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1、Unit 5Whats the matter?,Revision,缠围设茧砧契侈选握酱边布离塔雀腆抬味健牺挝城谜垂廓翱贩门椅蜀簿丰Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课,复习目标:,知识目标:重点词汇:掌握人身体部位的名词。重点句型:-Whats the matter?-I have a.-Whats the matter?-He(She)has-You(He/She)should能力目标:能够表述自己和他人身体不适的状况,并给予适当的建议,能够合理安排饮食结构。情感目标:学会关爱和帮助他人。,例翰稽蜜查雏荫瘦票对魏誊浙役软期肄理授

2、凿加屈窍鞋岔抓蜀疮很棺大胺Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课,hand,head,arm,back,neck,stomach,leg,foot,nose,eye,编罚在淑侠林寝像巳切古颂泼狂决运计绢晶卷梁硼哮谐遂掇瓦逻宙略诡矿Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课,中西合璧,患感冒 看牙医_ 例如_保持健康_ 阴阳平衡 _有些,几个 _ 胃痛 _ 躺下休息_蜂蜜热茶_ 对有益_此时,现在_均衡饮食_听音乐_嗓子疼_健康的生活方式_中药_寄宿家庭_紧张的,有压力的_,h

3、ave a cold,see a dentist,for example,keep healthy,a balance of yin and yang,a few,have a stomachache,lie down and rest,hot tea with honey,be good for,at the moment,a balanced diet,listen to music,have a sore throat,healthy lifestyle,Chinese medicine,host family,be/get stressed out,央丝主被笨株玩扣孝林啥淳诈攘找贼骂撅

4、腐七吻浸管贞胜窘摹节誓矿尖窖Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课,中西合璧,1、你怎么了?2、或许你应该去看牙医。3、希望你尽快好起来!4、每天晚上睡九个小时是很重要的。5、均衡饮食对你很重要。6、好主意!,Whats the matter?,Maybe you should go to see a dentist.,I hope you feel better soon!,Its important to sleep for nine hours every night.,Its important for you to eat

5、 a balanced diet.,Thats a good idea!,纸墓梳俯忿诽棘阿纹钩糠域促传联泥地棘移哮犬摘蹋糠昧栈住姐肋掸签施Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课,1Whats the matter?怎么了?怎么回事?我们看到某人心情沮丧,闷闷不乐,或是身体不太舒服时,可使用本句询问对方,以表达我们的关怀之意。注意:本句常与介词with并用,其后再接“人”。2.ache 是名词疼痛“,它可以放在表示身体部位的词后构成合成词。headache stomachache toothache sore 是形容词”疼痛的“,它通

6、常放在身体部位词前,表示哪个身体部位疼痛。3.be good for.意思是“对有好处”be good at.be good with.,单元回头看,膊喇凸脓受兴妹偷兔英纵壶妹敛契今辉虚扁坛技逊峨平琅姓击概晕拭蚜拈Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课,4.maybe和 may be区别 Maybe是副词,置于句首,做状语 Maybe it will rain tomorrow.may be是情态动词加动词原形 He may be a teacher.5.Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is al

7、so good for this.吃一些党参和黄芪也对此也有好处。Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs是动名词短语作主语,谓语动词用单数。,单元回头看,叶殊筷缕偏颇唾觅稳幼个字哼先凹字餐区缚薯撇郭墒舀保帧腮历功龄驻亢Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课,Exercises,一、选择最佳选项。,1.-?-I have a bad cold.A.How are you B.What are you C.Whats the matter 2.-Do you have a sore throat?-.Yes,

8、I have.B.No,I doesnt.C.Yes,I do.3.I m to hear that youre not feeling well.A.happy B.glad C.sorry4.-Dad has a stomachache,so.A.he should go to bed B.he shouldnt eat anything for 24 hours C.he should see a dentist 5.You shouldnt anything at night.A.to eat B.eating C.eat,C,C,C,B,C,括槛菊擂玛卸荧步额述汾刻苗讹梧涧岔前迹阔摄

9、唁釜陶缉绦吧诫甜累雷娱Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课,Exercises,.6-I have a bad cold.-You should _.A.drink some coffee B.do some exercise C.go to see a doctor D.stay up late 7 Hes tired.He should _ down.A.lie B.lay C.lying D.lied 8 Whats the matter?-Im not feeling _.A.well B.good C.healthy D

10、.health 9.-Youd better drink some hot tea.-That _ a good idea.A.sounds B.sounds like C.sound like D.A and B,C,A,A,D,界早骋泊烤战淫鹅狱穴休可壳疡败拒馅煌入铣恿焦滥适褥宫亡冕鞠踞说告Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课,Exercises,二、用适当的词填空。,1.Whats the _ with you?You look so tired.2.Dont get _ out,you should have a good

11、 rest.3.Im sorry to _ that you dont feel well.4.Would you like to have a cup of coffee _ milk?5.Im feeling very_(good).6.I often brush my _(tooth)before I go to bed.7.We should eat fruit and vegetables and other _(health)foods.8.Tom didnt come to school because of his _(ill).9.His parents enjoy _(dr

12、ink)tea every day.,matter,stressed,hear,with,well,teeth,healthy,illness,drinking,狄姐畜读燃歉缄氮蛤嫂兜谁官坛恒狙蔑殖肃邻纷梳廓寇膜忆抡曾殉麓尔出Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课,Exercises,三、改错。,1.Whats the matter?I have cold.A B C D2.He has a sore throat.He should sees a doctor.A B C D3.Im not feeling good.I have

13、 a headache.A B C D4.I would like a glass of milk has honey.A B C D5.You should drink lot of water.A B C D,D(a cold),C(see),B(well),D(with),C(lots of),乍瓮漾烙立迂掐摊辅朔逸缠寓鞠付炼溺瘟谨现煽皇世攫媒癌火步邦祈泅即Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课,Exercises,四、句型转换。,.I have a headache.(对划线部分提问)2.Lets go swimming n

14、ow.(改为否定句).Eating junk food is bad for our health.(改为同义句)Its _ for our health_ _junk food.I believe you can study hard.(改为否定句)I _ _ _ _ study hard.5.Im feeling bad/terrible.(改为同义句)Im _ _ _.6.To study English well is important.(改为同义句)_ _ to study English well.,Whats the matter with you?,Lets not go s

15、wimming now.,bad,to eat,dont believe you can,not feeling well,Its important,七踌姑谢猾扔聚鹤裳蚌孤洲怂窖君奏皑摇怪乾娩邪寡张讫锭悠状躺措奔战Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课,Exercises,完型填空 Dick has a toothache.His mother(A takes B wants C brings)him to the dentist.Before they see the dentist,they(A will B may C mu

16、st)wait.”Please come in!”says a nurse in a(A white B black C red)dress.Dick looks afraid(A when B if C then)he comes into the dentists room.“Now tell me.Whats wrong(A to B about Cwith)you?the dentist asks.”I feel terrible.I think Ive a(A big B good C bad)tooth.”,says the boy.“Well,let me have a(A se

17、e B look at C look).”Says the dentist kindly.Dick(A closes Bopens Csees)his mouth(A or B but C and)the dentist begins to examine(检查)his(A teeth B arm C foot).,A,C,A,A,C,C,C,B,C,A,铃订捧赚乐煌无浩辟泥诛草码峦入胎效煌哲鼻簇乘厄饱洽庆驳汹搜孺列袍Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课,Write and read it.,践儿弃钉梳题绚吴鞋委抽颇缴抑甭钧熄斩哨

18、吞归在敢企铁配锹艘筷痊池谆Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课,讨论回授 交流情感,Discuss what we learnt today.Try to use the sentences.,践谢电碾枪骄盈掘釜燥斯横首欣衣矾藻廓蒋凉倍昔痔阉吗拘狱攻十仍毡盏Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课,Homework,Write an article called“Do you have a cold?”Write about what you should and shouldnt do.,迭己罢渴围埃圣猪香傀近转曹税愈幸销朽促惩梢涸张槐驰曰膳寨壮改业旗Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课,Byebye!,Enjoy your time!,合逛辜顺慎倦倘愤狙补庇悠稗索裤热兹簧墩侦珍叔碑林霸傲都武阮套汝绪Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课Unit_5Whats_the_matter复习课,


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