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《Unit5Topic1SectionB .ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit5Topic1SectionB .ppt(22页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Section B,Unit 5 Our School Life,Topic 1 I usually come to school by subway.,仓汞眉滴悄腊衷惭搪今插输褥拯非铸侈剿白砂旺次晓慈解渺饲娇匝培蒋疾Unit5Topic1SectionB(2)Unit5Topic1SectionB(2),How do you usually come to school?,By bike.,Ask and answer.,哺鼻线桅重进幸遍股分钎曼诬倦网走子澡倚城萧胁拴召碘婪喻舰惜莎积剑Unit5Topic1SectionB(2)Unit5Topic1SectionB(2),0%,100%,n

2、ever _,seldom,sometimes _,often,usually _,always,Fill in the blanks with always,often,seldom.,擒辗然渔介毋购秽涕剩蔫穴滚朱淫错脐钎垛嘴朽垣帝涎吸裂冀娘叙走吉优Unit5Topic1SectionB(2)Unit5Topic1SectionB(2),A:I often come to school on foot.,B:I never come to school by bus.,C:My father always goes to work by subway.,D:He seldom goes to

3、 work by train.,E:Sometimes I come to school by bike.,Use always,usually,often,sometimes,seldom,never and the means of transportation to make sentences.,甥端烁蘑响桂忆折邓濒觅酶昏菇思陪涎卤吕岩律脱尺吱悦乞猖鹰悯饿按嘉Unit5Topic1SectionB(2)Unit5Topic1SectionB(2),weekdays,阂擦鸿峨刃璃饮囤习坷锑呻惹陶而母垂赫溶携戈褐祁费驼达旋呜庸恬操舌Unit5Topic1SectionB(2)Unit5To

4、pic1SectionB(2),walk,do ones homework,watch TV,bird,worm,see a movie,play soccer/football,装召腾庄椒殆困鸽覆奄嗅镰眠事喳迟蹲瞧迂汐弃弥翌额兵沈息壹晚触州号Unit5Topic1SectionB(2)Unit5Topic1SectionB(2),What time do you usually get up?,A:I usually get up at half past six.,B:I usually get up at six.,C:,The early bird catches the worm,W

5、e should go to bed early and get up early.As the saying goes,“_.”,狄橡妙咱裤瘪蛤亨灭箭蕉循碳失苗饿霜晾笨降阿忙帧瞅派偏交谗宿党娥递Unit5Topic1SectionB(2)Unit5Topic1SectionB(2),1b.Listen to 1a and complete the sentences with usually,always,often,sometimes,seldom,or never.,1.Michael _ walks to school but _ goes by bike.2.Helen _ goes

6、 to school on foot.She _ takes the underground.3.Sally _ takes the underground.She _ goes to school by bus.,usually,sometimes,never,often,seldom,always,怒丢柳砂抹志舞躲胳摩乏迫毙赡樊舶语娘妖磊掀雀肩而萌桌涧孪歧铲还致Unit5Topic1SectionB(2)Unit5Topic1SectionB(2),1a.Look,listen and say.,办瘤箍业况魂辆醇姐娱躲秧浚哗晕佳粮剐几税砰着相狈设亲敬肪众哦彪货Unit5Topic1Sect

7、ionB(2)Unit5Topic1SectionB(2),H:get up,on weekdaysM:6:00H:early bird;how,go to schoolM:usually,on footH:seldom,walk;often,by subwayS:never,by subway;always,take a bus,Act out the dialog!,氰境池专变概腿般驻怜渔档谗陪烫佃猫肖拣鼎闲呸组窃穷埂江膀犬弹埠局Unit5Topic1SectionB(2)Unit5Topic1SectionB(2),Example:,Li Xiang often comes to sch

8、ool by bike.,Li Xiang often rides a bike to school.,2a.Study the example to understand the two ways of expressing the same meaning.Then fill in the blanks.,翘暂三慨优灸废垢浸呆脯览锄帘獭把迭惨曾遮联贷污双贼笑段咎仓戚贫馏Unit5Topic1SectionB(2)Unit5Topic1SectionB(2),Maria sometimes _ home _ _.,Maria sometimes takes the subway home.,

9、1,goes,by subway,2a.Study the example to understand the two ways of expressing the same meaning.Then fill in the blanks.,狂勾龄角残卢笆扑痪侯氟巨蓉铝炯泊史泅刻瞬牌斑倍沦撰径众松呢丘埂辫Unit5Topic1SectionB(2)Unit5Topic1SectionB(2),We usually go to the park on foot./p:k/,We usually _ to the park.,2,walk,2a.Study the example to under

10、stand the two ways of expressing the same meaning.Then fill in the blanks.,练妈疫岔扫魂这绕凋椒疹害女狸语沼靖戈吴屠舱求仅庙植棠薯掩啄镐夯侦Unit5Topic1SectionB(2)Unit5Topic1SectionB(2),They always go to the zoo by bus.,They always _ _ _to the zoo.,3,take a bus,2a.Study the example to understand the two ways of expressing the same m

11、eaning.Then fill in the blanks.,垫菱嘛壬储访鼓洼守锈粗釉磊夏芒茶呻妥秒江苹很忍口首策枚苏音或狈摘Unit5Topic1SectionB(2)Unit5Topic1SectionB(2),E.g.He usually flies to Beijing.=He usually _ to Beijing _ _.,goes,by plane,goby subway take the subwaygoby bike ride a bikegoon foot walkgoby bus take a busgoby car take a cargoby plane fly,

12、杖褪莎恶亨碉几扎贡条智黄床拓耐晨疆顺往孜来漓答冠掷沈钮兑道绞乐疥Unit5Topic1SectionB(2)Unit5Topic1SectionB(2),2b.Ask and answer questions about the pictures in 2a with your partner.,Example:A:How does Li Xiang go to school?B:He often goes to school by bike./He often rides a bike to school.,庆冒棋讣反面拔几宅缺讯霞庄财窃仇役讣鲸卜戳丝魄妮暴慕瞻樟俺杜暑溯Unit5Topic

13、1SectionB(2)Unit5Topic1SectionB(2),3.Listen to the passage about Nancys activities and check()the correct answers.,摧遗骸玉才蚕仆妥扇拘标逾蓑化赃萍胜个女浚份拐此弦仑胃虏抢伪唐嚏制Unit5Topic1SectionB(2)Unit5Topic1SectionB(2),3.Listen to the passage about Nancys activities and check()the correct answers.,虚蜒伙毙崩记爬嵌宠丝钥淹硫睹笼际孙涂群很鸥脯冶先仆贱曹孟

14、彰睬酸拨Unit5Topic1SectionB(2)Unit5Topic1SectionB(2),4.Chant and then match the first four sentences with the pictures.,棒蹄呛褥摩限翠群插消拭喀焦扛葛竹樊滁漏呀已窿扬镜戊靳营哭倪纠勇沁Unit5Topic1SectionB(2)Unit5Topic1SectionB(2),Summary,We learn:1.some words:weekday,early,bird,catch,seldom,walk,never,ride,park,watch 2.some phrases:tak

15、e a bus/car,do ones homework watch TV,see a movie,play soccer 3.some sentences:The early bird catches the worm.I never come to school by subway.We can:use Adverbs of Frequency correctly e.g.never,seldom,sometimes,often,usually,always,廊晨岗沫瘫但杀遮艘饰瞻歼饥畔柄凶慎裁噪镐妨承欢体趋钻念焊慈氨病宠Unit5Topic1SectionB(2)Unit5Topic1S

16、ectionB(2),Memorize the new words and phrases.Review the Adverbs of Frequency.Practice the means of transportation in different expressions.,Homework,驹裸凑唆基蛔搽咯柬袁铸差暑剐膝刹嚎垫牺龋釜胖培犊宾夜雏夏密被汲垂Unit5Topic1SectionB(2)Unit5Topic1SectionB(2),Thank you,带曼溶旋游朝漳感颖闷蘑吱问码绦裂蚤喻酒乾卓鼻胺同买菱页订峙覆盯号Unit5Topic1SectionB(2)Unit5Topic1SectionB(2),


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