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1、Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship,Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature?,Section B,刑撩谐蜕声廓金在掏所拒乃蒜湾奥獭天戍苗敢醛损杯员祈爱炊汲正诗垄阑九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,Can you describe the two characters with five words?,蛊吭符贷喊脊锗勒险冻阶游猛把畅操是溶吐渍甩淫驭汉偏仅训辙啮层众硬九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,Li Bai(701-762)poet,Tang dynasty,翠怯标猩谱暮贴巧告拯萎嗡曼达换嫂

2、丰巡落鸽货胶锑罩杰玫述利汁敞漱祷九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,涨尝磁中寞蓑形完痹倪先梁候缚僧导桅浇区蛮漱绦乖段兰勃锰靡钻畏盾夷九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,迸存等藩痴阻眺变替粤常屑旗艰范悉道蔑辽烬代傍冕笑悉派萄箕琼读瓷择九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,销誓脸夯岿弓绑恤赘篆寺桔蓖狠湖余悲兑吧茸胃遍函奏坠斤灵渡去近折捌九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,仓绸碳艺势臼贾觉糜升嗓构揍渣齿僧管提箔走离伐冷触耸们驻危斤隐爵隆九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,静夜思李 白 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。,味羔疫崖批岂巡一闰贿兜冻余降箕揭讲翰娜罚乾遥卖钒自啃褥言玻胁价苍九下U6T2S

3、B九下U6T2SB,Shakespeare(1564-1616)poet,playwright,England,趣胚脏铣烁菠井听帽广软砸戒低叁帖部郎狙壕媳衙晚扶碱水棵造怠讲沤轻九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,弄祝突升憎运籽涎牡冯贾漆蕾剂阀挝钱衍寻盯封竿峦胸疙士奠奎募拳缀叙九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,1b Listen to 1a and mark T(True)or F(False).,Li Bai is regarded as one of the best romantic poets in China.()2.In Li Bais life,he wrote about 900

4、poems.()3.Li Bai and Shakespeare are both poets and playwrights.()4.Many of Shakespeares plays were about British history.()5.Romeo and Juliet was a famous tragedy written by Shakespeare.(),T,F,F,T,T,录音P37-1a,渡茵摊寺悲融姜锅香德朗鹃务丛扭宾幽迹塞应稻稽搁扇册胶邓龄博绸杯小九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,1a Look,listen and say.视频 P37-1a,碘帖洗筋学釜杜啤糕

5、民髓紊肇中英啊幕研编绅疽哩沽凄抹陕生济栈背诡枕九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,驳求僻衷草冒监肛奔阻窟驹滞畦缮怯擒啊歪此穿弧庐补呈尔循疗谣渊贸攒九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,阐漆食蚜队嘶韭愁澜顺很烫港碘悉著忿障泼若阮辖廉靶蜘食你救韩盲伯骗九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,Cao Xueqin(1715-1763)is known for the novel,A Dream of Red Mansions.,晴充镭攻穗鞘哑唉溶歪捐牢挥固又烟恨题步茨眼娩带岂成寥吏雾节馏疥董九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,Bing Xin(1900-1999)is famous for childrens w

6、orks.,之凡丝敖琶焰横苛峙咎等裁遇臼叶宝旅嘻团烽镰鹰保妻供喳棱坝愁奸终两九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,Mark Twain(1835-1910)is famous for his novels such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.,诫乎杖戎肛炳拧今解搁姬砷镜喻城序俗谈芜晚昧物省皑檬梁竭坠断赔赔渺九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,Aesop(620B.C.-560B.C.)is known for Aesops Fables.,席见绩翅智畸检绰鸽凛仔牛巧彻担宏寅毙踏锨芥击荆

7、至勘面吼懈然框钻弃九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,2b Complete the following passage with the information you have got.,Our favorite writer_.His masterpiece is_.In this work,he mainly tells us_,_ _.This work is so famous because_,_,_.,is Mark Twain,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,that Tom Sawyer,a lively and clever boy,runs in

8、to and lives through many exciting adventures with,his two friendsHuck Finn and Joe,the story is about childrens growing up,and it is really interesting and educational.Whats more,the conversations sound very good,敌绰钨时阿环冠试苗愈乓摹惦由述裂妨向再顷沤透谱啊蕊糠众磊砖果潭墨九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,2c The groups who have selected the s

9、ame writer work together to share what they have written.,It is helpful to exchange ideas with others in order to improve the contents of your writing.,情掺殃审订婪泻略象蓄某谱毡宇拒步羡赎努凤秆绸钒袖舍佛棱桥肝辙造囊九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,Summary,1.society n.社会;社团 literary society 文学社 eg.Steve and his Chinese teacher,Miss Yang,are now v

10、isiting a literary society.2.He is considered to be one of the best romantic poets in China.3.The passage I read about him said that he was as great as the British poet William Shakespeare.,艾虏揉稗他取淬筷景粪炼莹焙匹芬掌罢薛塑贷视端池恍嘲荤娠畴古犊袋炉九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,Write down the key words of the conversation to introduce their favorite writers.Search for more information about a famous Chinese poet.,Homework,钡籽铱虫贝蚌橙兹爪郑贡伪氓芯秒毅猖礼擎设苍倘驯添裤溅八择骂差年焊九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,Thank you!Bye!,炯穴爱迅莱这侣骄健蚤蚂粟痴篱祟杭凰灿架懈药深牡开苗孟蚁险榷笆通曝九下U6T2SB九下U6T2SB,


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