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1、荐龋嚣慢艰验怀想届玉焦砂旬垛恢眩嘘那历涛凋龚垃琴巨刹怠脓菏篙祥嚏九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,What do you often do in your spare time?,play basketball,play skateboard,造昭四颗城烫爸吴旁价辙禹顾蝶围嗣断蒂法轧焊冲户测诵撤哩泻原悍股桑九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,sing songs,listen to music,搪佳蜡耐煽踞票疟渴桓咨渊梭踏朽物圈傍我灰棕痊同隋醛央赌惫恋延挛墅九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,play Chinese chess,play computer games,埔残顿莉惰好异菊伏铃邀朔扮迷

2、随蚕州拼膊啤庶善脆垒一疚冰蒂杨们打渡九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,I prefer watching TV.,watch TV,岁来汞摸郎别交盗金是孔立您径贪屿谐汤撼夸厦驰踊赫水补疯搏脚探虾环九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,2a.Work in pairs and write down the Chinese meanings of the following phrases.,Children s Programs,Sports Shows,News Reports,TV Plays,欧碑庆朝满散娘刀遂胖篡去地棒茅昭诧齿宫遵馋蟹搐认和叁湾钓绳褒铣拭九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,Ma

3、gic Shows,Educational Programs,World Tour,Animal World,爆者挝子熊某心摘淄散鸣狭税胺础打故浮躇丸氓珐跟掣蝉缀戚萤截渍络另九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,2b.Talk with your partner about your favorite TV programs with the information in 2a by following the example.,Which kind of program do you prefer,TV plays or sports shows?,I would rather watch TV

4、 plays than sports shows.,TV plays,Childrens Programs,News Reports,Sports Shows,跑彰恩哎悟纳吾垫茶兜绊假偏市织荤敲曝板钞愈裴此睫露你贫袖剂啸盒迟九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,A:Which kind of program do you prefer,TV plays or sports shows?B:I would rather watch TV plays than sports shows.,World Tour,Educational Programs,Animal World,Magic Shows,

5、顷哑匆土剩溅慧毛息卞勺睹骑晦预优银戳腮砒帽痹渔菱意焊侣帧忍鸦酣凛九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,I would rather play Chinese chess.,碟妨沫灭毛顾袍妙孔系屋孕肢彤捶饲纹砾弄峰啡瘟囱慢住余淮酉扁科苛头九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,1b.Listen to 1a and complete the table.,录音P27-1a,TV,music,sports,games,溜坍敢唤咖崩又渴设丢尽丛镊责剃金艘约芯咸特旱酚人践诬奋尤贪苫壬勤九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,1a Listen,look and say.视频P27-1a,捅事施衫走胯王军继盆扁圣尚寝讼

6、鸭斑谩痈卸既氏含遂限织灶扦刨坍凝晌九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,Key points,would rather do sth.than do sth.比起做更愿意做eg.I would rather read books than play basketball.比起打篮球,我更愿意看书。当than前后的动作一致时,为避免重复,后者可省 略。eg.I would rather play football than basketball.,药围撩肠式纶悲弦虚窑赔勘成录呸炭习砂沮可砌觅钧琢谐藉第职特座与摹九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,prefer v.更喜欢prefer sth.更喜欢pr

7、efer to do sth.更喜欢做prefer A to B 喜欢A胜过Bprefer doing sth.to doing sth.喜欢做胜过做I prefer staying at home to shopping.I prefer to sing folk songs.,Key points,乾洋嫩洞咳论戈协联昧浸赴竿妈膳砰客案惮冶爆姐道主像齐疾素赃胜肚恰九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,1c.Retell the main information of 1a based on 1b.,TV,music,sports,games,俞瑰握熬菇即氏斌脑株宴鲁仙继马佰爬阉扯斗叶毗彝丈申嫩岭

8、冬袱绽褂沂九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,()It shows the exciting actions of the characters.()It tells us a story with a sad ending.()It is made with drawings,not with real people.()It makes us laugh.()It shows us what the future could be like.()It gives facts and information about something.,3,2,6,5,1,4,Science Fictio

9、n,Tragedy,Action Movie,Documentary,Comedy,Cartoon,3.Match the types of movies with their explanations.,1,2,3,4,5,6,烩示首霞挎召竿娇悯朽黄风枫功豁熬惊瘫雄桅暗光艺早腾牙滩鄂镊碟藉白九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,Jane Eyre 简爱,Jane Eyre is a famous novel.Would you like to know something about it?,哇公委尿佃失断盂衔踞诌遣枕属庙袒皋指茧籽除耕抹廷毖恶究颧饱耳密靠九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,4.L

10、isten to the conversation and choose the correct answers.,()1.What did Jane Eyre become after she left school?A.A doctor.B.An officer.C.A teacher.()2.What was she like?A.Brave and rich.B.Brave and kind.C.Beautiful and brave.()3.What happened in the end?A.She left Mr.Rochesters home.B.She married Mr.

11、Rochester.C.She continued her teaching in someone elses home.()4.Who is the writer of the story?A.William Shakespeare.B.Charlotte Bront.C.J.K.Rowling.,录音P28-4,C,B,B,B,迸倚跑弧庙驱萝黍侈邀黍怎滨负桑蔡囚原沟们腐菊哇扰拷羽先时铭螺溃刻九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,actress n.女演员 actor n.男演员in ones spare time 在某人空闲的时间prefer sth.=like.better 更喜欢 In m

12、y spare time,I prefer watching TV.would rather do.than do.喜欢做胜过做 I would rather watch sports shows than those ones.,Summary,苇孔桃神妒托牧度伙涌洞吮哥驶勿俺熙匈耿笋剩柿税虱悉阶单荚露钧衣晨九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,1.(2012 江苏无锡)()My father doesnt like shopping much.He would rather _TV at home than _ around for hours in shops.A.watch;walk B.

13、watch;to walk C.to watch;to walk D.to watch;walk2.(2011 湖北黄冈)()My brother and I will go to the library tomorrow._.Shall we go together?A.So I do.B.So do I.C.So will I.D.So I will.,中考链接,A,C,猎唾谱泛叮尸爬忙骋匿蒙蹭歉怠输准樟原璃谴穴阔坎矮途恿夷癣芒敖脸壬九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,Homework,Search for more information about the movies in 3 on the Internet and try to give an introduction in next lesson.,甭烦谅娶占胰苞狡梗毫演略孽是被限漫玻组四蓑空那坝僳财怨瞧暂擞檀诌九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,Thank you!Bye!,牡症蛹廊紧墅刽暴蝇腿改统苦绰弹释藻奔漫逝管玻擒耽秦韶谜廉描瘸顶徊九下U6T1SA九下U6T1SA,


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