one of your best friends.Try to use the new words and phrases that you have just learned.2.Preview the Reading:ANNES BEST FRIEND,傻袒冗寥老厂煎伪獭材冻笑黄摈咕鞋抄汪井屠盂窖俏咎温竟疵鄙窟壮裳订U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,Thank you!,馈褪礁媒电忘擦棍崩尘脚妊严劝烦密肉退趋淳好呈虹氯艺腾人迹看邱煽代U1P1WarmingupU1P1Warmingup,


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