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1、2011年黄埔区英语科初三备考教学资源(1)高频单词拼写练习汇总(7A - 9B)7A动词:1. My mother will a_ everything for my birthday.2. When did you a_ at the airport?3. They knew when to a_ the enemy(敌人).4. You can ask Mary if you dont b_ me.5. Does he c_ his work day after day?6. Why do you c_ stamps?7. Why not c_ your homework first?8

2、. C_ the table with a cloth.9. Dont c_ others answers.10. The baby can c_ as soon as he is born.11. I cannot c_ which one to buy.12. I dont know how to d_ with these naughty children.13. Please do not e_ without knocking on the door.14. Dont worry. I will f_ the way to get out.15. I receive a letter

3、 from my pen friend. Im going to r_ it. 16. Do you r_ the first day at the school. I will never forget the great day.17. Im going to the library to r_ the books.18. -Dont s_ in front of me. I cant see the blackboard.-Sorry, I will sit down.19. I wont t_ him, because he never tells the truth (真相).20.

4、 Dont t_ the baby, he is sleeping.21. Tom didnt r_ the theft to the policeman, because he is frightened.22. I saw a man s_ a purse from the lady, and I called the police and caught the thief.23. I like reading. I s_ a lot of money on books.24. The police will s_ everywhere to look for the lost child

5、.25. The clothes are popular(受欢迎的). They s_ well.26. Dont s_ at the cinema. Its not polite.27. In the earthquake(地震), all the buildings s_.28. The stars s_ in the sky every night. 29. - Excuse me, Where is the nearest post office?-F_ the road to the end and you can find it.30. I cant find my pen. Di

6、d anyone h_ it?31. Dont play with the knife or you will h_ yourself.32. The room is big enough to h_ 100 people.33. The ship h_ a rock and wrecked. Luckily, no one died.34. I dont want to i_ you. Go on with your story.35. This box is too heavy for me to l_. Can you help me?36. If you always l_ to pe

7、ople around you, no one will believe you again.37. She is easy-going, so she can easily m_ friends with others.38. I cant follow what you said. What did you m_?39. That chair is in the way, m_ it please.40. How long is the string? Can you m_ it?41. We should p_ the trees from being cut.42. Its rude

8、to p_ your fingers at people.43. The sun will r_ from the east in 10 minutes.Keys:Arrange arrive attack believe continue collect complete cover copy cry choose charge deal enter find;Receive, remember, return, stand, trust, touch, report, steal, spend, search, sell, shout, shake, shine; Follow hide

9、hurt hold hit interrupt lift lie make mean move measure protect point Rise名词1.He could swim at the a_ of six.2.Toms grandfather died of d_ last year.3.A g_ of children are playing games under the trees.4.He gives me an e_ for the sentence.5.Do you have his a_? I want to send him a letter.6.I want to

10、 be an English teacher in the f_.7.There is a c_ between Class One and Class Two.8.My school is far away from the shopping c_ of the city.9.They often discuss their b_ at dinner.10.He rode his b_ around the city last Sunday.11.He likes the baby a_ when he was young.12.After lunch he usually has a b_

11、.13.Dinosaurs all died out suddenly. Nobody knows the r_ .14.I want to get some i_ about tigers before I start my writing.15. I cannot remember the w _ of the song.16.Of all the subjects, I like h_ best.17.Is there any l_ on the planet Mars?18.On Halloween, people play j_ on other people in the USA

12、and some other countries.19.One m_ later, he rode to school happily.20.A scientist builds a time m_ and travels to the future.21.On my birthday, my aunt gave me a p_ . It was a radio.22.Captain King and his crew will climb into the kangaroos p_ and they carried us out.23.I also collect stamps with s

13、ports on them. I put these on a special p_.24.Fold the p_ in the same direction as the centre fold line.25.Please meet us on the other side of the r_26.Dont play football in the s . Thats too dangerous.27.There are many flowers on each s of the street.28.They are different in s _ .This is small, tha

14、t is big.29.Mary! Please keep the s .I dont want anyone know it.30.Do you buy the t _ of the film.31.They took a t _ to Japan last year.形容词1. She is 8 years old now, so she is a_ to look after herself.2. He fell a_ when I came back home.3. You must be c_ to drive in the heavy snow.4. The hotel is c_

15、 to your house, isnt it?5. The question is too d_ . Nobody can answer it.6. Mr. Brown will pay 1,000 yuan for the MP4. Its very e_.7. Dont worry, we have e_ time to get there.8. I didnt have anything for breakfast, so I feel very h_.9. The stone is very h_, Nobody can carry it.10. My cousin keeps a

16、cat as her pet because it is g_.11. Jane is 13 years now, she studies in a m_ school.12. Its i_ to go fishing. I like fishing.13. You should finish the work as soon as p_.14. My apple is s_, but yours is big.15. Its not s_ near the big fire.16. Lucy is good at many subjects and she is one of the t_

17、students in our class.Keys:Able asleep crazy close difficult expensive enough hungry huge gentle middle interesting possible small safe top虚词1. Lily wants to work a_ a teacher because she likes teaching.2. We should be friendly to people a_ us.3. I dont like this pair, please show me a_ .4. Tom work

18、s hard, he is p_ the best student in his class.5. From the top of the hill we can see the buildings b_ .6. We like the car very much. H_ ,we dont have enough money to buy.7. I see my grandparents only o_ a year. How I miss them!8. Its very late now, but Kate is s_ at work.9. S_ students come from th

19、e USA.10. S_ we are hungry, lets eat something.11. Annie plays badminton t_ a week, on Wednesday and Saturday.12. Jim is walking t_ Ben to say hello to him.13. I cant see the words clearly w_ my glasses.7B动词:1. If the tea is too strong, a_ some hot water.2. If you pull too hard, you will b_ the rope

20、.3. Dont sit close the fire! Its easy to b_ your sweater.4. There is a strong wind. It can b_ your hat off easily.5. Pull your skirt down and c_ your knees.6. People used a railway to c_ the two towns.7. Dont d_ that box it may be useful.8. Words cannot d_ my joy because I am so happy.9. It was so q

21、uiet you could hear a pin d_.10. The boy is too young to d_ what he should do next.11. The scientist tried to e_ how the machine works. 12. Hes a naught boy and he likes to f_ his classmates.13. We know that the water in the Peal River must f_ into the sea.14. Its very kind of him to g_ me to go thr

22、ough the forest.15. Usually, people dont like snakes. They h_ snakes.16. If you want to be a writer, you should be able to i_ many things.17. As a reporter, he has many chances to i_ famous people, like Gates, Obama, and so on.18. You can see flowers here and there. The flowers i_ because of the Asi

23、an Games.19. Xiao Ling is a good student. She wishes she could j_ the league(共青团) and become a league member.20. We were having dinner when someone k_ at the door.21. Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to No.1 Middle School? Im a student of No.1 Middle School. Please follow me, I will l_ you to m

24、y school.22. Oh, my God! Where are my keys? Without them, I cant l_ the door. 23. If you m_ yellow with blue, you will get green.24. They are going to m_ into their new house. They bought it last year.25. Our class is going to o_ a singing competition. Many classmates are going to take part in it.26

25、. I did very badly in my maths exam. I only got 50 marks. Poor me! I didnt p_ the exam.27. In summer, my family usually spend holidays travelling around China. Its really a good way to r_ ourselves.28. There are many dark clouds in the sky. It doesnt s_ to be a fine day today.29. The cakes t_ really

26、 nice. They are very delicious.30._ talking! You are making noises!31. Ill r_ you up as soon as they arrive. 32. Children must be educated to s_ their country when they grow up. 33. Youd better s_ the letter by air. 34. Dont w_ your time on this kind of boring thing.Keys:1. add 2. break 3. burn 4. b

27、low 5. cover 6. connect 7. destroy 8. describe 9. drop 10. decide 11. explain 2. fool 13. flow 14. guide 15. hate 16. imagine 17. interview 18. increase 19. join 20. knock21. lead 22.lock 23.mix 24.move 25.organize 26.pass 27. relax 28. seem 29. taste 30.stop 31. ring 32. serve 33. send 34. waste名词1

28、. He has studied the c of western countries.2. She took a few s towards the window.3. My h is China.4. He sent me a p from the USA.5. He is talking with the v_ from Japan.6. Winter in the s_ is much warmer than that in the north.7. France is a big country ,with c_ on three sides.8. We had a nice hol

29、iday on the b_ of Hainan Island.9. I was so tired after my long j_ to the villiage.10. We should take care of the earth. Its in d_ now.11. The machine makes a loud n_,I cant hear you clearly.12.Can you tell me the r_ why you didnt go to his party?13. I can hardly believe the r_of the game. The score

30、 was 6-1.14. S_ first! We should take care of ourselves .15. Thank you for your a_. Its very useful.16. You must have a t_ first before you give the baby a bath.17. If a fireman has a good s_ of smell, he can be safer.18. I like the TV p_ very much.19. He got a c_ to go abroad .20. There are 60 m_ i

31、n an hour .21. F_ is mother of success .22. In big cities , there are too many people and cars ,so the t_ is very busy .23. We should develop a good h_ of study.24. Liu Xiang won the first p_ in 2004 Olympic Games .25. The s_ of these star groups never change .26. His parents owns a r_ and cook deli

32、cious foods for others .27. Today is a fine day and the s_ is very bright .形容词1. Because of the b_ window, we cant keep warm at home.2. Trees are n_ air conditioners and the best pollution fighters.3. Friendship is very u_ for the people in trouble.4. Please be c_ when you cross the road.5. It is h_

33、 to finish the work on time.6. Dont worry. The machine is very s_ to use .7. She is 8 years old now, so she is a_ to look after herself.8. The story-book is very i_ , so I like reading them.9. I felt b_ because I had nothing to do10. He is always h_ to his mother.11. You should be p_ to him, because

34、 he is blind. 12. The party is very b_, so I dont like it.13. I think Yao Ming is a s_ basketball player.14. S_ people died in the terrible car accident.15. The book is very p_ these days. Many people like to read it.16. We had a w_ time in the summer holiday.17. My mother is a good cook. She cooks

35、d_ food for my family every day.答案:broken natural useful careful hard simple able interesting bored helpful patient boring successful Several popular Wonderful delicious 虚词1. Write d_ your address and I will send you the invitation.2. Tom used to be late for school. F_ now on, he makes up his mind n

36、ot to be late any more.3. My bike is broken. C_ you lend me yours?4. Jerry was working for BMW u_ 2009, now he retired.5. Kate wants to go a_ to study UFO and she will leave China next Monday.6. Miss Smith was so angry with little Tom that she went out of the office w_ saying a word.7. There is a na

37、tional flag a_ the blackboard in our classroom.8. If you are a_ the law ,you will be put into prison.9. Theres a primary school o_ my house, so you can find it easily.10. This work is really hard but we have a_ finished it.11. There must be s_ to enjoy delicious food in Guangzhou.12. It took us n_ t

38、hree hours to climb up to the top of the mountain.13. W_ you go to his office, his computer is on.14. In order to take care of her sick mother, she found a job n_ .15. The school baseball team is m_ made up of boys.8A (李育新)动词1. -How much should Xiao Lin p_ for the book? -About ¥9.2. You can keep the

39、 book for two days, but remember to r_ it on time.3. “Be careful. Dont b_ the window when you play football”4. What does the sentence m_? Can you explain it?5. Lucy would like to i_ all of her classmates to her birthday party tomorrow.6. I asked him to go climbing with me, but he r_.7. Dont e_ the r

40、oom without knocking at the door.8. Its raining hard, if you want to go home, you can s_ the umbrella with me. 9. The meeting room can h_ about 3,000 students and teachers.10. In o to learn English well, Bill bought a lot of English books.11. If you want to s_, you must work hard.12. Peter is going

41、to m_ Nancy, the wedding will be in next month. 13. Thats a good idea, you had better a_ his advice.8A:(名词)1.He was interested in swimming at the a_ of 3.2. The girl is good-looking, many people are amazed by the b_ of the girl.3. During the summer holiday, a lot of t_ from all over the world visite

42、d the Great Wall4.Dont forget to bring your c_ when you visit the museum.5.There are more and more modern tall building in the city c_ of Guang Zhou.6.The dress looks wonderful although its d_ is simple.7.As children, we should help wash d_ after dinner at home.8. As a student, its against the rule to f_ with others.9.Tom looks wonderful in his new j today.10.Last Friday I borrowed two books from the school l .11.Lets make a l of things we must do.1


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