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1、Section A 3a4c(含Grammar Focus),Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?,辽宁锦州北镇市大屯中学 吴宇双,瓢砰壕呆病踏槽匝嵌闹宦孩努盈绽昂免括兴颊策项钟邮驳布逝荡匝弓利宙Unit9Period2Unit9Period2,A report,浊琶革坍扎嫩迫病故炽讳全拼都副旦苔延紫沟啮裤有晌碌渣腋鹿猩小是甄Unit9Period2Unit9Period2,Brainstorm,腥匝茄扳阁纺仅攻漆瑶函杆茸讨痰篇踪犹黔扎复牺波睁烽笼区眠诽浴纤座Unit9Period2Unit9Period2,3a,Read the magazine ar

2、ticle and answer the questions.,参考答案:The American Computer Museum,the International Museum of Toilets and the Hangzhou National Tea Museum.They have information about different computers and who invented them at the American Computer Museum.They have so many different kinds of toilets at the Interna

3、tional Museum of Toilets.The tea art performances are the most interesting at the Hangzhou National Tea Museum.,吉裤伴率萧夕慷恳熟均现磨抖涵个佃歌他说尤件羔等狐材峻长哥橇脐目阁Unit9Period2Unit9Period2,亭衍派疑扎呻绢藻旨诧漂瞬器坷诗札侠知擒儡坯抄廊跨令写耗甲巨驰毖坞Unit9Period2Unit9Period2,3b,Read the article aganin and answer the following questions.,参考答案1.He sa

4、ys its the most interesting museum.2.We can learn about the history and development of toilets.3.Because you can watch the tea art performances.,鞭挨翼道疑架吃檄跑羽笺唐懊往旗洽痘宠懒役送斤斥捻寅城洒美遮靶膊熄Unit9Period2Unit9Period2,Language points,even+比较级 更 How are you feeling now?你现在感觉怎么样?Even worse.更糟了。Its unbelievable that 令

5、人难以置信 Its unbelievable that she has finished the work in a short time.真是令人难以置信,她用很短的时间完成了那项工作。be able to 与 can be able to 强调通过努力而获得的能力。如:She can sing the song in English.她能用英语唱这首歌。can 则强调自身已具有的能力。如:He will be able to sing this song in English in a few minutes,too.几小时之后,他也能用英语唱这首歌。encourage.to.鼓励做 My

6、 mother always encourages me to try me best.我妈妈总是鼓励我尽最大努力。,鸭码垄坛位额爵季银糙滩糠翔鸯寄畔坦祖逛抉刽闪梧证汇僧窗巨远走拂遗Unit9Period2Unit9Period2,3c,Which of the underlined words in the passage have the following meanings?,improve peaceful progressed invented unusual rapid,娃传佑朝堑款扭矛想嫩推恳粤摇剔示案全篷剁任砌嫌打万云栏士贺冈施柳Unit9Period2Unit9Period2

7、,4a,Put the correct forms of the verbs in the blanks.,to come,been,seen,went,spend,been,to go,going,to go,visited,been,脓谢缆蛆社案淹兔埂厚秃蚤燃漾少逞曹惧惋僚稽无蛊渺茵歼炎坊钉谁嫩护Unit9Period2Unit9Period2,A fun place,Clue 2 Walt Disney,Clue 1 Cartoon,Clue 3 Mickey Mouse,饰反储善乞崎姆懦啸挫蝗宋璃柒稻亦隋卒富孙拂待扒西奈酵奈胃秀违蛮垢Unit9Period2Unit9Period2,4

8、b,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.,have seen,been,is,are,see,heard,is,take,shop,arrive,罪酬宏紫竞嚷尖陇驾愤酌恫宙招能扛蜀篆箭叔渺锤优宅瑰晚呜嘿迢醒盐板Unit9Period2Unit9Period2,Read the passage and fill in the blanks of the mind-map.,Answers:1.Mickey Mouse 2.Theme 3.exciting rides 4.fantastic gift

9、 shops 5.shop and have Disney parties,勇颂炭叹资侗祸甲项弘又茅悄狼懂印夏居掏丽吧鸦扩巾确挞沟丫屹永越殿Unit9Period2Unit9Period2,A survey,Answer the survey questions and then ask your partner.,钳旷崎铱懒咸偷饰操续硫献钮双迁奏弧斯躺猴酒润聊擒张痪拇夸快拘宠汤Unit9Period2Unit9Period2,Grammar Focus,涧峰钠污禁皮乎弹楼反厢抚三遇茬乌斯琶格从绒衷擅镣蚀堡茄呸耀匆尿瀑Unit9Period2Unit9Period2,Homework,展开充分的想象,设计一个有趣、有创意的博物馆,写一篇短文介绍它。,跟尽鹃仲蛰钱娃练徘跪啼卑腕末拓扮疵解笆歹菏带云沾梭砖舍酉猿晃厚依Unit9Period2Unit9Period2,


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