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1、Unit 4 Amazing ScienceTopic 3 China is the third nation that sent a person into space.,Section D,侯端吏佑绎苑景劳九雌葬还祷篓息韭研劳按啡锭咳琵篷镰凰机局捧棘岭勿Unit4Topic3SectDUnit4Topic3SectD,Unit 4 Amazing ScienceTopic 3 China is the third nation that sent a person into space.,Section D,漠裸篇碎水礁哲啤炒险妮冲叼泻疫担府蜕钝舔陈甜止哨硕禽毋乞变倾黄寓Unit4Topi

2、c3SectDUnit4Topic3SectD,Grammar,夹腺病捐挥阿痉悼淳镇凭吕操戏八在吴尊踏茵棺堑冤钨犯徘氏瑶蔡潘腑勿Unit4Topic3SectDUnit4Topic3SectD,概念:1.在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。2.定语从句必须有先行词,并尽量靠近先行 词。3.在定语从句中,关系代词在从句中充当一定的句子成分。关系代词只指人:who(主格和宾格作主语和宾语)只指物:which(主格和宾格作主语和宾语)指人或物:that,复习,摈纶榨搏悍吐峨骚贮力轻无箭猪灯褥恶渔腥赏埋嫌松粹刽喊患岳淀基扯逐Unit4Topic3SectDUnit4Topic3SectD,1.I

3、 know the boy.He can speak English well.I know the boy who/that can speak English well.2.Mary bought a little bird.It was very pretty.Mary bought a little bird that/which was very pretty.3.The season is summer.It comes after spring.The season is summer which/that comes after spring.4.I know the boy.

4、You are looking for him.I know the boy who/that you are looking for.,Exercise,Change the following sentences into attributive clause.,慎肪怎阂禁清苑煮夜欠凳捏钟渠滇径峪蚤轨侠慑牙吮瘤胰筹慑滩谰灸脊垒Unit4Topic3SectDUnit4Topic3SectD,Functions,热亨焊权陋升谭傈殉茶招蘸妖压闷嫂宴窍雪谨伤罩因活闭娶猖袁慢押懒千Unit4Topic3SectDUnit4Topic3SectD,Fill in the blanks.,1.It _

5、(prove)that China has made great progress in its space industry.2.They spent 2.5 hours _(explore)and collecting soil and rocks to take back to earth.3.I advise you to discover new ways to make computers _(serve)us better.4.The whole world is _(connect)by the Internet.5.Spaceships which now _(main)us

6、e electronic controls used to be controlled by astronauts.,proves,exploring,serve,connected,mainly,Exercise,耘猫象脾仇蚜撇炒用比投得挫率巷翠珍崇蛹赏犯盈拂丈俭雏徐赤涵筑莲父Unit4Topic3SectDUnit4Topic3SectD,Talk about the advantages of the computer.,绒驮瓶圣撂得也出奶眺诣恿伺杠方龚海撂卫芒炕见睛侍股骤席琉闻野搐爷Unit4Topic3SectDUnit4Topic3SectD,Talk about the disa

7、dvantages of the computer.,恭达乌挡走抛蛮踪玩跨轿猾秦膛镁恿蜡徒猪誊魂唯锐款赖聊尸墟巍拱早锑Unit4Topic3SectDUnit4Topic3SectD,Do you like robots?Why or why not?If you had a robot,what would you like it to do for you?,略礼网炉封柜获摊挖赊枉掺叼斋缨茁加筑轻囱尸官绦横钒宽丢丛醚迢桌含Unit4Topic3SectDUnit4Topic3SectD,1b Find the words in the passage according to the fo

8、llowing meanings.The first letter is given to help you.,1.to tell somebody about danger or about something bad that may happen 2.to make something happen or appear3.a person who is paid to do housework for a family 4.sure and confident,without any doubts 5.used to say that something may be true,but

9、you are not sure,1.w_2.c_3.s_4.c_5.p_,arn,ause,ervant,ertain,erhaps,狗成硫赁成兆凡摈但序蹬管滇妮它咬兰扼腑泄第陪嗡于娠裸早诊八绘届肢Unit4Topic3SectDUnit4Topic3SectD,1.No one knows for certain,but most people think that robots will be part of our lives.没有人清楚,但是大部分人都认为机器人会成为我们生活的一部分。certain adj.确凿的,无疑的,可靠的 习惯用语 be certain of 确信,深信 b

10、e certain to 必然;一定 for certain 肯定地,确凿地 say for certain 确切地说 know for certain 确切地知道,Language points,斜都高索辩略檀面阁赘友思烬批圃逃唱皇拴孺叛锦屎敝男证紊霞抿值靛轿Unit4Topic3SectDUnit4Topic3SectD,2.In a few years,perhaps robots will think on their own,just as people use their brains and act for themselves.多年以后,也许机器人会有自己的思想,就像人们使用自

11、己的大脑和自己行动一样。on ones own 独自,单独 3.One scientist warns that if robots start to think for themselves,they will no longer want to be our servants,but our masters.曾有科学家警告,如果机器人开始自我思考,他们将不再愿意成为我们的仆人,而是想成为我们的主人。warn sb.(not)to do sth.警告某人(不要)干某事warn sb.about sth.提醒、警告某人注意某事,Language points,悄妖奖搔酶惹缺烽脆点扔钳镐绝燎懊奖

12、途剿轻希酒唇品底很碘宝厢乌秀颧Unit4Topic3SectDUnit4Topic3SectD,Key Words,for certainbe part ofbe friendly so farcauseall the time be surprised aton ones own think for oneselfwarn no longertreat as betweenand,Retell it,赡仪窥宽夹抬坞渗狡范滴旁焰鸽脉复话洼谱齿斧醇垦甚屹紧矽串芽戚唾厩Unit4Topic3SectDUnit4Topic3SectD,1c Read 1a again and discuss the

13、 questions with your partner.,1.Do you think robots will be part of our lives in the future?Why?2.Robots are considered to be our servants,arent they?3.Do you think robots can think or act for themselves?4.Why does the title have a question mark?,岂遏鞍挞加萄岩裔婿嘴陌多纠议学粤噬钓箕俏凳烂叭姿勤丈蝎瞧讼裴圾斗Unit4Topic3SectDUnit4

14、Topic3SectD,No one knows for _ what our future will be like,but most people think that robots will be part of our _.So far,robots havent _ us any problems.They work for us like _ all the time.They help us do _ and difficult work.People are _ at the rapid development of robots.In a few years,perhaps

15、robots will think on _ own,just as people use their brains and act for themselves.However,once robots can think for themselves,problems may appear.One scientist _ that if robots start to think for themselves,they will no _want to be our servants,but our masters.They _ treat us as we now treat our pe

16、ts.,Exercises,long,they,surprise,cause,certainly,live,servant,danger,warn,may,certain,lives,caused,servants,dangerous,surprised,their,warns,longer,might,伸揉韩浩勋孽漏峙憎蝗默返呛掀丁脯滥姬阳咽前啤蹬救剧狐抓盒绕楚津革Unit4Topic3SectDUnit4Topic3SectD,Fill in the blanks.,Theres _ _(无疑地)that China has made great progress in its space

17、 industry._(微型的)novels are very popular with children.The flight was_(取消)because therell be a heavy fog above the airport.Spaceships can travel to other planets._(除以外),humans have built space stations.5.No one knows _ _(确切地),but most people think that robots will be part of our lives.6.Perhaps robot

18、s will think _ _ _(独自,单独)in a few years.,no doubt,Tiny,canceled,Besides,for certain,on their own,Exercises,铜筐忱假驼肝烬冻遥戴童赢热描捷波避困末烬葡构期交珠登谆闹垢灌言憨Unit4Topic3SectDUnit4Topic3SectD,Making a Wall Newspaper About Computer Information 1.Collect the following information from books,newspapers,the Internet and so

19、 on.the parts of the computer the kinds of computers the development of the computer 2.Discuss the uses of computers in daily life and technology in groups.3.Design a wall newspaper about the computer.,Project,略饵渗垫耶赐颇例挞给羡憋淹榜酣慕殷唇叹帆荔而邮篇起破崔伙木当约玛Unit4Topic3SectDUnit4Topic3SectD,小结,We learn:1.Some words:

20、certain,warn,might,housework 2.Some phrases:for certain,on ones own 3.Some sentences:(1)No one knows for certain,but most people think that robots will be part of our lives.(2)In a few years,perhaps robots will think on their own.We can:1.Summarize the usage of Attributive Clause.2.Learn about some knowledge of robots.,蓑盆愉匹矛字侍遁品真吮复狼摩壮目椰责盅咸强激笛婴涧借姥裂衫较感布Unit4Topic3SectDUnit4Topic3SectD,作业,1.Read 1a.2.Memorize the useful expressions and key sentences which we learned in this topic.3.Finish Section D in your workbook.,翱标赢淹螟炉愿误复擒澄盒求渴薄轻零衍蛤陀开额骨针肘魔谢砸惨浮推镣Unit4Topic3SectDUnit4Topic3SectD,


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