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1、Unit 10,Section BPeriod 2(2a 3b),Just for Fun,Do you know these places in France?,Have you ever eaten French cuisine?,Lets watch a video about French cuisine.,What do you know about the table manners in France?,In France,a meal is like a ceremony.People relish(享受)it and make its a special occasion.I

2、n France,it is correct to keep the same knife for every course,wiping it on a piece of bread.Never discuss money or religion over dinner.Going Dutch is considered“the height of unsophistication”.,Its considered good manners to finish everything on your plate.People often cut bread directly on a tabl

3、e cloth rather than on a plate.Tear your bread into bite-sized pieces before eating.Taking a bite from the whole piece is very impolite.,Read through the passage quickly and tell T/F.,()1.The letter is from France about table manners.()2.Lin Yue is an exchange student and she is back now.()3.She fel

4、t at home after she arrived in France.()4.Its polite to put your bread on the table or eat it with your hands.,T,F,T,T,Why is Lin Yue in France?,Because she is on her student exchange program.,2.Does she enjoy staying with her host family?How do you know?,Yes,she does.She says her host family is rea

5、lly nice.,Read and answer the questions.,4.What is the biggest challenge she is facing?,Learning how to behave at the dinner table.,3.How does she feel about making mistakes when she speaks French?,It doesnt worry her like it used to.,Read again and make a list of table manners in France.,put your b

6、read on your plate.,put it on the table.,eat anything with your hands except bread.,cut it up and eat it with a fork.,say you are full.,say“That was delicious.”,put your elbows on the table.,keep your hands on the table.,Can you compare the table manners in France and in China?,Free Talk,Do you know

7、 about the table manners in other countries?,Japan It is OK to make noise when you eat noodles.It shows that you like the food.Its important to say traditional phrases of thanks before and after a meal.Eat sushi whole.Dip the fish part rather than the rice into soy sauce.,Russia Keep your hands in s

8、ight.It is not good manners to rest them on your lap.Keep your elbows off the table.Leave some food on your plate to show that the host has given you enough to eat.Or the host will ask if youd like to have a second helping.Its polite to mop up excess sauce or gravy with bread.,AmericaIf you empty a

9、bottle into someones glass,it obliges that person to buy the next bottle.Its polite to put the last drops into your own glass.JapanDont fill your own glass of alcohol;instead,you should pour for others and wait for them to reciprocate.,Tell us whether you agree or not.,1.While eating meals with othe

10、r people,its OK to talk.But you arent supposed to make too much noise.,2.While making appointments,it doesnt matter if you arrive a little late.You are supposed to be relaxed about time.,3.While giving compliments,youre supposed to think of proper words to praise and encourage people to do better.,4

11、.While offering tea,youre supposed to bow and use both of your hands.,5.While introduce other people,you are supposed to kiss without any words.,6.While speaking to older people,you should try to make your language more polite.Remember to be ready to help them out.,7.While making a toast at dinner,y

12、ou are supposed to say something good to cheer them up.,An exchange student from a foreign country is going to visit you.Please write a small article to tell him/her about things he/she is supposed to do.,You can use:be supposed to do Its polite/impolite to You should Youd better is/are not allowed.

13、,Writing,Sample,Tim,welcome to our school.Here is something I want to tell you.First,if you meet a teacher on your way to school,its polite to stop to bow and say“Good morning”to him/her.Second,our school has got out lots of activities to make you feel at home.Youd better make a plan with your frien

14、ds and decide what to do because you are supposed to finish homework every day.,If youd like to visit a Chinese family,being there on time is very important.At the last day,well have a party with the host family.Youre not supposed to give gifts to them,but you should show your thanks.Were looking fo

15、rward to meeting you in Beijing.Im sure youll have a great time here.,假如你叫刘敏,你的笔友 Paul 要来中国学习一段时间,在到中国之前,他想了解中国的风俗习惯,请你给他写封信,讲述一些中国的风俗习惯,告诉他不要紧张。内容提示:可以从见面问好、餐桌礼仪等方面介绍。,Writing,Dear Paul,How are you?I am glad to know that you will come to China.Chinese people are very friendly,so you dont have to be

16、 nervous.In China,when you meet someone,you are supposed to shake hands.Its important for you to know some table manners.You are supposed to use chopsticks instead of spoon and fork.You are supposed to pick up your bowl to eat.Its impolite to stick your chopsticks into your,food.You shouldnt make no

17、ise while eating noodles.People in China and America behave differently at the dinner table.There are many different table manners here.I will tell you more when you come to China.I am looking forward to seeing you in China.Yours Liu Min,I was a bit nervous.a little late a bit 和a little作程度副词修饰形容词、副词

18、、动词或比较级时,意义相同,为“一点儿,有些”。He walked a bit/a little slowly.他走路有点慢。,Language points,二者都可以作名词词组,做主语或宾语。如:A little/bit is enough for me.我有一点儿就够了。I know only a little/a bit about her.我对她的情况只了解一点。a little可直接修饰名词;而a bit后须加of才可以。如:There is a little water in the bottle.=There is a bit of water in the bottle.,否

19、定形式 not a little 作状语,相当于very/quite,“很,非常”;作定语和宾语时,相当于much,意为“许多”。而not a bit 作状语时,相当于not at all,意为“一点也不”,作宾语时则相当于not much。如:He is not a little(=very)hungry.他饿极了。He is not a bit(=not at all)hungry.他一点也不饿。,用a bit或a little填空。1.There is _ time left.2.I would like you to stay for _ if you have time.3.This

20、 will give us a _ of time.4.He went to sleep soon,for he was not _ tired.5.I dont want to stop to have a rest,because I am not _ tired.,a little,a bit/a little,a bit,a little,a bit,(湖北省黄冈中学2011中考)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出与所给句子划线部分意义相同或相近并能代替的那一项。With a little training,she could do very well in the competitio

21、n.A.few B.a few C.a bit D.a bit of,D,2.They go out of their way to make me feel at home.go out of ones way 特地;格外努力 She always goesoutofherwayto please her guests.她总是不怕麻烦地使客人称心如意。He would go out of his way to help anyone in trouble.他常不怕麻烦去帮助有困难的人。,与way有关的短语all the way 一路上 in no way 决不by the way 顺便提一下

22、,另外in a way 在某点,在某种程度上by way of 经由,通过 方式get in the way 挡道in ones/the way 妨碍,阻碍in this way 用这种方法lead the way 带路,引路lose ones way 迷路on the/ones way(to)在去的路上,知识链接,3.about my age 同我的年龄差不多的Bernice is a girlaboutmyage.伯妮斯是个和我年纪接近的女孩。He was just about my age.他和我年龄差不多。,4.Im very comfortable speaking French n

23、ow.be comfortable doing sth.做某事很轻松,乐意做某事speaking French在句子当中做伴随状语。I feelcomfortabletalking with you.和你讲话感觉很舒服。,5.how to behave at the dinner table.behave v.表现;举止If youbehavelike that,youll get yourself disliked.如果你的行为那样,你会让人厌恶的。Its hard to train children tobehavewell at the table.培养儿童用餐时举止得体是很困难的。He

24、behaveshimself like a man.他表现得像一男子汉。behavior n.行为;举止;习性;态度,你如果不注意你的行为举止,会惹麻烦的。(the way behave),You will get into trouble if you pay no attention to the way you behave.,6.I thought that was pretty strange at first,.pretty在这里是用作副词,意思是“颇;相当地”。pretty作副词,常用于口语,只可以修饰其他形容词或副词,能修饰动词。I amprettysure that hell

25、 say yes.他会同意的,我对此相当有把握。After six months,I could speak Chineseprettywell.6个月之后,我就能讲相当好的汉语了。,pretty adj.漂亮的;秀丽的;好看的What aprettylittle garden!多么漂亮的小花园!She is not really beautiful,but she looksprettywhen she smiles.她其实并不美,但笑起来很好看。pretty语气较beautiful弱,且大多用来指年轻的女性,一般不用来描写成年男性。pretty也可以用于男女儿童,表示漂亮、活泼、可爱。,知

26、识链接,7.youre not supposed to eat anything with your hands except bread except prep.除之外No one trusts himexcepthimself.除了他自己,没有人相信他。She rarely went anywhereexceptto her office.她除了去办公室以外,很少去别的地方。I like herexceptwhen she is angry.我喜欢她,只要她不发脾气。,except conj.除非;除了.之外;若不是They didnt open their mouthsexcepttoc

27、omplain.除了抱怨他们从不开口。She remembered nothing about himexceptthat his hair was black.她对他什么都不记得,只记得他的头发是黑的。,知识拓展,辨析except,except for,unless和besidesexcept侧重于排除在外,从整体里减去:All of his body relaxed except his right hand 除了右手外,他全身都放松了。except for表示“除了;只是”,引述一个相反的原因或细节,部分地修正了句中的意思:The classrooms were silent,excep

28、t for the scratching of pens on paper.除了钢笔在纸上写字的声音,教室里一片安静。,知识链接,unless用来引出某事发生或成立所必需的条件:You must not give compliments unless you mean them.除非出自真心实意,否则不要随便恭维别人。besides着重于指另外还有:Fruit will give you,besides enjoyment,a source of vitamins.水果不但好吃,而且富含维生素。,Weneedfifteenmorepeople_thetwentyofustodothejob.A

29、.besides B.and C.except D.without-Did you study any other foreign language _ English when you were at college?-Yes,I studied three.But I have forgotten all _ a few words of each.A.besides;besides B.but;except C.except;except D.besides;except,besides,D,(2012 甘肃兰州)All the workers went home yesterday _

30、 Mr.White.Why?Because he was on duty.A.except B.besides C.except for D.beside【解析】besides区别于except是前者的除外包含其本身,后者不包含。except for区别于except是前者前后事物是不同类的,后者是同类的。句意:-为什么除了怀特先生所有的工人昨天都回家?-因为他要值班。,A,(2013 山东滨州)Everyone else in my class was invited _(除了)me,and I dont know why.(2013 江苏盐城)根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子,每空一词

31、。After the whole days voluntary work,I felt fine _(除之外)for being a little tired.,except,except,8.Another thing is that its impolite to say that youre full.full adj.吃饱的;满的,充满的You cant go swimming on afullstomach.你不能吃饱了饭去游泳。He has a veryfullprogramme for his visit to London.他访问伦敦的时间表排得满满的。He has been

32、away for afullyear now.他离开已整整一年了。,be full of,(be)filled with这两个短语的共同意思是“充满”,有时可以换用。其区别是,be full of指的是“充满的”这一状态,而(be)filled with通常指动作。The theatre is full of people.剧场里人满满的。The theatre filled with people.剧场里挤满了人。,知识链接,(2009哈尔滨)Sosongswereoften_ anger A.filledwith B.shortof C.inneedof A:The basket is f

33、illed with flowers.B:The basket is _ _ flowers.,A,full of,9.,but I gradually getting used to it.get used to=be used to,意思为“习惯于某事或做某事的意思”,to为介词,后接名词或动名词,不能跟动词原形。We are used to the weather in the south of China.我们习惯了中国南方的天气。They have got used to getting up early in the morning.他们已习惯早起。,be/get used to结

34、构可以用于各种时态中,。Youll be/get used to the work soon.你不久就会习惯这个工作的。,在学习be used to结构时,一定要注意它与以下几个结构的区别:used to do sth.意为“过去常常”,在这里to是动词不定式符号;be used to do sth.和be used for doing sth.意为“被用来做某事”,是被动结构。,知识链接,John used to smoke.约翰过去抽烟。This kind of wood can be used to make violins.这种木头可以用来制作小提琴。,This computer _

35、control all the machines in the factory.He _ a teacher in our school,but he quitted his job last year.The old man and his wife _ living a simple life already.They wont move to the city.The pan _ cooking.,used to do be used to do be/get used to doing be used for doing,is used to,used to be,have got/b

36、een used to,is used for,中考链接,【2011兰州】28.Mary is used to _ a T-shirt and jeans.A.wear B.put on C.wearing D.putting on【解析】词义辨析。句意“玛丽习惯于穿T恤衫和牛仔裤”,be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事,因此排除选项A、B,wear强调状态,put on强调动作,由句意知“此处表示状态”,因此选C。,根据句意完成句子,每空一词。1.你不会相信我的法语进步得多快!You wouldnt believe _ _ my French has improved!2.

37、他们尽力让我感觉像在家里一样。They _ _ _ their way _ _ me _ at home.,Exercise,how quickly,go out of,to,make,feel,3.虽然我仍然犯许多错误,但它不像以前那样困扰我了。Although I still make lots of mistakes,it doesnt worry me like it _ _.4.我觉得记住所有的规矩是很难的,但是我也渐渐习惯了这些,不再觉得它们奇怪了。I find it difficult _ _ all rules,but Im gradually _ _ _ these and

38、dont find them so strange any more.,used to,to remember,getting used to,把下列汉语翻译成英语。1.我们今天应该几点到学校?_2.我去博物馆时,顺便去了我的同学家。_3.我过去常常吃肉,但现在我习惯吃蔬菜。_,When are we supposed to get to school today?,I dropped by my classmates home when I went to the museum.,I used to eat meat,but now I am/get used to eating veget

39、ables.,单项选择1.I like gentle music that can make us _ relaxed.A.feels B.felt C.feel D.feeling2.There are many trees on _ side of the road.A.both B.each C.every D.none,4.He _ live with his friends,but he _ living alone now.A.used to;used to B.is used to;is used toC.is used to;used to D.used to;is used to5.All of us find _ necessary to take exercise every day.A.it B.them C.this D.that,


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