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1、Look!,Lily,Lucy,Grammar,现在进行时:Present Progressive,概念:表示现在正在发生的动作结构:be(is,am,are)+doing标志语:Look!、Listen!、now,动词-ing形式的构成:,writingtaking,gettingrunningswimming,asking,Exercise,The twins _(wash)the clothes now.Look!He _(play)basketball over there.Listen!_ Sally _(sing)?,are washing,is playing,Pair work

2、,How often do you?(once a week,twice,never),Grammar,一般现在时:Present Simple概念:表示习惯、经常性的动作结构:do、does标志语:usually、often、never、sometimes、once a week、twice a month、every year,Exercise,The twins _(wash)the clothes every day.Sometimes he _(play)basketball over there.How often _ Sally _(sing)?,wash,plays,-When

3、 did you get up?-I got up at,Survey,Grammar,一般过去时:Past Simple概念:表示过去发生的动作结构:did标志语:yesterday、.ago、in 1992、last week/month,动词-ed形式的构成:,moveddied,carriedcried,stoppedplanned,answered,got,drank,took,went,swam,ate,cut,were,had,did,came,said,saw,put,不规则过去式,Exercise,The twins _(wash)the clothes yesterday.

4、The day before yesterday he _(play)basketball over there._ Sally _(sing)two hours ago?,washed,played,Pair work,-What was grandma doing at 7?She was getting up.,Grammar,过去进行时:Preterite Progressive概念:表示过去正在发生的动作结构:be(was,were)+doing标志语:at 8:00、when、while,Exercise,The twins _(wash)the clothes at 9:00 y

5、esterday.He _(play)basketball while his mother was cooking._ Sally _(sing)when you went to visit her?,were washing,was playing,Conversation,-Have you packed yet?-Yes,I have packed.No,I havent,Grammar,现在完成时:Present Perfect概念:表示已经发生的动作结构:has done、have done标志语:already、yet、ever、never、since、for、,不规则过去分词,

6、got gotten,went gone,ate eaten,cut cut,were been,did done,said said,不规则过去分词,took taken,swam swum,drank drunk,put put,had had,came come,saw seen,Exercise,The twins _(wash)the clothes for an hour.He _(play)basketball since three years ago.How long _ Sally _(sing)yet?,have washed,has played,Grammar,一般将

7、来时:Future Simple概念:表示将要发生的动作结构:will do、shall do、be(is、am、are)going to do标志语:tomorrow、in.、next,Exercise,The twins _(wash)the clothes tomorrow.He _(play)basketball next week.How long _ Sally _(sing)in the year?,will wash,will play,Grammar,过去完成时:Past Perfect概念:表示将要发生的动作结构:had done标志语:by the time,或主句为 一

8、般过去时的宾语从句中,Grammar,过去将来时:Past Future Simple概念:表示过去将要发生的动作结构:would do be(was、were)going to do标志语:常用于主句是一般过去 时的宾语从句中,Exercise,Keys,get,got,will get,was reading,is knocking,does surf,have been,have heard,went,would put,Did happen,was doing,doesnt rain,will go,Do play,wont call,has worked,walked,had sta

9、rted,动词时态填空专项练习(初三U1-6),1.So far we _(learn)ten thousand English words.2.I will go to see my friend if it _(not rain)tomorrow.3.-_you ever _(speak)to a foreigner before?-Not yet.4.Students usually _(have)ten minutes rest between two classes.5.The newspaper_(come)an hour ago,but I _(not read).,have l

10、earned,doesnt rain,Have spoken,have,came,havent read,6.They have little time _(play)on Sunday.7.Dont worry.He _(catch)up with the others soon.8._she ever _(spit)on the ground?9.That truck_(collect)rubbish at this time yesterday.10.It _(be)three years since Lily _(join)the Green.,to play,will catch,H

11、as spat,was collecting,is,joined,11._(take)care of our environment is very important.12._you ever_(throw)any litter on the ground?13.-_your mother _(come)back?-Yes,she _(come)back a moment ago.14.-How long _you_(wait)for the bus here?-Ten minutes.15.-Where is Liu Mei?-She_(go)home.,Taking,Have throw

12、n,Has come,came,Have waited,has gone,16.The boy _(not swim)in the river yet.17.I _(find)my ruler in my desk five minutes ago.18.My mother _(buy)vegetables on her way home every day.19.Look at the clouds.It_(rain).20.Look!The boy _(put)on his sweater by himself.,hasnt swum,found,buys,is going to rain

13、,is putting,21.What _Li Lei_(do)when the teacher came in?22.She_(do)her homework every evening.23.If he _(come)this afternoon,I wont go out.24.Would you like _(go)out for a walk,please?25.Our teacher often makes us _(do)a lot of homework.,was doing,does,comes,to go,do,26.-What _your friend_(do)?-He_

14、(draw)a beautiful horse now.27.-_you_(be)free tomorrow afternoon?-Yes,I_.28.-What _he_(do)last night?-He _(go)to see a film.29.I_(call)you as soon as I _(get)there.30.-What _you _(do)at this time yesterday?-I_(read)a book.,is doing,is drawing,Will be,will,did do,went,will call,get,were doing,was rea

15、ding,31.-_Tom_(clean)his room yet?-Yes,he_.-When_he_(clean)it?-He_(clean)it just now.32.-_you ever _(eat)fish and chips?-No,I_.But I_(eat)sandwiches.-When_you_(eat)it?-Two weeks ago.,Has clean,has,did clean,cleaned,Have eaten,havent,have eaten,did eat,33.I _(do)my homework from seven to nine last ni

16、ght.34.He_(feel)sick yesterday.35.His father_(be)ill ever since last spring.36.-_you_(take)the medicine?-Yes,I_-When_you_(take)it?-A moment ago.,was doing,felt,has been,Have taken,have,did take,37.The bus_(arrive).It_(arrive)just now.Look,your father_(get)off it.38.I_(buy)a pen.I_(buy)it last month.

17、I_(buy)it for a month.39.My father _(go)to Beijing.He_(go)there for three days.40.I_(go)to my hometown three times.,has arrived,arrived,is getting,have bought,bought,have had,has gone,has been,have been,41.My aunt_(teach)English since 1985.42.He_(finish)writing the book,hasnt he?43.I_(know)him for o

18、ver five years.44.We_(learn)2000 English words already.45.-_you_(see)this film before?-Yes,I_(see)it last Friday.46._the train_(arrive)yet?Not yet.,has taught,has finished,have known,have learned,Have seen,saw,Has arrived,47.His grandpa_(die)since three months ago.48.They_(come)to Hangzhou in 1996 a

19、nd _(live)here ever since.49.How long_you_(borrow)this book?For two weeks.50.People can hear the little girl_(practise)spesking English every morning.,has been dead,came,have lived,have kept,practise,51.Ten years _(pass)already.52.He says that he_(not come)tomorrow.53.Lin Tao told Jim that they_(hav

20、e)a football match yesterday.54.Our teacher told us that light_(travel)faster than sound.55.Our English teacher told us _(read)English every day.,has passed,wont come,had,travels,to read,tell sb.to do sth.,56.What _you _(do)since you came here?57.Im afraid of_(sleep)alone.58.Betty_already_(write)a l

21、etter to her penfriend.59._(cut)down too many trees is bad for people.60.There are many workers_(work)in the factory.,have done,sleeping,has written,Cutting,working,61.We_(visit)the great scientist three times so far.62.Dont forget_(call)me tonight.63.I_(not see)him for a long time.64._Jim ever_(ste

22、p)on the grass in the park?65.He_(look)out of the window when the match_(begin).,have visited,to call,havent seen,Has stepped,was looking,began,66.They_(not see)each other since they _(finish)their school.67.He _(work)on the maths problems since seven oclock.He _(work)on it for two hours.Im sure he

23、_(work)it out in one hour.68.My mother _(cook)at six yesterday evening.At that time father_(read).,havent seen,finished,has worked,has worked,will work,was cooking,was reading,69.We looked up and _(see)lots of birds _(fly)over the trees.70.-_the Blacks_(visit)the Great Wall before?-Yes,they_.-When _

24、they_(visit)it?-Only a month ago.71.Its good manners_(help)the old.,saw,flying,Have visited,did visit,to help,have,72.He _(not write)to me since he left.73.Kate isnt here.Where_she_(go)?74.We _(been)to the Great Wall twice.75.She _(talk)with her teacher when I _(meet)her.76.-Kate _(not move)the desk

25、 away.-When_she_(move)it away?-Tomorrow.,hasnt written,has gone,have been,was talking,met,hasnt moved,will move,77.Hes not hungry.He_just_(have)lunch.78.Im sorry_(trouble)you.79.No man_(travel)farther than the moon so far.80.I _(not have)a day off for two years.81.They_(talk)about_(travel)to England

26、 now.,has had,to trouble,has travelled,havent had,are talking,travelling,82._Jim ever_(pick)flowers in the park?83.Neither Li Ping nor I _(be)to New Zealand.84.He often comes here_(see)me.85.I_(hear)of the story,but I_never_(read)it.86.What about_(take)some photos on the Great Wall?,Has picked,have

27、been,to see,have heard,have read,taking,87.We dont know if it _(rain)tomorrow.If it_(rain)tomorrow,well not go for a picnic.88.-Do you know when he _(come)back tomorrow?-Sorry,I dont know.When he _(come)back,I will tell you.89.I didnt know what time he _(write)the letter.90.Miss Wang told me that th

28、e earth _(move)the sun.,will rain,rains,will come,comes,wrote,moves,91.Could you tell me who _(take)away the book already?92.He asked what time they_(do)at eight last night.93.I think that you_(talk)about the football match now.94.I hear that he _(return)already.95.The radio says that it _(be)sunny

29、tomorrow.,has taken,were doing,are talking,has returned,will be,96.He said that there_(be)twelve in a year.97.I wondered if he_(come)tomorrow.98.She told me that she _(have)this bike for three years.99.Do you know where he_(live)?100.I know that he _(join)the army in1985.,is,would come,had had,lives,joined,Goodbye!,


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