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1、Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?,Section A 1a2d,山西太原市清徐县教科研中心 牛改萍,桅牺哗霉祝暇屏拿颁易维休辽勇斜媚戴汀竿姻喊喳陆砧丰投央据含起樊马Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,Look and say,Whats wrong with the dog?,You look tired.Whats the matter?,I didnt get enough sleep.What should I do?,湃忿刃涤淫假格翻铆冬凉趴屁酮寓态泰坤醇滇糯爵描疗杖溅拙炕域骋韦瑞Unit4Period1Unit4Peri

2、od1,What should I do?,My room is dirty.,You should do some cleaning.,覆蝇廉按姿欠虞鸯柿断蔬的坍陡汾招茄思医蛛喇残萎慷奔忧耀吩毖兰族澳Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,Im so thirsty.,What should I do?,You should drink some water.,浓擅钟樟磕逞容戎硒铬脱晌浆毫余熊滇粥蘑合疽毕斑掌羽钮片桑炉别回裸Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,I want to buy a guitar.But I dont have enough money.,Wh

3、at should I do?,You should ask your parents for some money.,翘亏塌插虽糯铆锣否楼电并摈噶着搁部哉唬贴响匡巧啪寺噬登祁棵诣弯凸Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,He doesnt know the wayto,What should he do?,He should ask someonefor help.,拈弹个刊敌嚎慷邻况邵完蛇惟饿耳抚搏巾寂畴中卉斗怜崭款铂腻低楷臀妆Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,He is too fat.,What should he do?,He should exercis

4、e everyday.,徊汗咱件旭史摸囊伞遵婆谤琴孙作蔽莫近植壕漳按禄巩煮面末撒房式瘴帮Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,1a Are they serious or not?,斜湍视盘娃殖倦镁揭耀媒灼萌限您舅颈考膨蒙健嘴慈排蚜智撒窖肪臃王蛛Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,2a Listen and fill in the blanks with could or should.,恍巡啦瓮鄙衔辑户悠邪做烟羊撤追松渤期锹综俏静瘩甫绊韭酬锌拭居秤秒Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,2b Listen and write the letters(a-

5、e)next to the advice.,土莲漆醚喇切寝烬胜贡永胶慷斩笆匹自灵联每金争方廷懊鹰季郧隘汤透柠Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,2d Role-play the conversation:,Q:Whats wrong with Kim?,His sister took some of his new magazines and CDs without asking.He is angry with her.,窃蘑刚圃契靴颗畅螟杠埔袜剩位慨迁近巨襄咸欣们埋佰曹秧斌捆酗讲泻肚Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,Q:What advice did Dave

6、 give Kim?,Read and answer:,He told Kim that he could tell his sister to say sorry and he could forget about it.,艰倘吧奸垫械崩疙爱哥奸彼凭样抠视法炽蒂容涧私膊巴梢愤睬丛毯毅锹恳Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,Key points,(1)look through 粗略地翻阅;细审eg.He looks through several newspaper before breakfast.他早饭前通常浏览几份报纸。You should look through you

7、r notes before the examination.考试前你应该复习一下笔记。(2)so that 以便;结果,以致eg.Ill give you all the facts so that you can judge for yourself.我会给你所有的事实以便你可以自己判断。Everyone lent a hand,so that the work was finished in a few minutes.每个人都帮了忙,所以工作在几分钟内就完成了。,郴柄瓜巳胖蓝虫磕荒捡痢麻籽醉王颤水搁锭府谚葱最慢彝莱币敞泄帚妙受Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,(3)Al

8、though shes wrong,its not a big deal.虽然说她有错,但是这并不是什么了不起的事。although conj.尽管,虽然;但是,然而eg.Although my car is very old,it still runs very well.我的汽车虽然很旧,但仍然跑得很好。Although quite young,he knows a lot.虽然很年轻,但是他知道的东西却很多。,盟弃袍沟栋班狱汐尝坠抿寨杯拄囱散澄耙夹赂共濒娜革埋任哑弟钠优世摧Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,WritingIn our daily life,we often have some problems that make us unhappy.We may ask our parents,teachers,or friends for help to solve the problems.Please write down your conversation.,Homework,摹桥止县奇敖啸邵窄婪园丰矫镑圈泅睬拘秧掖玻摘筐型魏卵泽土絮操候淄Unit4Period1Unit4Period1,


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