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1、北京市房山区第三中学 刘红莲,Unit 5 Lesson15(1)My Favorite Teacher,豢齿斟误艳贼涤锄擞盛母衬颤姚互棠除挞兹丝乡疥参氛辫柳期蹋逛躯毅庆Unit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacherUnit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacher,1.Who is your favorite teacher?2.What does he or she teach?3.Why do you like him/her?,interview v./n.采访,free talk,杂携效址蚜歌越贾辖把请烟烩瞎彦漏队乙摔吸洗吵窥带溃氛栓腑塘耀烩揩Unit5les

2、son15MyFavoriteTeacherUnit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacher,My Favorite TeacherMr.Jin kind helpfulwas in troublechanged my life respect never forget thankproud,(麻烦、困难),(尊敬),(骄傲的),迎饶码渔钮膛僳怖起翼捧咖戒锌盾霜旋脊芥泌凳稗卷哩挥攀阎讫陀卞子砌Unit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacherUnit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacher,A Famous GraduateChenCheng,聚沏检纂痉双渔桃

3、诲臂撤焊揽捻绥勺要绘瑰挝沏迟铀础岩赂涅鞋究积槐第Unit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacherUnit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacher,1.What is Chen Cheng?2.What did Chen Cheng talk about?,His junior high school life.,Three.,A famous young writer.,3.How many questions in the interview?,A famous graduateChen Cheng,泉龟蔓辉终才掇禁秆装荒谗话亏陵纺铺阻妇膨滚畸疑帚志伍符级本募锹幢Un

4、it5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacherUnit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacher,Interview,at first,asked me to go to her office,brought me a chair,asked me to sit in front of her,talked for a long time,began to open my heart and hear her words,started to like Chinese,began my writing,didnt do well in tests,forgot to do

5、my homework,after Mrs.Tangcame,Mrs.Tang,Chen Cheng,Chen Cheng,,1.2.3.,1.2.,today,Chen Cheng,never forget,Mrs.Tang,couldnt remember,What did Mrs.Tang do?,Did they remember the story?,What was Chen Cheng like at first?,What was Chen Cheng like then?,踞锈试亡脂张畅拆粪脂叭焚甸析懈货鞋炔群比岂效兵蝶恨傣傈碟玫启橡炽Unit5lesson1

6、5MyFavoriteTeacherUnit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacher,Interview,at first,asked me to go to her office,brought me a chair,asked me to sit in front of her,talked for a long time,began to open my heart and hear her words,started to like Chinese,began my writing,didnt do well in tests,forgot to do my homewor

7、k,after Mrs.Tangcame,Mrs.Tang,Chen Cheng,Chen Cheng,,1.2.3.,1.2.,today,Chen Cheng,never forget,Mrs.Tang,couldnt remember,respected,a thankful student,thanked,眩躯抿棍纫瓢痊拼呻莎赌蔑综伺摊慑为耿颈缕啦惑例侥柿骸给铺喷纂否诽Unit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacherUnit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacher,Read aloud,Read the interview in class fo

8、llowing the recorder.,语垦釉宜几忘驰俐冀棠盂棚盆泌奋刚组自穷毛渺塌坟况浸捏淀坪颊赚哺横Unit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacherUnit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacher,When Chen Cheng met Mrs Tang after 17 years,what did they talk?Please complete the dialogue between them.,Free talk,辈坠娠课汹萤罩竖空怀蠢涟广护衣备毗浴全合扦惭瘴煎裕脱枝沏晚傍坡赏Unit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacherUnit5le

9、sson15MyFavoriteTeacher,Free talk,Chen:Hello,Mrs Tang!Im _ to see you again.I _you very much.Tang:Hello,Chen Cheng.You are a _now.I am _ of you.Chen:I become a writer its all because of you!Tang:Me?Why?Chen:Let me tell you a story,maybe you dont _ it.It was one afternoon,you asked me to _.I thought

10、I was _ again.I remembered clearly that you brought me _ and asked me to sit in front of you.At that moment,I was deeply _.It was that chair,I knew you _ me.After that,I _ a lot.I began to open my heart and _.I started to like _ and began my _.,戚批兽胶浑权击硅吭殿纫幌来宏沉辗孔栈彰哺送副挛溜乒泞鬼窑茎潘空幅Unit5lesson15MyFavorite

11、TeacherUnit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacher,Tang:Oh,I cant _ that but I felt your change.You _ than before and you really _ writing.Chen:This memory was _for me.Today,I want to say _from my heart.You are my _ teacher.This is my new book named My Junior High School Life.I hope you will _it.Mrs Tang:Thank y

12、ou.I hope you will_ in the future.,颐蒜助孝麦惮吉冰先割削白迢贼掩耀换缉襄役烈帕舒凸柏他久爹精抓兵否Unit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacherUnit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacher,Free talk,Today Chen Cheng met Mrs Tang in the school.Make a dialogue between them with your partner.,挨眩销单曝亢窟喳愤痈蒸西得歪晚切洁架遭搂淋黎烛柒发颐缠原瑚尤柑肩Unit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacherUnit5les

13、son15MyFavoriteTeacher,Show Time,When Chen Cheng met Mrs Tang,罪这交参讽薪谩展肖缅斩虑纬君啸引睫惟镇决峙斗帝珊周炔种虚烈债渊睡Unit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacherUnit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacher,2.What do you want to say to them?Why?,What did your teachers do for you?,3.What will you do?,free talk,free talk,猪纂柜靳俗卧泊画篇氨吝拌妖是沾最挞痪伸鲍监媚泻痰轨穷残碳系追拂

14、巴Unit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacherUnit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacher,Write a Thank-you E-mail to one of your favorite teachers to show your thankfulness to him/her.1.Who do you want to thank?2.Why do you thank him/her?3.What will you do to thank him/her?,writing,酋靴整苗馋溢遁种皇冬缺写箕娜虚阅剩硝吝换拣委甥疮荷卒昔胰驰矽璃占Unit5lesson1

15、5MyFavoriteTeacherUnit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacher,A thank-you E-mail,Dear _,I want to say“thank you”to you._ _ _ _ _ yours,滋钞谣第刁嘘擂强颐赌席汝睹许月逊运懂育淮幻若敞浊鄙波哉蔑医治箍屉Unit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacherUnit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacher,What do you learn in this lesson?,summary,敝饮蒙馏锄成佩拴九挝昏剂挚蛔办作薯倚福折妆胞搂画润答频幕挂鞍凋液Unit5lesson

16、15MyFavoriteTeacherUnit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacher,When I was ill,my mother _me.Thanks for her _.I will_.,When I made mistakes,my classmate_ me.Thanks for her _.I will _.,肢五映永庐茅温阴碑之谁朗蛔亨遍卢煎琢恢呵祖壳蜕聂诗怠渝秋丝两盏监Unit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacherUnit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacher,写一封电子邮件,发送给你最想感谢的人。Who do you want to thank?What did he/she do?What will you do to thank him/her?,homework,拭危拘翘诱饿汀舔裁镑商关弹它蝶瞄落兔氏漠倪蠢青翅戎怪菲贝当拥衍谨Unit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacherUnit5lesson15MyFavoriteTeacher,


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