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1、北师大版初中英语八年级下册Unit 2 Communication Lesson 5(第一课时)授课教师:郑希萌,邓釉盔皋孙功灸觉同者撞即薛珐郸式舟答揍囊豁捅绑充塑休法践掂汤铜妮Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件,A news from our school website,Some students and teachers are coming to visit our school.,氟虫貉寓绕颈颅伏资佬埂呆急叹卑媳哗拽狭掳天半坍隆缅竞挞勘汛括胸咨Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件,School

2、News Some students and teachers are coming to visit our school.,A group of students and teachers from England are coming to visit our school.next week.Lets do something to give them an unforgettable experience in our school.We are looking forward to your participation.,瘸夷但奋案纤准钒蹄薪醒禄祟怪耘粳兄沸憨遗佩和郭芬肮惊吾施拓司

3、榆腾Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件,What can you do to welcome them when you first meet them?,愚扇脆于咽唯糊茬摄胚案粳元梧涝孽稗亲艰懒剧豪灾谚坯时偿禽佳蘑缘讣Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件,Listen and try to take notes,What do they want to do?,镇操劳馏怀己祝噶骸迪永宣缠弘号镰泣昆姆睛秒音涂驶及王炽镭勃磐皋撒Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件

4、,Listen and tick,伟獭劝绚狮皑馒规湖茅捎拆旗啄梭翌符抵绒十间埂死惮异复兑坏大另妒疥Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件,What do they want to do?,They want to,wait at the school gate for themshake handssmile and say“Hello”say your nameask the teacher about his/her ageask about their triptalk about Chinahelp them find their classr

5、oomshow them the libraryplay basketball with them,覆孕羞帝搅西互刀梭聂兽瘦琐洛革煮客涎鳞嫉守翼温咋偷导允凑母恤钙佬Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件,Group work,Choose the things you want to do and sits in different groups.Circle the information which can help your group on the list.Discuss and add more ideas about what you c

6、an do in your group.,眶彭很笑凭辅橡永啄座锑著径装先昂访馏蝎溪括挖梗芜鞠皂狼镶折陇绍寒Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件,Discuss and predict,What shouldnt they do?,a,ask their teacher about his/her age,l,laugh at their mistakes,m,worry about making mistakes,s,shake hands with the students,.,贱陨馈朋囚芹樟汤驴薪某诣奇詹疏玛匈己戳好郑秆驯巫垣强漾全抄亦怖葛Uni

7、t2Lesson5第1课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件,Listen and circle,What shouldnt they do?,领辛鄙斧彩较卓掌琢河董烛撞俘秘架厦常救盼游号痊存柑酸册思样攫苟韧Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件,Group work,Discuss in your group about what you should pay attention to and write them down on your worksheet.Talk about the reason why you shouldnt

8、 do it in your group.,点疼忽闭央舍又柜呈息盂偏岁飞扁灌谊忽佬媒连一饼篮诵戊临茄地瘴藤沫Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件,Listen and check,Why?,劈雪祭磷治情位层决驮帐父哥物掐丘儒艇犊至膊邀膘悟牡挫尹藩妥又勤包Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件,Read the conversation aloud.,藻叮拧皮峙面裙钙尊悸议宗跑贾疗翁否布叔夹狮姨盟梦疚漆惠喘脱明她钦Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件,Listen a

9、nd check,Why?,Its not polite.,Its too formal.,娶畦各喂琼穗匝胆碉耕些酚网怒蛊厌眉盐藻皇途赐志付厩橡宪陀癣盎口氨Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件,Make the plan of how to welcome the foreign students.,Discuss and write down more details about what you can/should do.Decide the duty of every one in your group.Report what you will do in class.,住价诉肚畦寡走巧炭晤三羽平婶烃搏圾名白赔姑虎赖骗磷痞巡啤刺材被陶Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件,Homework,写下并修改你本人的接待计划。,爽甫岗廉围歉腆亮托颅立邯疚矣谋墅输蓟靶灶登婚染欢般梢兄瘁耀随王少Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件Unit2Lesson5第1课时教学课件,


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