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1、Unit 4 Amazing Science Topic 2 Im excited about the things that will be discovered in the future.,Section B,浩若戈芽戳编尧烦渡孜巩惊浚篮积兄孺捷宠唤壬今哉俩邯啃望艾毙貌孔爆Unit4Topic2SectionBUnit4Topic2SectionB,Have a discussion about the dreams or plans in the future together.,I really admire the astronauts.They can travel to spa

2、ce and discover something new about planets.,admire v.钦佩,羡慕,赞赏 admire sb.for sth.E.g.I admire you for your honesty.,磐铂擞称夺皂邢凤蔷撞染演偷秦憨裕来饺媒厘包睛泊荚嫁铅秋牡嗜劳招郸Unit4Topic2SectionBUnit4Topic2SectionB,Listen to 1a and answer the questions.,1.What will Kangkang do when he grows up?He would like to be an astronaut

3、when he grows up.2.What is Maria going to be when she grows up?She isnt sure.Maybe she is going to be a scientist.,悟蕾堕郊院奋珠且豫悔鸟轮双唯赠舷壹怀香坑郊毒婶后洋契寡契鲤驭案葵Unit4Topic2SectionBUnit4Topic2SectionB,1b Listen to 1a and mark T(True)or F(False).,Astronauts from China,the United States and Russia will take part in

4、the space flight.()Kangkang wants to be a scientist in the future.()Kangkang thinks Maria can dance very well.()Maria prefers dance to science.(),T,T,F,F,勉线屡统舒淮坍侦音梗爵豪推销峡浓圆痒簇浪的瓜噶坊元斧懊秦率渊汝坷Unit4Topic2SectionBUnit4Topic2SectionB,1a.Look,listen and say.,返谎饥斯藐誉设雌赶扁瓷苍欠锣丝衙遵弧编拄历榷泌这佳耀外搁剁乍泞钳Unit4Topic2SectionB

5、Unit4Topic2SectionB,Language Points,1.Who will take part in the space flight?谁会参加这次飞行?take part in 参加会议或群众性活动等,着重说明主语参加该活动并在活动中发挥作用。We often take part in physical labor.join 参加某一组织团体、党派,成为其中一员,或和某人一起做事情。When did your brother join the army?Hell join us in singing the song.join in 多指参加小规模的活动,如“球赛、游戏”等

6、。常用于日常口语。Come along,and join in the ball games.,招版芦疽寞话酗昌魂景洛杉擞壹亡九咎积却勾读侵昆志塌舞是檀忆兵骇馅Unit4Topic2SectionBUnit4Topic2SectionB,Language Points,2.I prefer science to dance.相比跳舞来说,我更喜欢科学。prefer to 喜欢而不喜欢E.g.I prefer green tea to coffee.I prefer cooking myself to eating out.3.Then our dreams will be realized.那

7、么,我们就会实现我们的梦想了。,realize=make come ture E.g.Our dreams will be realized.=We will make our dreams come true.,恤狭屁京女矮掸臆窃入地望唯呆督吱泣我黑乌轻敢控搽亚俱慢玫讹峭治崭Unit4Topic2SectionBUnit4Topic2SectionB,1c Read 1a and complete the sentences.,Something new about Mars _by the astronauts.Some basic computer skills _by Kangkang

8、.Im excited about the things _ in the future.Their dreams _if they work hard.,will be discovered,will be mastered,that will be discovered,will be realized,Act out the dialog.,辐虐剂奎晓杆看票翱辨指茸迷旧盎嫂望教宾孟蹦晕危漾喝萝脸圾见疏柞招Unit4Topic2SectionBUnit4Topic2SectionB,Have you seen the UFO?,浆躺药穿言讨江型糖顿小稍嗜胆逛末寥递计潮荒萧缅浅冻弊狭死茂嗡证

9、循Unit4Topic2SectionBUnit4Topic2SectionB,2.Listen to the passage and choose the correct answers.,1.How many shapes of UFOs were mentioned?A.Four.B.Five.C.Six.2.In which area of China did the UFOs often appear?A.Nanjing.B.South China.C.The north of Changjiang River.3.Why do people know little about UF

10、Os?A.UFOs have been met by so many people.B.There are various shapes of UFOs.C.A UFO is only met by chance and disappears rapidly.,Read the questions to predict what the passage talks about.,臂调装悼键忌硅铲轩咋束哗屉栋奢构呸因青俘变喉惫翠稠取措陋渐反褒诉Unit4Topic2SectionBUnit4Topic2SectionB,Summary,We learn:1.words:realize,admir

11、e,master,dancer 2.phrases:take part in,prefer to,be excited about 3.Some sentences:(1)I think you should first master some basic computer skills.(2)Im excited about the things that will be discovered in the future.(3)Lets work hard.Then our dreams will be realized.We can:Talk about flying to Mars and the outer space.,桅宰源井旺苞释蔡耸愁暗舵风庞摸枝必颤居恤峦函闲琉揍闹择梢员刊薯淑Unit4Topic2SectionBUnit4Topic2SectionB,


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