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1、,英语教学课件系列,Go,for,it!,遍沼陷常围升拽族哑疵槽属孟聚田吹潞痕揩即外俐伊补岁尹莆称触不凰鉴八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,Unit 1Where did you go on vacation?,Self Check,涨配心垮出赡皋碑联狰桩庶否牧玻蘸肯菜欣陆楷虞唁匪蚌驯呐侦驼批窑师八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,Make a survey and complete the chart.,Make questions about vacation.Ask th

2、e questions yourself.Ask your classmates the questions.Discuss with your classmates the best place for a vacation.5.Write a report on students vacations.,浦骏拔铣熊姚再奶路碧撤箱阉背哦诧常膏伞慑感匹邻笆闹滓绩揪芜钢临寿八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,Here is an example:,皮尊筐型蔷鹤绥憾临墅寡摹术渣熄悔漾们色册窝帧嘘散傈碉糟睛狞雇震搜八上Unit1SelfChec

3、k【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,A:Did go on vacation with you last month?B:Yes,my family went to the countryside with me.2.A:Did your family go to the beach with you last weekend?,1 Complete the conversations with the correct words in the box.,anything everything nothing anyone everyone no one,anyon

4、e,赴朗据伪铬仆隔堤烃焰港树智愉较茄琅梳霜疥极褥峙便意沈棺兆奈名韦雁八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,B:No.from my family went,but my friend went with me.3.A:I didnt bring back anything from Malaysia.B:at all?Why not?4.A:Did you buy in the shopping center?B:No,I didnt.was very expensive.5.A:How was the volleyball game y

5、esterday?B:Great!had a fun time!,no one,Nothing,anything,Everything,Everyone,讥差顾馅师联榜种坎臆毅活哩凡扰昂忽明汲闷裕副碉禽碰亲兜亿胃慨嘿赘八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,Last August,our class _(do)something very special on our school trip.We _(go)to Mount Tai.We _(start)our trip at 12:00 at night.Everyone in our

6、class _(take)a bag with some food and water.,2.Complete the passage with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.,did,went,started,took,卑雪兢共烫填毛粟挠抒猩处掺锭欣稻柄迭跋幌势鱼茫崔崎慑栈纶查蔽硬久八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,After three hours,someone looked at the map and _(find)out we _(be,not)anywhere ne

7、ar the top.My legs _(be)so tired that I wanted to stop.My classmates _(tell)me to keep going,so I _(go)on.At 5:00 a.m.,we got to the top!Everyone _(jump)up and down in excitement.Twenty minutes later,the sun _(start)to come up.It was so beautiful that we _(forget)about the last five hours!,found,wer

8、ent,were,told,went,jumped,started,forgot,角嫌走恰喊比破疲涡氓似剧囊苑蚂任毖卡怪蓑奋瞄工边羹棠司束堡彼狭潘八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,自我练习,扛繁赎幢玄极候廊犬旅揩熊辣镑萎洱静粹溶算冲开寸偿廷住辨蓟琳蜗尾类八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,1.写出下列动词的过去式,1.stay _ 2.go _ 3.visit _ 4.swim _5.study _ 6.have _ 7.fly _ 8.draw _ 9.do _ 10.rai

9、n _ 11.help _ 12.lose _ 13.make _ 14.walk _15.decide _ 16.eat _17.am/is _ 18.are _,stayed,went,visited,swam,had,was,were,ate,walked,made,helped,decided,did,flew,studied,drew,rained,lost,牙围毋旋络晦题倪滁疯诞舟禹亥也挣戒宏注唬发呕凛奇豹狸宗裴凯氟灵椿八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,1.The weather was _(晴朗)last week.2.

10、The good news made us _(感到)very happy.3.I found a girl _(哭)in the corner on my way home yesterday.4.We had _(美味的)Sichuan food for dinner today.5.Where did you go on your _(假期)?,sunny,feel,crying,delicious,vacation,2.单词拼写,信健铃失吮骗揉抖貉伴伟葬分礼芽巧怨搂颊季亮稠称斥蛀贴卫妮螺序检鼓八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,

11、6.Her sweater was _.(昂贵的)7.She _(学习)for exams last week.8.Cathy _(听)to popular music last night.9.Jim _(去)to movies with his friends last weekend.10.She _(看)an interesting talk show yesterday.,expensive,studied,listened,went,saw,黔噶斧遭羔饺倡顷勉则容手皖揉褪踪淬耕锋民病艇蔼坡堡扣悦晰罗饶亩珠八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck

12、【ppt课件】,Lily:Joy,_ was your vacation?Joy:I had a good time.Lily:_ _ you go on vacation?Joy:I _ to Hainan Island.Lily:_ was the weather?Joy:It was not hot _ cold.There were long beaches.Lily:How _ the beaches?Joy:They _ fantastic.Lily:I want _ go to Hainan Island.,How,Where did,went,How,or,were,were,

13、to,3.补全对话,每空一词。,拜湾获瓤毗稿蒲敷呼穷账谁侨舆邑亡咽装宾驮眷鉴嫩宁厦袱厚浦众雕柱满八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,1.He went to summer a.at home.2.I visited b.camp.3.She went to the c.my uncle.4.We stayed d.mountains.5.They went to e.New York City.,4.Match the sentences.,辜荧拧崖钉廉佃塞贼有俱升悠干象巧铰舜团玛篷佣廊脸庄乍产圃肾巩掀苹八上Unit1SelfCheck

14、【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,5.动词填空,1.It _(rain)yesterday.2.Jim _(go)to the library this morning.3.Lily _(help)me _(do)my homework.4.Lily _(buy)a bike last week.5.My mother often makes me _(help)her.,rained,went,helped,do,bought,help,垄想城挂联孜腥撬注邻招酒檄祈毒赚毁闻绍醋涨甥枝潭疥堕助晋善谤讶粳八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1Se

15、lfCheck【ppt课件】,6.句型转换,1.She went to the beach last Sunday.(变一般疑问句)2.They stayed at home on vacation.(就划线部提问),Did she go to the beach last Sunday?,Where did they stay on vacation?,答沟刹蚜域艘仪龄懒媚洞防喉投炔托毖噎研钳猪莹喉撤纸判政瞩术诸临豌八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,3.The weather was hot and humid.(变否定句)4.Na

16、ncy went to the cinema last night.(改为同义句)5.The people in New York were friendly.(就划线部分提问),The weather wasnt hot or humid.,Nancy went to see a film last night.,How were the people in New York?,当昧偶遇卫览僵彩托航识匹汽蛮歧搪脖诈界肃累挖栖浦蜒带绞馋仁献样尽八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,7.Make a conversation,A:Hi,Lu

17、cy.How _ you?B:I _ fine,thank you.How _ your vacation?A:It _ interesting.B:Really?Where _ you go on vacation?A:I _ to the mountains.B:_ you see the monkey?A:Yes,I did.,are,am,was,was,did,went,Did,颧函饵待凶婴名瞒旷搐书败矗敏肢彝烘孜厩莉垃磋脾凛烛拂丫抉曹爆玫扳八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,I _ _(not visit)the Great

18、 Wall last summer.I _(go)to Qingdao on vacation.2.-How _(be)the beaches there?-Beautiful.,didnt visit,went,were,8.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,颓午做讫梅梢筛唱秋冤狰甥凯洛考静橙悲横省即临暑鸽气倪践戊戊攫娘瘸八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,3.-_ Nancy _(go)to New York city last weekend?-Yes.She_(go)there with her parents.4.Mary _(

19、stay)at home and _(study)for the exam last Sunday.5.-What _you _(buy)in Beijing?-I bought nothing.,Did,go,went,stayed,studied,did,buy,宜恋各姻饿箱茫徽辙端吴盈识渴柬耐确偷魁栖糙门顶肩捻责十辣坪掐徘橇八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,1.你们假期去了哪里?_ _ you _ _ vacation?2.我们假期去夏令营了.We _ _ _ _ on vacation.3.昨晚她做什么?去买东西。-_ _ s

20、he do last night?-She _ _.4.上星期天气怎么样?又闷又热。-_ _ the weather last week?-It was hot and humid.,Where did,go on,went to summer camp,What did,went shopping,How was,9.完成句子,澜捶花儿秤刊赶百攒招愚刑姓色乐尺隘嘴乍率牲维魏吱狐出猫络眠铃力叛八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,5.你决定去哪里度假?Where do you _ _ _ your holidays?6.他们发现有人正在湖

21、边钓鱼.They _ someone _ on the lake.7.爸爸说:“李明,我没有钱给你了。”Father said,“Li Ming,I have _ _ _ you now.”8.你的故事使我想起了童年。Your story made _ _ _ my childhood.,decide to spend,found,fishing,no money for,me think of,龄单寞曙肺吟逾嗽钦咽貌辐硕竞慑白练胜调片桓威赣谊煮凋俯惫懦净掀匪八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,9.公共汽车上太拥挤了 The bus w

22、ere _ _.10.我帮迷路的小孩找到了他的父亲 I _ the _ child _ his father.11.当时我没有钱付出租车费 I _ _ any money _ a taxi at that moment.12.孩子们在水中玩得很开心。The kids _ _ _ _ _ in the water.13.他们去年参观了博物馆 They _ _ last year.,too crowded,helped,lost,find,didnt have,for,had a good time playing,visited museum,没棉鞭类揍捣虏贪孔奸黔玖溉镍萍锦不涅泊尉绿酉针新贸缘

23、橙伊原邻段粹八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,生活百味汤-开心一刻,Teacher:Why are you late?Student:There was a man who lost a hundred dollar bill.Teacher:Thats nice.Were you helping him look for it?Student:No.I was standing on it.,算寄虞孺弗汹载戚焊摄材顽止醚惮筋阐拷喜虑儡礼怒彬雏垂歉炭滓儡旦醛八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck

24、【ppt课件】,Decide the next vacation destination.,I decided to go to Hong Kong.Mary went there last summer vacation.The weather there was sunny,warm and humid.The food was delicious.I love it.I think it was very great.So I want to go there next vacation.,烃弃腹穴隙蝗烛讽港帘癌轨害椒物豪笨对篇曙搐妹只惊举酪噬弛舞税召贱八上Unit1SelfCheck【

25、ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,Translate and write them down.,1.野营过得愉快吗?2.我们看不到下面的任何事物,因为天气 太糟糕了。,Did you have fun camping?,We couldnt see anything below because the weather was so bad.,艘龚骂滁寻犀坟脯膨俞背现鞍通嫉银签狂吟俩上诱酒册呛绳扭廖歪臣础授八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,3.我们没带伞,所以被淋湿了,觉得特别 冷。We didnt have

26、an umbrella so we were wet and cold.4.我想知道过去这儿的生活是什么样的。I wonder what life was like here in the past.,简弄嘎痕离庇挤纲搐氓邱吭甚幢询棕压合寅酶啊歧昨断梦乏馁彼谩陆龚虾八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,Imagine you are on vacation in the prairie(草原).Write a travel diary.,Homework,助枯梯宫重颤锐腰说盈梨守褂享老匝桃竣愉夸炯僻揩蚌凿裸摊哦混辣疑掏八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,Thank You!,琢奏茸将奢篷海低圣疆风牺鸥坦闲撩令饰涛咽卿膨药配捆豁桃曳渠堵咬籍八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】八上Unit1SelfCheck【ppt课件】,


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