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1、The Cranial Nerves,脑 神 经,Names of cranial nerves,Olfactory nerve Optic nerve Oculomotor nerve Trochlear nerve Trigeminal nerve Abducent nerve Facial nerve Vestibulocochlear nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve Vagus nerve Accessory nerve Hypoglossal nerve,Fiber components of cranial n.,General somatic affer

2、ent(sensory)fibers 一般躯体感觉纤维:transmit exteroceptive and proprioceptive impulses from head and face to somatic sensory nuclei of the brain stem;Special somatic afferent(sensory)fibers 特殊躯体感觉纤维:transmit sensory impulses from special sense organs of vision,equilibrium and hearing to the brain;,Fiber com

3、ponents of cranial n.,General visceral afferent(sensory)fibers 一般内脏感觉纤维:transmit interoceptive impulses from the viscera to the visceral sensory nuclei-nucleus of solitery tract;Special visceral afferent(sensory)fibers 特殊内脏感觉纤维:transmit sensory impulses from special sense organs of smell and taste t

4、o the brain;,Fiber components of cranial n.,General somatic afferent(motor)fibers 一般躯体运动纤维:arises from the General somatic motor nuclei and innervate skeletal muscles of eye and tongue.Special visceral afferent(motor)fibers 特殊内脏运动纤维:arises from the Special visceral motor nuclei in the brain and to s

5、keletal muscles derived from gill arches(腮弓)of embryo:such as the m.of mastication,facial expression and swallowing.,Fiber components of cranial n.,General visceral afferent(motor)fibers一般内脏运动纤维:arise from the general visceral motor nuclei and relayed in parasympathetic ganglions,e postganglionic fi

6、bers supply cardiac muscles,smooth muscles and glands.,Classification of cranial nerves,Sensory cranial nerves 感觉性脑神经:contain only sensory fibers.Olfactory nerve.Optic nerve.Vestibulocochlear nerve,Classification of cranial nerves,Motor cranial nerves 运动性脑神经:contain only motor fibers.Oculomotor nerv

7、e.Trochlear nerve.Abducent nerve.Accessory nerve.Hypoglossal nerve,Classification of cranial nerves,Mixed nerves 混合性脑神经:contain both sensory and motor fibers.Trigeminal nerve.Facial nerve.Glossopharyngeal nerve.Vagus nerve,感觉性脑神经,Sensory cranial nerves,IOlfactory nerve II.Optic nerveVIII.Vestibuloco

8、chlear nerve,Olfactory nerve,Olfactory cell Olfactory nerve Cribriform foramina 筛孔 Olfactory bulb 嗅球,Olfactory nerve,Function:conduct the smell,Optic nerve,Ganglion cell of retina Optic nerve Optic canal optic chiasmaoptic tract lateral geniculate body.,Vestibulocochlear nerve 前庭蜗神经,Sensory cranial

9、nerves,运动性脑神经,Motor cranial nerves,III.Oculomotor nerve 动眼神经IV.trochlear nerve 滑车神经 VI.Abducent nerve 展神经XI.accessory nerve 副神经XII.hypoglossal nerve 舌下神经,Oculomotor nerve,supplies:Superior,inferior and medial recti;inferior obliquus;levator palpebrae superioris Sphincter pupillae and ciliary muscle,

10、Nucleus of oculomotor n.,Accessory nucleus of oculomotor n.,Nucleus of oculomotor n.,Accessory nucleus of oculomotor n.,ComponentsGeneral somatic motor(efferent)fiber arises from nucleus occulomotorGeneral visceral motor(efferent)fiber arises from accessory nucleus of,Oculomotor nerve,Oculomotor ner

11、ve,Course:Leave the brain at the interpeduncular fossa;Pass through the lateral wall of cavernous sinusVia superior orbital fissure enter the orbita,Oculamotor paralysis,The injury of the oculomotor n.may lead to:,Droping of the upper eyelid;lateral strabismus 外斜视;Dilation of the pupil;The pupillary

12、 reflexes disappear 瞳孔光反射消失,trochlear nerve,Trochlear n.arises from the nucleus of trochlear nerve,and pass through the superior orbital fissure to supply the superior obliquus,abducent n.arises from the nucleus of abducent nerve,and pass through the superior orbital fissure to supply the lateral re

13、ctus,Accessory nerve,Accessory nerve,Cranial root 脑根:arises from nucleus ambiguus;Spinal root脊髓根 arises from the accessory nucleus pass through jugular foramen,and supplies 2 muscles,Hypoglossal nerve 舌下神经,Function of Cranial Nerve 12,supplies the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the Tonguegeniogl

14、ossus 颏舌肌extend the tongue with Contraction,So what happens if the CN12 has been damaged?,Motor cranial nerves,Mixed cranial nerves,混合性脑神经,V.Trigeminal nerveVII.Facial nerveIX.Glossopharyngeal nerveX.Vagus nerve,Trigeminal nerve,Components of fibersGeneral somatic afferent fibers:transmit facial sen

15、sation to sensory nuclei of trigeminal nerve,the fibers have their cell bodies in trigeminal ganglion,Special viceral efferent fibers:originate from motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve,and supply masticatory muscles,BranchesFrontal nerve 额神经:Supratrochlear nerve 滑车上神经Supraorbital nerve 眶上神经,Branches,O

16、phthalmic nerve 眼神经(1,sensory),leave the skull through the superior orbital fissure 眶上裂,to enter orbital cavity,Lacrimal nerve 泪腺神经:lacrimal gland Nasociliary nerve 鼻睫神经;eyeball,Distribution:Visual organ Part of mucosa of nose Skin above the palpebral fisure and back of nose cerebral dura mater,Infr

17、aorbital nerve 眶下神经Zygomatic nerve 颧神经Superior alveolar nerve 上牙槽神经Pterygopalatine nerve 翼腭神经,Maxillary nerve 上颌神经(2,sensory),Leave skull through foramen rotundum 圆孔,Branches,Distribution:Maxillary teeth Mucosa of nose and mouth Skin between the palpebral fissure and oral fissure.cerebral dura mater

18、,Auriculotemporal nerve 耳颞神经 Buccal nerve 颊神经Lingual nerve 舌神经Inferior alveolar nerve 下牙槽神经Nerve of masticatory muscles 咀嚼肌神经,Mandibular nerve 下颌神经(3,mixed),Leave the skull through the foramen ovale 卵圆孔 to enter the infratemporal fossa 颞下窝,Branches,Distribution:cerebral dura mater;Mandibular teeth a

19、nd gum;Mucosa of floor of mouthAnterior 2/3 of tongue;Skin of auricular and temporal regions and below the oral fissure;masticatory muscles,mylohyoid,and anterior belly of digastric m.,Facial nerve(),Components of fibersSpecial visceral efferent fiber:fibers originate from nucleus of facial nerve,an

20、d supply facial muscles.General visceral efferent fiber:fibers arise from superior salivatory nucleus and relayed in pterygopalatine ganglion翼腭神经节 and submandibular ganglion下颌下神经节.The postganglionic fibers supply lacrimal,submandibular and sublingual glands.,Facial nerve(),Components of fibers.Speci

21、al visceral afferent fiber:fiber from taste buds of anterior 2/3 of tongue which cell bodies are in the geniculate ganglion 膝节 of the facial nerve and end the nucleus of solitary tract.General somatic afferent fiber:fibers distribute the skin of external ear.,Course:leaves skull through internal aco

22、ustic meatus,facial canal and stylomastoid foramen,it then enters parotid gland where it divides into five Branches which supply facial Muscles.,Chorda tympani 鼓索:joins lingual branch of mandibular nerveTo taste buds on anterior two-thirds of tongue.Relayed in submandibular ganglion(下颌下神经节),the post

23、ganglionic fibers supply submandibular and sublingual glands,Branches within the facial canal,Greater petrosal nerve 岩大神经:fibers pass to pterygopalatine ganglion 翼腭神经节 and the postganglionic fibers through the zygomatic and lacrimal nerves to lacrimal glandStapedial nerve 镫骨肌神经:to stapedius,Temporal

24、 branch Zygomatic branch Buccal branch Marginal mandibular branch Cervical branch,Branches outside of facial canal,Pterygopalatine ganglion 翼腭神经节:lies in pterygopalatine fossa under maxillary nerveSubmandibular ganglion 下颌下神经节:lies between lingual nerve and submandibular gland,Injury to the facial n

25、erve,?,2.How to distinguish the supranuclear paralysis and infranuclear paralysis,1.Is this paralysis belong to supranuclear paralysis and infranuclear paralysis,Glossopharyngeal nerve(),Special visceral efferent fiber:originate from nucleus ambiguus,and supply stylopharygeus.general visceral effere

26、nt fiber:arise from inferior salivatory nucleus and ralyed in otic ganglion,the postganglionic fibers supply parotid gland.Special visceral afferent fiber:transmit the taste of posterior third of tongue to the nucleus of solitary tract.,Components of fibers,Glossopharyngeal nerve(),general visceral

27、afferent fiber:transmit the visceral sensation from mucosa of posterior third of tongue,pharynx,auditory tube and tympanic cavity,carotid sinus and glomus,to the nucleus of solitary tract.general somatic afferent fiber:conduct the sensation from skin of posterior surface of auricle.,Components of fi

28、bers,BranchesLingual branches 舌支:to taste buds and mucosa of posterior third of tonguePharyngeal branches 咽支:take part in forming the pharyngeal plexusTympanic nerve 鼓室神经:tympanic cavity and auditory tube,and its general visceral motor fibers via lesser petrosal nerves to end the otic ganglion耳神经节,t

29、he postganglionic fibers via auriculotemporal n.(3)to parotid gland,Course:leaves the skull via jugular foramen,Carotid sinus branch 颈动脉窦支:carotid sinus and glomusOthers:tonsillar and stylophayngeal branches Otic ganglion 耳神经节:situated just below foramen ovale,Branches,Lingual branches,Carotid sinus

30、 branch,Pharyngeal branches,Vagus nerve(),general visceral efferent fiber:originate from dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve,synapse in parasympathetic ganglion,short postganglionic fibers innervate cardiac muscles,smooth muscles and glands of visceraSpecial visceral efferent fiber:originate from the nucl

31、eus ambiguus,to muscles of pharynx and larynx,components of fibers,Vagus nerve(),general visceral afferent fiber:carry impulse from viscera in neck,thoracic and abdominal cavity to nucleus of solitary tract general somatic afferent fiber:conduct the sensation from auricle,external acoustic meatus an

32、d cerebral dura mater to the spinal nucleus of trigeminal n.,components of fibers,Right vagus nerve Enter thoracic cavity on right side of trachea and infront of right subclavian a.and passes posterior to right lung root Forms posterior esophageal plexus and posterior vagal trunk Passes though the e

33、sophageal hiatus into abdominal cavity,then divides into posterior gastric 胃后支and celiac branches 腹腔支,CourseExits the skull from jugular foramenDescends in the neck in carotid sheath between internal(or common)carotid artery and internal jugular vein,Left vagus nerveEnter thoracic cavity between lef

34、t common carotid and left subclavian arteries,Descends infront of the aortic archPasses posterior to the root of left lung Forms anterior esophageal plexus and anterior vagal trunk Passes though the esophageal hiatus into abdominal cavity,and divides into anterior gastric and hepatic branches.,Exter

35、nal branch,Internal branch which pierces thyrohyoid membrane to innervates mucous membrane of larynx above fissure of glottisExternal branch,which innervates cricothyroid,Branches in neck,Superior laryngeal nerve 喉上神经,Cervical cardiac branches 颈心支 descending to terminate in cardiac plexus,Recurrent

36、laryngeal nerves 喉返神经Right one hooks around right subclavian artery,left one hooks aortic archBoth ascend in tracheo-esophageal grooveNerves enter larynx posterior to cricothyroid joint,the nerve is now called inferior laryngeal nerveInnervations:laryngeal mucosa below fissure of glottis,all larynge

37、al muscles except cricothyroid,Branches in thorax,Bronchial and esophageal branches,Anterior and posterior gastric branchesRun close to lesser curvature and innervate anterior and posterior surfaces of stomach,Branches in abdomen,Celiac branches:send branches to celiac plexus whose fibers distribute

38、 with sympathetic fibers to liver,pancreas,spleen,kidneys,intestine as far as left colic flexure,Hepatic branches 肝支:supply liver and gallbladder,Nucleus of oculomotor n.,Accessory nucleus of oculomotor n.,Inferior alveolar nerve下牙槽神经,Auriculotemporal nerve,The nerve distribution of tongue 舌的神经分布,Hy

39、poglossal n.the musels of tongue;Mandibular n.anterior 2/3 mucosa of tongue;Facial n.anterior 2/3 teste buds of tongue;Glossopharygeal n.the mucosa and teste buds of the root of tongue,The nerve distribution of the eyeball,?,III sup.Inferior and medial rectus,inferior obliquus IV superior obliquus VIlateral rectusOptic n.visual sense;Ophthalmic n.general sense of eyeball;sympathetic n.dilator pupillae;parasympathetic n.sphincter pupillae and ciliary m.,


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