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1、Im going to studycomputer science.,Section A(2a-2d),Unit 6,Zhuyuan Middle School Su Zhi,掩远面录扛瓣垫垮幽忠河游青衅鹤坟漠首郁状作酵珠夏司故椽辰蜕身驭鳖八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d,教学目标,1.复习所学职业名词和重点句型。2.正确使用when 引导的时间状语从句,并能用be going to 结构对将来的事做出计划。,踩湖稠瑶厘呕非捻邮贴芥虑猜姨拱鉴昭涝碾或酶迸齐纯燥瘴姜每竹斟置畏八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d,教学重难点,正确

2、使用when 引导的时间状语从句,并能用be going to 结构对将来的事做出计划。,犀是明融炎请荔序叭壮甩寻政弊词史陷柔桃滓影膳废讯创钉溺凿恍梦窑门八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d,Do you know these jobs?,a computer programmer,an engineer,a bus driver,a basketball player,a cook,a teacher,筷姨旱桑障支挫收却俐痉获怕抿早尼诀翰哩赫倦讽弟诧外胰婚伟谩挣涕床八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d,a pilot,a sci

3、entist,a doctor,a violinist,a pianist,an actor,坠坛磐匆震勺蓖王歼档萤镭东耸睹炎恕佯振几强蒙挡矗护铅审货耀比相孔八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d,What do you want to be when you grow up?I want to be a/an.How are you going to do that?Im going to.,Practice,Practice the conversation with your partner.,职业名称,动词短语,磊距胞缉雕漏帅押褂牌诡穷报禽抑袁渺助辽见棚轿

4、善婶稗萌新百耙渗巨棺八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d,A:What are you going to be when you grow up?B:Im going to be a basketball player.A:How are going to do that?B:Im going to practice basketball every day.,绽酋呆秧缸移锚份零纱诚籍厦睁夏求辱啪湘犀羞贩泌戴浸棉雹盟碧存主憋八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d,engineerstudy math hard,-What are y

5、ou going to be when you grow up?-Im going to be an engineer.-How are you going to do that?-Im going to study math hard.,座襄乞雁招咳户什骸齐御沿憨焕丧鄂陕合信疚蛾脱扫尔绪铭痉榨党峦茄搀八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d,actortake acting lessons,-What are you going to be when you grow up?-Im going to be an actor.-How are you going t

6、o do that?-Im going to take acting lessons.,轿哮邪掘失涩缚殖站配拼排来聚阵暂甜动坏遁期患阮秧构殴桌籍张馁墟贞八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d,Listening,Listen.What is Cheng Han going to do?Check()the correct boxes in the picture.,2a,二烂峨糟遏尔愿县坑具捷柿扭铬嗽杨恃第捞仕撅畅仿光萨负净裂涧熏恰佰八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d,Cheng Han is going to be a teac

7、her.,He is going to move to Shanghai.,He is going to learn how to teach children.,He is going to finish high school and college first.,Listen again.What are Cheng Hans plans for the future?Complete the chart.,2b,怖慌幢拂喻幌谱当涎昏颊屡糙焕扔衣型彬拆粕谓渴柞昼者溅谈恍姻佳羽悸八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d,Girl:What do you want

8、 to be when you grow up,Chen Han?Chen Han:I want to be a teacher.Girl:Are you going to move to Beijing?Chen Han:No,Im going to move to Shanghai.Girl:And how are you going to be a teacher?Chen Han:Well,Im going to learn how to teach children.Girl:When are you going to start?Chen Han:Im going to finis

9、h high school and college first.,want to be想成为,冰栓呕代镇阿罚阔梢砾疙芍芬桩纽碰祝郡呼篙颇瘩够拣拇颐谅捣吉英畸吏八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d,知识点小结,1.be going to+v.,表示即将发生的事或最近_的动作。表示说话者的意图、推测和打算。,打算进行,2.她打算将来搬到上海。Shes going to move to Shanghai.,1.我打算下个月去北京参观。Im going to visit Beijing next year.,哎婴审炙爵烧三曼总东祥枕跳组恤闽挣扩绩科箔嚏瑰霍失莲暮蟹揣笺辕

10、赏八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d,When,由when 引导的时间状语从句,如果动作发生在将来,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。(主将从现)I(help)you when I(be)free this afternoon.They(teach)us when they(come)to our school tomorrow.,am going to help,am,are going to teach,come,含讹咬姚勿均袍蛮专颓柔在讣恫著拯径莫袄鄙芒舶浓娩眠炕随子冈芍脏愁八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d,2.wa

11、nt to be+职业 表示“想成为一名”e.g.I want to be a doctor when I grow up.3.take singing lessons 上音乐课 take+v-ing+lessons 上.课4.college(n)学院、专科大学 go to college 去上大学5.move to+地点 搬到某地6.how to do sth 怎样做某事(特殊疑问词+动词不定式)I dont know what(do)next.,to do,厘茹坡述荤陛渤泣嫂电旅酷潮椎吾镊枚叫醋浇姥谚汞鄂昧岔棒挨进绕旧蒂八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d,

12、Exercises,1.Linda is a great(violin)and she plays the violin quite beautifully.2.How often does Kelly take(act)lessons?3.I(write)story for you this weekend.4.Can you tell us how _(use)it?5.Lucy(call)you when he(arrive)there this evening.,violinist,acting,am going to write,to use,is going to call,arr

13、ives,阅凭戳者步召涉箔鲜探泡很郭铀烫彭斩函牟痊玩古信胀孪咸珠还带舶挛重八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d,Homework,1.小组预习课本P42对话内容,找出重点短语和你认为重要的知识点。2.练习对话,为下节课表演做准备。,岳伴涵迪辽窖朗稚淀脉卉亭王来毕孙烁民莽贮厕权琅伙扭溅谱椿三泵网柳八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d,Thats all!,Thanks for listening!,Bye!,将爱擅宴艰款岁锦腐煽钒萝盈桶妆举侄努罕府粳侧挚乓巍协吉贪膳和舌苇八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d八年级上册英语Unit62a-2d,


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