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1、Unit 2 Growing pains Reading(),Revision,A play usually consists of several_.An act usually has several _.A play is often in the form of _.It also uses different _.,acts,scenes,a dialogue,styles of speech,Check the answers in Part D1 and Part D2,Role play,Key words,phrases and sentences in act one:ca

2、nt wait to do sound frightenedbe supposed to do be gonedo with in a messturn towards leave sb.in chargemake good decisions go out,Mom and Dad arrive back from vacation a day earlier than expected.The English exam is more difficult than it was expected.She has completed her composition earlier than s

3、he was expectedexpect sb.to do/be expected to do,2.Eric runs in after it,followed by a big dog,walking very slowly.埃里克随着它跑进来,后面跟着一条狗,慢吞吞地走着。followed 为过去分词表伴随,与主语Eric构成被动关系;walking 为现在分词作伴随状语。现在分词作状语,可以表示时间、原因、方式、结果、条件、让步、伴随等含义。,1)The teacher came into the classroom,_the students.2)The teacher came i

4、nto the classroom,_the students.,following,followed by,_(see)from the top of the hill,the village is very small._(see)from the top of the hill,we can see a beautiful lake.,seen,seeing,【即学即练】(1)The boy spent the night,_.那个男孩被锁在房间里度过了那一夜。(2)At night,roads are brightly lit,_ _.夜晚,路被照得很亮,所以行人和车辆的通行顺畅。,m

5、aking people,locked in the room,and traffic move freely,3.be supposed to do(1)理应,应该(2)本应该发生而实际并未发生you werent supposed to come home until tomorrow!你们应该明天才回家的!He is supposed to arrive before six oclock.他应该在六点之前到达。We were supposed to arrive at six.But were late.我们本应该六点到达。但是,我们迟到了。,【即学即练】The message is

6、very important,so it is supposed _ as soon as possible.A.to be sent B.to sendC.being sent D.sending,4.The room is in a mess,with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.房间一团糟,比萨盒子在地板上,脏碗碟在洗碗池里。with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink是“with+宾语+宾语补足语”的情况,补充说明房间的情形。宾语补足语

7、可以是介词短语、过去分词、现在分词、形容词、副词、不定式。,(1)with+n.+adj.He entered the room,_他走进房间,鼻子红红的。(2)with+n.+prep.He came in the classroom,_ 他走进教室,手里拿着一本书。(3)with+n.+adv.The girl fell asleep,_ 那个女孩睡着了,灯还亮着。,with his nose red.,with a book in his hand,with the light on.,(4)with+n.+to do I cant go away,_-有这么多工作要做,我走不开。(5)

8、with+n.+doing/doneHe is in the room,_.他在 房间里,关着门。He had to stay at home,_.下着雨,他不得不待在家里。,with so much work to do.,with the door closed.,with the rain pouring.,【即学即练】(1)Our school looks very beautiful,with trees and flowers _(surround)it.(2)He is lying in bed,_(一切都是一团糟).(3)I almost go mad _(这么多工作要做).(

9、4)With everything they needed _(buy),the girl went home happily.,surrounding,with everything in a mess,with so much work to do,bought,Key words,phrases and sentences in act two:have ones arms crossed upset defend oneselfdeserve an explanation be hard on now thatfeel like,1.Daniel and Erics bedroom,.

10、Daniel has his arms crossed and looks upset.(双手交叉)此处是 have something done的结构,表使处于状态。有某种遭遇或经历The lady had her wallet stolen/picked at the cinema last night.,请/让做某事She had her long hair cut short yesterday.完成I must have my work finished by Sunday.表示“让某人做某事”有几种表达方法:have sb.do sth.make sb.do sth.let sb.

11、do sth.get sb.to do sth.如:Ill get your father to help you.=?我叫你父亲来帮你。,have sb.doing sth.让某人不断地做某事/让某人正在做某事have sth.to do 有某事要做have sth.to be done 有某事要做,【即学即练】(1)The lady had her wallet _(steal)at the cinema last night.(2)The farmer had the horse _(work)all day long.,stolen,working,(3)Ill have the ga

12、rdener _(plant)some trees.(4)I have a lot of homework _(do),so I cant play with you.(5)Sir,do you have any clothes _(wash)?No,thanks.I can manage it myself.(6)Who will you have _(clean)the room?,plant,to do,to be washed,clean,2.deserve doing/to be done deserve+n.(1)露西的建议值得考虑。Lucys advice deserved(2)

13、老师值得尊重。Teachers deserve respect.=_=_,_.,_.,Teachers deserve respecting.,Teachers deserve to be respected.,considering,to be considered,consideration,_.,3.now that he has been so rude to us,I feel like we have to punish him or he wont respect us.既然他对我们那么粗鲁无礼,那我觉得我们有必要教训教训他,要不然他不会尊重我们的。now that=since“

14、既然”,引导原因状语从句。feel like“想要”,后面可接动词-ing形式或宾语从句。,【即学即练】(1)_ you are busy,I _ going without you.(2)_ he cant help us,I _ wed better depend on ourselves to do the job.,Now that,feel like,Now that,feel like,.选词填空1.He _become a scientist but he chose to be a doctor.,was supposed to,be supposed to in a mess

15、 deserve sth.have sth.done,2.This question _ a further discussion.3.Your room is _.Please tidy it.4.Your bike broke down.Youd better _ it _(repair).,deserves,in a mess,have,repaired,.单项填空1.Why cant you and Bill go to the movies tonight?We are _ a history test tomorrow.A.supposed to having B.supposed

16、ly to haveC.supposed to have D.supposedly to having,2.Such heroes as Lei Feng deserve _.Which answer is wrong?respecting B.respect C.to be respected D.to respect,3.Dont leave the water _ while youre brushing your teeth.run B.to run C.running D.to be run4.The boss is to be on vacation next week and t

17、he company will be left _ Frank.in charge of B.take charge of C.taken the charge of D.in the charge of,5.I guess Tom wont keep on asking me the time from now on as hes had his watch _.A.repaired B.repairing C.repair D.to repair6.Is this the reason _he explained at the meeting for his carelessness in

18、 his work?that B.why C.what D.the one,Practice 1.这些计划预计很快将被实施。(expect)2.一群学生跟在老师身后进来了。(follow)3.人们认为他应该当一名科学家,他却选择 当了医生。(be supposed to)4.你最好请医生给你女儿检查一下。(have sb.done),5.这问题值得进一步讨论。(deserve)6.既然你长大了,你必须停止这样幼稚的行为。(now that)7.卧室的灯熄灭了,所以他一定睡了。(go out)8.不要对孩子太苛刻。(hard),Suggested answers:1.These plans ar

19、e expected to be put into practice soon.2.A group of students came in,following the teacher.3.People thought he was supposed to become a scientist but he chose to be a doctor.4.Youd better have your daughter examined.,5.This question deserves a further discussion=deserves to be discussed further.6.N

20、ow that you are grown up,you must stop this childish behavior.7.The lights in his room went out,and he must have slept.8.Dont be too hard on children.,Retell the play in a few sentences according to some key words.,back,vacation,earlier than expected,Eric and Daniel,play soccer,surprised and frightened,room,a mess,money,dog food,gone,leave in charge,not tolerate,fault,a chance to defend oneself,not deserve an explanation,hate,clinic,spend all day waiting there,be hard on,rude,punish,Homework(1)Review the whole text.(2)Preview Word power.,


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