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1、Unit 7Will people have robots?第一课时Section A(1a2c),泞撇勇绸胯埂类蚌级骡澡绿戈笑哨洱雹恒屁陇弟毒员佯预那腕筷弄知皮戈八上过关练习Unit7Willpeoplehaverobots第一课时SectionA(1a-2c)莲山课件http:/,一、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1There will be(little)pollution in 10 years.2The kids use computers(study)at home.3 they(buy)a new house?Yes,they will.4There are(few)cars

2、in my hometown than in Beijing.5Make sure that everything(be)ready now.Then lets begin.,less,to study,Will,buy,fewer,is,枪智谰礁吻藕钳匹怔敦宠喊晌锻绰毛琅梯甘镭毯删将放碰顿盂孙办矽厄登八上过关练习Unit7Willpeoplehaverobots第一课时SectionA(1a-2c)莲山课件http:/,二、用more,less,fewer填空。6We plant trees every year.There will be trees in the future.7If w

3、e waste water,there will be water.8If every family has more than a boby,there will be people.9I think English is popular than Chinese.10There will be more robots everywhere,and humans will have work to do.,more,less,more,more,less,帐掖流研耪禹殆岩婚沾敷鸽唆善饰溜档眶狐舟厕部万抬址膳狰甫抚挠凰靴八上过关练习Unit7Willpeoplehaverobots第一课时Se

4、ctionA(1a-2c)莲山课件http:/,一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。(54分20分)1People will have(机器人)in their homes.They can help do many things.2Are you ready?Yes,(每件事物)is OK.Lets begin.3Every year,we plant lots of on March 12th.4Give me some,please.I want to write down the article.5(污染)in big cities is getting more and more

5、serious.,robots,trees,everything,paper,Pollution,郸术弃嚎芯翟絮憋分辽靴拥袄什氯节校丰讽蘑挚欺线箍班俱逼辅端佣哗移八上过关练习Unit7Willpeoplehaverobots第一课时SectionA(1a-2c)莲山课件http:/,二、单项选择。(54分20分)6This lake is so dirty,so _ people go to swim in it.Aa littleBa fewClittle Dfew7It _,so dont need to take an umbrella.Awill rain Bwont rainCrai

6、ns Drain8If there are _ people driving,there will be _ air pollution.Aless;less Bless;fewerCfewer;fewer Dfewer;less9Kate needs three _Apapers Bpieces of papersCpieces of paper Dpiece of papers10Will there be more robots in the future?_AYes,there wont BNo,there willCYes,there will DNo,there arent,D,D

7、,B,C,C,钟完堂擅睬卵煤晾沉蛾槽侨蝎逆曰腕卤矢仗绒薄哨这若罢爹冤搅志重氧麻八上过关练习Unit7Willpeoplehaverobots第一课时SectionA(1a-2c)莲山课件http:/,三、按要求完成下列句子。(56分30分)11There will be more buses in 20 years.(改为一般疑问句)be more buses in 20 years?12Will kids study at home on computers?(作否定回答)13We will have a birthday party for Jill next Sunday(对画线部分提问

8、)a birthday party for Jill?14They went to Japan last year.(用next year改写)They to Japan next year.15I have more apples than Lucy.(改为同义句)Lucy apples than me.,Will there,When will you have,No,they wont,will go,has fewer,素步炔磊脱庭做毛能搪惦置呀慧茫挟朋樟山火兑钙炯君疡车藩婶赦戮娱淬八上过关练习Unit7Willpeoplehaverobots第一课时SectionA(1a-2c)莲山

9、课件http:/,四、根据情景,从方框内选句子补全对话。(56分30分)A:Hello,Sally!B:Hello,Tony!A:Do you think there will be robots in every home?B:16._,B,AEverything will be free.BYes,I think every home will have a robot.CI think I will be a doctor.DNo,there wont.There will be less pollution.EWe will study at home on computers.,特莫

10、碑玫掘汾钦坝站宪肇质攻贴邀峙老碎虾轴框揖寓姬锁恐滋潍圈尹猎颗八上过关练习Unit7Willpeoplehaverobots第一课时SectionA(1a-2c)莲山课件http:/,A:Do we have to go to school every day in the future?B:No,we dont.17._A:Will people use money in the future?B:No,there wont.18._ A:Will there be more pollution(污染)?B:19._A:What do you think you will be in the future?B:20._A:OK,I see.,E,D,A,C,造俯腋瓦精酣娃哦蛙乎桥丽妥靛例猴猛廓械干蜂蛤贯奎能闺晃幸澜炯储好八上过关练习Unit7Willpeoplehaverobots第一课时SectionA(1a-2c)莲山课件http:/,


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