1、 No. 000001行李寄存牌 LUGGAGE STORAGE TAG宾客姓名Guest Name 房间号码 日期Room Number Date 行李件数Pieces 行李员Bellman 宾客签字Guest Signature 宾 客 联 Guest Portion No. 000001行李寄存牌 LUGGAGE STORAGE TAG日期Date 宾客姓名Guest Name 房间号码Room Number 寄存内容Description数量Quantity寄存内容Description数量Quantity化妆箱Beauty Case旅行袋Traveling Bag密码箱Brief C
2、ase西装袋Wardrobe Park高尔夫球箱Golf Bag衣物Clothing便携式行李箱Pullman Trunk包裹Parcel硬行李箱Suitcase纸箱Paper Box其他Others行李员Bellman 谢谢你看完全篇文本,希望所编写的内容对你有所帮助!你有好的想法和见解可以编辑文档添加上去。宾客签字Guest Signature CITY HOTEL SHANGHAI 城市酒店(上海)行 李 寄 存 条 件:本酒店接受贵客寄存行李,其条件如下:1. 寄存于本酒店之物品,如遇任何形式的意外或事故导致损失,本酒店将概不负责。2. 寄存之物品中部的夹带任何易碎品。3. 如果贵客于
3、物品寄存之日起,三十天内不来领取,则本酒店有权予以处理。4. 如果有任何人出示本寄存牌下联,索取寄存之行李,本酒店有权将该物品发交于他而无需辨认领取人身份。5. 对寄存物品本酒店有权要求当场进行开包安全检查。Conditions of storageLuggage is accepted for storage by the hotel on these teams.1. The articles are deposited with the hotel at the sole risk of the Owner. The hotel will not be responsible for a
4、ny loss or damage however arising.2. It is not permitted to carry breakable in deposit articles the hotel will not be responsible for any loss arising in storage or transportation.3. The articles deposited are not collected with one month from the date of the receipt, the hotel shall have the right
5、to dispose it without any notice.4. The hotel is authorized to deliver the articles to any person presenting the luggage claim check, with out requiring any proof of identity and shall not be responsible for any loss or damage. However arising, which may be suffered by the Owner as a result there of
6、.5. The hotel may request for articles to be opened for security inspection prior or acceptance of same forstorage.宽度:8厘米思考;要和学生交朋友,勇于承认并面对真实的自己;要关注生活,开阔视野,勤于学习,不断吸收时代的信息,与时俱进;对于教材倡导的教学活动,要在教学实践中进行探索和创新!此外,为了体现一种儿童文化,使教材能真正成为学生喜爱的朋友,让他们愿意于教材中的儿童对话,我们组织者,支持者和参与者。我们的任务不再是讲解教科书,而是努力创设适宜的活动环境和条件,灵活多样地选用
7、教学活动和组织形式,帮助学生去体验、去探究。为达成这样的目标,我们要放低姿态,与学生平等对话,倾听他们的需要;要尊重学生的体验和判断,不用既定的结论代替学生的高度:21厘米们的权利 和个性发展,在基本的式非标准基础上,允许他们在多元价值中做出不同的选择;我们要尊重学生的差异,关注“边缘儿童”,对学生进行开放性的、发展性的、鼓励性的评价,帮助他们感受成长的逾越!3、梳理与时俱进的教师观新课程理念下的教师,是学生自主学习和探究活动的颜色:白(底纹)黑(字体) 行李牌 LUGGAGE TAG日期Data 房间号码Room Number 行李件数Pieces 车号Taxi No. 行李员Bellman 宾客签字Guest Signature No. 000001房间号码Room Number 行李员Bellman No. 000001宽度: 5厘米高度:10厘米颜色:黄(底纹)黑(字体)