1、Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.,Section B 2a2e,山西太原市清徐县教科研中心 牛改萍,基援门舷占养路葛峭蛇升坑蛆授忧烈陶驱牙菌拐镊烯肺溃誉汝步颇朴瘫扔Unit2Period4Unit2Period4,Q1.Who wrote the letter to Miss Li?Why?,Read and answer the questions,Q2.What did Miss Li do?,Ben Smith wrote the letter to Miss Li.Because he would like to thank Mis
2、s Li for sending money to Animal Helpers.It makes it possible for Ben Smith to have the“dog-helper,Lucky.”,She sent money to Animal Helpers,the group set up to help disabled people.,医铬史案瘁璃绿挝尾蛤纳赠幕撂雾功贮参液寻拜御君雪权斡宙叭阑棵性媒Unit2Period4Unit2Period4,1.The Animal Helpers is a group to help disabled people.2.Ben
3、 Smith wasnt excited about having a dog.3.The dog,Lucky was trained for half a year before Ben brought him home.4.Lucky doesnt understand any English words.5.A“dog-helper”can not cheer up the owner.,True or false,T,T,F,F,F,旅聪篮任兢殷汽茄吕厌贬车周池犹就底谬涌肆禄辐赢沂唆酝天洪乎砰罚若Unit2Period4Unit2Period4,the part of speech o
4、f each word,1.group(n.)2.disabled(adj.)3.difference(n.)4.imagine(v.)5.difficulties(n.)6.normal(adj.)7.training(n.)8.kindness(n.),四妄觅森上歌陌检屋誉企瘟间厅削妒思寡荔知龟汛窍邯奇籽帝届饶书舆惧Unit2Period4Unit2Period4,Key points,(1)set up 建立,创办,开办eg.They set up a big square in the center of the city.他们在市中心建立一个大型的广场。(2)Lucky makes
5、a big difference to my life.Lucky对我的生活产生了很大的影响。make a difference to 对产生影响,有作用eg.The rain didnt make much difference to the game.这场雨对比赛没多大影响。The sea air has made a difference to her health.海上的空气改善了她的健康状况。,疥炒皂眶穗烷敝晤邻坤在鸡质预覆肛联译捆疯精铱诱韦瑞己航绣拢何粤氏Unit2Period4Unit2Period4,(3)help sb.out 帮助某人解决困难eg.My mother hel
6、ped me out with some money when I lost my job.我失业时妈妈给了我一些钱帮了我一把。The children help out in their fathers shop when things are busy.生意好时,孩子们在店里帮爸爸忙。,钳晋它琅凛隧妄菲蓑聊寅浆划脚锈摇撩湾胳捷柳眼叁姿疡悉越绍讯试散晴Unit2Period4Unit2Period4,(4)get,bring,take,carry get 表示到某处去把某人找到并带来,或把某物找到并取来。get常用于口语中。bring表示把人或物“拿来,带来”,说明方向,即从别处拿到说话人这
7、儿来。take表示把人或物“带走,拿走”,说明方向,即从说话人处带到别处去。carry表示为“携带,搬运”,不说明带的方向。eg.I brought your papers along with me.我把你的文件带过来了。Would you please get suitcase from the next room?请你到隔壁房间去取一下手提箱好吗?You may take this book if you want to have a read.如果你想看书的话,你可以带上这本书。Let me carry this bag for you.让我来为你提着这个包。,厢磕顾敷碾狰淬募恶批禹抄
8、瞳育鹅灼鲸养融蛊述怒踞默吐侩论邀确森拼弯Unit2Period4Unit2Period4,(5)be able to 意为“能够”,后面跟动词原形。be able to 与can be able to 和can都可表示做事能力,这时两者可以通用。但can只能用于一般过去时(could)和一般现在时。而be able to能用于任何时态。eg.He couldnt go to school because of his illness.他因为生病,不能来上学。He hasnt been able to go to work for a month.他已经有一个月没能去上班了。,涎扦抑嗽券积基膝顷
9、弘来宙贵寄知淹讽金次函损毒津诉伦砰狰甲骑晓航茄Unit2Period4Unit2Period4,(6)because of意为“因为”because of所引导的介词短语通常用作状语,有时也可作表语,后接名词、代词、动名词或由what引导的从句,可置于句首或句末。because是连词,其后接句子。because所引导的从句通常作原因状语,也可作表语。eg.Because of illness,he didnt go to the meeting.=He didnt go to the meeting because he was ill.因为生病,他没有去参加会议。,柬贤萨斋弄粗陛磕忿耘痞母蔫
10、缓斯耘恨耙泊灿扇厚墟坯寥县砍指辉诛蔬凉Unit2Period4Unit2Period4,Discussion,Q1.In what other ways do you think dogs are able to help people?Q2.What other animals can we train to help people?,峰寂沈箭悄彤羞凌孤压戮拽惕挂苟育坐湿廉恢错注蚂鳞创燃寻畜头梭申文Unit2Period4Unit2Period4,请根据以下提示,以“Helping others is happy”为题,写一篇英文短文。1.过去我将钱花在买衣服和零食上;2.三年前老师告诉我们有许多贫困儿童没有衣物、食品,更不能上学;3.从那以后,我将零花钱捐给一个名为UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会)的机构,此机构主要帮助儿童;4.我为能帮助别人而自豪。要求:1.适当发挥,条理清晰,表达准确;2.不要逐字、逐句翻译,总词数不少于60。,Homework,苗额袄绩补缔箭弱假溃蓉额逢境虑樟槽你授汝右钢悲歧呻皮惧熙强啥脂蛇Unit2Period4Unit2Period4,