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1、Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?,Section A(1a-2d),单词录音,Target language:Wheres my backpack?Its under the bed.Are my books on the chair?No,theyre not.I dont know.,Topic:Things around the house,Language goals:Talk about where things are,Lets enjoy a flash!,Whats this?Guess!Whats this?Guess!A pen,a book,a pe

2、ncil box?Yes!Whats that?Guess!Whats that?Guess!A desk,a chair,a schoolbag?Yes!This is a desk,this is a chair.That is a schoolbag over there.This is a pen,this is a book.That is a pencil box over there.,Lets go into the houses.,Guess,Whats in the house?,Furniture in houses,1.Living room,table 桌子,sofa

3、 沙发,sofas,bookcase/u/ei/书柜;书橱,bookcases/iz/,2.Dining room,chair椅子,chairs,bed 床/e/,3.bedroom,What can you see in my room?,TV 电视,sofa 沙发,baseball棒球,bed床,keys钥匙,chair椅子,table桌子,learn words,table 桌子,bed 床,bookcase 书柜;书橱,Whats this?Its a,Learn the new words:,a bookcase,a sofa,a chair,Whats that?Its a,on

4、在上,The schoolbag is_ the box.,on,box 盒;箱,表示方位的介词,The pencil is _ the box.,in,in 在里,under 在下面,The pen is _the box.,under,behind 在后面,The chair is _the box.,behind,Wheres the ball?,Wheres=Where is,Its on the box.,Its under the box.,Its in the box.,Its behind the box.,Its in the box.,Wheres the book?,在里

5、面,21,Wheres the TV?,Its on the table.,在上面,Its under the table.,Wheres the baseball?,在下面,23,Wheres the schoolbag?,Its behind the chair.,在后面,A:Wheres the?B:Its on/in/under/behind the.,Where is your.?,Its.,buses,beds,families,keys,tables,dictionaries,chairs,boxes,chair,table,key,bus,dictionary,bed,fami

6、ly,box,Single form(单数),Plural form(复数),单数名词变复数名词,1.一般的名词直接+s,2.以辅音字母结尾的名词,变y为i+es,3.以s;x;ch;sh 结尾+es,规则现将三点:,watch,watches,Look at these things:,CDs,hats,bookcases,bags,desks,What are these?Theyre,baseballs,Theyre on the chair.,在上面,Where are the baseballs?,Theyre on the table.,Where are the books?,W

7、here _ the keys?_ on the _.,are,Theyre bookcase,Where _ the schoolbags?_ in the _.,are,Theyre,box,Where are the?,They are in/on/under/behind the,A:Wherere the?,B:Theyre on/in/under the,wherere=where are,Theyre=They are,Wheres the _?Its _ the _.,bed,schoolbag,on,Pair work:,Where _ the books?_ in the

8、_.,are,Theyre,bookcase,Where _ the books?_ in the _.,Wheres the _?Its _ the _.,pen,under,table,are,Theyre,box,Where are the keys?,Theyre _ the table.,Theyre _ the box.,Theyre _ the table.,on,in,under,Where _ the keys?_ _ the pencil box.,are,Theyre,under,Wheres the _?Its _ the _.,computer game,on,cha

9、ir,1.table _2.bed _3.bookcase _4.sofa _5.chair _6.schoolbag _7.books _8.keys _,b,e,h,g,d,a,f,c,Match the wordswith the things in the picture.,1a,2,3,4,Listen and number the things in the picture1-4.,1b,Wheres the schoolbag?,Its under the table.,Practice the conversations in 1a with your partner.Then

10、 make your own conversations using the words in the box.练习1a中的对话,然后与同伴用方框中的词编新对话。,1c,Where are the books?,Wheres my books?,Theyre onthe sofa.,They are on the sofa.,Its in the box.,Where is my baseball?,Guessing Game,Wheres the CD?,Its on the sofa.,Wherere the books?,Theyre in the box.,wherere the ch

11、airs?,Theyre under the table.,Wherere my pencils?,Theyre in the schoolbag.,schoolbag,一、根据句意及汉语提示,写出单词1.My _(床)is very nice.2.These _(桌子)are white.3.Look!His _(帽子)are red.4.Those are her _(提包).5.Are these your_(钥匙)?,keys,bags,hats,tables,bed,二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空6.His _(dictionary)are on the desk.7.Three

12、 _(box)are in the room.8.Here are our _(room).9.Where are her _(watch)?10.What color are these _(bus)?,buses,watches,rooms,boxes,dictionaries,Listen and number the things 1-6.听录音,为物品编号1-6。,1,2,6,5,3,4,2a,1,on the bookcase,Listen again.Find the things from 2a and number them in the picture1-6.再听一遍录音。

13、找出 2a 中的物品编号1-6。,2b,on the chair,2,3,under the sofa,under the table,4,under the chair,5,on the table,6,A:Are the books on the sofa?B:No,_.Theyre _.,they arent,on the chair,Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture.对图中的物品进行问答。,2c,A:Is the computer game on the table?B:No,_.Its _.,it isn

14、t,on the bookcase,A:Is _ under the sofa?B:Yes,_.,the pencil case,it is,A:Is the schoolbag _?B:Yes,it is.,under the table,A:Are the keys _?B:No,_.Theyre _.,on the floor,they arent,on the table,A:Is the book on the desk?,B:No,it isnt.Its on the sofa.,A:Are the keys on the desk?,B:No,they arent.theyre

15、under the table.,A:Are the hats on the table?,B:Yes,they are.,A:Is the on/in/under?B:Yes,it is.No,it isnt.Its in/on/under(book/pencil box/schoolbag/watch/computer),A:Are the on/in/under?B:Yes,they are./No,they arent.Theyre in/on/under.(rulers baseballs keys pencils books),Role-play the conversation.

16、,Mom:Come on,Jack!Jack:Oh,no!Wheres my bag?Mom:Hmmis it on your desk?Jack:No.And its not under the chair.Mom:Oh!Its on the sofa.Jack:Thank you,Mom.Errwheres the map?Mom:I think its in your grandparents room.Jack:Yes,its on their bed!And my hat?Mom:Its on your head!Jack:Oh,yeah!Haha!,2d,请根据图片提示完成对话,每

17、空一词(含缩写)。,1.A:_ your computer?,Wheres,B:Its _.,on the desk,2.A:_ the chair?,Wheres,B:Its _ the tree(树).,under,3.A:_ the keys under the table?,Are,B:No.They are _ the box.,in,4.A:_ _ her dictionaries?,Where,B:They are _ the _.,on,chair,are,根据汉语意思,完成英语句子。1.帽子在床上。The hat is _ _ _.2.笔记本在书包里。The notebook

18、 is _ _ _.3.手表在桌子下面。The watch _ _ _ _.,语法同步练,is under the table,in the schoolbag,on the bed,请根据图片提示用介词on,under或in完成短文。Look at the picture!A desk is _ the picture.Whats on the desk?Yes,a ball is _ it.Look!A cat is _ the desk.Where is the bag?Oh,its _ the desk.,in,on,under,in,1.Copy the words in activity 1a and the sentences in grammar focus.2.Read the tapescript of activity 2a and 2b.,


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