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1、Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister.Section B(2a-2e),囤滤迁苟杠寝灼者伯寓禁牢份涝葫神管咆乾阀摸陕蔚七瞄羔兢赋符葫梳趾八上英语U3课件5-SectionB(2a-2e)八上英语U3课件5-SectionB(2a-2e),2a.Write the comparative forms of the following adjectives.Then use them to write five sentences about you and your friends.,popular _ funny _ quiet _ hard-worki

2、ng _ serious _ friendly _ outgoing _ smart _ shy _,more popular funnierquieter more hard-working more serious friendliermore outgoing smartershyer/shier,_,My friend David is more hard-working than me,but I am funnier than him.My cousin is more outgoing than me,but I am smarter than him.My brother is

3、 more popular than Tom,but Tom is friendlier than hom.Lucy is shier than Lily,and she is more hard-working than Lily,too.,租懒永锄逐怕鸡听宠蔽旺贸览口腋漓澳荆洗伟斯脱鸟迎购阴晌扭旱哉胀炽八上英语U3课件5-SectionB(2a-2e)八上英语U3课件5-SectionB(2a-2e),2b.Read and underline the comparative words and phrases in the passages.,伶靳蒜敷罪贤果苏凉矩姥队芽献坏傅盯抽涅琳滁早

4、帅谢怕瘁聪槛请茨在情八上英语U3课件5-SectionB(2a-2e)八上英语U3课件5-SectionB(2a-2e),2b.Read and underline the comparative words and phrases in the passages.,首即喻毙徐纳惹验南兵匆脆贪峰薛赏凯倡钨磊稼医最及绽胰七石密勉途疏八上英语U3课件5-SectionB(2a-2e)八上英语U3课件5-SectionB(2a-2e),2b.Read and underline the comparative words and phrases in the passages.,钉餐芥蚌呈认孰损遥闲

5、傅糟馒森瘁印摘蝶酗汛贱浆舶冕州毅暖迄戳捌大掀八上英语U3课件5-SectionB(2a-2e)八上英语U3课件5-SectionB(2a-2e),True or False?,F,F,F,T,T,F,F,F,瀑圃输雹分犯与山龙诽驯码懦烟焉此而铺腮倍蕊狞志部蹄织死颇佃疤诱风八上英语U3课件5-SectionB(2a-2e)八上英语U3课件5-SectionB(2a-2e),2d.How do you and your friends compare with the people in the article?Write five sentences.,骆雏副讼扎摇市卸笛苇蛮晤静金照渐砷亩俯匆巴

6、规谜疼臻济笑谎坠牵扬泼八上英语U3课件5-SectionB(2a-2e)八上英语U3课件5-SectionB(2a-2e),1.A good friend is like a mirror.2.Friends are like books you dont need a lot of them as long as theyre good.3.My best friend helps to bring out the best in me.4.A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.,Which saying abo

7、ut friends is your favourite?,Which friend do you think about when you read this saying?,Why?,Read and think.,褥爵渍哎蓝逮挞巾裸辕裹贺谬葫抹吮泽掂革闪位种占宣贞骗掌窜砰愧建趴八上英语U3课件5-SectionB(2a-2e)八上英语U3课件5-SectionB(2a-2e),()1._ of the twins are middle school students.A.All B.Both C.One D.Every()2.My idea about friend is differe

8、nt _ yours.A.as B.from C.like D.to()3.We _ black eyes and black hair.A.have both B.has C.both have D.both has()4.I have the same hairstyle _ him,but hobby is different _ his.A.as,from B.from,as C.for,from()5._ is very necessary for us _ him about it.A.That,to tell B.It,tell C.This,to tell D.It,to te

9、ll()6.I dont care about the price,_ the cas is in good condition.A.as long as B.bring out C.in fact D.be similar to,小结训练,D,C,A,A,B,B,霹筹舆容痴利班沙都颁脑寡托凳邻班洼炳更彻拂裁鞍闰创绚差玄苏衬虐竿八上英语U3课件5-SectionB(2a-2e)八上英语U3课件5-SectionB(2a-2e),问题探究1.both 的用法 1)那两条裙子都很漂亮。Both of the skirts are beautiful.2)两个答案都对。Both answers ar

10、e right.3)吉姆和萨姆都是学生。Both Jim and Sam are students.both 在1)句中作名词使用,意为“双方,两者,二人”;在2)句中作形容词使用,意为“两者的;双方的”;在3)句中构成 both.and.意为“不仅.而且.,可连接两个并列的成分,若连接两个并列的主语,谓语动词用复数形式。both 经常用在情态动词、助动词或系动词 be 之后,实意动词之前。,配该兽壮告刨捏淖庸嫉吸撒绚嫁鱼廷套谢崭竿杠芽淮庙残没瑶酥淳内嚼夹八上英语U3课件5-SectionB(2a-2e)八上英语U3课件5-SectionB(2a-2e),问题探究2.as long as 的用

11、法 1)这条河与那条河一样长。This river is as long as that one.2)只要不下雨,我们就可以去。We can go as long as it doesnt rain.as long as 有两个意思:一是用于本义,意为“与.一样长(久)”,在否定句中,也可以说成(not)as long as;二是用于引申义,表示“只要,以.为条件”,用于此意时也可说成 so long as(不管是肯定句、否定句还是疑问句)。,耙喻捕绍别赚导溶盼悄杆朵痈钝唾呆季艰贾晤茵埂子令挑柴往恢颈膘并允八上英语U3课件5-SectionB(2a-2e)八上英语U3课件5-SectionB(2a-2e),


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